Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thought for Today

To be free from weaknesses is to move forward constantly.

Most of the times I do win over my weaknesses and achieve progress but sometimes I find that I am defeated at the wrong moment by my own weakness and I experience failure. So instead of finding the progress that I should I find that I am moving back. In order to bring benefit to others and myself, I should recognize and remove even the last trace of weakness that is working within me. For that I need to have a constant checking about the real cause of the weakness and remove it. Such checking and changing helps me to overcome my weaknesses.


Message for the day 31.08.2010

To remain alert means to ensure our success.


Inspite of putting in our best efforts we do find ourselves taken by surprise in certain situations and we experience failure. We often do not understand why we are experiencing failure even though we have put in our best efforts. At such times just blaming our fate will not help but what we need to do is to check within ourselves to see if we have something to change.


If we experience failure, it means some or the other weakness of ours is definitely working at that time. We need to check and recognise our weakness and be constantly alert to it. Since it might start working at any time we need to be totally alert and then we will find that the weakness will not take us by surprise. We will then be able to attain total success.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding And Overcoming Fears

We are all afraid of something. We all have fears at some point or other during our lives, and one fear brings about other fears. For example, the fear of death brings about the fear of illness or the fear of accidents. The fear of rejection comes from the fear of being perceived as different. The fear of success or standing out comes of the fear of relating to people. From the fear of failure comes the fear of making mistakes; the fear of taking on risks; the fear of taking decisions, the fear of not being recognized at work. The fear of others includes the fear of the anger and aggressiveness in others, fear that they might reject you, fear that they might judge you.

Eliminating fears and liberating the mind requires a broad knowledge of how our mind and spirit work. Our spiritual conscience has to awaken for us to realize what the origin of our fears is and how to overcome them from the root. Fears are like a tree; we can cut off a branch, but then other branches or fears will grow. We have to go to the root and, even, the seed, to overcome the fears.

Tomorrow we shall list out some of the common fears.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, August 30, 2010

Thought for Today

To bring equality in whatever I understand, desire and do is to be truly successful.

Although my understanding of right and wrong is really good, I am not usually able to be or feel successful. This is because I notice a mismatch between what I know and what I want. So I am not able to bring that knowledge into action. A conscious effort needs to be put in from my side to compare and see which is better for me - what I know is right or what I feel I want. When I compare in this way, I will be able to change my desires in keeping with the right thing. When these two match, I will be able to bring it into action too. So I will be able to be successful.


Message for the day 30.08.2010

Become a destroyer of obstacles and not an obstacle.


Check what kind of feelings you are having when you are faced with an obstacle. Do you have the courage to overcome it or do you yourself become an obstacle stopping others' and your own progress with your negative thoughts.


Make this practice firm whatever the situation you are in, "I am victorious and success is my birthright" when you remember that obstacles come to teach you for the future and make you progress, you will be free from negative thoughts.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Inculcating Powers Through Rajyoga Meditation - The Power To Tolerate (cont.)

Real tolerance is a state in which, firstly, I have to be very clear about my own contribution to a difficult situation. If the difficult situation is signaling a need for me to change my own behaviour, I have to be open and responsive to that.

Secondly, real tolerance requires understanding and compassion (mercy) towards others: knowing that at the deepest level, all people wish to live with love, peace and happiness, and that when we behave badly towards one another, it's because we are suffering from a loss of these qualities. That doesn't mean I have to invite another person to continue to insult me, or deliberately expose myself to difficulties. But if I happen to be in a situation where there is continuous assault, understanding will contribute to my power to tolerate it and accept it or walk away from it in peace.

Thirdly, real tolerance is that state of fullness, which comes only through the relationship with the Supreme, in which there is no impact from the assaults, other than to provoke a response of wanting to give, like the fruit tree. A culture of tolerance is actually a culture of forgiveness. When we move very far away from God, tolerance levels run low. The nature we express becomes that of wanting, taking, needing, rather than our original nature, which is for giving.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Time Management

We all know the value of delegating (sharing one’s work load with others). It is a way of empowering others, of giving others the opportunity to learn, grow and take responsibility. But why don't we do it more? Why do some people hardly ever delegate at all? For some it is the thought they do not trust others, or a particular person, to do a particular task. But underlying that is often the feeling that "I am the only one who knows how to do this". Underneath that thought is another thought, "If I don't do this I may well lose my position as the one who does this task, and therefore lose some of my power". And the deepest reason why we don't delegate is that we identify with the task. It is as if we are the task, and to lose the task, or for someone else to do the task, is to experience losing a part of ourselves and therefore experience sorrow and sadness.


Message for the day 29.08.2010

To celebrate means to finish all trace of the old.


We find that whenever there is an occasion, we are full of zeal and enthusiasm for that day. However this doesn't continue for long and we find ourselves getting caught with our old nature. We then give the excuse to ourselves saying, 'this is how we are, and this is our nature' etc. Once we start working with our old nature we cannot be enthusiastic anymore.


Each new festival is an occasion for us to finish something of the old. We only need to take a determined thought to remove something of our old nature. We no longer need to give excuses, but make the firm promise to ourselves to transform. Our zeal and enthusiasm will then never lessen and we will continue to celebrate with constant enthusiasm.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Inculcating Powers Through Rajyoga Meditation - The Power To Tolerate (cont.)

For most human beings today, if someone insults them, they'll immediately become angry or upset in return, so nothing gets resolved. Those with a good character may be able to smile for a while, responding with patience, but repeated assaults will tire them down until the point come where they will react.

If, however, through my meditation, I am receiving unlimited power from the Supreme, my heart will remain open and I won't count how many times the other person has insulted me. This may sound like an impossible thing to do. Meditation, however, makes the impossible possible. Experienced meditators, who have developed a very deep, personal relationship with the Supreme, and keep the Supreme as their constant companion, display just such a power. It's immensely worthwhile for all of us to move towards that goal.

True tolerance is made possible by openness and acceptance. It doesn't mean clenching my teeth and carrying on, come what may. Repression or suppression of my feelings can cause me all sorts of internal damage, and end in an explosion and damage others too.

(To be continued tomorrow …..)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today


The most powerful energy in the universe is the energy of the mind. Everything we create, from the simplest of objects, to the most complex philosophies, are formed in the human mind. The images and thoughts, which you create at each moment, directly influence your emotional and physical well-being. Imagine yourself eating a lemon and you will begin to salivate (produce saliva in the mouth), picture yourself fall from a cliff edge and you will generate the feeling of falling along with tremendous anxiety (worry), possibly terror.

