Monday, February 28, 2011

Message for the day 28-02-2011

To understand is to be open to learning.


When someone says something that I don't like, I usually see the other person's negativity and continue to find fault with him. This is usually because I am not able to understand the particular situation.


I need to recognize the fact that people in my life are there for a reason and I can learn from everything that happens through my interactions with them. Recognizing this fact will stop me from blaming others and start using each learning for my own personal growth.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The “Do’s” And “Don’ts” Of Pure Cooking (contd.)

1. First, it is essential to develop a positive attitude towards cooking. Before undertaking any food preparation, ask yourself. 'Do you consider the project at hand to be an enjoyable, creative activity or an unpleasant time-consuming boring, repetitive ‘karma’? Find a way of enjoying it, by playing spiritual songs or trying new recipes and having deep meditation while cooking.

2. Before cooking, make sure the kitchen is clean and in order. Take out all the things you will need to make the meal and place them where they will be used. This makes the process of cooking more smooth and enjoyable.

3. While cooking avoid doing other work in between. You will actually be saving time and the food will definitely turn out better.

4. As much as possible, remain in silence, paying attention to the quality of the thoughts you have. Try to have pure and peaceful thoughts. This creates a powerful atmosphere that fills the food with pure vibrations and brings personal benefits as well.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Message for the day 27-02-2011

The one who has the power of truth is the one who can tolerate.


When someone disbelieves me I usually tend to argue back and try to prove my point to the others but find that I am not able to convince them. Yet I find that the more I talk the less I am listened to. And I only end up getting frustrated.


When someone challenges the truth of my words, I need to check within myself if there is something that I can correct or learn. When I learn to do this, instead of being stubborn with what I have to say or blaming others, I find it easy to tolerate.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The “Do’s” And “Don’ts” Of Pure Cooking

A significant part of our lifestyle is to consider the quality of our thoughts required while making food. Living in a family may make it more difficult to have that quiet and ordered state of mind while cooking. Also, children, friends, husbands and wives have the habit of coming into the kitchen while you are cooking. So, see if you can re-organize your timetable so you can cook at a time when they are busy, and then you can properly concentrate on giving pure vibrations to the food. It also helps if you play some gentle, soothing music which reminds you of the Supreme Soul or God while you are cooking. Even better sit in meditation for 4-5 minutes in the kitchen before starting to cook.

If you think of yourself while you are cooking then there will be a vibration of greed created. If you think of others while you are cooking there will be a vibration of attachment created. Think about the Supreme and there will be that feeling of deep love and freedom (liberation).

Physical cleanliness before cooking is important. Walking off the market or crowded roads, into the kitchen and cooking can affect the vibrations of the food. Washing, changing and meditating is a good start for preparation of “satwic” food. The ideal time for cooking is in the morning, the mind is quiet and if one has read a short paragraph of spiritual knowledge sometime after getting up, the mind is filled with new gems of spiritual knowledge, free of waste thoughts.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thought for Today

Being aware of your identity as a soul through the regular practice of meditation, you connect with your true qualities - peace, love, bliss, power, knowledge, joy, purity and the thoughts you create from this consciousness are positive. Also:
. The thoughts that arise from your purest and most genuine inner nature are positive.
. A positive thought brings out the best in you and fills you with enthusiasm.
. A positive thought always has a beneficial effect, on you, society or the world, and harms no one.
. A positive thought about yourself boosts your self-confidence and helps you to recognize and appreciate your qualities those of others.

Message for the day 26-02-2011

To bring knowledge into practice is to ensure success.


Most of the times, theory and practice become two different things in our lives. We know a lot of things, but we do not bring that into our practical lives. We only tend to talk about it to those around. So our valuable thoughts are wasted, creating a habit of wastage.


I have to make effort for myself. I need to start applying into practice what is good and worthy. The first step is to understand. Having understood I need to sustain these thoughts by bringing them to action. Not only will my life will be enriched, but also will there be power in my every thought.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Overcoming The Loss/Separation Of A Loved One (cont.)

How quickly could a person get over the loss of a loved one and begin to feel fine? We have the capacity to do it the same day or the next day. But our beliefs and conditioning, our attachments and lack of will and inner capacity, prevent us from getting better rapidly and feeling fine.

Independent of the kind of mourning that you have to go through, it is a matter of preventing your memories from invading your spirit, your mind and your heart. Circumscribe them, limit them and put them in their place: in the past. Yesterday has already passed.

On the level of action, now, in the present, use your time, your talents and your thoughts for creative tasks. Help your friends and other close ones. It will help you to come out of your loneliness and to relate, Share, dialogue and involve yourself in serving.

With respect to your accumulated experiences, meditate to gain mastery in managing your memories. Clean out the cupboards of your inner self, so that the stored memories do not cause upsets, interference or suffering in the present moment. Meditate to accept and let go.

Give thanks to the past. Learn from it. But now let go and free yourself. Live this moment in wholeness. It depends on you to create the right thought for it to be like that.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thought for Today

Does the quiet make you feel uncomfortable? Do you fill the 'quiet' with noise of one kind or another? If so, why not make your 'quiet' moments meaningful, rather than empty space? When you become quiet, tune-in and listen to your inner peace - an ever present backdrop of stillness. Today, try eating in silence or discontinue all unnecessary banter.

Message for the day 25-02-2011

To look at specialities is to help change people for the better.


When we see some negative trait in someone, we tend to think about it and talk about it too. When we talk about this to others, we are increasing further negativity in ourselves and others too. To talk negatively also makes us lose our energy. And there is no improvement in that person.


Instead of focusing the mind on something negative, I need to focus on something special about that person. A long time of practice of looking at specialities gives me the power to help the other person to be free from his weaknesses too. I am then free of negativity in my own mind and do not spread any negativity to others too.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Overcoming The Loss/Separation Of A Loved One (cont.)

In mourning, regret or remorse may emerge. Let's look at some feelings that are born in relation to these questions:

Did I do everything I should have?
Could I have avoided it?
Did I tell them everything I had to tell them?
Did I give them everything that they needed?
Was I there when they needed me?

These questions converge into a feeling where sometimes one feels responsible for the death of the other. It is a mourning difficult to overcome. What is required is an inner control that does not allow these questions and their answers to go on for a long time. If we don't achieve this capacity we fall into a regret for what might have been and was not, and the present escapes before our very eyes.

Mourning in relation to the separation from someone with whom you have shared moments of beauty and wholeness, of love, requires an effort of peaceful acceptance. Not to remain trapped in feelings of guilt, bitterness or hate, given that these feelings take us in a past that is no longer alive except in our consciousness, because we don't allow it to die. The images and memories of experiences of the past emerge again and again onto the screen of the mind, causing different kinds of feelings that range from sadness to frustration.

Tomorrow we shall explain some simple ways to get over the loss of a loved one.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thought for Today

"She should not have done that!" "He should do this!"
When we're busy judging others we become completely oblivious to what we should be doing! Instead, stay focused on what you have to do, then you will remain undisturbed by what others 'should' or 'should not' be doing.

