Saturday, August 31, 2013

Thought for today 31-08-2013

As is our attitude towards others, so is the quality of interactions. 

Our attitude towards others influences our interaction with them. A negative attitude towards another person not only makes me behave negatively. It also makes the other person use that quality again and again when in interaction with us. We actually become a reminder to the other person about his own negativity. For example, if I continue to believe that someone is lazy and we keep expressing that, that person will only remember their laziness when they see us, and use it too. Today I will remind one person of some quality that I see in him. I will praise or use this quality of the person at least 3 times. Thus, I will be able to become a reminder for them, of their own specialty. This will encourage them to use this quality at least when they are interacting with us.

Soul Sustenance

Experiencing Peace 

In meditation l begin to think about my true identity. l let thoughts about the soul and its qualities fill my mind. Initially it doesn't matter how fast the thoughts are arising as long as they are moving in the right direction. lf my thoughts wander away, gently, l bring them back again to peaceful thoughts of the self. As l become involved in the experience of such thoughts, they will gradually start to slow down and soon l will be able to savour (taste) them. Just as when l am given something special to eat, l eat it slowly, appreciating each mouthful (its flavour and texture), so I begin to appreciate the experience contained in each positive thought. The simple phrase, ‘I am a peaceful soul', comes to life as l begin to experience it. 

Message for the day

To transform the self means to receive blessings.

Projection: The one who brings about transformation in the self learning from all situations, attains victory constantly. He will naturally be able to take the learning from all situations and move on inspite of negative situations. He is also successful in his relationship with others, as he knows to mould himself.

Solution: When I am able to bring about transformation in myself according to time, without just expecting others to change, I am able to get the love and good wishes of all. Because of the ability to mould myself, my thoughts too would be easy and light.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, August 30, 2013

Thought for today 30-08-2013

We all have moments of doubts when we question our abilities. It's when we start to believe and accept our 
self doubts that they can sabotage our performance and overshadow our enthusiasm.

Every minute that we spend in self doubts is a minute that could have been invested in planning, preparing and thinking constructively.

Get over self doubts and get really good at self trust. 
Think: "I have the capacity to do whatever comes my way." Take an action with trust, and move forward!

Soul Sustenance

The Influence Of Your Thoughts, Intentions And Attitude On Your Destiny (cont.) 

We can define three basic types of actions: 

1. Actions which are impure, negative and unclear.
2. Actions which are pure, positive and clear.
3. Actions which are neutral.

Impure actions are those that are influenced by negative intentions, anger, ego, bitterness, fear, rage, revenge, lust, attachment, dishonesty, greed, laziness, jealousy etc. Positive actions are influenced by good intentions and attitudes. They are actions ruled by kindness, forgiveness, love, joy, peace, humility, generosity, sweetness, empathy, trust, unity etc. Neutral actions are not dictated by a negative or positive consciousness and do not cause a negative or positive result. Everything remains as it was. If you do something with the intention of bringing benefit to someone but it does not give the result you desired, you will not receive a negative return, because your intention was good. However, if you carried out an action with the intention of hurting someone, with emotions of revenge, and that action did not hurt the other in the way that you wanted, you will still receive the return of the energy that you have radiated or thrown into the Universe. 

We have to 'pay', or, in other words, we have to reap what we have sown or have thrown into the Universe, through our actions, attitudes and intentions. This is called paying off karma. That is, we have to settle the accounts in order to clean the soul of the marks left on it by its negative actions or intentions. We also reap the fruits of the good seeds that we have planted. 

Message for the day

The biggest treasure of all is the treasure of experience.

Projection: The one who has the treasure of experience is able to bring benefit to others. He is clear in thinking and accurate in judgement. So he is naturally able to give directions or corrections based on his own experiences and is also successful in it. Also there is equality in what he talks and does.

Solution: To be an embodiment of experience means to learn from everything that happens. So when I am able to become an embodiment of experience, I am able to feel mastery over every situation that comes my way. The power of my experience enables me to move lightly through all situations.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thought for today 29-08-2013

The biggest help for the self is to forgive. 

When I carry negative experiences, I am not able help myself be light, easy and natural. There is a feeling of bondage and discomfort. But, when I learn the art of forgiveness, I am able to free myself from this bondage. I experience inner freedom and lightness and I am able to make the right judgment too, in future interactions. Today I will forgive someone whom I was not able to forgive all this while. I will not forgive because he needs forgiveness, but because I want to be free. Forgiveness is possible when I understand that everyone has a unique role to play on this world stage. I cannot expect another person to act or behave or think
like me, because his role is different and unique.