The key to relaxation lies in what you do with your mind. Like an inner television screen or an artist's blank canvas, your mind is ready to display any idea or image, which you choose. While meditation tends to have one point of mental focus (an idea, a point of knowledge or mantra), creative visualization is the purposeful use of the mind to create positive images as a result of which we experience relaxation.


Message for the day 28.08.2010

Anger comes where there is discontentment.

Projection: When we don't get what we want or when people don't do what we expect them to do we experience discontentment. When there is discontentment, when our desires aren't fulfilled we experience anger. Then, trying to do away with anger without knowing the actual reason, doesn't work.

Solution: When we find ourselves getting angry with someone or some situation, we need to first check what is the true reason for our anger. Once we find the cause of it, which is some expectation of ours, we will be able to work at overcoming it. We will, then, be able to get rid of our anger too.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Inculcating Powers Through Rajyoga Meditation - The Power To Tolerate

Think of a tree, its branches laden with fruit. When a child throws a stone at it, it bends its branches low and offers its sweet fruit to the child. The child eats the fruit, becomes satisfied and learns to value the tree.

This beautiful image of the power of tolerance contains several lessons. It shows me that if I am to achieve the same, I must become laden with the fruit of attainments from the Supreme Soul. When I am filled with fruits like joy, love, wisdom, beauty and peace, even when the stones of difficult circumstances come my way I'll still be able to respond creatively, with strength. If I'm empty, the stones will injure me, and I'll react with anger or fear.

I must also remove any dryness or hardness in my heart, which may have developed as a result of injuries experienced in the past, when I did not have the Supreme Soul with me. These will prevent me from bearing and sharing, the unlimited fruit made possible by the company of the Supreme.

Real tolerance does not just mean putting up with a difficult situation, and still counting how many times I have had to endure it. Tolerance means that no matter what stones come my way, I recognize that those throwing them are empty, and so I continue to share good things with them.

(To be continued tomorrow …..)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thought for Today

To be free from negative thoughts is to be free from punishment.

Whenever there is a negative situation I tend to react very negatively to it. I tend to have a lot of negative thoughts and experience a lot of difficulty at that time. I then begin to blame the situation and feel that I am facing punishment because of it. I need to understand the fact that the biggest punishment I experience is through my own negative thoughts. The more I can free myself from these kind of negative thoughts I can free myself from experiencing any kind of punishment.


Message for the day 27.08.2010

When we are in the elevated company of the One God, no bad company will influence us.


Sometimes when we are working for our self- development we sometimes wish for support or understanding from others which we don't always get. We actually look for a role model, whom we could follow or who could be an inspiration for us. When we don't find anyone like that we tend to get disheartened and continue to justify ourselves for not bringing any change in ourselves.


The solution lies in becoming a role model and a source of support for others instead of expecting others to do so. For this we need to pay extra attention to the kind of company we keep. Under all circumstances, if we keep God as our companion we will not be influenced by any other company, however strong they might be. We will then be able to bring about change in ourselves.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Being Impressed By Others – Is It Beneficial?

To keep our self esteem intact, we need to make sure that we do not have an impressionable intellect. Being impressed by people, in itself, is not bad, but we can fall into the tendency of staying trapped in the superfluous (excessive and unnecessary) and in appearances. What impresses us influences us and even moulds our awareness at that moment. We lose the ability to create our thoughts and feelings and these are influenced by the impression that we have allowed the other person to leave on us. Sometimes the impression is such that we completely give ourselves to it. We give up our power to the other, and we allow them to dominate our emotional world. The results of allowing oneself to be impressed are varied and on different levels.

For example, when we are impressed by the other's position; it is fine to respect the authority and the position of the other, but when we allow their position to impress us, our ability to relate to the person in a smooth way is blocked. This can make it difficult for us to be the authority in our own life.

Another example is when we are impressed by the achievements of the other and put them on a pedestal. We compare ourselves with him or her and have weak thoughts of ourselves, such as that we are not as good or effective as them, or we might feel jealousy or guilt. All of this acts as an obstacle on the path towards our own achievement.

It is good to recognise and appreciate the achievements and skills of others, but when we allow them to impress us, in some way, we submit ourselves to their influence and we weaken our self-esteem and our respect towards ourselves. Without realizing, we use the other to fill a gap that we feel in ourselves. This will not always work. It will not strengthen us; rather it will create a dependency and dependencies weaken us.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thought for Today

We live in the age of ‘busy’. Busy people not only do a lot, they think a lot. Being lost in thought, is not only tiring and a brilliant way of waste energy, it’s as if we have forgotten the very ground of our being which is still and silent. Learn to meditate and turn the eye of your attention and awareness within, let your mind be quiet and allow your being to be still. -relax7.com


Message for the day 26.08.2010

The method to serve is to become an embodiment of power.


Service to others is usually understood as bringing benefit to others through what I do. I have love for such service and make an attempt to do it too. But sometimes busy in such service, I find that my own self-progress is left behind.


I need to pay attention for my own self-progress by learning from everything that happens. I thus find myself improving and filling myself with power. This power spreads around and shows the right path to others, just like a lighthouse and others continue to take benefit from me.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Anger Management And Prevention

Before you begin the journey of becoming completely anger free, it will help to take a moment to think about your current awareness of anger and themes like peace and forgiveness, which are, related to it:

1. What is anger for you?

2. How would you describe the most common form of anger that you experience within yourself?

3. What sets off your anger most?

4. Is anger of any use and if so how could you use it?

5. What does peace mean to you?

6. When are you most peaceful?

7. How do you think you can create peace in your life?

8. Why do you think the experiencing inner peace is so difficult for many people?

9. What is forgiveness?

10. Why do you think it is so difficult to forgive?

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thought for Today

The one who has attention on the self is the one who constantly experiences progress.

Whenever I am faced with a situation, it is very easy to think and talk about others and their mistakes. I hardly have any time to look at and understand myself and my mistakes. I then continue to repeat the same mistakes again and again. Whatever the kind of situations I am faced with, I need to remind myself that I am the one who is going to benefit by bringing about a change in myself. So with this thought I need to constantly continue to check myself and bring about a positive change in myself.


Message for the day 25.08.2010

To be experienced means never to be deceived by anything.


It is normally understood that to be experienced means to gain expertise in something, or to become a master in a particular field. Such a person, who is an expert in one field might find himself totally impractical in daily


Life has so many things to teach me through the various situations. I need to keep learning from all that happens. Then I'll never be surprised or cheated by any unexpected events, but will be prepared because of being experienced.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Characteristics Of The World Stage

There are three things that we all have in common;

awareness - of ourselves and others
relationships - the sharing and exchange of energy with others
creativity - the ability to produce thoughts, ideas, concepts and feelings and express them.