Message for the day 24-02-2011

Determination in thoughts disperse the clouds of negative situations.


There are a lot of negative situations that come our way, as we are moving along. During the difficult phase we tend to experience a lot of negativity within too, either in the form of fear, anger or pain. At that time the difficulty seems very big and seems to last forever.


I need to recognize the fact that whatever difficulties I face are like passing clouds. These clouds come at their time and fade away at their time too. I need to develop the determination to work on my problems with this understanding. I will then be able to face the situation with ease.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Overcoming The Loss/Separation Of A Loved One

Living trapped in the memory of a loved one who left us, or in the memory of a situation that no longer exists, or in the memory of someone who is alive but who we no longer see (since we have physically separated), does not allow us to enjoy the present moment with freedom.

What is required during the mourning period is the capacity to make peace with the memories recorded in our consciousness. It is to reach a point where these memories do not upset us or cause us pain. It is to acknowledge that the memory of what was and no longer is, no longer generates desires, dissatisfaction, frustration or sadness.

You don't get over the mourning of a loved one or a lost child, because you allow the memory to continue alive, in a way that it invades the consciousness and imprisons the soul. The memory suffocates the present; there exists a desire to relive a past that no longer has the possibility of existing.

Tomorrow, we shall look at some at the questions that arise in the mind in a mourning period.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thought for Today

Visualisation is to mentally picture yourself successfully accomplishing a task, before starting it. It is much more than wishful thinking. Having a clear picture of your outcome provides direction, generates confidence and eases frustration. As you think, so you become.

Message for the day 23-02-2011

To be flexible is to enjoy everything that life brings.


When we plan perfectly for the day ahead, we sometimes find that we are not able to implement all that we had planned for. Things seem to be coming up unexpectedly spoiling everything for us. We are then not able to be happy with what is happening and so find it difficult to do our best or what is required to be done.


It is as important to be flexible in my thoughts as it is to be particular about my daily schedule. Flexibility allows me to accommodate the unforeseen situations that come up my way and enables me to make the best use of everything. And so I enjoy everything that comes my way.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Experiencing The Virtue Of Co-operation At Your Workplace Or Home

This exercise is a guided visualization which will help you visualize and experience the qualities, behaviors and features associated with a co-operative workplace (office) or home.

Sit comfortably on a chair so that your body can relax... Feel your breathing become even and regular... Allow your thoughts to slow down and become calm.

You are going to think about your office or home and create a picture in your mind... Think of your workplace or home and how you would like it to be truly co-operative. How would it be if everyone was working well together...? What comes up in your ideal workplace or home...? What is it like...? What is the atmosphere...? How are people behaving...? What are they saying...? What feelings are they sharing in their interactions...? What qualities are they showing...?

You may get pictures, feelings or words coming to you... colours, sounds, a texture... let your mind wander freely... is there a symbol or particular image...? What would it be like at your workplace or home if everyone were co-operating...? Observe what emerges for you.

When you are ready, become aware of your body sitting on the chair. Feel your feet on the ground... begin to deepen your breathing... and in your own time, open your eyes.

Note down what you experienced or draw any images, words, symbols representing what you experienced etc.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Message for the day 22-02-2011

True non-violence is not to hurt others even through words.


Normally we pay a lot of attention not to hurt people physically but sometimes hurt others through our words. This creates negativity in others which in turn affects us negatively too. Our work too is effected by these kind of words.


In order to bring true non-violence in our lives, it is equally important to pay special attention to our words too. The basis of words that don't hurt others are positive thoughts-thoughts based on good wishes and benevolent feelings for others.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Overcoming Mood Swings

At each moment of the day, we have the capability to feel something. Our feelings vary throughout the course of the day. Sometimes they are joyful and sometimes they are painful. What we forget to do is to choose our feelings consciously. Instead, many of us have become lazy and allowed our feelings to be dictated and shaped by people and circumstances. In other words, we have become influenced. Our swinging, changing moods are the result of the inner karma of becoming attached to things, people, ideas and circumstances. If we are attached to a person and suddenly he/she leaves us we will feel gloomy and our mood of sadness will drain our energy just when we need to remain optimistic and enthusiastic about the future. Any form of loss will bring about a mood of sadness. If this sadness lasts for a long period of time, it will gradually turn into depression.

When we think we are consider the world around us to be our source of happiness and joy, our moods will fluctuate, even with the changing weather. But when we are spiritually empowered or strong our happiness and joy come from inside. We are stable in the face of praise or insult, loss or gain. We are no longer moody and stability becomes our basic nature. We are in control of our life, our feelings. And while we cannot control the waves of the ocean of life around us, we can control and choose how we will respond to outer events and people. When we do that, we will be able to choose what we feel, regardless of what may happen in our life. Life stops being a roller coaster and becomes more of a cruise, less a storm and more a gentle breeze.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The Definitions Of Meditation (..continued)

We can define meditation as the following 'Rs':

5. Relearning
As we become free by practicing meditation we begin to respect ourselves and relearn what it means to value our self, our life and our existence in this great play
of life. Forgotten truths appear and a new education of the self begins.

6. Rediscovering
As we relearn, we rediscover our spiritual values and resources and, realizing they were always there, we resolve to use these silent inner treasures, which are the foundation of a better quality of life.

7. Restoring
As we begin to rediscover our inner spiritual treasures by meditating (explained yesterday) and we start using them, our original strengths and qualities are restored. There is a transition (change) in consciousness enabling confidence and self-esteem to become a natural way of being.

8. Recharging
The leap of consciousness that occurs when we connect with our inner spiritual self, is a powerful way of recharging the energies of the human mind. The mind is filled with a deep tranquility (peacefulness) that flows into our thoughts and is then reflected in our words and actions. A world of new vision opens where there
is self-mastery and acceptance of life as it is.

Message for the day 21-02-2011

To understand the true cause of one’s own weakness is to get the power to overcome it.


We do recognise our weaknesses and make effort to overcome them. But inspite of our best efforts, we sometimes do not find success as the weaknesses keep coming back again and again. This is because we have not worked at the level of the roots to remove the weaknesses.


Before I try to remove any weakness that is working within me, I need to understand the cause of that weakness. For this I need to question myself to see why that weakness is present in my life and what is lacking within me. Once I find the cause I need to make effort to fill myself with the right virtue.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Meditation To Restore Inner Freedom

Experience the following thoughts one after the other:
I relax…
I release all tensions…
I create a space of silence…
I move towards my inner self, letting my thoughts gradually focus on the experience of peace…
For a few moments I reflect on all the things that affect me, that have a negative influence on me, the people, the situations; everything that stops me from achieving a state of inner freedom…
Around me I visualize a luminous circle (circle of light); there is a great power of silence…
I feel protected inside this circle of subtle spiritual power…
Nothing can take away my positivity, my inner peace, my strength and wisdom…
I can be free to think and feel what I choose. Internally I am free. I am not at the mercy of anyone or any situation…

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The Definitions Of Meditation

We can define meditation as the following 'Rs':
1. Returning
Meditation is the technique of returning to the original qualities of the self, namely peace, purity, love, bliss and wisdom. We can only do that by taking our thoughts inwards.