Soul Sustenance

The Influence Of Your Thoughts, Intentions And Attitude On Your Destiny 

We constantly carry out actions on this world stage. Each and every action is always motivated by an intention, and has an attitude and behavior connected with it. According to the intention and the attitude with which you carry out a particular action, the action will return to you in a beneficial, negative or neutral way - the law says so. Nobody is above the natural laws of cause and effect. These laws function each time that you think, feel or act. For example, if you have a negative thought and you water it with your attention and develop it for an hour, or if you get up in the morning with negative thoughts and these thoughts remain in your consciousness for some time, this negativity will return to you. As a result, perhaps you feel depressed or angry, with a headache, a weakened immune system, little energy and you have a bad day. 

Your thoughts affect yourself, other people and matter. Thoughts also affect the environment.Children and animals pick up the vibrations of others; sometimes they go spontaneously to a stranger or at times keep a distance from someone who is known to them. Some pet owners do not trust a specific person if their pet, say a dog doesn't like the person or keeps a distance from him, because pets have higher perception powers. Being in harmony with someone's vibration means that you pick up the quality of their thoughts. A person with a good vibration thinks positively and carefully. On the other hand, a person with bad vibrations, perhaps, has a lot of anger, hatred, ego and laziness in their thoughts and attitude. 

(To be continued tomorrow…) 

Message for the day

To be a giver means to give according to need. 

Projection: The one who is a giver would be sensitive to the needs of others and will be able to give what the other person needs at the right time, instead of giving what he wants to give. Also such a person is able to give without expecting anything in return. 

Solution: When there is even a little thought to share with others whatever I have, I would naturally be able to perceive my own inner treasures and experience being full. Sharing with others, whatever I can, enables me to get their good wishes also. I thus find myself experiencing the richness of life. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thought for today 28-08-2013

To make an appointment with the self is to increase self-esteem. 

To make an appointment with someone means to spend quality time with that person. When I make an appointment with myself too, I need to make use of it fully. So, from time to time during the day, I need to go within and see the specialties that I have. I need to get back to work and interactions with the consciousness of these specialties, which will color positively all that I do. Today I will learn from the tortoise. Just as it withdraws within from time to time, so also let me take just a minute to introspect and see the specialties that I have. The more I spend such quality time with myself, I am able to increase my own state of

Soul Sustenance

Refreshment For The Mind 

Silence is a great therapy for healing the self. If we remain very quiet and concentrate, we save a lot of outward energy, with the result that we act and speak less. When that energy is saved, then we are able to turn inwards and even heal our physical body. On a daily basis, the mind needs to go into a quiet space for refreshment and reflection; in much the same way as the body needs regular breaks for rest and nourishment. Refreshment occurs when the mind is able to recharge itself, that is, to re-energize and to have the strength to remain positive, light and creative. Reflection (looking inwards) is the time we give ourselves to refine our internal understanding of external situations so that our interaction with others is of the highest quality. Through reflection, we can change the way we think, feel and interact. We change the way we are voluntarily and without pain. 

Spiritual knowledge without silence is like a bird trying to fly with only one wing. 

Silence empowers an individual's capacities and enables the recognition and release of their unique potential. In today's world, silence is as necessary for the mind as oxygen is for the body. We need that spiritual breath that sustains our life in a way that is meaningful and fulfilling. 

Message for the day

To be a creator means to use all treasures for a positive contribution.

Projection: Even in the most negative situations, the one who has the thought of creation, works towards bettering the situation. Every thought, word and action is towards creation and not towards worsening the situation. Such a person is not concerned about who spoilt the situation or how it got spoilt. To the extent possible, he works towards bettering the situation.