The purpose of our life is nothing more than living life itself - to be self-aware (awareness), to be creative, to express ourselves to our highest potential (creativity) and to exchange the energy of love with those around us (relationships). But this cannot happen in the incorporeal, silent home of the soul (commonly called ‘paramdham’ or ‘shantidham’). These characteristics of life require action, a costume (physical body) through which to express ourselves and a stage on which to act. The physical world provides the stage on which we can move, bring to life, create, relate and express all that is within us. For each of us the possibilities are infinite.

The moment we take birth in a physical form, we are constantly doing one of three things: acting, reacting, or interacting - sometimes all three together.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thought for Today

Purity of spirit is a beautiful state of being. It comes when we are willing to open our soul completely to the pure energy of God and let all the vestiges of negativity with us be gradually washed away. As purity increases, thoughts become simpler, fewer and infused with love and compassion for everyone we meet. Pure thoughts have remarkable power. Plans made in such a state of benevolence are blessed with success.

**On the occasion of the great festival of Rakhsa Bandhan, sending you love and good wishes from the heart.**


Message for the day 24.08.2010

Determination is the best companion.


When things go wrong, the first reaction is of fear. Because of this, I can't put in any effort to better the situation. I start looking for a companion, a support who can provide me help. But I rarely get help from outside.


When I have to look for something to rely on, the only support I get is from my own determined thought. I need to make it my companion, not letting go of it till I succeed. This will help me overcome my fear and move towards success.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Self Confidence

Self-confidence is very much linked to the understanding that I definitely have something to contribute to life through my own uniqueness. Each one of us is unique. That goes without saying. Unless a person has a sense of contributing, or offering, something to life, they cannot really be happy. I cannot be happy and confident when I am just taking; it simply doesn't work. I can only be happy when I am sharing and offering the best of myself. In that way, I don't feel depleted. When I offer the best of myself in an unselfish way, my happiness and confidence increases - the more I give, the more I receive. We start to understand that the well-being of individuals begins when they can contribute what they are, and what they have, to others. To be a truly self confident human being means to have true spiritual powers, like love, peace and happiness, which are brought into daily life - not just appearing as words or emotions, but truly displaying themselves in our behavior and bringing benefit to others.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, August 23, 2010

Thought for Today

We're very good at spotting mistakes, but how good are you at spotting goodness? If we constantly think "this one's wrong", we create a barrier which blocks us from reaching our own goodness. Try spotting the best in others, regardless of what they say or do.


Message for the day 23.08.2010

The one who is selfless is the one who is the best judge.


When I have to take a decision, either for others or myself, there is some kind of selfishness or greed involved in it. When I think only of my selfish desires, my judgment would not be accurate.


I need to be detached and see what benefit there is for each one with the choice that I am going to make. The more I think of the benefit of all, the more my judgment is accurate.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Positive Consciousness While Performing Actions

1. The seeds, the inspirations, planted in sitting meditation should be carried into action. Powerful thoughts carried straight away into action always yield powerful results.

2. The remembrance should be that the soul is the child and student of the Supreme Being (Supreme Soul) and should reflect the father and teacher through its actions.

3. The remembrance of the Supreme Soul as a constant companion sustains an internal relationship with Him whilst performing actions.

4. Churn (think deeply) over points of spiritual knowledge by relating them to your immediate karmas (actions).

5. Practice going beyond sound in one second. At different times during the day, stop, pack up all worldly thoughts and spend a few minutes in meditation. This is a really powerful way to strengthen the intellect. After a few minutes, return to the world of sound with the reinforced awareness of being an actor.

6. Practice seeing all those who come into contact with you as souls, tiny points of conscient (living energy) light situated at the centre of the forehead. In this way we wiII not be pulled into body consciousness, and will avoid negative interactions with others.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Thought for Today

With the balance of love and discipline, energy can be saved while speaking.

Throughout the day we find ourselves having to give explanations or corrections to so many people. When we do this we find that we have to spend a lot of words. In the process we tend to lose a lot of our energy and find ourselves tired. In order to save our energy and to use fewer words we need to have the balance of love and discipline. Discipline will enable us to give the right directions while love will make our directions effective. So we find that just a few words would be enough to get our message across.


Message for the day 22.08.2010

To experience newness each day is to be creative.


Sometimes we find things to be very monotonous. There seems to be nothing new that is happening. Days pass on and we tend to become action-conscious only trying to finish the tasks at hand. We feel caught up in the routine not able to enjoy anything anymore.


Instead of just doing what has to be done in a monotonous way, we need to take a thought each day to experience something new. There is such a variety in each day, we only have to discover ways of experiencing it. When we learn this creative art, we'll never be bored, but will be able to enjoy everything that comes our way.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance


A study of human anatomy and physiology reveals that human beings are basically vegetarian animals. Following is a comparison between herbivorous and carnivorous animals:

1. Like vegetarian animals, our small and large intestine is four times longer than our body length whereas in case of carnivores it is about the same size. As a result non vegetarian food (compared to vegetarian food) has to remain in the human intestine for a longer period of time since it takes a longer time to digest than vegetarian food. The shorter intestine of carnivores is more suited to the digestion of non vegetarian food.

2. We do not have fangs which carnivores have them for biting into flesh. Human canines are not true canines. They are quite small.

3. Human saliva is alkaline containing ptyalin to digest carbohydrates whereas in carnivores the saliva is acidic.

4. For digesting highly protein flesh diet gastric secretion of carnivores is highly acidic, whereas human gastric secretion is one fourth of the former.

5. Human beings do not have claws for tearing flesh like carnivores.

6. Carnivores liver secretes a much larger quantity of bile into the gut to deal with high fat meat diet.

Thus, by looking at the above comparison, we can come to the conclusion that human body is more suited to vegetarianism.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thought for Today

The one who is free from expectations is the one who is constantly cheerful.

Usually I am quick to perceive my own desires and I do realise that desires give sorrow. So I make effort to overcome them. But most often I am not able to recognise my own expectations that I have from people which destroy my own cheer. My expectations from others prevent me from bringing about a positive change in myself. I need to recognise that each and every individual is unique with his own unique specialities and values. When I recognise this uniqueness I will not expect people to behave according to what I feel is right but will respect them for what they are. Thus I'll be able to be constantly cheerful.


Message for the day 21.08.2010

To be constantly enthusiastic is to experience freedom.


When everything is going on well I find myself enthusiastic and have the interest to move forward. But when even a little thing goes wrong, I lose all enthusiasm to do anything else. This creates a bondage for me and I find it difficult to move forward.