2. Relaxing
In meditation, the mind disconnects itself from the thoughts of anything external and connects with the inner self. In this way, it is able to receive the positive current of the original strength of the self: a peaceful source of energy. However, at first, it can be difficult to disconnect the many plugs of our everyday life: the plugs of attachment, speed, worry, being busy, etc. It does take some effort.

3. Remembering
As the mind relaxes and gently concentrates on the 'point source' of peace energy, situated at the center of the forehead (during the practice of meditation), the individual begins to remember their spiritual identity. The reason why people are so disoriented in their lives and why they often find life boring, tedious, or empty is
because they have forgotten who they truly are.

4. Releasing
As we remember the forgotten reality of the self as a spiritual being and begin to experience our inner source of peace, we are released from the negativity of our mind: wasteful thinking and thoughts filled with doubt, fear and worry - the three great dragons that dominate our mind constantly.

(...continued tomorrow)

Message for the day 20-02-2011

To have commitment for self-progress is to be a giver.


Although we do have a lot in our lives, we have expectations from situations and people around us. We constantly think of what we have to get from them. Such expectations make us dependent on others for self-progress. Then we find ourselves experiencing progress only when things are going right or when people are cooperative.


Instead of thinking about what I want to get, I need to pay more attention to what I have, so that I can do my best using these resources to acquire what I want. Thus I will experience constant progress in my life, whether the situations are positive in my life or not.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Triangle Of Spiritual Energy (cont.)

Referring to yesterday’s message, in the triangle of harmonious energy, all three points (the self, the Supreme and others) need to be equidistant - not too much one way or the other. The 'equidistant triangle' in ancient mathematics was the symbol of harmony. Harmony, peace, order and balance is what is natural in human life and if we wish to return to that condition, we need to realize the importance of equidistant relationships. It requires constant attention to keep the three points in balance and in working order. Otherwise, when we get over-focused on any one of the three, we become inflexible. This inflexibility causes us to go out of balance and the result is disharmony and disunity, which can also be called 'violence', an unnatural condition, or even hell when it reaches an extreme point.

In order to maintain a balance between the three, I need silence: times of introspection when I can check the flow of three of my relationships – with the self, Supreme Source and others. This checking mechanism protects, sustains and develops the qualities of these three points.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thought for Today

Loving yourself is more than being pleased with the self. It begins with self-acceptance; where you consciously stop rejecting yourself. Accept & then appreciate. Appreciate your limitations & your uniqueness, & then say "I love myself."

Message for the day 19-02-2011

The right awareness brings power.


We usually know what is right and wrong but are not able to bring that understanding into practice. We have no power to bring that knowledge into practice. So we entirely give up after we have tried for a few times.


The practice of a powerful thought like "victory is my birthright" or "I am the master of my life" enables me to maintain that kind of powerful thought. Such practice for sometime helps me to remember that thought at the right time which gives me power to act in the desired way.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Triangle Of Spiritual Energy (cont.)

Referring to the last two days’ messages, all three points of connection (connection with the self, of the self with the Supreme and of the self with others) are necessary for good emotional and spiritual health.

If I am only connected inwards, there is a great danger of arrogance and being lost in only myself. If I am only connected to the Supreme Source with little reference to myself, or others, there is the danger of becoming rigid, fanatical and unrealistic. If I am over-focused on others and on my relationships with others, thinking I will receive my happiness and sense of purpose from them, then a dependence is created, which results in conflict and disappointment.

When I do reconnect with the outside world, it can only be done effectively from the point of advantage of connection with the self and with the Supreme Source.

This three-point connection can be depicted in the form of a triangle with the self as a point (A), then the vertical movement upward to the Supreme Point (A to B), then the horizontal connection to others (A to C). Others need to have their own independent and personal connection with the Supreme Point to revitalize and renew their own consciousness (C to B). In this way, the triangle of harmonious energy (ABC) becomes complete.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thought for Today

It is only in our relationships that we can truly know ourselves.
We are a mirror for each other. What we give to others at the level of our thoughts, feelings and attitudes is what we give to ourselves, and will finally come back from others. Our relationships are the real workshop, classroom, learning laboratory of our life. Relationship is not simply getting along with others, it is about understanding, building, nourishing and caring. Every interaction carries a lesson. Take one relationship, look at it, explore it and ask yourself what does it tell you about yourself and your life so far. Let your relationships reveal you to yourself. As you do you will naturally learn what makes relationships work, or not work, as the case may be! And the more you get to know yourself in the mirror of your relationships the more easily you will be able to understand others.

Message for the day 18-02-2011

To be free from wasteful words is to be light.


I do pay attention not to speak negative words - words that are harmful. But sometimes I do speak wasteful words that are no use to others or even sometimes hurt others' feelings. Such wasteful words don't allow me to experience lightness.


I need to pay attention not to have even wasteful words. For this I need to keep in my mind the slogan "Speak less, speak softly and speak sweetly". This little thought will help me make my words more meaningful and will never hurt others' feelings.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Triangle Of Spiritual Energy (cont.)

Today, when human beings seek love, meaning and purpose, they first connect horizontally (with others) rather than vertically (with the Supreme Source). This leads to a greater loss of energy and eventually dissatisfaction and emptiness. The vertical connection liberates the self from becoming dependent on someone else and from having too many expectations.

After the vertical connection, there can then be the horizontal connection with others, that is, with the outside or external.

The horizontal movement can be called 'reconnection'. When we have taken the first two steps (first inwards i.e. connection with the self and then upwards i.e. connection with the Supreme), we reconnect with others on the basis of openness and sharing, rather than selfishness and need. At this point, there are real relationships that are respectful and balanced, rather than a relationship of wanting, taking, or exploiting. We have come to understand that when we are well with ourselves, we will be well with others.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thought for Today

The Supreme Soul is a soul, with the same form as human souls. The only difference is in the qualities, not in the size. We have rightly thought that he is great, but His greatness doesn't mean that He is expanded throughout the entire universe. The power of a soul has no connection with its physical dimensions at all.

Some people are of the view that the Supreme Soul is formless. Anything that exists must have a form. Qualities indeed are formless, but the source of those qualities cannot be without form. For example, fragrance has no form but the flower does. Just as the sun has form but the light and warmth it radiates do not. The Supreme Soul has a form, but the qualities radiating from Him do not. In other words the Supreme Soul is not love but the source of love; the Supreme Soul is not truth but the source of truth, etc. If he is formless then communication with Him is impossible. The very word "yoga" implies a meeting between two entities, both of which have a form, if not a physical one, a subtle (non-physical) one.

The Supreme Soul is a conscient (living) micro star just as I am. Knowing his form, I can bring that image onto the screen of my mind and begin immediately to experience his powers and qualities by associating them with that beautiful form. There is much more value in meditating (concentrating) on his form and qualities than in focusing on one's breath, candle flames, etc.