Solution: When I am working towards creation, I am able to make the best use of my resources and treasures. I then experience constant progress. I also experience contentment of having made a contribution, however little it may be. I have no questions, but only answers under all circumstances.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Thought for today 27-08-2013


With whom does the choice to make your decisions lie? Are you going to be dominated by your fears and others. negatively powerful influences, which paralyze your judgment power and confuse you sometimes or are you going to exercise your choice? When someone dominates you, they control you and make you feel irritated, frustrated and weak; they satisfy their own ego like that by controlling you and bringing you under their influence. You need to decide if you are comfortable being a victim of the other by being the one who satisfies the egos of others. It is not a very healthy attitude, on their part, but it happens in many relationships and we fall prey to that, because of a lack of spiritual power. Get back your personal ruling and controlling power and do not be afraid to be free and responsible for your choices. From today on, promise yourself that you will not allow your husband or wife, or children, or your friend, or mother-in-law, or your office colleague, anybody for that matter, influence the power of choice, the power to decide, that you possess. In the end, that way they will be happier; perhaps not at first, because a power game is created. Your personal freedom will lead to a healthier relationship, in the long run. Its fine to take an opinion or a viewpoint or support from someone, but there is a fine line between that and being controlled by someone, which we, many a times cross, and become a victim.

You are free when you take responsibility for what you are and how you feel. In meditation you can realize everything that has influenced you and know how to clear it, so that only the highest, the most positive influence you. This depends on each one of us. In our present society, there are many influencing factors, from the most negative, violent, corrupt and mediocre, to the purest, highest and most spiritual. It depends on each one what you want to consume and allow to be influenced by.

Soul Sustenance

Mind, Intellect And Personality 

Just as electrical energy produces heat, sound or light depending on the device through which it passes, similarly, the energy of consciousness functions through three different but closely connected entities, the mind, intellect and personality. 

The Mind
With the power of the mind, one imagines, thinks and forms ideas. The non-physical mind should not be confused with the heart, the physical organ that maintains blood circulation. 

The Intellect
The intellect understands, reasons, memorizes, discriminates and makes decisions. The non–physical intellect should not be confused with the physical brain, which is the physical focus of the nervous system. 

The Personality 
Habits and sanskaras are all embedded in the soul in the form of impressions as a result of every action performed. The most fundamental feature of every soul, its personality, is determined by such stored impressions. 

Message for the day

Honesty brings success in relationships. 

Projection: Honesty means being the same inside out. Honesty with oneself helps one to bring about constant improvement in the self. Honesty with others enables one to relate positively under all circumstances. There is no rudeness but there is an openness that brings about love towards the other person. 

Solution: When I am honest, I am able to experience progress in my own life and others are benefitted too with my own self-progress. I am able to maintain harmony in my relationship with others because I am open with them and I find myself successful in my relationships. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, August 26, 2013

Thought for today 26-08-2013

It is extremely important to realize that, in any situation, you have the power to choose whether your response in that situation will be passive or pro-active, positive or negative, indifferent or attentive etc. You choose what action you take and how you feel. But do you exercise your power of choice all the time? You need to check which factors influence your decision making and push you either in one direction or the other? There are many factors that control and limit your power to make the right, and more importantly, free choices. These factors primarily include influences of people that dominate your ways of thinking, your beliefs, your attitudes, even your complete personality. You are also limited by the influence of your own fears, attachments, desires, biases or other negative and waste thoughts, which result in a lack of focus. 

There are a lot of people who are not used to thinking for themselves or even prefer being a “yes” man, going along with what others think and say, without having an opinion of their own. Also as you pass through your childhood and teenage life and enter adulthood, you acquire many preconceived ideas or beliefs from your family and social and cultural environment; that is why you assume inside that some things or people are always positive and others are always negative when, in fact, that’s not necessarily true. This directly affects the type of decisions you make, each time there is a requirement for one. In any particular situation, courage, wisdom, high self-esteem and focus is required to sit down calmly and make an assessment about the possible choices before you, and then finally make the right decision. The more you practice relaxation, positive thinking and meditation, the more you rise above all the negatively influencing factors mentioned above , the more you experience the positive qualities and powers mentioned above and exercise your power of choice accurately and with confidence. 

(..continued tomorrow)

Soul Sustenance

Repairing The Engine Of Your Consciousness 

You can spend your life driving a car and never know what's wrong when it breaks down. You are then completely at the mercy of others to repair it. At that moment you probably think to yourself, "God, I wish I knew how this thing works..." Sounds familiar? Unfortunately, God cannot help with car mechanics! 