I need to remind myself that to be enthusiastic in all situations is to be like a free bird reaching great heights. To lose enthusiasm according to difficult situations is to be like a caged bird.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Stress Management (cont.)

There are some false beliefs about stress that we have acquired:

"Stress is natural and has a positive part to play in our present day lives"

Truth: The second reason why we feel that stress is normal and don’t learn and change is that we have grown to like a 'dose' of fear and a 'quick shot (injection)' of anger. Why? Because these emotions stimulate the production of certain addictive chemicals in our bodies. Many people cannot get through their day without their 'adrenaline dose'. So we go looking for bad situations, for confrontational people, for reasons to become angry, and if we don't get our dose then it feels like something is missing from our day.

To say that stress is normal, that a bit of stress is good, is a neat way of avoiding the inner work of self-responsibility and a sign of lazy thinking. We all learn to think lazily, it is largely an unfortunate consequence of our education (or lack of education) so most of us learn to believe that some stress is good. One thing is for sure, an increasing number of people are waking up to the reality that stress has no part in a fulfilling life and they are doing something about it at the level of their thoughts and feelings.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, August 20, 2010

Thought for Today

Success doesn't mean not to face any problems but to rectify the problems at hand.

When we are faced with problems we tend to get upset and begin to feel that we are failing. We expect everything to happen smoothly when we take up something new. But it doesn't always happen so and we sometimes get so disheartened that we give up the task altogether. We need to recognize the fact that each problem that comes our way is a chance for me to use and sharpen our own skills. Real success is to use these skills to win over the problems. When we look at the problems in this way we will be able to experience progress.


Message for the day 20.08.2010

To do a task with love is to be constantly successful.


When I start with something new, I usually notice that I'm successful for sometime, but I do not experience long lasting success. This is because I did the task on being told or being forced by the situation. External force makes me use my resources with commitment for sometime.


Love brings constant success because once I've experienced the joy of doing the task itself, I'll never give it up. Because it is done with love, I'll put in all my resources and do my best. So I'll experience constant success.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Stress Management

There are some false beliefs about stress that we have acquired:

"Stress is natural and has a positive part to play in our present day lives"

Truth: There is no such thing as 'positive stress'. By definition, stress is unnatural and unhealthy, and is therefore always a negative state.

Stress can be defined as a form of pain that comes to tell you there is something you need to change. Pain - any pain - is a messenger saying there is something you need to learn.

While some people rightly differentiate pain from suffering, where pain is physical and suffering is mental or emotional, but the term pain can be used for both.

If you put your hand in the fire, what do you experience? Pain. What do you learn? Not to do it again. You listened to the messenger, you learned and you changed. We can experience stress or pain at four levels - spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. When the messenger comes at the mental or emotional levels, with painful thoughts and negative feelings created by no one but ourselves, do we listen to the messenger? No we don't, we shoot the messenger down. Why? Because we have been taught to believe that some stress is necessary and good. 'They' told us it is normal, and we believed 'them'. And so we allow stress to develop within ourselves, not realizing we are creating our own slow death. One reason why the developed world's medical services are having such a tough time is because more and more of us are taking less and less responsibility for our own mental and emotional well-being. No one told us that a single negative thought could have a devastating effect on our immune system.

(To be continued tomorrow ….)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thought for Today

The Science of Happiness

The fewer desires you have, the happier you will be. Having the right information (truth) leads to contentment. Having the right understanding of the self, our purpose, our origins and our true relationships should free us from the cycles of boom and bust and lead society to that ultimate happiness.


Message for the day 19.08.2010

To see specialties in all is to become special.


Most of the time, I'm caught up in looking at people's negativity. When I see some negative quality in someone, I immediately make his specialties a background and start focusing on his negative traits. The more I think of these negative qualities, the more they occupy my conscious mind, changing my reactions too.


It is natural to be coloured or influenced by what I see. If I see specialties, I'll take on a little of that and if I see weaknesses, I'll take on a little of that too. So I need to make an attempt to look at only specialties and encourage others too to use their specialties.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Positive Thinking

What Stops You from Being Positive?
There are many reasons that make it difficult to produce and hold on to positivity in your mind and attitude. The external information we receive is mainly negative, and our thoughts and conversations are based on this information. Other causes include:

• Other people's negativity rubbing off on you;
• Other people's criticisms influencing you;
• Self-doubt;
• Lacking clear objectives in life;
• Not having recognized your true qualities, virtues and values;
• Lacking self-confidence;
• Not believing you are a positive person;
• Keeping the past in your mind;
• Being egoistic;
• Comparing yourself with others;
• Having low self-esteem;
• Being frustrated or irritated;
• Lacking flexibility or tolerance with people or situations, etc.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thought for Today

The one who is a giver, has attention constantly on giving fully.

When the system that we are working in doesn't let us give maximum benefit to the people around us or deprives them of their natural right, we tend to react negatively. We tend to become upset which doesn't help either of us in anyway. When we remember and maintain the awareness that we are a giver, instead of complaining about the restrictions that society or people around us impose, we continue to give those around us something that will make them happy. This could be in the form of kind and supportive words or at least an understanding smile. When we give in this way, it will make others too, free from negative thoughts.


Message for the day 18.08.2010

To be free from the burden of responsibility is to fulfill the responsibility well.


When I am responsible for something or people expect me to be answerable for something, I tend to feel heavy because of these responsibilities. With the such a feeling of having a burden, I'm not able to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability.


Whatever responsibilities are given to me are according to my capabilities. When I remind myself of this I'll be able to be light and give my best to fulfill all my responsibilities.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance


Seven Stages of Meditation to Achieve Self Realization

1. Relax your body.

2. Withdraw your attention from everything around you, including your body.

3. Affirm (confirm), using your thoughts, your identity as a soul or spirit, and your nature as peaceful and full of love.

4. Contemplate (think) the knowledge of yourself as a soul, a point of spiritual light, situated in the centre of your forehead.

5. Concentrate attention on yourself as a peaceful, loving being.

6. Experience (visualize) yourself as a soul and acknowledge the feelings of inner peace.

7. Maintain, without force, consciousness (awareness) of yourself as a soul even while in action and while interacting with others.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thought for Today

The Power Of Concentration

Most of us live our life in a state of absence. Most of us go AWOL (absent without leave) hundreds of times a day! Watch your thoughts and you will notice that they either go into the past or in to the future and you allow them to carry you with them. That's why you are rarely truly present, truly here and now, truly in this moment. Most people are totally unaware of this and, as a result, only fully experience a small part of their life.