Message for the day 17-02-2011

True service is always free from expectations.


It is very natural for me to help others when I see them in need. At that time I don't expect anything from them and continue to help. But when I need help or support I begin to expect from those whom I had helped and if they don't, my feelings are hurt.


At the time that I am providing help, I need to consciously remind myself not to have expectations. Again when I need help and I find myself expecting from others, I need to explain to myself that whatever help I have given will surely come back to me at the right time. The seed that I have sown will not be wasted away but will surely bear fruit.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Triangle Of Spiritual Energy

Harmony within the self and with others is based on the accuracy of three aspects of remembrance: the ability to disconnect, connect and reconnect.

When I disconnect my thoughts from outside influences, stepping back from actions and words, then I can go into silence and connect with the self. To plug into the self, l use the thought: “Om Shanti” or “I am a peaceful soul”. This thought is the current that activates my eternal resource of peace and the qualities that emanate from this peace. The first step in meditation is always to connect with the self: what we call the inward step.

The next step in meditation is vertical, where, within one second, my concentrated thought connects my mind with the Supreme Source of Peace.

Silence and love give the mind wings to break the pull of gravity and to fly and unite with the One, who is the purest point of energy in the universe. This vertical connection from the point of the self, the soul, to the point of the universe, the Supreme Soul, gives the mind fresh new energy. This fresh energy is divine spiritual power and cannot be found in, or taken from, a human being. Therefore, if I wish to recharge myself, to rediscover and restore the original balance and harmony within myself, the second movement made by my mind must be vertical.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Love makes all tasks easy.

Where there is love, there is interest for whatever I do. When my heart is in what I am doing, it seems very easy to do even the most difficult task. It is easy to have love for the task, when I understand its importance. When I begin to love everything I do, understanding the significance of my contribution, I experience lightness. I find nothing difficult to perform and I naturally enjoy everything. No task seems like something difficult to do, but seems more like a game to be enjoyed.

Message for the day 16-02-2011

As we think so is our world.


Inspite of our best efforts if things don't turn out the way we expect them to, there is a tendency to get disheartened and we begin to have negative thoughts. These negative thoughts further create negative situations and we find that things get no better.


Instead of beginning to change things and situations that are going wrong, I need to work at the seed, i.e my thoughts. I need to keep my thoughts positive under all circumstances, which will make my actions positive too and I slowly find things changing for the better.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Transforming (Changing) My Thought Patterns

Why is it that we can't change the pattern of our thoughts so easily? Imagine a bird being so comfortable in its nest that, though perhaps sometimes it stands on the branch of the tree to inflate its chest and adjust its feathers, it never wants to fly and does not even realize it could fly. It never knows the blissful freedom of flight, never feels the wind through its wings. It thinks the other birds that are flying around are unwise or foolish. In much the same way, we never really leave our nests of old thought patterns. Our habitual thoughts become our comfort zone and each repetitive thought pattern is like a twig in the nest, which makes the nest stronger and our stay in the nest seemingly comfortable and permanent. We never experience our true spiritual freedom or flight or feel the breeze of our inner beautiful nature. Even the thought, "I am a soul" has to be realized eventually, so that we can actually experience its deepest truth.

In the world of spirituality, thoughts are like the map, but they are not the territory nor the reality of the experience. Thinking "I am a peaceful soul" or “I am a loveful soul” or “I am powerful soul” is not being soul-conscious, it is only theory or knowledge, but it is definitely an essential start. Maps are important and necessary, until we know the way home to experience. Reaching this final destination of experience makes it easier for us and empowers us to transform or change our old thought patterns.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Make a list of the things that worry you most and decide if they are in your circle of influence or worry. Think about what you can really do to have an influence on each of them in an effective way. By determining which of these two circles is the centre around which most of your time and energy revolves, you can discover a great deal about your level of positivity.

Positive people focus on the things they can do something about. If necessary, they change their attitude. They are aware that perhaps they cannot change the circumstances but they can improve their inner attitude. This is what positive focusing is all about: being creative, thinking differently, being open to listening, being more understanding, more communicative and showing more solidarity. Reactive people focus on the problems of the circle and on the circumstances about which they have no control. They react to the defects found in other people. From this worrying, accusations, destructive criticism, feelings of blame, a reactive language and feelings of weakness and frustration can arise. They want others or the circumstances to change first and when that happens, then they will change. Whenever they think that the problem is on the outside, this thought is the problem. The negative energy produced as a result of this approach, combined with the lack of attention to the areas in which they could do something to improve the situation, means that the area of influence decreases in size. They give power to what is external so that it dominates them. In other words they think that change must come from "outside towards the inside"; they think that something that is outside must change before they themselves change.

Message for the day 15-02-2011

Freedom starts in the mind, not by cutting ropes.


Usually we experience some kind of bondage through situations and people. We then feel uncomfortable and try to break free from them. Yet we find that it is not easy to do so. We rarely ever can think of looking within if there is any bondage in our own minds.


I need to understand the fact that the bondage is in fact not outside but within my own mind. I also need to realise the fact that nothing is forced on me but whatever happens to me is my own choice. When I take responsibility in this way I will not complain but will make the best out of every situation and I will find myself experiencing true freedom.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Self Empowerment

Meditation, in practice, means to enter, and re-enter, the reservoir of peace inside us whenever we need to during the course of the day. This exercise increases self-control and prevents the explosions and reactions of anger that drain our strength. The easy method is not to expect but to accept: then tolerance and respect make our life far more comfortable.

There may be many shadows and pollutants inside us, but usually our pain is centered around these: 'I own', 'I need', 'I want', 'mine' and 'I expect'. If we learn to recognize the characteristics of such a consciousness, we are in a position to overcome difficult situations and thoughts before they overwhelm us. We simply have to remain awake, and that state of alertness stops these shadows from overpowering us and making us unconscious.

Our needs and wants are truly fulfilled in a healthy way by tuning in to the original resources of the soul, because their fulfillment is not dependent on anyone, or anything from outside. When we sustain ourselves from the inside, then our well-being is secure and progressive. As a result, when we express and show our original qualities of the self to others, whether it is peace, happiness or love, they naturally increase inside. The more we give unconditionally, the more we have. This miracle of 'quality being' is the result of natural purity, the original state of selflessness, which God always has and good meditators aspire to return to.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Self-esteem and self-respect are closely connected. One is an integral part of the other. One is not possible without the other. In relationships, when other people are throwing all their negative energy at us, if we can maintain our own self-respect we will be able to remain stable, positive and unaffected. In fact, if our self -respect is strong, we will not feel the need to return the negative energy, which they are sending us, but will be able to return understanding and compassion (sympathy) instead. To regain, build and strengthen our self-respect, we need to practice giving respect to others – no matter what they are like, or what they do. What we rarely realise is that in the process of respecting another, we are first of all respecting ourself.

What does showing respect look like? Imagine different ways in which you can convey respect to another person. What do you think is the biggest inner barrier to developing the ability to give respect to others?