It's almost the same with your inner self. The presence of any stress, or any form of mental/emotional pain, is a signal that something has broken down inside the engine of your consciousness. If at that moment you don't know who you are, and how you work, how will you repair things in the inner self when they break down? We are not talking about the body here. If you have something seriously wrong with your body you obviously need to see a doctor. But even then, if you are a little enlightened spiritually, you know that the original cause of your physical disease lies within your consciousness, your state of mind, your feelings and emotions, which, in turn, lies in your beliefs, most of which lie deep down in your subconscious. So, if repairs are to be carried inside your consciousness (to keep the mind and body functioning smoothly) you need to know certain things - essential things - about your spirit, mind and heart. That's what spiritual knowledge is all about. Spiritual knowledge is the complete knowledge of the spirit (or soul) and how it works. Fortunately, the Supreme Spirit (or God) can help us with this knowledge that he alone possesses! 

Message for the day

The one who works to remove the sorrow of others is the one who is loved by all. 

Projection: When there is the one aim of helping to remove the sorrow of others, there will be nothing negative while dealing with others. There will also be no expectations from others. Working with the natural desire to bring benefit to as many as possible, enables one to continue to contribute to whatever extent possible. 

Solution: When I am able to have this one desire of helping others be more happy, I am able to make a contribution for others' happiness and progress. I then find that others naturally appreciate my selfless contribution and their good wishes help me feel light and experience progress. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Thought for today 25-08-2013

True cooperation is to have good wishes for even the one who harms. 

Everyone needs the cooperation of good wishes to overcome their weaknesses. Good wishes makes them realise their own true worth and empower them to bring about a change. So, even for the one who harms, I need to have a feeling of mercy and good wishes and not hatred. This will help them at every step. Today I will think of one person who has not been good to me. I will work on my thoughts in such a way that I will have good wishes for this person. I will do something to have a thought of good wish for this person. The little help that I offer in this way, will return back to me too in the form of good wishes and blessings.

Soul Sustenance

Personality Radiation 

Each thought that we create, every word we speak and every action we perform is responsible for the radiation of non-physical energy or vibration into the universe; towards other people, to the surroundings or the atmosphere as well as to physical nature. A very important aspect of our consciousness which influences the quality of this vibration is the intention or hidden meaning behind each thought, word and action. When the intention is pure, positive and unconditional, positive packets of the energy of peace, love, good wishes, happiness and truth get transmitted. People who experience this positive energy from us are reminded of their personal positive qualities, even if these qualities are different from ours, and get inspired to imbibe the same and put them into practice, although this may not even be our conscious intention in the first place, but we just have a general pure, positive, intention towards everything and everyone around us. But this giving of inspiration happens automatically. On the other hand,when the intention is negative and impure, it is as if we bring other people, surroundings and nature down i.e. in a way we absorb positive energy from these entities, instead of filling them.People, without realizing, will come down from their positive personality state on receiving this energy and become inclined to thinking and speaking against their basic, positive nature; thus it is a negative inspiration. Both are energy exchanges, but one is positive and the other is negative. 

The above process happens even when we are quiet, not creating any thoughts and not speaking or performing any actions. Depending on the kind of nature or personality we have, those type of vibrations keep getting emitted from us all the time. The higher the quality of the activity inside the mind and intellect during the day and in general in our life, even if they are inactive at a particular point of time, the higher the quality of the energy radiated at that time. It’s as if we are constant spiritual energy radiators and radiate our personality all the time, even while we sleep. The purer our personality, the purer this radiation is. 

Message for the day

Where there is contentment, problems finish. 

Projection: Contentment enables one to have a positive outlook towards life. So the one who is content always works towards solutions, as he is never disturbed with situations, but is always relaxed. This automatically brings the ability to contribute to others and give them the support to bring progress within them. Such a person works for his own self-progress too. 

Solution: When I am content with everything that is happening, I am able to be light in all situations. So even in the biggest difficulty, I am never caught up with the problem, but am always thinking of the solution. My mind is busy with finding the solution, so internally I remain unaffected with the problem. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Thought for today 24-08-2013

Don't look back with guilt or regret. 
Look back with appreciation.

Don't look around to blame or compare. 
Look around with admiration and acceptance.

Don't look ahead in fear. 
Look ahead with purpose and hope.

Soul Sustenance

Recharging Our Spiritual Battery 

Each day we all need to recharge our spiritual battery, otherwise the light of our consciousness becomes dim, thoughts become scattered, and decisions are filled with doubt. Power is available inside and outside. Inside us we have a spiritual centre, at the center of our consciousness, pure radiant spiritual light. This is what we are. However it is now blocked by our attachments, the record of all our life experiences and many negative beliefs and perceptions (way of looking at situations). Outside us we have the Supreme Soul, the source, the Supreme Being, invisible to our physical eyes but only one second away when we are able to quieten and focus our mind on him. Meditation connects us to both sources of power - that's why meditation is the way to access the real vitamins and the minerals that the soul longs for. Sit quietly and connect your mind to each source and allow yourself to recharge. 

Message for the day

Introversion brings out the positivity within. 

Projection: Every human being has an innate positive nature because of the inherent qualities of love, peace, happiness etc. that are within. Introversion, the practice of looking within, enables one to be in constant touch with oneself and one's true nature. It helps express these qualities in everything that is done. Because of having practiced for a long time with them, these qualities emerge very naturally at the time of need. 

Solution: The practice of being introverted helps me in experiencing those qualities within me, which otherwise remain hidden during difficult situations. Thus it makes me have true self-respect and enables me to finish my ego. It also gives me the power to recognise and accept my mistakes, thus giving me the courage to work on them successfully. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, August 23, 2013

Thought for today 23-08-2013

At some point, we all have to correct someone about something. 
To give corrections without offending and insulting, isn't just about when, how, and what you say.

To ensure corrections are sincere:
1) Check your intentions. If your intention is to support the person, then there will be power in your words.
2) Have good wishes for the person and fill your words with good wishes. Good wishes help your corrections to be taken in the right spirit.

Soul Sustenance

The Fifth Phase/Age Of Humanity (cont.) 

When we see and realize the significance of this current Age, the fifth Age or the Confluence Age (Sangamyug), we also find greater clarity in our life's purpose. It becomes obvious that the world will not become a better place through more resistance or conflict; this only adds to the sum of fear and anger in the world. To fight for peace is a false belief which has taken over the human mind. To think that peace comes from conflict, or that conflict is necessary to achieve peace, is to think right comes from wrong. Deep change is an incognito process (process which cannot be seen) within individual souls. Through meditation or yoga (union), we awaken and restore our true, peaceful selves; we absorb the light of truth and love from the Supreme and we are spiritually empowered. This we can then share with others. As we radiate our spiritual energy and reflect the light of God into the world in gentle and humble ways, the effects of our self-change reach out to other souls as an invitation to do the same. 

The nagging questions which must enter most minds at least once in a lifetime (such as * Why me? * Why here? and * Why now?) are answered - our highest purpose is to help others know themselves as they truly are i.e. souls and to help in reconnecting them to the Supreme. This is why simply sitting in meditation, generating and radiating vibrations which are peaceful and loving, can help to heal others and the world itself. That is our primary responsibility at the Confluence Age. When we take up this responsibility we assist the Supreme in his task at the Confluence Age, i.e. bringing about the Golden Age. 

Message for the day

To recognise the uniqueness of my own personality is to be free from negative influence.

Projection: The one who is aware of one's own uniqueness is able to create a strong influence on others of his own personality. So, such a person is not negatively influenced by anyone's personality traits. Even when there is a person with a very strong personality, he is still able to be free from negative influence.

Solution: When I am able to recognise and use the specialities that are within me, I am able to remain powerful within. In all circumstances and with all people I experience this innate power. Because I am constantly in touch with my own specialities, I am able to be light and happy.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thought for today 21-08-2013

Is Physical Relaxation The Road To Peace? 

Its a common notion to think of peace as being closely related to the beauty of nature - the play of waves on a beach, the blowing of wind through a forest, the soaring and swooping of gulls; in short, anything away from the rush and hurry of the city. Alternatively we associate peace with some physical form of relaxation like headphones plugged into soothing music, a hot bath after a hard day, a brisk walk in the park, etc. In meditation we realize peace to be our very essence (nature); we realize very quickly, trying to extract peace from the world around us or even from some physical sensations in our own bodies gives us only a temporary experience of it. 

Once we start meditating, we start to see physical relaxation as an escape from tension and not a solution for it; and the beautiful scenes of nature now no longer as sources radiating permanent peace. But in fact it is their mere absence of conflict, their harmony of colours, forms and sounds, which appeal to us. There is something in each of us, which cries out to be free from conflict. We discover that "small voice" or need is only our true nature demanding to be recognized. We realize that neither the body nor nature can give the peace that the soul was longing for, but it has to be tapped from within. Having found it, it remains constant, whether in the city or countryside, in comfort or discomfort. In the midst of noise and confusion, peace is really our own.

Soul Sustenance

The Fifth Phase/Age Of Humanity (cont.) 

When we recognize the precise and exact nature of cyclic time, we can also joyfully expect and work for a new day or the Golden Age. For this to happen, great changes must take place in human affairs. It is a process of change that can only begin from within the individual. Just as we have been responsible for the degradation of the physical environment, of our world, so it is we who must take up the repairs. When we understand that all change is from soul to mind, from then from mind to body or matter we realize that it is our own spiritual awakening and purification which can change our world at all levels. As we turn to face the Source of love and light and fill ourselves with spiritual energy, the process of reduction in spiritual energy of the world is slowed down and slowly reversed. The soul returns to its original pure and loving state. The result is a change of the inner world of consciousness which, in turn, is reflected in the change of the outer world that we all share. 

When we change, the world changes. 

(To be continued tomorrow ...) 

Message for the day

Balance makes life peaceful and happy. 

Projection: A life of peace is a life of balance. Sometimes, even a single negative thought or word can throw one out of balance. Even a virtue needs to be in balance. For instance determination, which provides energy and concentration necessary for any accomplishment can become stubbornness. So determination when balanced with patience and flexibility creates a life of happiness. 

Solution: When I have detachment whilst using a virtue, I am able to maintain balance. Otherwise I find that even a virtue to an extreme takes a negative form. Detachment enables me to recognize the importance of the virtue and use it in the right way, according to the requirement. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Soul Sustenance

The Fifth Phase/Age Of Humanity (cont.) 

A circle is not a circle unless the line turns perfectly consistently to join up with itself. A cycle of time is not a true cycle unless it repeats itself identically. From such an angle, we can become aware of a fifth Age, the Age we are now in - theConfluence Age (Sangamyug - a short Age between the Iron Age (Kalyug) and the Golden Age (Satyug)) - a time of change from old to new, from night to day and from vice to virtue. From the end of one cycle to the beginning of another. It is in this Age that our spiritual Parent i.e God hears and responds to our collective cries for help and relieves us from the pain and the fear that we ourselves have created. Like a good Parent, He intervenes at this time, the only time during our entire journey, to tell us the whole story - who we are, what has happened to us and how to find our way home. He reveals the complete picture and, as a result, sets us free from our false beliefs. 

The importance of this time period now sets us free from wondering why the world seems to be so full of pain and suffering, as we can now understand that this is the end of the cycle, thus all souls are settling their karmic accounts at both the individual and collective levels i.e. souls are experiencing sorrow in various forms as a result of all the negative actions they have performed in the Copper and Iron Age. Debts are being settled amongst souls. Knowing this, we find it easier to detach from the numerous negative scenes that we come across, while staying focused on settling our own karmic debts through the power of spirituality. At the same time we are available to those around us when they need a little help to settle their own karma in the easiest way possible. 

(To be continued tomorrow ...) 

Message for the day

To have a desire for the good act done is to eat unripe fruit. 

Projection: To have a desire to get the result of what one does is like eating unripe fruit. It is like following a shadow that will never be got. On the other hand, to do things because there is joy in doing it is to enjoy putting in effort. This also ensures that there is fruit attained at the right time. 

Solution: When I am able to do things because I enjoy them, I am able to be free from expectations. And because I am free from expectations and desires, yet working towards my aim, I find myself attaining everything without any difficulty. I am patient and wait with joy for the fruit of my effort to ripen. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Thought for today 20-08-2013

Correction is to correct what is wrong and not to correct who is wrong. I need to correct the mistake and not the person. When I am caught up with correcting the person, there are a lot of negative feelings. Also, no one has the power or the patience to listen to corrections. But, when I am focused on correcting the mistakes, I use others' qualities and my own qualities to better the situation. So, there are positive feelings and emotions. Today I will see what I can do to change a situation when something goes wrong. I will not worry about who was wrong, but try and focus my energies on what could be done to be

Soul Sustenance

The Four Phases/Ages Of Humanity (cont.) Looking at the complete human story explained yesterday, we are now at the darkest period in human affairs i.e. the end of the Iron Age or Kalyug . Our spiritual power is at its lowest level. We are no longer one world but broken up into around 200 nation states. Like children playing all day in the forest until night has arrived, we realize that we don't know where we are or how to get home. We start to argue and fight with each other and small groups break away and go in their own directions. Many of us feel a sense of being lost. Our cries for help take many forms. The world is full of fear instead of love, vice instead of virtue, sorrow instead of happiness, conflict instead of harmony. These are all symptoms of ill health at the spiritual and mental levels. When they have an impact within us as individuals, they result in physical disease and, when they become a part of our relationships, we harm each other (mentally and physically). The only way we can heal, renew and re-energize our spirit or soul is to turn our faces to the Sun of Spirit or the Supreme Spirit (God) and, in that spiritual relationship, be open to receiving the pure light and love which reawakens, heals and re-energizes the soul. The healing of our relationships can only happen when we, as individuals, realize that we are sources of love, children of the Ocean Of Love. Tomorrow we shall be explaining what is the fifth phase/age of humanity...

Message for the day

Truth brings humility Projection: When there is commitment for truth one has the courage to express this truth in all aspects. Even if others oppose or criticize such a person is never affected. With humility he is able to learn from everything that happens and further uses each learning to go closer to the inner truth. Solution: When I am firm in my commitment for truth, I am able to enjoy the beauty of everything that happens in my life. I recognise the fact that everything and everyone is instrumental in taking me closer to the truth. Thus, I am able to remain humble appreciating everything and learning constantly. In Spiritual Service, Brahma Kumaris

Monday, August 19, 2013

Thought for today 19-08-2013

Worrying leeches your vitality. It robs you of the energy needed to accomplish things. Why not clear away the gloomy clouds of worries! Allow your mind to relax and bask in the eternal sunshine of the worry free mind. Your mind will then be rested and rejuvenated - ready for life.

Soul Sustenance

The Four Phases/Ages Of Humanity (cont.) In the stories of history of both the Greeks and Indians, human life on Earth is depicted by four phases or Ages. These four Ages together make up one cycle. The four Ages are: Golden Age or Satyug (also the morning or spring time of humanity) - remembered as Paradise, Heaven on earth, around 4,000 -5,000 years ago when the world was one kingdom and there was complete purity of the soul and peacefulness and happiness in all human affairs. Sorrow in any form or at any level was unknown. Silver Age or Tretayug (also the day or summer time of humanity) - still relatively like Paradise, still unity, but the purity of soul and matter were beginning to decrease. Sorrow was still unknown. Copper Age or Dwaparyug (also the evening or autumn time of humanity) - the loss of spiritual awareness and stepping down into the consciousness of the body, succumbing to the five vices. Also the beginning of separation and breaking up of the world, the beginning of sorrow and conflict. Ego begins to rule in the minds and hearts of men and women. Iron Age or Kaliyugi (also the night or winter time of humanity) - the dark night of the soul and the darkest period of the world, a time of greed, lust, sorrow, peacelessness, conflict, war and hatred at all levels of human activity. (To be continued tomorrow ...)

Message for the Day

To be enthusiastic is to be light constantly. Projection: The one who is enthusiastic looks for challenges and excuses for self-improvement. He is constantly moving forward in the most challenging situations. He uses all the available resources for personal growth and the benefit of others. His words and actions induce enthusiasm in others too. Solution: When I never let go of my enthusiasm in every moment of my life, I am able to be constantly light. This enables me to enjoy this moment, and ensures that I use it to the maximum for making my future better and bright. I also become a source of light for those around where they are able to take inspiration to make the best use of what they have. In Spiritual Service, Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Thought for today 18-08-2013

To admire is to imbibe their qualities. 

It is easy to admire someone. But, when I admire I also need to understand what makes the person so great. What are the qualities that he has in his life, or what qualities he has developed during the journey of his life. I need to make an effort to imbibe these qualities. Today I will think of one person whom I admire and see what I can learn from his life. I will then focus on imbibing at least one quality from him, into my own life. This will be the real tribute I pay to the person whom I admire. 

Soul Sustenance

The Four Phases/Ages Of Humanity 

In the stories of history of almost every ancient race, like the Egyptians, Greeks, Hindus, Mayans, lncas and Aborigines, there are many many references to a period, some four or five thousand years ago, when Earth was Paradise. Remembered as the Golden Age, Garden of Eden, Atlantis, Satyug, these stories all talk of a time when the world was beautiful and new - Heaven on Earth. Nearly all ancient peoples and traditions have a common memory of a time when humanity lived a simple yet magical existence in harmony with nature. Our ancestors said that this Golden Age came to an end because of some tragic mistake made by those who lived in that Age - the mistake being - they fell down from the pedestal of soul consciousness into the dust of body consciousness and succumbed to the five vices of anger, lust, greed, ego and attachment. They said that it was only after the change in the human way of being and living - the 'fall' of the human consciousness - that tragic global calamities (accidents) took place on Earth, whose geological, climatic and mental impact erased the former Golden Age almost completely. 

(To be continued tomorrow ...) 

Message for the day

To be an embodiment of solutions is to experience inner power. 

Projection: During challenging situations, the one who is able to see things clearly is able to bring about solutions. To work with honesty means to see things clearly. The one who is able to bring about a change in one aspect is able to apply this learning in many more things and he finds his entire personality changing. 

Solution: When I am constantly looking for solutions I am able to bring about a change form within. Each experience teaches me something new and enriches me. My perception continues to change and with each passing situation I become more and more positive. So I find myself powerful for all situations in life. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Thought for today 17-08-2013

When things get tough, do you quit and walk away from the situation? Of course, sometimes quitting is the right choice. But when we quit, we can't always avoid the situation. Invariably we find ourselves in a similar situation in the future. That means, whatever we're walking away from, we're merely putting it off. So be honest with yourself about why you choose to quit or not to quit. And acknowledge the weakness within yourself that's triggering the situation. Then work towards changing yourself and building up your strengths so that you're able to overcome similar situations in the future.

Soul Sustenance

Experiencing Yoga (Meditation) In Different Karmas (Actions) –cont. To perform good and perfect actions we use both spiritual knowledge and power in a practical form (called karma yoga). Given below are some more examples of the same (we had explained a few yesterday): While interacting with others, have the awareness of the soul, a being of light, situated at the center of the forehead, radiating rays of might or power towards other souls or beings of light. While writing, have the awareness of the Supreme Soul or God speaking to you and making you work. And also practice, "I the soul am writing through these hands, my instruments." While listening, in any situation, have the consciousness that I the soul, am listening through these physical ears. While bathing, have the consciousness of being the soul, the deity, cleaning the temple of the body. We need to pay attention that we do not do any action that creates wasteful thoughts in the minds of others. The above karma yoga practice (and what was discussed yesterday) will help us in doing that. If our actions create wasteful thoughts, then this becomes a burden for us and as a result we cannot remain light.

Message for the day

To have courage is to have the ability to bring easy change. Projection: The one who has faith in the self, in others and in God is constantly courageous. To have courage means to ensure change even in the most adverse conditions. Situations help in bringing change and progress. To bring change means to finish complaints. Solution: When I am courageous in difficult situations, I don't have any complaints for whatever is happening. I am also not caught up with the past. On the other hand, I am able to constantly use the present moment and move forward towards the future. My vision becomes clear and I am able to bring about quick and easy change. In Spiritual Service, Brahma Kumaris

Friday, August 16, 2013

Thought for Today 16-08-2013

To be disciplined is to get the cooperation of all. 

When I am disciplined and use my time and energy well towards an aim, I find that people cooperate too. If I am not consistently disciplined, people too move me away from my aim. If I want cooperation from others for anything, I need to first focus on setting myself on track in the right way. Today I will check and see if I am using all my resources in the right way. I will first set my routine right. I will ensure that I am doing all that I have to do, in a disciplined way. This will help me get the cooperation of others too, as they would have respect for me and my routine.

Soul Sustenance

Experiencing Yoga (Meditation) In Different Karmas (Actions) 

To perform good and perfect actions we use both spiritual knowledge and spiritual power in a practical form (called karma yoga). Given below are some examples of the same: 

If you are involved in a karma where you have to give full attention and concentration to your work e.g. working on a computer - in this situation, just for one minute concentrate your consciousness on the question "Who am I?". Concentrate on the thought of yourself as a peaceful, pure and loveful soul. Emerge your real consciousness. Try to do this once every hour. You could wear a digital watch, which will assist you in doing the same by reminding you after every one hour with a soft beep. 

If you are involved in a karma where you do not have to give full attention and concentration to your work, practice, for as much time as possible, being the soul, a being of spiritual light, between the eyebrows, radiating vibrations of peace and purity towards the universe. 

While cooking, have the consciousness of the Supreme Being, the Supreme Beloved, for whom I am preparing food. 

(To be continued tomorrow …)