The practice of experiencing silence (detaching yourself from action) through meditation for atleast a minute every hour increases your ability to concentrate and it gradually enables you to be here and now. You will learn to know, feel, see and be at peace, in love, joyful and contented ... now. And in time these feelings will be present for you wherever you are and during whatever you are doing. Peace, love and contentment are not in the past or the future, they are only and always in the now, only now.


Message for the day 17.08.2010

Trust comes when there is mutual respect.


It is normally experienced that it is difficult to trust people around me. I do want to but the negative experiences do not let me do so. I add up to this negative experience with each incident that happens, which further breaks my trust for people.


The only way to trust and gain people's trust is by having respect for them. Respect makes me look at the specialities in everyone and I am able to relate to these specialities. The more I look at the positive aspect in others, the more I am able to encourage others to use these specialities and relate to my own specialities too. This is the only way that trust comes.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Inculcating Powers Through Rajyoga Meditation - The Power To Pack Up (cont.)

As I progress on my spiritual journey, even thoughts that waste the precious resources of the mind come to be seen as a barrier. Turning a scene over in my mind repeatedly is an example of waste, that will rob me of the mental concentration and emotional stability I need to keep moving forward. Sometimes we do get stuck, like a broken record, in such mental grooves, without realizing what we are doing.

The power of pack up means I recognize the damage caused by such waste, and put an end to it. As I renew the awareness of myself as a soul, in relationship with the Supreme Soul, the needle of my attention is lifted above the groove, letting me come fully into the present.

I also learn to be selective in what I choose to remember or forget from the past. This is not dishonest; in fact, it is being honest to my task. Human beings in any case have highly selective memories. We not only see and understand differently, according to our individual interests and agendas, but our attitudes and perception also determine the memories we choose to store.

Meditation enables me to exercise this option quite deliberately, picking up those scenes from the past that nourish me and help me move forward, and rejecting memories that pollute my mind and slow me down.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thought for Today

To be in the awareness of our own specialty is to be free from negativity.

When we perceive negativity in others, we find ourselves very easily influenced by it. We then react negatively to them and are not able to maintain our own positivity. All our specialties remain hidden in such a negative atmosphere and we continue to be negative too. Like a rose we need to maintain our originality and uniqueness while being amongst the thorns. Instead of blaming others and their negativity for our own negativity, we need to practice being positive and working with our original qualities. Then we will never complain but will always use our own specialties


Message for the day 16.08.2010

The ability to find solutions comes when I know the art of listening.


I normally get to hear a lot of things and tend to get coloured by all that I hear. The more I hear about negative things, the more difficult it becomes to maintain my own positivity. Yet I can do nothing to ignore the things that make me feel negative.


I need to know to listen to people rather than just hearing them. To know to listen means the ability to transform negative into positive. Just as a doctor listens to all the negative aspects about the disease etc and still knows only to give the medicine, I too need to listen in order to give what is required.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Understanding Feelings And Emotions

Love or happiness are not emotions actually, they are natural states of the self or soul. They exist and emerge naturally from the human heart when the heart is free, clean and clear i.e. when it is not attached to anyone or anything. Love takes many forms, from caring to comforting, from sympathy to compassion (mercy), from acceptance to appreciation. As does happiness, whose deepest form is contentment (satisfaction). The ability to express and feel these forms of love and happiness is reduced by any emotional disturbance inside our minds. Unfortunately we are somewhat confused as once again we have been taught to think that sadness (an emotional disturbance) is a form of love, excitement (an emotional disturbance) is a form of happiness, worry (an emotional disturbance) is a form of care and fear (an emotional disturbance) is a form of respect. The process of understanding ‘the what’ and ‘the why’ of our feelings and emotions requires time spent in practices such as meditation and self-reflection.


Message for the day 15.08.2010

True progress brings progress in others as much as for the self.


It is usually believed that self-progress and progress of others are totally separate. It is believed that where there is thought for the progress of the self, there is selfishness and there is no benefit for those around. In fact, selfishness in an extreme form can also have a negative influence on those around.


In whatever we do we have to check and see if there is any benefit for others along with whatever benefit we are getting. If there isn't we can check to see if there is a better way of doing what we are doing which could have a positive influence on at least one person. Then we will find ourselves benefitting doubly. We will get the blessings from others along with the personal benefit we get.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Power Of Thought

Thought has been proven to be a powerful yet non-physical "energy", which can influence other souls and also matter. On a limited scale, there are the experiments with ESP (extrasensory perception) and mental telepathy. On a more sensational level, some use the power of thought to such an extent that steel objects can be bent and heavy objects moved without any physical help. In the case of telepathy, communication over thousands of miles is possible in an instant when two souls are "tuned" to each other's mental "wavelength", as if thought-broadcasting and receiving is some sort of subtle (non-physical) radio system. Evil powers also invoke the power of thought, although for impure or egoistic motives and gains. Thought can be regarded as the energy or subtle force which links the soul to physical matter through the soul's connection with the body.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thought for Today

Truth is effective when it is combined with tact.

I usually react when something goes wrong. In the heat of the moment
I give corrections and others don't seem to understand. Then I tend to
become confused, as it is difficult to make a choice whether to leave
the situation as it is or to prove my point to the others. Unless
truth is combined with tact I cannot make people realise their
mistakes. When I find something going wrong, I need to wait for the
right time for saying what I have to. I also need to tell it in a way
that the other person can understand. Only then will my words have
their impact on others.


Message for the day 14.08.2010

To forgive the self is to have the ability to forgive others too.


I sometimes find it very difficult to forgive the mistakes committed by others. I do try to understand but am not able to understand the other person's behaviour and so find it difficult to forgive them.


When I have love for myself and am able to learn from all that happens, I am able to forgive myself. When I know to do this, I can understand the other person too from his perspective and can easily forgive him.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Recharging Our Spiritual Battery

Each day we all need to recharge our spiritual battery, otherwise the light of our consciousness becomes dim, thoughts become scattered, and decisions are filled with doubt. Power is available inside and outside. Inside us we have a spiritual centre, at the center of our consciousness, pure radiant spiritual light. This is what we are. However it is now blocked by our attachments, the record of all our life experiences and many negative beliefs and perceptions (way of looking at situations). Outside us we have the Supreme Soul, the source, the Supreme Being, invisible to our physical eyes but only one second away when we are able to quieten and focus our mind on him. Meditation connects us to both sources of power - that's why meditation is the way to access the real vitamins and the minerals that the soul longs for. Sit quietly and connect your mind to each source and allow yourself to recharge.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thought for Today

When we encounter good manners, we feel that some deeper part of us has been honoured. Truly, none of us deserves anything less.


Message for the day 11.08.2010

The method to stay in constant enthusiasm and to keep others enthusiastic is to see specialities in others.


Many times while I am sincerely working towards my task, I find myself losing my enthusiasm. I also might find people not very happy with me or my work. I do make an attempt to understand their feelings but fail to do so. Such negative responses further reduce my enthusiasm.


I need to develop the art of looking at specialities in people. The more I am able to see their positive qualities, the more I am able to relate to them with that speciality. This encourages the other person further to use that speciality This will naturally keep me constantly enthusiastic.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding And Overcoming Ego

Identification with the ego and the external self creates a false identity and extremes of feeling inferior, or superior, depending on the circumstances and people. It brings with it the thought of 'I am', which is based on gender, religion, nationality, achievement or talent, creating an attachment to the self, which always compares and competes with others. This insecurity leads a person into forcing others to act and think in the same way as them. An egoistic person, rather than recognizing that everyone is unique with a unique personality and has a right to express his/her respective personality, sees difference in personalities as a threat to himself/herself.

Where there is such ego, only 'yes' people (who have the same opinion as yours) are allowed to come close: anyone with a difference of opinion is rejected. With ego, the original uniqueness of the self is denied, unrecognized and buried deep in the layers of wrong identity. This is why, these days, there is such an identity crisis - humanity has lost its soul, or rather, sold its soul to external traditions and attractions.

With ego, then: is the idea of ‘I know best' and consequently the misunderstood duty and right to control and manipulate others, in their best interests (supposedly)! This results in the spoiling of the creativity and uniqueness of others.

(To be continued tomorrow…)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thought for Today

To clear the air of a misunderstanding:
Before you speak, choose the right environment, and work out how far you are prepared to go in the interests of good relations, then go a step further. Communicate your feelings. Be open and honest. Be generous and good-hearted.


Message for the day 10.08.2010

The method for easy progress is to claim the blessings of all.


Sometimes we find ourselves making a lot of effort and putting in a lot of energy for getting something done. Yet we find that the results are not according to the efforts that we have put in. We then begin to wonder it happens so.


To be able to give happiness to those around is to increase the speed of my progress. For this I need to pay special attention to keep giving happiness and not giving sorrow to those around me. This brings me their blessings and these subtle wishes bring me happiness and success easily.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Eternal World Cycle

This world is a vast amphitheatre of action in which souls, in their respective bodies, play their various parts. Planet Earth exists in an extremely tiny portion of the physical universe and is governed by well-defined physical, chemical and biological laws.

In India, the world, which we inhabit, is called "karma kshetra" (the field of action), because it is here that we sow the seeds of actions and reap their fruits. It is here that the soul takes on flesh and bones and expresses the role that it has hidden within itself, causing variations in the material environment. The state of the material world at any given moment is a direct reflection of the state of consciousness of the human beings, which inhabit it. If there is peace and harmony within the soul this is reflected in nature. If there is conflict and confusion, nature responds accordingly.

It is a world of three dimensions of space and one of time. Its principal characteristics are sound, movement, colour and form. On this immense stage of deserts, forests, mountains and seas; illuminated by the sun, moon and stars; the world drama is enacted. In the drama, the actor-souls move from pleasure to pain, purity to impurity, happiness to sorrow, new to old, positive to negative. A point is finally reached when the process is renewed i.e. all souls and the elements of matter are purified by the Supreme Soul and they move back to their points of origin, only to start again. This is called the eternal world cycle.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Thought for Today

To be free from waste questions is to save time.

When difficult situations come my way I usually have a lot of questions in my mind about it. I continue to ask myself why the situation has come and have no answers. These questions usually bring me no solution for the problems at hand but I continue to have waste thoughts. I need to understand the importance of the time that is in my hands. When I recognize the value of my time I will not waste time in unnecessary thoughts but will try to find a solution for the problem. If there is no solution for the problem I at least just stop thinking unnecessarily and just accept it.


Message for the day 08.08.2010

To bring equality in whatever I understand, desire and do is to be truly successful.


Although my understanding of right and wrong is really good, I am not usually able to be or feel successful. This is because I notice a mismatch between what I know and what I want. So I am not able to bring that knowledge into action.


A conscious effort needs to be put in from my side to compare and see which is better for me - what I know is right or what I feel I want. When I compare in this way, I will be able to change my desires in keeping with the right thing. When these two match, I will be able to bring it into action too. So I will be able to be successful.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Mind-Body Connection (cont.)

The soul radiates mental energy to each cell of the body, thus the mind is intimately connected with each cell of the physical body. Whatever type of thoughts, emotions, attitudes and memories we have in the mind, the physical body (cells) cannot escape from its effects, good or bad. If we have a negative thought or emotion, negative neuropeptides (neuropeptides were explained yesterday) are formed in the hypothalamus inside the brain and they go to each cell of the body, especially the target organ (the organ which is most susceptible to disease in your body). It leads to release of various stress hormones e.g. epinephrine, nor-epinephrine, cortisol etc. Also the resulting effects are burning of energy and accumulation of catabolic products, toxins, oxidants inside the cells (especially the cells of the target organ) leading to disease.

On the other hand if we have a positive thought or emotion, there is a release of endorphins (morphine like substances released by various cells of the body), enchephalins, melatonin etc. Also the resulting effects are pooling (accumulation) of energy, removal of catabolic products, toxins, production of anti-oxidants leading to feeling of well being, health and happiness.
(The above research has been verified by the medical fraternity of the Brahma Kumaris)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Thought for Today

Resistance only leads to a build up of buried emotional energy. It's only a matter of time before it explodes. So, whatever emotions emerge, become aware of them, acknowledge them, and then accept them. Start with acceptance.


Message for the day 07.08.2010

To be free from negative thoughts is to be free from punishment.


Whenever there is a negative situation I tend to react very negatively to it. I tend to have a lot of negative thoughts and experience a lot of difficulty at that time. I then begin to blame the situation and feel that I am facing punishment because of it.


I need to understand the fact that the biggest punishment I experience is through my own negative thoughts. The more I can free myself from these kind of negative thoughts I can free myself from experiencing any kind of punishment.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection is very strong. Our thoughts, emotions, attitudes and memories are not mere non-physical vibrations which spread in the atmosphere but they are definite electrochemical events occurring in the hypothalamus of the brain. Now with the help of PET scanning, physiological changes occurring in the brain along with change in thoughts, emotions etc., can be seen on a computer screen. After a lot of research in thought-chemistry now it has been proved these thoughts/emotions which are mental energy get converted into matter called neuropeptides in the hypothalamus. These neuropeptides have been chemically isolated and identified. They go to each cell of the body through the blood and each cell of the body (body has 50 – 70 trillion cells) has receptors for these neuropeptides. These neuropeptides act as bio-chemical messengers from the brain to each cell of the physical body and each cell has to obey these messages / orders from the brain. So this way brain talks to each cell of the various organ systems of the body through the neuropeptides. Thus from the above research (which has been verified by the medical fraternity of the of the Brahma Kumaris) it is evident how deep an effect our state of mind has on the body.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, August 6, 2010

Thought for Today


For a process to happen effectively, I need to prioritise, that is, to make the best use of my time, energy and resources. To prioritise, I also need to recognise and refuse clever excuses (for example, 'there is no time') and create a timetable that is realistic and functional. As I prioritise my values, then the type of motivation I have becomes clearer. Is my motivation materialistic or spiritual? The results of one and the other are very different.

Materialistic motivation is based on ambition, competition and a desire for position. Often we believe we cannot succeed without these and so think and act on the basis of these values. Often the results include conflict, fear, attachment, jealousy, possessiveness and over-identification of the self with a role, a position, which makes us feel threatened by anyone who is more talented or more praised. For example, when motivation is materialistic, there is always the fear of loss of something that, in turn, creates uneasiness, stress and worry.

Spiritual motivation is based on enthusiasm for a task, rather than blind ambition, co-operation with the uniqueness of others, rather than being in competition with those differences. Finally, the feeling to serve through whatever talent, position, or role I have. The results of spiritual motivation are respect, harmony, individual and collective well-being, a sense of purpose and the feeling of a deep fulfillment in one's being.


Message for the day 06.08.2010

The one who has attention on the self is the one who constantly experiences progress.


Whenever I am faced with a situation, it is very easy to think and talk about others and their mistakes. I hardly have any time to look at and understand myself and my mistakes. I then continue to repeat the same mistakes again and again.


Whatever the kind of situations I am faced with, I need to remind myself that I am the one who is going to benefit by bringing about a change in myself. So with this thought I need to constantly continue to check myself and bring about a positive change in myself.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding Fear And Its Effects

The reason we sometimes cannot see the other options, when faced with a challenging situation, is because our deepest learned habit is to create fear and then react from that fear, and it's fear that shuts down our ability to create choices, not to mention paralyzing our ability to assess the strengths and weakness of each option and make the right choice. We have been taught to believe that the fear is normal and natural. But the truth is that the fear paralyses our ability to create what may be much more appropriate and effective responses. Fear is a learned habit and very soon we are generating fearfulness at the slightest perceived threat. Contrary to popular belief, fear has absolutely no value to our well-being. E.g. You don't even need fear to respond effectively to the unexpected encounter with a tiger. You need the cool, calm and concentrated focus of the gymnast and the creativity of the artist to respond effectively. It's not the tiger that scares you, it's what you do with the tiger in your mind that generates the fear. Who or what are the tigers or fears in your life? What are you doing with them in your mind?

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thought for Today

The right way of living spreads joy to others.

When people around me are not happy with me, I usually believe that I am right and they are all wrong. I then cannot check or realise my own mistake. So I rarely make an attempt to change myself and continue to wait for others to change or understand me. If people around me are not able to get happiness from me or the way I live, I need to look at my own life in a detached way to see where I could change. Even a slightest change brought by me with sincerity will have a great effect on those around me.


Message for the day 05.08.2010

The one who is free from expectations is the one who is constantly cheerful.


Usually I am quick to perceive my own desires and I do realise that desires give sorrow. So I make effort to overcome them. But most often I am not able to recognise my own expectations that I have from people which destroy my own cheer. My expectations from others prevent me from bringing about a positive change in myself.


I need to recognise that each and every individual is unique with his own unique specialties and values. When I recognise this uniqueness I will not expect people to behave according to what I feel is right but will respect them for what they are. Thus I'll be able to be constantly cheerful.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Principles for the Body To Make Early Morning Meditation Successful (cont.)

• Freshen the self before morning meditation, with a shower or a hot drink. Avoid speaking before the meditation.

• Sit with an upright posture, away from the walls or comfortable chairs. If the body is ill, awaken but sit comfortably, and do not force the self.

• Have a good circulation of fresh air.

• Subtle lighting creates an atmosphere of meditation. If it is too dark it will lead to sleepiness; if it is too light there will be eye-strain.

• Burn incense sticks ("agarbattis"), only if it doesn't irritate your and others' eyes and throats.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thought for Today

Where there is peace there is patience.

My usual reactions to the stimuli around me are programmed, so I tend to be impulsive or react quickly to situations, I don't give myself time to think or understand. Because of this lack of patience I lose out on many things and I don't realise that I am losing out too. At all times I need to make a conscious effort to keep my mind peaceful and calm, more so when there is a difficult situation. With this state of mind I am able to deal with situations patiently because peace brings power which in turn brings patience.


Message for the day 04.08.2010

True service is to serve equally through thoughts, words and actions.


Whenever I think of serving others, I think of only serving through actions or maybe even through words. I never think of serving through my thoughts too. So sometimes I do find that my service is not complete and doesn't have a true impact.


Before I can think of helping someone through words or through actions, I need to make sure I have good wishes for them. Only when my feelings for them are full of positive and powerful wishes can my service create its impact on others.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Principles for the Body To Make Early Morning Meditation Successful

• Rest well each night. Avoid going off to sleep later than 10 p.m. especially when there is no time for an afternoon rest.

• Make sure the evening meal is taken early or only have a light meal before bed, and a heavy breakfast. Light eating with plenty of fresh fruits and salads makes the mind light.

• If I am very, very tired at night, it is better to do some light housework until the stage of tiredness passes, rather than surrendering to sleep at this moment. If I go to bed with a heavy head I rise with a heavy head.

• Do not talk unnecessarily before going to sleep.

• Be warm, yet avoid over-heated rooms.

(To be continued …)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Thought for Today

Imbibing (Absorbing) Spiritual Knowledge

The first step into experience, particularly the meditation experience, is knowledge. What does it mean to 'know'? Knowing involves four steps, which ultimately give the meditator the

experience of realization: The first step of knowing is information. With information, our intellect opens to new ideas and opinions.

The second step of knowing is knowledge, when we begin to reflect and think on the ideas and views that we have listened to. At this point, we often have to select only a few of the ideas we have heard, as it is not always possible to reflect (think) on all the information that is fed to us. In order to deepen our understanding, we reflect on the information and sometimes discuss our findings and thoughts with others.

The third step of knowing is when we move from thinking to doing, that is, from knowledge to wisdom. Wisdom is gained when we commit ourselves to 'doing'. Knowledge translated into our everyday behaviour is called wisdom, which, in turn, is called quality life. A life of quality is where personal values are not only realised but also lived and experienced through our practical actions. Doing, or practice, naturally brings us to the fourth and final step of knowing, which is called Truth.


Message for the day 03.08.2010

Truth is effective when it is combined with tact.


I usually react when something goes wrong. In the heat of the moment I give corrections and others don't seem to understand. Then I tend to become confused, as it is difficult to make a choice whether to leave the situation as it is or to prove my point to the others.


Unless truth is combined with tact I cannot make people realise their mistakes. When I find something going wrong, I need to wait for the right time for saying what I have to. I also need to tell it in a way that the other person can understand. Only then will my words have their impact on others.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, August 2, 2010

Thought for Today

Be like an elastic band. When something comes along and gets under your skin, what do you do? Do you hook onto it? Does it tug, pull and stretch you to the point of tension or breaking point? All you have to do is, let whatever is bothering you go, let it go. It wasn't holding onto you, you were holding onto it.


Message for the day 02.08.2010

The one with contentment is neither upset nor upsets others.


Many times I find that my words, actions or behaviour tends to upset others inspite of my not wanting to hurt them. I seem to be very happy with the situation, but others don't seem to be. At that time I am not really able to understand the reason for this and I consider the others to be unreasonable.


I need to check myself when others are getting upset with me. I need to make effort to check and change myself constantly so that I am able to move along with the demands of time. This is what will bring about true contentment - such contentment that neither will I be upset nor will I upset others.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Commentary on Anger Management

Think slowly and visualize the following thoughts:

I am a soul, a concentrated spark of life energy, radiating light........
I am located between the eyebrows........
Now I visualize myself in the golden red light land of peace and stillness, my silent home - shantidham........
Here I picture a meeting with the Supreme Father, a star-like energy like myself but with unlimited power.......
I feel myself being drawn like a needle towards a magnet........
Like a laser beam, his powerful golden rays of peace fall on me........
I experience a divine union with the Ocean of Peace........
This union makes me calm, centered and composed........
As I release all negative emotions of anger from my system, I feel more and more relaxed........
I acquire an attitude of acceptance towards everyone and everything around me........
In the canopy (shelter) of the Ocean of Love, I forgive myself and others completely and release all resentments (negative feelings) now.......
I am now overflowing with peace and love and shall create harmony in all my relationships.......
I am receiving the spiritual power from the World Almighty Authority to remain in charge of my energies.......
Nothing can disturb my peacefulness now.......
I am a soul, a concentrated spark of life energy, radiating light........
I am located between the eyebrows........
Now I visualize myself in the golden red light land of peace and stillness, my silent home - shantidham........
Here I picture a meeting with the Supreme Father, a star-like energy like myself but with unlimited power.......
I feel myself being drawn like a needle towards a magnet........
Like a laser beam, his powerful golden rays of peace fall on me........
I experience a divine union with the Ocean of Peace........
This union makes me calm, centered and composed........
As I release all negative emotions of anger from my system, I feel more and more relaxed........
I acquire an attitude of acceptance towards everyone and everything around me........
In the canopy (shelter) of the Ocean of Love, I forgive myself and others completely and release all resentments (negative feelings) now.......
I am now overflowing with peace and love and shall create harmony in all my relationships.......
I am receiving the spiritual power from the World Almighty Authority to remain in charge of my energies.......
Nothing can disturb my peacefulness now.......

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Our actions sometimes are not according to our life’s purpose when we lack the proper connecting value or we are unable to express it correctly. These values help us in bringing our purpose into action. They bring purpose into life. Values are the fuel. In any situation where these values are awakened they will decide my course of action and are the basis of all important choices and decisions. Reinforcement of these values means that you can operate successfully in any situation. If your identified purpose is what you are meant to be doing, then your values are the back-up to do it.

How will we know which values are important to connect to our purpose? We don't need to make an attempt to create our values. They are already there. We just have to detect them by looking inwards and then use them to fulfill our purpose.


Message for the day 01.08.2010

To think less is to remain happy.


Usually there is a tendency to think more than normal when there is a challenging situation. Although it is considered to be good to think more, we usually miss out on the fact that thinking more means having lots of waste thoughts along with those that are necessary.


When we find ourselves thinking a lot we need to ask ourselves if all these thoughts are really necessary. We need to recognise waste thoughts and replace them with something more positive. With this practice we'll find ourselves thinking less and at the same time having powerful thoughts which will keep us cheerful under all circumstances.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Self Empowerment

See and know yourself as a source of peace and love.

You are not your body, gender, nationality or profession. You are a spiritual being, a soul and your original nature is peaceful and loving. The only way to convert this belief into experience is through meditation. As you practice meditation and study spiritual knowledge you will increasingly connect to your inner peace which is your inner power. The more the power of your peace is present in your heart the more you are able to give love and support to your self and to others. There cannot be love unless there is peace. If your own heart is not at peace you cannot give love. There are no greater powers in this life than your natural peace and your unlimited love.

Exercise: What do you experience within yourself that is disturbing your peace and blocking the outflow of your love? Recall a time when you felt deeply peaceful – see the scene – feel the peace –now let go of the scene – stay in your peace.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Meditate on the image of a tree and think about its meaning. Visualize the growth of the tree of life from a seed to sapling to a mature tree. Now label the various parts of the tree (roots, trunk, branches, etc.) with what you think are the specific spiritual qualities which emerge from within the soul at different stages/phases of its journey through the time of the drama of life on earth.

In the above exercise, you could identify the roots of the tree with your childhood when qualities like carefreeness, innocence, obedience, etc. emerge from within the soul; the trunk could represent your youth when qualities like courage, determination, cheerfulness, etc. emerge; the branches could symbolize your middle-life when qualities like adaptability, tolerance, co-operation, etc. emerge; and the leaves could be a symbol for old age, during which qualities like contentment, humility (egolessness), forgiveness, etc. emerge from within the soul.


Message for the day 31.07.2010

The one who recognises the needs of others is the one who gives real happiness.


I usually make a lot of effort to give in some way or the other to those around me. Yet I sometimes find that people are not able to be happy with me. What I give is usually based on what I feel the other person needs. I continue to give in this way and begin to expect from others too, and find myself disappointed when I am not appreciated.


I need to be a giver in the true sense. Before I think of giving, I need to recognise the needs of others. The more I keep myself tuned to this I will enjoy what I am giving and the impact of it will be there on the others too. I will then find that others are pleased with me too.

Brahma Kumaris