Message for the day 14-02-2011

Where there is attention there is no tension.


When we have to fulfill certain responsibilities, we find ourselves in a lot of tension. We find it very difficult to relieve ourselves, specially when we feel there is demand from the situation or expectations from people beyond our capabilities.


Especially during demanding situations and in general too the way to relieve myself from tension is to have constant attention. It is important to have attention during difficult times, but it is also necessary to keep attention on the self even during normal conditions. Attention brings checking and changing and relieves me of tension.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Relationship Between The Soul And The Body Explained With Interesting Examples

"Human being" means the consciousness, the soul or "being" (living energy), experiencing life through the physical body, the "human" (non-living). The body is perishable and temporary, whereas the soul is eternal and without physical dimension.

The soul is the driver; the body is the car.
The soul is the actor; the body is its costume.
The soul is a diamond; the body is the jewelry box.
The soul is the musician; the body is the instrument.
The soul is the guest; the body is the hotel.
The soul is the deity; the body is the temple.

I can use a knife to chop vegetables. I can use the same knife to kill someone. The knife neither decides (outwards) nor experiences (inwards), but can be washed easily under water. Now look at the fingers which held the knife. They neither decide nor experience the actions. They too can be washed under water. It's easy to realize that the knife is an instrument, but it is more difficult to realize that the fingers as well as the arms are instruments too. The legs are instruments for walking, the eyes for seeing, the ears for hearing, the mouth for speaking, the tongue for tasting, the heart for pumping food and oxygen (via blood) around the body, and so on. Even the brain is an instrument used like a computer to express all thought, word and action programs through the body and to experience the results. If every physical part of the body is an instrument, who or what is it that is using this instrument? Very simply it is "I", the self, the soul. The soul uses the word "I" for itself and the word "my" when referring to the body; "my" hands, "my" eyes, "my" brain, etc. "I" am different from "my" body.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thought for Today

The forces, which interact to produce the phenomena of world history and geography: souls, matter and the Supreme Soul (God), are threaded by the law of karma. When there is mental communion (connection) with the Supreme, the soul's relationship with matter changes. This means that the internal love-link that the soul has with the Supreme is reflected in the performance of the soul in the material world and in the degree to which the soul has mastery over matter; firstly over the sense organs of the body and through that, over the colors, shapes and sounds of the material world.

We have continually sought to understand which way to act, but have lost our sense of direction for various reasons:
• We forgot that we were soul-actors.
• We became lost on the world stage.
• We became over-identified with our costumes the physical body.
• We lost sight of the story of the drama.
• We forgot that we were residents of the soul world.
• Due to body-consciousness the soul severed (broke) its subtle connection with the Supreme Soul.

Message for the day 13-02-2011

True happiness is an experience which touches others too.


We sometimes find ourselves in situations where we are not able to make everyone happy. Yet we are not able to understand the reason for it. Inspite of the situation being positive we either are lacking in our own state of happiness or others are not happy with me.


When I am really happy with something, there is the natural desire to share it with others. This sharing enables me to spread the happiness to others too. Also when my happiness is based on truth, I find that there is no harm for myself or others and only benefit for all concerned.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Experiencing The Natural Qualities Of The Supreme Soul or God (Meditation)

This meditation will allow you to experience the natural qualities and nature of the Supreme Soul or God. We describe the Supreme as an Ocean of all qualities.

I am a soul, a golden star like energy situated at the center of the forehead, separate from this dense body of matter, my vehicle…
I am a being of peace… a loveful being… a being of light… a being of power…
I am alive, vibrant, sparkling, divine…
Without the physical body I can fly with the power of pure thought…
I can travel, leaving this world, this body behind… moving away from the experience of the body…
I am so subtle…
I the subtle being of light… a star, so bright, radiating light, move beyond sound, beyond the physical world, beyond the sun, moon and stars, to my soft golden red light home – ‘paramdham’, ‘shantidham’… I float in this sweet silence home…
I become aware of another being, a living golden star like energy over there… golden rays of light radiate from this Supreme Star in all directions….
As I come closer to him, I feel as if I am diving deep into an unlimited Ocean… Waves of golden light touch me, the soul, very softly…
I merge into the Supreme Being… this is the Ocean of Bliss… this is the Ocean of Peace… an unlimited Ocean, I am receiving from him… and I feel complete…
I am merged in the experience of the Highest Soul… diving into the depths of bliss…
So deep, so silent is this Ocean…
The treasures are eternal… the treasure of peace, treasures of love, of light, of bliss...
I bathe, clean, purify until I feel free and light… refreshed by the Ocean… surrendered to its waves and depth…
Now I float gently… downwards… softly… slowly…
I enter the physical world… and take my seat in the physical body…

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Thought for Today

Sin Bin

It's a great idea in sport. Too many fouls and your out of the game for a short period. The same happens in real life, but we are not aware of it.
Sin essentially means forgetfulness, or more specifically, to forget yourself, to forget who you truly are, a pure, peaceful and loving spiritual being who occupies and animates a physical form. It is this forgetfulness that makes us commit what we call sinful action.
If you are insulted by another person, and you become angry in response, the sin is the anger which you create not the insult. You are asleep to the truth that you just hurt yourself, and that you are the creator of your anger not the other person. And now you have a recording in your consciousness that contains an image of the other surrounded by the energy of anger. You put it there, not them. Next time you see them, up comes the anger again, and in that moment you are at your least effective, paralysed by self created anger, you are effectively out of the game until you cool down. Interesting isn't it. Never get angry, at anything, or anyone, anytime. It's a sin!

Message for the day 12-02-2011

Difficulties and challenges bring out our hidden treasures.


When we are faced with challenges, we usually experience that there are not sufficient resources or we are not able to make use of our resources for best results. So instead of experiencing progress, I experience a lot of negative feelings.


When I learn the art of being stable in the most negative situations, I know how to use the treasures that are hidden within me. My mind is no longer disturbed with waste or negative thoughts and I find it easy to face and learn from each and every situation.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Turning Qualities Into Powers (cont.)

There are interesting spiritual parallels to the way the physical sciences differentiate energy and power. In physical terms, energy is defined as the capacity of doing work. Power is defined as the rate of doing work.

Similarly, we can look upon spiritual energy as our capacity for experiencing the original qualities of the soul. We all have this capacity, but to different degrees. Spiritual power is then seen as the extent to which we put these qualities to work in difficult situations and in our relationships. Spiritual power helps us remain in a state of truth, in the face of the various tests that come. Also, our actions and relationships give us an opportunity to utilize the power we have accumulated.

The qualities of God experienced in meditation are also the original qualities of the soul, but the link with God is essential for us to enhance these qualities inside us. In fact God, too, needs the connection with us, despite having these qualities to the highest degree, in order to exercise his power to restore truth to the world.

There are eight key spiritual powers (e.g. power to tolerate, withdraw, accommodate, etc.) in terms of their application in everyday life - all of which we have discussed and shared with our readers over the last few months.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thought for Today

Anger usually means you are running on autopilot. Auto pilot is a mechanical system used to guide an aircraft without assistance from a human being. When you are angry, instead of controlling your conscious thoughts and actions yourself, you are allowing your subconscious habits of beliefs and perceptions (understanding) to control them. The mental action of creating anger itself becomes a habit. It also displays a mental and emotional laziness, and when it happens you have less intelligence than a robot. It's impossible to think clearly and make accurate decisions when you are angry. In order to free your self from the anger habit you will need to take three important steps:

1. understand why anger is extremely unhealthy.
2. accept responsibility for your anger, in whatever form it takes, at all times and in all situations.
3. be prepared to expose, challenge and change the beliefs and perceptions you hold, which are the cause of your anger and creating your emotional pain.

Message for the day 11-02-2011

The one whose vision is clear on the destination is the one who is successful.


While moving towards my destination, I tend to get distracted with even the little things that happen. Even a small negative or positive incident is enough to distract my thoughts from my destination. I am sometimes so busy with such things that my vision moves away from my destination and I stop moving forward.


I need to first clarify my goal. Once I have done this, I need to take care that my vision is focused on it. Even when situations come by, trying to distract me I need to remind myself that these are only side-scenes which are not important for me. It is more important to keep my energies focused towards the goal.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Turning Qualities Into Powers

An important aspect of God or the Supreme Being, remembered through out history in all cultures and traditions, has been the concept of God being an Almighty Authority. The interpretation of this concept has been varied, however:

Some have conceived a God who is fearsome and revengeful and one who punishes. That is very different from the experience of God, in meditation, as a gentle, benevolent (generous), merciful parent; as a teacher of absolute spiritual wisdom or knowledge, but a wisdom that has total humility, and is free from the demands of ego.

Yet, it is also the experience of the soul that God is the Almighty Authority, the source of all power and strength. When I meditate and connect with the Supreme, I experience a state of truth in which the combination of all the original qualities of the soul — peace, love, purity, wisdom and happiness — fills me with a positive power — a power that overcomes negativity in myself and others, so that those I am connected with become better able to experience their own truth. This power also extends to my physical surroundings, transforming the atmosphere around me.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thought for Today

A human being is soul and body, spirit and matter, working together co-operatively. The body is like the hardware of a computer and the spiritual energy, the soul, is a tiny chip of light, where all things are recorded. When we go into introspective (deep) silence, it is in this chip of light, which is actually a point of light energy that we can remember and rediscover.

The tiny chip of invisible light starts to work effectively when it plugs into its original consciousness and reactivates those original qualities, which enable the soul to work and express itself naturally. The connection is achieved through the power of concentrated thought; this is called 'consciousness of the soul'. The process of experiencing 'soul consciousness' is carried out in meditation: gathering all the thoughts of the mind, creating one concentrated thought and very gently running inwards in order to make the connection with the original self, the soul.

To take those first steps in gathering the thoughts, we use the positive consciousness of ‘I am', or what is called 'Om Shanti' consciousness. 'Om' means 'I am', with the deeper meaning that 'I am a peaceful soul'. With this awareness, there comes the experience of one's original spiritual identity.

Message for the day 10-02-2011

Generosity brings success.


All of us have a lot of treasures-treasures of virtues, powers, knowledge etc., which we normally don’t put into use. When they are out of use for a long time, they get wasted away. So at the time that we require to put into use these treasures they are not available to us. At such times we are not able to respond rightly to the situation.


The more generously I use the treasures that I have with me for the benefit of others and myself too, the more these treasures are available for me at the right time. Also, for being generous with my treasures I find myself moving easily towards success with the blessings that I get in return.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding The Different Types Of Thoughts That The Mind Creates (cont.)

We have explained Positive Thoughts yesterday. Today we continue with the same:

Positive Thoughts (cont.)
Positive thoughts make you happy and as a result your expectations of others decrease. This does not mean that they do not matter to you, but that you no longer demand love, respect, recognition, or even calm, from them, and it makes your relationships that much easier. This is the best way to create long-lasting and harmonious relationships. When you have inner happiness, you have the strength to accept other people as they are without wanting them to be different. This acceptance produces more peaceful relationships. With the positive attitude you create, you can offer yourself to other people just the way you are, with your virtues and limitations, without pretence.

Your body also benefits greatly, since when you have a balanced, harmonious mind you are less susceptible to illnesses. A person who has many useless thoughts will often feel very tired because they are spending their energy in creating thousands of unnecessary and inefficient thoughts.

Your mind is strengthened and healed by being nourished with positive thoughts. A healthy mind is the basis of a balanced personality.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thought for Today

The practice of remembrance is called 'traffic control'.
It is a means to refresh, recharge and reorient. When we forget to stop, the traffic of the mind becomes heavy and the driving tense, tiring, stressful and irritating and our mind and nerves seem ready to explode! To prevent all explosions and emotional eruptions, which ultimately destroy or damage our effectiveness, we need to stop. This is one practical use of remembrance.

Message for the day 09-02-2011

To admire or to praise is to imbibe those virtues too.


When I notice someone's specialities, I begin to admire them and describe them to others too. I really like those virtues in the other person, but rarely do I make effort to imbibe them in myself too.


I need to understand that I like these particular virtues in the other person because they are subtly working within me too. When I work on them more consciously, I will be able to emerge them easily.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding The Different Types Of Thoughts That The Mind Creates (cont.)

We have explained Necessary, Unnecessary and Negative Thoughts in the last few days. Today we explain:

Positive Thoughts
Positive thoughts are those thoughts which give us and others the experience of our original virtues like peace, love, bliss, happiness, etc. They enable you to accumulate inner strength and equip you to be constructive. Positive thoughts are always beneficial in all circumstances, without trapping you in the external appearance of a situation.

Thinking positively does not mean ignoring the reality of your world and living in a fantasy or longing to be another person. For example, if you were to repeat over and over again, "I am well, am well," when you were ill, this is not what we mean by positive thinking.

Thinking positively involves looking at problems and recognizing reality, but at the same time being able to find solutions without becoming obsessed or confused. This often requires tolerance, patience and common sense.

A person who thinks positively is aware of the weaknesses of others, but even then will direct their attention towards their positive characteristics.

(To be continued tomorrow …..)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Message for the day 08-02-2011

Determination breaks the barriers that difficulties create.


Difficulties do come in my life and I cannot avoid them. When they come I find that they create barriers in my way. When such barriers come my way I am not able to experience progress in anyway and I find myself losing interest in doing things.


Whenever difficult situations come my way, I need to remind myself that such situations come my way in order to help me move forward. When I remind myself of this I find that I get the determination to work on them. Only with determination will I be able to work on them to overcome them.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding The Different Types Of Thoughts That The Mind Creates (cont.)

We have explained Negative Thoughts yesterday. Today we continue with the same:

Negative Thoughts (cont.)
If your thoughts are based on the five vices or related emotions (as explained yesterday), it is as if you had poisoned your own mind and the atmosphere around you. However much you may be right, it does not matter. By thinking negatively you will always be the loser, since negative thoughts take away the respect you have for yourself and others respecting you. Generally speaking, people who think very negatively about others will often find themselves alone, even though they have many relationships. Other people will try to avoid someone who has angry thoughts since anger is like a fire that destroys and causes damage, and nobody wants to approach this fire.

A negative person who only sees the negative side of things causes disharmony in their immediate environment. These types of thoughts are more prevalent in people today, and are one of the causes of stress, fragmentation, aggressiveness and suffering in our current society.

At a practical level, negative thoughts make you lose energy and weaken you. They are a form of inner pollution that must be cleansed so that your mind becomes a more efficient tool.

(To be continued tomorrow …..)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, February 7, 2011

Thought for Today

During the day we can stop for some moments to reflect (think) and remember to be peaceful and silent. This act of stopping is like putting a brake on the mind.

Message for the day 07-02-2011

The power to listen brings inner peace.


Sometimes I find myself hurt even though the other person did not mean anything. This is because I am hearing the words but not able to understand the meaning behind it. This brings misunderstanding and conflicts and even spoils relationships.


When someone is telling me something I need to listen to the other person rather than merely hearing to his words. When I am able to understand the intentions behind his words I am able to take something from them instead of just creating conflicts in relationships.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding The Different Types Of Thoughts That The Mind Creates (cont.)

We have explained Necessary and Unnecessary Thoughts in the last couple of days. Today we explain:

Negative Thoughts
Negative thoughts harm you and are not good for you. As well as the impact they may have on others, these thoughts disturb your peace and weaken your inner strength. If these thoughts occur on a regular basis, they can cause health problems, both physical and mental. They can even become destructive.

Negative thoughts are based on the five vices primarily – lust, anger, greed, ego, attachment. They are chiefly caused by selfish and harmful reasons, without taking into account the values and inner qualities of the person.

"If he speaks to me again in that way I'll beat him up" (rage), "I think they should pay me more without having to do any more work to earn it" (greed).

Negative thoughts also arise from unsatisfied expectations, in disagreements, in laziness, vengeance, racism, jealousy, criticism, hate and an excess of power.

"My boss never appreciates my work but he always values my colleagues more" (jealousy). "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" or "He who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword" (vengeance).

(To be continued tomorrow …..)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Anger is one of the most dangerous emotions, but one of the easiest to understand.
However, before we understand its origins and causes, it is important to remind ourselves that it is always our own creation. It is an emotion which we create as part of our response to what we perceive (understand) is happening around us. As we shall see, no one can actually make us angry, although, like all our other emotional states, it seems as if they do. Anger is also a very painful emotion and we are suffering when we create it. And yet many people believe it is good to be angry sometimes. They even think it is healthy. But the truth is, the evidence has been increasing for some time that anger kills - it is directly connected to heart disease and cancer, and there are now many clinics, which treat patients’ physical illnesses by helping them understand and transform (change) their anger.

Message for the day 06-02-2011

The way to get is to give.


We usually have expectations for taking from others and situations. We do want the best from everything, yet we are not able to take as much as we are capable of. We try harder but are not able to get the best out of situations and people.


I need to empty myself of that which is not required for me before I can think of getting the best of everything. Just as I would not be able to pick up something nice and necessary even while appreciating it, if I had something that I don't require, I will not be able to take the best, if I don’t free myself from waste.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding The Different Types Of Thoughts That The Mind Creates (cont.)

We had explained Necessary Thoughts yesterday. Today we explain:

Unnecessary (Waste) Thoughts
Unnecessary thoughts are thoughts that are produced at untimely moments that fill us with worry and anxiety when they appear in our minds. They have no constructive use. Unnecessary and useless thoughts are quick and repetitive which lead you nowhere. Often they refer to things from the past: "If this hadn't happened? Why did she have to say that to me?" Too many thoughts are about things that we cannot change, or worries about the future: "What will happen tomorrow? How will it happen? What will I do if I find myself on my own?" If I had been there at the time, this disaster would not have happened." "If I had had this information at the time, I would have won the case." "When I get the qualification, I will be more respected by my superiors."

Your ability to concentrate is weakened by these useless thoughts. If you have a lot of these thoughts you use more energy and time to undertake each task. The origins of negativity also reside in them.

From the time that the past has already passed and the future is yet to come, these kinds of thoughts are not useful and they also weaken your inner strength and exhaust you. It is vital that we learn to avoid this pattern of thinking. In this way you will be more focused and your decision making capacity will improve.

(To be continued tomorrow …..)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Happiness increases when given to others.

We usually expect others to give happiness to us. We rarely ever think of giving happiness to others. We don't usually get what we expect because the other person is also expecting the same from us. Whatever the kind of person we only have to make sure that we continue to give happiness to others without any expectations. For this we have to increase our own treasure of happiness by continuing to be happy under all circumstances.

Message for the day 05-02-2011

To remain cheerful is to simplify all problems.


When faced with problems it seems very difficult to maintain the inner cheer and the mind is caught up with more and more negativity, either fear or worry. Because of this, firstly, the problem looks bigger than it is and secondly, we are not able to find solutions and work constructively to solve the problem.


The first step I need to take when I recognise that there is a problem, is to smile to myself. When I make sure I am happy within, knowing that every situation will pass away and it surely has something to teach me, I will find solutions quicker and easier.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding The Different Types Of Thoughts That The Mind Creates

By understanding each one of the thoughts that the mind creates we can keep the beneficial thoughts and discard those which are useless or harmful. Today we explain:

Necessary Thoughts
Necessary thoughts are those relating to your daily routine, such as, "What am I going to have for dinner? What time am I picking up the children from school? What is the number of my bank account? What have I got to do today?" They are also thoughts connected with your profession or job. These necessary thoughts relating to your daily life come into your mind according to your responsibilities and needs at a more physical, material and professional level. When these thoughts are repeated over and over again, they become unnecessary or waste thoughts.

(To be continued tomorrow …..)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The ability to find solutions comes when I know the art of listening.

I normally get to hear a lot of things and tend to get coloured by all that I hear. The more I hear about negative things, the more difficult it becomes to maintain my own positivity. Yet I can do nothing to ignore the things that make me feel negative. I need to know to listen to people rather than just hearing them. To know to listen means the ability to transform negative into positive. Just as a doctor listens to all the negative aspects about the disease etc and still knows only to give the medicine, I too need to listen in order to give what is required.

Message for the day 04-02-2011

True victory is to have inner stability.


Whenever the situation is good and we experience success, the internal state of mind is good too. But when something challenging happens, there is an experience of fear or anxiety. It is not so much that the situation goes wrong, it is more the reaction that goes wrong.


In order to experience success or to feel victorious, I need to change the way I respond to situations. Even in the most negative situations I need to remind myself that the situation itself is not in my hands but how I choose to respond is surely in my hands. So I naturally make the best choice.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Miracle Of Silence

It seems contradictory to speak, or write, about silence because silence is really something to be experienced. In the experience of silence, we discover deep spiritual truths and come to know our spiritual self.

Silence grows within us, helping us to progress and develop in a very subtle way, just like a seed: the flower is hidden in the seed; the seed is hidden in the earth. Sunlight touches the earth that warms the seed and the flower begins to grow. Like a seed, we are also full of a great deal of potential. It is not really knowledge, or discussion that will truly develop that potential. They help, of course, but it is the light of silence that penetrates very deeply and awakens the potential within, inspiring it to burst and to blossom into a flower.

Silence is also a space that gives the mind oxygen, allowing the creation of something new, filling life with power and strength.

Everybody's religion nowadays is one of being busy. Everyone’s rushing around, doing something, proving something, showing something. In that rush to be someone, we tend to forget the great power and miracle found in stillness.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thought for Today

Not only do we have expectations of others we also have great expectations of ourselves. And when we don’t live up to those expectations we can easily be upset with ourselves. We all know that being angry towards ourselves solves nothing and has no benefit. It simply deepens the habit and puts more emotional poison into our system. We only need to be gentle with ourselves, and accept ourselves as we are. There is no such thing as failure, only learning from situations – this is the kind of knowledge we need to have to heal the habit of remaining upset with ourselves.

When we get angry with others, we need to realize what we give to others is what we get back – this is the kind of knowledge we need in order to understand the story of our life, so we do not look back on life in anger as one filled with injustice. And yet, even with all the knowledge in the world, the habit of becoming angry will likely remain, even in subtle (fine) forms. So it helps the healing process to keep forgiving, keep forgetting, keep understanding and moving on. But most off all keep visualizing. We need to keep visualizing ourselves being free of anger in situations and relationships where before anger was common.

Message for the day 03-02-2011

To recognize each ones uniqueness is to have respect for all.


We usually expect people to behave according to our expectations. We would like to see people change according to our expectations and we expect them to mould themselves with our own value system. Yet we notice that this does not happen and then we tend to become disappointed.


I need to understand that each one is unique with his own specialities, and uniqueness. When I am able to appreciate this uniqueness I am able to respect each and every human being and the unique contribution he can make. So with this change in my consciousness I will not expect others to change according to my wish but will take benefit from their uniqueness.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Comparing Atom And Atma (cont.)

The human body is also a complex pattern of physical energies. Atomic particles build together to form the organic structures and inorganic minerals which perform the body's chemical interactions, thus forming the basis of the hormonal and nervous control of the body. What we see as old or young, ugly or beautiful, male or female, is also the effect of these differing levels of physical energies between neighboring atoms. However marvelous a machine the body may be, it is the presence of the soul which makes it function.

One of the basic differences between souls and atoms is that while souls can exercise choice of their movements, where and when to go somewhere, atoms cannot obviously exercise such choice. In a way you could say that a soul is a point-source of spiritual energy that has awareness of its own existence. Atoms do not.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thought for Today

Preparations For Meditation

When you do sit down to meditate by all means focus your eyes on a candle or a picture, but unless you go beyond your awareness of the candle/picture it’s nothing more than a short concentration exercise. By all means put some relaxing music on in the background, but unless you go beyond the sound so that you no longer hear it, it’s likely to be nothing more than pleasant relaxation. By all means listen to a meditation commentary, but unless you, the self aware being or soul, actually goes where the commentary is pointing, assuming it’s pointing at your own being (soul), it’s not much more than hypnosis (a semi conscious stage). And by all means finding that special place, perhaps with special people, all sitting together in a special sitting arrangement in a special posture with thumbs touching forefingers in that ‘special’ way is important but not sufficient enough. However, while all of the above can be seen as good preparations for meditation, they should not be mistaken for meditation itself.

Message for the day 02-02-2011

True contentment brings contentment to others as much to the self.


When we have to do something, we usually do it the way we like. We dont really bother much about others and their feelings. We generally think of our happiness, ignoring how this act would affect others.


My actions need to be such that they do not cause sorrow to anyone. So I need to check my actions and change them. When I do something in the right way, i.e., may actions are connected with the truth, others will be content as much as I am.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Comparing Atom And Atma

The knowledge of the laws of the physical universe is based on the atomic theory. The atom is seen to be a point-source of energy, and different energy levels and vibrations between neighboring atoms give the appearance of form, color and heat. It has been established that the entire material world we see around us as a variety of forms and colors, light and heat, is formed of these point sources of physical energy or atoms. The most beautiful scene in nature is merely a pattern of energy waves and vibrations. The sense organs select the vibrations and relay a message to the mind where all images are formed. The eyes see some of these patterns as light forms and colors, the nose pick up odors. In the same way sounds, tastes and sensations are detected and all of these are transmitted to the mind.

Atomic theory appeared originally in Greece and in India. The English word "atom" came from the Greek word "atomos" meaning "indivisible". This word is similar to the Hindi word "atma" which means "self" or "soul" and refers to the conscious energy of the human as being an indivisible and un-destroyable point of non-physical light.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

You always have a choice but you forget that you have it. Do you remember the energy and enthusiasm you had on the first day of your first job? You consciously chose to do the work you had gladly accepted to do. But then you gradually fell asleep to the choice you made, and the day became "I have to" go to work, instead of "I want to" go to work. You forgot to see all the opportunities which come with work - opportunities like learning, nourishing and being nourished by others, developing new relationships, expanding your personal capacity. Instead you decided it was just something that you had to do to 'get the money'. This is why most people are sleep-walking through their lives, and they don't know it. The solution, choose your work every day, put the energy of love into your relationships...every day, even if you don't particularly like your job or the people around you. And you'll be amazed at how your life transforms. When you choose to put love into what you do, the universe will move heaven and hell to let you do what you love.

Message for the day 01-02-2011

True cooperation brings easy success in every task.


To be cooperative to someone who is being good to you, and to get the cooperation of good people is easy. But not always do we get peoples cooperation consistently. When we dont, it affects the task and our own state of mind negatively.


True cooperation comes from a vision of hope and faith in each and every individual we come into contact with. When we have this vision, we are able to give cooperation in the right way to people. And we are also able to get their cooperation at all times for all tasks, for we will be able to inspire the best in them.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Creating A Positive Atmosphere

Instead of expecting external situations to always be giving some personal benefit to us, the soul should see how it could give benefit in any situation, thus creating a powerful atmosphere of benefit. Where there is expectation there is always the possibility of disappointment thus creating a negative atmosphere, but where there is an attitude of giving benefit there can never be disappointment. When the soul has the power to maintain its chosen positive experience in the mind, it generates a powerful, pure atmosphere. The more powerful the soul, and the greater the number of other souls experiencing the same, the more powerful the corresponding atmosphere.

The original nature of the soul is to be peaceful. Through Rajyoga meditation, we develop the power to maintain an experience of peace for long periods, even when speaking or performing action, and this very naturally has an effect on the immediate atmosphere wherever we may be; in a room, a office, at home or on the street. Ultimately I can influence the entire world in a positive way.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris