Friday, March 31, 2017

Thought of the day 31.3.2017


All things have their time. All things have their answers. All things have their right to be. Accepting this reality, all things come into harmony.

Soul Sustenance

A Powerful Consciousness Of Faith In Critical Situations (Part 2) 

Having accepted the reality that negative situations in our mind, body, wealth or relationships will arise in our life from time to time (explained yesterday), a question arises what kind of consciousness do I keep in these kind of situations and how do I ensure that the situation does not overpower my consciousness. Because only a powerful consciousness of faith or victory will keep me protected from the negative emotional (internal) and physical (external) influence of these problems but will also become the most important influencing factor which will help me in overcoming the problem and going towards the solution or attracting it towards me, sometimes immediately and sometimes slowly, but steadily, without losing my inner stability during the period that I wait for the solution to arise. 

What is a powerful consciousness of faith when faced with a negative situation? No negative scene or situation of any type in my life lasts forever and this scene shall also pass and I shall emerge victorious over it using the power of thought, the power of positivity, the power of spiritual knowledge, the power of meditation. Victory is my birthright and it is dead certain. This is in short a powerful consciousness of faith. 

In tomorrow’s message, we shall explain what is preventing us from keeping this consciousness of faith and how we can maintain it in critical situations. 

Message of the day

To have learnt means to bring about a practical change. 

Projection:From all that happens, I usually understand a lot of things and take important lessons. But sometimes I find myself making the same mistakes again and again. So I am not able to bring about real change. 

Solution: Once I realise and learn from a mistake that has happened, I need to spend some time in understanding it even further. I need to ensure I don't ever repeat the same mistake. This will enable me to bring about real change. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thought of the day 30.3.2017

Good Relationships
In order to create good relationships... - with your mind, think about what you have to learn from others, - with your eyes, look into good qualities of others, - with your words, recognize, value and appreciate their accomplishments, - with your actions, cooperate and do something for others.

Soul Sustenance

A Powerful Consciousness Of Faith In Critical Situations (Part 1) 

Almost every single day in our present lives brings with it various ups and downs in mind or sanskaras (when our thoughts or sanskaras are not the way we would like them to be, in spite of us wanting them to be so), body, wealth (or profession or role) and relationships. There is not a single human soul existing in the entire world today that is experiencing a constant state of positivity in the four parameters mentioned above. All parameters are extremely changeable and every now and then seem to bring with them negative surprises. A very simple reason for this is today we stand at the fag end of the eternal world cycle, when every human soul is in its last phase of its journey of birth and rebirth in this respective cycle, a journey in which it has committed many mistakes, especially in the latter part of the journey, as it has continued to lose its power and succumbed to negativity or the consciousness of the physical body. 

So the problems from time to time in the four parameters mind, body, wealth and relationships are nothing but a reflection or mirror image of incorrect actions performed by each soul, especially in the latter part of this cycle. If we are expecting a time to come in the present time, when all these will be absolutely fine and they will always be positive, that will not be possible, not until this cycle reaches an end and we return back home to the soul world. Until we return, we will need to settle all our accounts of our past karmas or incorrect actions, by being faced with problems in these four parameters (not necessarily in all of them at the same time, but in one or more from time to time) and overcoming them with ease, positivity and power. Instead of running away from this reality we need to accept it completely and instead of looking at ways of keeping these parameters positive on a physical or superficial level only, which we will be able to do but only to some extent because there will be times when it will not be possible for us to change the negativity in these parameters, in spite of our deep efforts on a physical level. We should do it and we will be able to do it at times, but it will not be possible each time that these parameters will change for the better as much as we want and at the speed we desire. 

(To be continued tomorrow…) 

Message of the day

To forgive the self is to have the ability to forgive others too. 

Projection:I sometimes find it very difficult to forgive the mistakes committed by others. I do try to understand but am not able to understand the other person's behaviour and so find it difficult to forgive them. 

Solution: When I have love for myself and am able to learn from all that happens, I am able to forgive myself. When I know to do this, I can understand the other person too from his perspective and can easily forgive him. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 29.3.2017

Caring Heart
I express my care and concern by responding to situations with a cool head and to people with a warm heart. If I remain aware that as fellow human beings we are all part of one family, and that even the smallest of gestures can make a difference in people's lives, I am always blessed with a caring heart. It takes so little to show that I care yet it can mean so much.

Soul Sustenance

Success And Its Right Essence (Part 3) 

Whenever you begin any task, stand back from the task and observe the thoughts in your mind. If the thoughts are of worry, a lack of determination or a feeling of difficulty or you possess a negative attitude - that means you are not internally happy. This type of mindset is a negative start to the task and prevents success from being achieved. A positive and powerful thought and a happy thought is the fuel for everlasting success to be achieved. Determination attracts success and a lack of hope and positivity is sowing the seeds of failure. Also, there are many people who are looking to succeed fast and in a short span of time but they experience failure at the level of the heart. They are not only themselves discontented but no one will experience contentment from them. So, always look for success but before you reach those important milestones, which will always exist in your life, also look for happiness and contentment at every step. Otherwise, all those loved ones and the beautiful relationships you share with them and also the beautiful role that you take pure pride in will leave you. This is because many times, in trying to achieve too much and too fast, we are taking the wrong road to success. It is sometimes said – Success comes at a price. This holds for true for many young achievers. They have done a lot and done good, but they did not follow the real meaning of success and take the right path to success, as we have defined in this message. 

Always remember, we are human beings not human doings. Always keep the being before the doing and success will be at your doorstep all through your life. Even if you achieve a little less on a physical level, you will achieve a lot more in terms of love and respect received from everyone around you. Also, the true wealth of happiness will be with you all through your life and you will live life much stronger and more peacefully. 

Message of the day

True love provides the right environment for people to grow. 

Projection:Usually in relationships we begin to expect from people whom we get close to. We feel that because we have love for them we have a right over them. Because of our expectations we are not able to give the other person freedom to move forward or progress. 

Solution: When I have true love I am able to provide the right environment for people so that they can bring about progress in their life. I will not hold on to them and expect them to do everything according to my needs, but give them real support. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Thought of the day 28.3.2017

An angel is a guest for he cleans up behind him. Where there has been misunderstanding he returns to clarify; where there has been hatred he offers love. He is never without gifts and always without burden.

Soul Sustenance

Success And Its Right Essence (Part 2) 

Success has wrongly been defined as the happening of a positive event or reaching an important milestone in your life. We often say we have done well in an exam or we have got a degree or we overcame a serious illness or we finished a project at work. These are all outer events when something good happens in our life. We have always thought that success came from outside. On the other hand, success in every sphere of your life will be much more and much more long lasting if internally you are powerful, content and joyful and full of truth. This is because our internal state of mind along with our intelligence and other important personality traits and also our physical skills bring us success. 

Sometimes our internal state of mind is very good but we lack positive skills and maybe a good physical personality suited for a task, and yet we do well in the task. This is because your inner state influences the task much more, even if you have not worked very hard or used too many skills. On the other hand, when our internal state of mind is sometimes not so positive, clear and powerful or our mind is full of unnecessary and negative thoughts but we are extremely talented and possess good intellectual skills, we don’t perform well in a particular task in life. In this case, the skills are not enough to achieve the required purpose. So, long term success is attained more by what we think and positivity in character than by the different positive skills and talents we possess externally. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message of the day

The way to overcome negative feelings is through positive thoughts. 

Projection:Whenever things don't go the way I want them to, I start thinking negatively and end up feeling low. The more I think negatively the worse I feel. The negativity inside me increases and I spread it around by reacting negatively with other people which in turn gets me depressed. 

Solution: I need to constantly remind myself that thinking is actually feeling. All I need to do is to control my negative thoughts and deliberately induce positive thoughts. This way I will be able to control the way I feel about a situation or a person and keep out of the low phases that I otherwise go through. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 27.3.2017

Truly Precious
More valuable than the things we give to each other are the gifts of virtues we pass on quietly to others through our selfless and noble actions. These gifts are truly precious because they are imperishable and they multiply the more we share them.

Soul Sustenance

Success And Its Right Essence (Part 1) 

We all live our lives in the pursuit of many goals and achievements. Although, life presents to us different types of situations and life in its every moment has something to be achieved. It is in living every moment of our lives in happiness and contentment that true success is attained. On the other hand, reaching important goals and achieving important milestones in life in different spheres is very important. Yet while reaching these goals and milestones and on our journey towards reaching them, if we remain light and keep our actions positive and correct and as a result we remain happy, that is in fact true success. 

Very often, when we try and move too fast to our goals, there can be some success achieved. But while reaching that goal if you perform actions that give sorrow to others or you are not honest or you lose hope and confidence or even for that matter your relationships or health our affected because of that, then that is not true success. Success means experiencing a sense of achievement at every step and not just when the final destination is reached. Also, success means sharing good wishes with each other and giving love to each other, giving blessings and taking blessings from each other, serving and sustaining everyone with good qualities and powers and being a good person. Materialistic success in wealth or role but not experiencing success in these different emotional and spiritual terms is not complete success and not 100% success. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message of the day

Humility brings learning. 

Projection:When I feel I have gained mastery over something , I usually make my mind closed to receiving new ideas . I feel I know everything and then am not able to learn anything new. This is because of my own ego or arrogance. 

Solution: I constantly need to maintain the awareness that I have understood this much now and I will understand more later according to the time and circumstances. This will help me remain humble even while gaining mastery over what I am doing 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 26.3.2017

Making Peace
There is something that you can do to help create peace in the world, and that is to make yourself peaceful.
The first step in this is doing some real soul-searching to find out what has made you peaceless in the first place. Turning your mind within allows you to discover, underneath the many surfaced emotions of everyday life, a deep, undisturbed pool of spiritual well-being. You need to explore that part of the self, not just to understand it, but to experience it again and again. This is a very satisfying experience, one that refreshes the soul and fills it with peace. From this vantage point, it becomes easy to recognize the kind of thoughts and feelings which are self-destructive.
The power of self-realization will work wonders in transforming these destructive mental habits. You will stop blaming others for your peacelessness, and get on with the work of cultivating your truth.

Soul Sustenance

The Psychosomatic Effects (Effects On The Body) Of Fear 

The human being is psychosomatic by nature – what that means is that our health is deeply influenced by our behavior, thoughts, emotions and social relationships. Therefore, in order to experience good health, we should care for our life style, our mental, sentimental, emotional and relational world, as well as our communication. Fear is bad for our health. It manifests itself in the form of anger and promotes coronary diseases. Fear suppressed for a long time ends up producing diseases such as cancer. Apart from cancer and heart attacks, there are other illnesses brought on by fear: addictions, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, irritability, nervous breakdowns, memory loss, gastritis, back pains, baldness, diarrhea, sciatica, crying attacks, alcoholism, constipation, hypertension, cystitis (bladder inflammation), vomiting, palpitations, digestive disorders, ulcers and migraines. 

When we get old, our neurons do not die, but rather the connections between them disappear, that is what recent scientific research suggests. The neuronal connections or synapses keep us lively and young. When we have pleasant experiences, such as during meditation or when we are on a holiday or are surrounded by friends or while working in a team, some examples of activities in which we feel happy, the neuronal connections are more fluid. However, the lights go out when we feel fear. It is an emotion that is capable of slowing down and blocking the electrical impulses between the neurons. With fear we are less creative and we get older more quickly. If we do not want to suffer illnesses (or want our illnesses to get worse) we should learn to manage and overcome fear. 

Message of the day

To understand is to be open to learning. 

Projection:When someone says something that I don't like, I usually see the other person's negativity and continue to find fault with him. This is usually because I am not able to understand the particular situation.

Solution: I need to recognize the fact that people in my life are there for a reason and I can learn from everything that happens through my interactions with them. Recognizing this fact will stop me from blaming others and start using each learning for my own personal growth.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Thought of the day 25.3.2017

 I wish to be me
How fast can life become? How much can we do in the corporeal amount of time we have. There are only 24 hours in the day, but we're trying to fit 26 hours into it. If we could watch a movie of our average day we'd probably be amazed at all the things we try to do.
And then there is the exact opposite. Some of us spend our lives watching others doing and achieving, and from these images we build such high expectations of our own life, and then sit around feeling utterly powerless in our attempts to meet these expectations. That powerlessness becomes hopelessness and hopelessness becomes depression. If we can just see this process and release these expectations! If we can at least be detached from any expectations, we will get back some of our inner power and self-motivation.
It helps to stop watching others and their lifestyles, especially in the media, and then comparing yourself to them. It helps to eliminate all but one 'I wish' from your mind. There is only one valid and useful 'I wish' and it is simply "I wish to be me". For that is all you can ever be. It is all you can ever have. It is all that you are. And when you know it, you will be free of all expectation and desire, and able to enter the most relaxed state of being, at will.

Soul Sustenance

I Am Peace (Part 3) 

Meditation for mental peace is something we commonly hear nowadays and it is something which is being practiced by thousands of families and professionals nowadays. It is helping them bring peace and calm in their minds as well as in their relationships. Some people do not realize the importance of looking inwards for maintaining peace and also the importance of methods like meditation for achieving that. But remember, a few minutes given to looking after the self everyday will make you powerful to face the growing number of situations which come at you from people in your family and at office. Meditation is not running away from society but is an easy technique of mastering the thought patterns of the mind and keeping them under control. To meditate is to create thoughts related to the self like – Who am I, What is my role in this world, What is my original stage when I came to play my part in the world, Do I perform positive actions throughout the day, Am I being of peace and love always, Do I come into contact with everyone with a positive consciousness, Do I satisfy God with my daily routine, Do I remain stable irrespective of what happens around me, Do I remain pure and peaceful in my interactions with others, etc. 

These type of thoughts which are mentioned above and giving answers to the questions asked by the mind is a way of making the mind busy. This is the most basic type of meditation. Of course, as you go ahead with your meditation practice, you have to go from thoughts to pure experience. In pure experience, thoughts stop and the self just exists in a stage full of peace and no longer needs the support of thoughts but can stand on its own feet. The feet are a pure loveful connection with the Supreme or God which gives the self the beauty of experience. Experience means to just be peace and not necessarily create thoughts related to peace. 

Message of the day

The one who has the power of truth is the one who can tolerate.

Projection:When someone disbelieves me I usually tend to argue back and try to prove my point to the others but find that I am not able to convince them. Yet I find that the more I talk the less I am listened to. And I only end up getting frustrated. 

Solution: When someone challenges the truth of my words, I need to check within myself if there is something that I can correct or learn. When I learn to do this, instead of being stubborn with what I have to say or blaming others, I find it easy to tolerate. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 24.3.2017

Que Sera, Sera

Resistance leads to persistence. Whatever you resist or push against simply persists and pushes back in equal measure. Instead, transform resistance into acceptance by practicing "Que Sera, Sera ... whatever will be, will be..."

Soul Sustenance

I Am Peace (Part 2) 

Peace inside is often reflected to the outside. Very often homes and offices which are more orderly, normally have people living and working inside them who are more peaceful. A less orderly place to stay and work in, increases our thought activity. People who are confused easily in difficult situations tend to also ignore their surroundings and prefer living in less orderly environments. So, inner peace and outer peace are connected with each other. Keeping both, the mind and the surroundings full of calmness by using subtle methods for the mind and physical methods for the surroundings makes you stronger inside. It also increases your ability to keep your thought activity to a minimum. This is required very regularly when there are different types of situations and while coming into contact with people of different personalities. Very often a big group of people in an office can be challenging to work with and can make people even have thoughts of leaving such a group of people permanently. This happens when they are not able to cope with different people and their demands. A calm mind, some say in an 8 hour work day at the office, with demanding deadlines and different people with their different ways of working and opinions, is next to impossible. At the same time, for some, who have learnt to remain at ease in situations or who have learnt the habit of thinking less irrespective of whatever happens around them prefer working in groups. They find it easy to be a part of a group. On the other hand, some lose hope and cannot bear the pressure of that and prefer living alone and with a few people. 

A good leader will be good at managing people well and also good at managing the self and remaining stable in difficult situations, which are the main cause of negative thoughts. The positive thought activity of a good leader and his peaceful nature directly influences the quality of mind activity of the people whom the leader leads and makes them peaceful. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message of the day

Sample To bring equality in whatever I understand, desire and do is to be truly successful. 

Projection:Although my understanding of right and wrong is really good, I am not usually able to be or feel successful. This is because I notice a mismatch between what I know and what I want. So I am not able to bring that knowledge into action. 

Solution: A conscious effort needs to be put in from my side to compare and see which is better for me - what I know is right or what I feel I want. When I compare in this way, I will be able to change my desires in keeping with the right thing. When these two match, I will be able tobring it into action too. So I will be able to be successful. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 23.3.2017

To help others to grow is to enable ourselves to grow.
It is easy to raise our voices and complain when we encounter someone else's negativity. This disturbs our own inner calm and we become caught up with that negativity, When thrown off balance in this way, we are unable to give the other person the support he or she needs.When someone is doing something wrong, I need to see what I can do to help that person, There is surely something I can contribute toward the growth of each and every human being. When I focus on how best is it to offer my help, I do not become caught up with negativity and I can transform the situation into one that benefits us both.

Soul Sustenance

I Am Peace (Part 1) 

An important feature of lives of successful people is a mind which remains free of questions and always remains solution based. Very often, problems of the world shake up the mind and make you confused, leading to negative results in life’s situations and also harming relationships with people. Ideally, people around us remain content with us when our mind is relaxed and free from any mental disturbances. A very important habit that we should choose to make a part of our personality is the ability to give a brake to our thoughts of fear and anxiety. We need to do this in any type of situation and instead create thoughts of determination and surety of success so that even negative situations bring about positive results. Thoughts increase when negative situations come close to us and have an impact on our minds. So, in such situations, first of all it is important to realize, that any such situation has a hidden benefit inside it. We cannot see this benefit and also being sure that the hidden benefit will be visible very soon, is the method of remaining peaceful and calm. That means a mind with few thoughts and free of questions. 

Do you know the original state of the soul, when it stayed in the soul world, was completely thoughtless? As it came down in the world and took one birth one after the other, the number of thoughts inside it started increasing. At the same time, the different types of negative situations surrounding it also increased slowly, showing how a mind without peace attracted peacelessness on an external level. The confusion in the world today is nothing but a reflection of the nature of human minds which are extremely peaceless. This is to the extent that even a 6-7 hours night of sleep is difficult for some to experience at times.

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message of the day

To be free from negative thoughts is to be free from punishment. 

Projection:Whenever there is a negative situation I tend to react very negatively to it. I tend to have a lot of negative thoughts and experience a lot of difficulty at that time. I then begin to blame the situation and feel that I am facing punishment because of it. 

Solution: I need to understand the fact that the biggest punishment I experience is through my own negative thoughts. The more I can free myself from these kind of negative thoughts I can free myself from experiencing any kind of punishment. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 22.3.2017

Unique Gifts

Becoming aware of own gifts and those of others fills life with beauty. When I am aware of others' unique gifts, I can encourage them to develop them. Using my own gifts enriches others as well as myself. At times of need, I am able to draw on these qualities.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Soul Sustenance

The Key To Mental Freedom – Spiritual Knowledge 

The world is full of many wonders; incredible works of art and architecture, of science and invention, but the greatest of them all by far is the human mind. It is the mind's play that brings about all activity in the human world. The outline of everything people construct is first formed in the mind and then filled in with matter to assume a concrete shape. History, science, culture, trade and commerce, in fact all knowledge and systems of our day-to-day world, are but the projection and fulfillment of thoughts born in the mind. If the mind, by concentrating itself on matter, can bring about such wonders and attain such miraculous physical powers as we have, what can it not attain if it concentrates on itself and on the Supreme! 

Disorder and tension on the individual level and as a result on the social level are the result of ignorance of the self and the world around, such that the mind stays without rest. It runs, jumps and churns aimlessly, lashed by waves of feelings and emotions. Like a spider caught in its own web, the individual becomes entangled in nets which are the consequences (results) of this ignorance of the self and the fundamentals of life. When we receive spiritual knowledge from the seed of the tree of humanity, the Supreme Being or God at the present time, we begin an upward journey that takes us through deeper and deeper levels of understanding and experience which create freedom from these nets. This freedom, as a result helps us create a positive future, not only for ourselves but we also take up the responsibility of creating the same for the complete tree of humanity, which is primarily the purpose why God shares this knowledge with us. 

Message of the day

The one who has attention on the self is the one who constantly experiences progress.

Projection:Whenever I am faced with a situation, it is very easy to think and talk about others and their mistakes. I hardly have any time to look at and understand myself and my mistakes. I then continue to repeat the same mistakes again and again. 

Solution: Whatever the kind of situations I am faced with, I need to remind myself that I am the one who is going to benefit by bringing about a change in myself. So with this thought I need to constantly continue to check myself and bring about a positive change in myself. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Thought of the day 21.3.2017


Do not hide the treasures in your heart in fear that they will be stolen - instead share them and find they multiply.

Soul Sustenance

Detached Observation – A Spiritual Skill 

Detachment is the basis of our ability to be positive and affectionate with others while we interact with them. This is what is known as commitment and the relationship of detachment and it begins with what is known as a spiritual skill: the skill of being a detached observer. 

On needs to be a detached observer in two dimensions: one within and one outside: The inner art of detached observation is the ability of separating ourselves from our own thoughts, emotions, attitudes and behavior. On the external level, the art of detached observation is the art of being witness to the scenes that take place around us. While we detach ourselves and observe how the game of life develops, without being active participants, we are able to see the big picture with greater clarity. That makes it easier to see clearly what role we have to play and where our contribution lies. We are creators, and our thoughts, emotions and attitudes are our own work. 

In reality, detached observation is the first step towards personal strengthening. If we don't manage to detach ourselves from our thoughts and emotions, they will turn into our owners and will consume our energy. 

For the practice of meditation it is essential that you act as a witness of everything you think and feel, and, once some time has passed, you will find that the practice simultaneously frees you and offers power. 

Message of the day

The one who is free from expectations is the one who is constantly cheerful. 

Projection:Usually I am quick to percieve my own desires and I do realise that desires give sorrow. So I make effort to overcome them. But most often I am not able to recognise my own expectations that I have from people which destroy my own cheer. My expectations from others prevent me from bringing about a positive change in myself. 

Solution: I need to recognise that each and every individual is unique with his own unique specialities and values. When I recognise this uniqueness I will not expect people to behave according to what I feel is right but will respect them for what they are. Thus I'll be able to be constantly cheerful. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 20.3.2017


Learning and teaching are players in the same game. If either one stops everything becomes heavy and ceases to be fun. Learning is the reward for respecting life and teaching is the fruit of experiencing life.

Soul Sustenance

Be The Change That God Wants To See (Part 3) 

God loves those whose actions are in tune with their thoughts i.e. they practice what they preach. Very often you will meet people who love God but their actions do not reflect that. Will someone who is egoistic or likes bringing others down, who are more successful than him or someone who is full of hatred be called as one who loves God? Does such a person’s love reach God or does God accept that love with a big heart or is such a person’s relationship with God one sided? If you want God to receive your love and also love you in return, we need to learn to make our actions and words and even our thoughts which others cannot see as what God loves. That means a personality as close to God’s personality as possible which is not very difficult. There are many people all over the world who are extremely clean and enjoy a good closeness with God because of that. It’s not that you have to leave your home and your family for doing that but you can become like Him while playing your roles in your personal as well as professional lives. It’s just a matter of being determined and having 100% love for the Supreme because where there is love for Him, change in the self becomes easy to make. Also, this change gradually becomes a lifestyle. Adopting such a lifestyle of deep change and a desire to make others also like God, who is above all of us and is the source of all the good that exists in humanity, then becomes the purpose of our life. 

Many people question the reason for making an effort to becoming perfect and say that it is a waste of time. They believe that instead one should be action oriented and perform ones worldly duties and not worry about weaknesses and let them remain inside our personality. In fact, some people even go the extent of saying that let weaknesses like anger, ego and greed be a part of one’s lives because they will help us in becoming successful. This is a convenient way of running away from our responsibilities as a spiritual child of the Supreme Father. These responsibilities involve a lifestyle of active self-transformation. So, live life to its fullest but at the same time be and live the change that God wants to see inside you.

Message of the day

Sample True service is to serve equally through thoughts, words and actions. 

Projection:Whenever I think of serving others, I think of only serving through actions or maybe even through words. I never think of serving through my thoughts too. So sometimes I do find that my service is not complete and doesn't have a true impact. 

Solution: Before I can think of helping someone through words or through actions, I need to make sure I have good wishes for them. Only when my feelings for them are full of positive and powerful wishes can my service create its impact on others. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, March 20, 2017

Thought of the day 19.3.2017

Fill the Gap

If anyone has any weakness, make it your duty to fill that gap. To speak about someone's weakness is not greatness. The greatness lies in removing that weakness.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Soul Sustenance

Be The Change That God Wants To See (Part 2) 

Whenever you perform any action or speak a few words or even create a thought, ask yourself, will this thought, word or action be liked by God or not? Then create the thought or speak the word or perform the action. It’s as if God is like a role model whom I have to follow and keep in mind in the complete day. This can be called as following the footsteps of God. Such a person’s life is then filled with a lot of praise from people around them. Their words, actions and personality are a source of inspiration for others and by making God a role model for themselves; they become role models for others. God fills such clean souls with specialties that help in revealing God to the whole world and bringing people close to God. Other people will come close to God but souls who are like God in their actions become the mediums for bringing them close. Remember, initially people may find it difficult to come close to God because they are in awe of Him. Souls who are already close to God and to whom God has revealed Himself completely, will through their similarity in qualities with God, show them the way. This is not something to be proud of, but it is a bond of pure love with other souls and our duty to bring the lost ones and tie them in an eternal relationship with their spiritual parent - the Supreme. We need to make sure that they not only experience love and joy from Him but also go on to share that love and joy with others. It’s a beautiful feeling when one is able to bring someone close to God, who is the spiritual parent of humanity. Also, God wants to see the whole world family united by the thread of His love.

So, whenever you look at someone, whom you meet, remind yourself that you have a duty towards that person, which has been given to you by God. The duty means making the other person an extremely close companion of God. That is the most beautiful bond of many lifetimes and something which every human being has longed for many times in the journey of birth and rebirth. 

(To be continued tomorrow ...) 

Message of the day

Truth is effective when it is combined with tact. 

Projection:I usually react when something goes wrong. In the heat of the moment I give corrections and others don't seem to understand. Then I tend to become confused, as it is difficult to make a choice whether to leave the situation as it is or to prove my point to the others. 

Solution: Unless truth is combined with tact I cannot make people realise their mistakes. When I find something going wrong, I need to wait for the right time for saying what I have to. I also need to tell it in a way that the other person can understand. Only then will my words have their impact on others. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Thought of the day 18.3.2017

Still Waters

A life of turbulence and noise may seem desirable to one who leads it, but wisdom is a pearl found only in still waters.

Soul Sustenance

Be The Change That God Wants To See (Part 1) 

Starting a journey of a loveful connection with God brings with it, along with the love and care experienced from God, a lot of sacrifice and discipline. This is because God is not only an Ocean of Love but also a watchful parent who expects His children to take love and belongingness from Him. But, along with that, He also expects them to give Him a return of the love. When we see physical parents, no matter how big the child becomes, the parents always expect their children to be like them and also follow them completely and be good and clean human beings. In the same way, God, the spiritual parent, has His own way of defining what is right and wrong and how we should make the right a part of our lives and keep the wrong away which can harm us on a spiritual level. Remember God’s personality is not like ours but it stands at a higher level, to reach which, we have to stand tall and upright in character. We have to also let go of not only our ego but also our rigid beliefs of a very long time. 

So, to reach God and be with Him up there, which means have a personality like Him, we have to listen to His every word and every instruction. We have to also change our old ways of thinking instead of being stubborn and continuing with our old habits, which do not go away easily. There are some who promise God their love but when it comes to following in His footsteps, they are not as faithful and trustworthy as God expects them to be. So, what does one call such children? Unfaithful – we cannot call them that because they love God a lot and also like changing themselves as per God’s desire, but not to the extent which God wants them to. As a result they are seen as semi-faithful because they are loveful and loyal to God but lack the determination and power to bring significant shifts in their thinking. Also, they do not become spiritual self or soul conscious, completely pure and egoless, which are the three primary qualities required to reach upto God and stand as tall as Him. 

(To be continued tomorrow ...) 

Message of the day

The one with contentment is neither upset nor upsets others. 

Projection:Many times I find that my words, actions or behaviour tends to upset others inspite of my not wanting to hurt them. I seem to be very happy with the situation, but others don't seem to be. At that time I am not really able to understand the reason for this and I consider the others to be unreasonable. 

Solution: I need to check myself when others are getting upset with me. I need to make effort to check and change myself constantly so that I am able to move along with the demands of time. This is what will bring about true contentment - such contentment that neither will I be upset nor will I upset others. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 17.3.2017


The one who knows the art of connecting to others is successful. When someone is not behaving well, we tend to alter our attitude, response and behavior toward that person. We wait for the other person to change, before changing ourselves. When I know the art of perceiving others' specialities and connecting to them, I will always be successful. I am then not dependent on the other person's behavior for my own growth. I am able to see each person's positive aspects and absorb them in myself too. Then I become richer with every interaction.

Soul Sustenance

Positive Consciousness For Success (Part 3) 

A very simple method of keeping a positive consciousness is to begin every task by emerging a powerful thought of positivity. Check yourself whether your mind is only focused on the task or there is a positive thought process which is above the task. The more this becomes a practice, the more you will be able to dictate the task with not only physical skills but also with your thoughts, which are more powerful than your words and actions. Thoughts when given a right direction can become a very powerful force in your life and give it new meaning and also bring success in every sphere of your life. Also, words and actions can sometimes be ineffective or sometimes not as effective in making a task successful as much as thoughts can be. It has been proven in many studies that thought energy is extremely powerful. It can influence people around us and bring about significant results much faster and more effectively as compared to words and actions. Of course, positive and powerful words and actions are important and no task can be achieved without them. But, by making your thoughts full of peace, love, happiness, power and truth, we can achieve much more in any task and complete it sooner. Such positive thoughts are commonly called affirmations. 

So, let’s start every task with a positive affirmation in your mind. Then, repeat the affirmation while performing the task. Depending on the task that you are performing and as per the requirement of the situation, make the choice of your affirmation. E.g. I am a peaceful soul and peace is my original and natural quality or I am a joyful spiritual energy and I shall radiate joy to everyone around me or I am a powerful spiritual being and I shall be victorious in every situation or I am full of love and all other souls around me are also originally loveful and I will share love with them or I am a truthful being and the Ocean of Truth - God is with me and helping me at every step. The more strong the affirmation, the more positive you will remain. 

Message of the day

The one who is constantly flying with zeal and enthusiasm brings progress in others too. 

Projection:Whenever problems come my way, I tend to feel heavy with waste and negative thoughts. At that time I am not able to feel free and light. When there is heaviness in my mind, I can't move forward with enthusiasm and thereby find it difficult to contribute for others' progress too. 

Solution: Whatever the circumstances I am faced with, I need to make special effort not to reduce my enthusiasm in any way. The more I am able to be enthusiastic, the more I am able to contribute to the progress of others too along with my own progress. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thought of the day 16.3.2017

Words Words Words

Words! They are all around me! I see them. I use them. Harsh words, soothing words, biting words; words that give pain and sorrow; words that give joy and pleasure. They are vital to communication. When words are spoken there are reactions, negative or positive. Either thoughts are triggered or emotions fired or actions performed. Words colour our behaviour. And how lovely it is to hear words that are calm and free from rancour and aggression. To hear words that lift the soul and leave it with renewed vigour. Such words are the sparks of purity. It is important to remember that my speech indicates what is in my mind. As the thinking, so the words uttered. Mental calmness makes my words calm. A pure mind makes for pure words. It is said that speech may exalt someone to kingship or send him to the gallows. I should never let myself indulge in false, bitter and vicious speech. My words should reflect my true, inner nature, that of purity and peace. Words, once spoken, can never be recalled. They reverberate all around, beyond our control. Today, as I utter words, what effect will they have on those who hear them? Will they be the words that are poisonous and cause pain? Or will my tongue be like that of the nightingale, sweet and so, so very soothing and lovely to the ear?

Soul Sustenance

Positive Consciousness For Success (Part 2) 

The most important aspect of our life is our consciousness while performing any action. Let’s say your work is looking after your home and cooking meals as well and looking after your family. So, while doing this, do you only remember all the tasks that you have to perform like selecting the ingredients of your meals and using the right recipe to prepare them? Or do you pay attention to what you are thinking at that time, which is what we call consciousness? Also, is the action of making a meal just a routine or you enjoy it completely? Depending on how we think, the action performed either gives us an experience of happiness or even if we do not experience any stress while doing it, but nor are we immensely positive while doing it. We could call it a neutral state of mind, but not a positive one. 

So, our consciousness is extremely important while performing any task. Suppose you have a task at hand, check at that time that are you looking at the task with enthusiasm and determination or you want to complete it because it has to be done and it’s your duty? Do you experience happiness and are sure of its success or fear that you may not succeed or it may not work out as you are expecting it to? These are some examples of what our state of mind or consciousness could be and how it could influence the task and how we perform it. Our consciousness is more important than the task itself. The more positive the consciousness, the more positive will be the experience of performing the task.

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message of the day

The one who recognises the needs of others is the one who gives real happiness. 

Projection:I need to be a giver in the true sense. Before I think of giving, I need to recognise the needs of others. The more I keep myself tuned to this I will enjoy what I am giving and the impact of it will be there on the others too. I will then find that others are pleased with me too. 

Solution: I need to be a giver in the true sense. Before I think of giving, I need to recognise the needs of others. The more I keep myself tuned to this I will enjoy what I am giving and the impact of it will be there on the others too. I will then find that others are pleased with me too. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Thought of the day 15.3.2017

Barriers to Love


Whatever is in your heart that is not clean, not true, will ultimately begin to act like a wall, obstructing the natural flow of love. People who say that there is no love in their life, are being blocked by this wall. Actually there is love, but they just can't accept it. Ego is the clearest example of this. Ego limits the flow of love by placing conditions on the love you give and receive. Ego uses love to satisfy its own needs and desires. It produces a love which is deceptive, one which brings only temporary satisfaction. Ego does not allow you to experience true love or share it. If fact, ego is capable of destroying your ability to feel love altogether

Soul Sustenance

Positive Consciousness For Success (Part 1) 

We all are living a life full of responsibilities and roles in different spheres of life and on a typical day, we play those roles and fulfill those responsibilities from morning till night. Also, while doing these, the perfect role player needs many skills, qualities and powers to play them and achieve success in all of them. It is said, the more internally strong you are, the more stable and content you will remain in playing your role of any type. The role could be in your personal life or in your professional life or in any other aspect of your life. 

Let’s say, you are a student in school or college and you have different types of assignments to complete as well as you aspire to do well in all other activities in your school or college. Also, at home, you have to give time to your family members and also play different responsibilities in other relationships like friends, etc. While doing all this, do you ever realize that you could do all this faster and with greater success if you remembered that you are a spiritual energy working through your physical body? Also the spiritual energy is being guided by God always and you are under his protection. Let’s say, you are a businessman and you have to work for more time at your workplace and then return home and look after your home also. Along with that, there is also, a desire to do well socially and succeed financially. So, all this could be done with greater speed and efficiency and without any stress if you managed your thoughts better. Also, if you kept a calm and composed intellect, that would help you take good and correct decisions. Let’s think about these things in this message. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message of the day

To switch on the power of awareness is to be free from being mood off. 

Expression:To be mood off means to find excuses and reasons to feel negative - to have negative thoughts for the self or for the others. But if there is a strong powerful awareness in the mind, a positive thought about the self, there will not be a chance for a negative thought to enter the mind. So there will never be any reason to be mood off. 

Experience: When I am able to maintain a single powerful thought, I am able to remain happy and content. I am not dependent on the external situations for the internal state of mind. Nor do I make external situations as an excuse to further weaken my own thoughts. So there is constantly a feeling of positivity under all circumstances. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 14.3.2017

Look Inwards


We all have three eyes. Two for looking out and one for looking in. Why would we want to look in when everything is happening 'out there'? Because the treasure we seek is inside, not outside. What is treasure? Beauty, truth, peace, happiness. You already have what you seek. You already are stunningly beautiful. You are already peaceful and loving. How come you don't know this? Simple, you never look inwards, beyond superficial memories or recent experiences, so you never see your own riches. Take a moment to stop, look in and see. Don't rush. Don't search. Just look. And be aware.

Soul Sustenance

Forgive To Forget 

A key principle to remain light and stable in relationships is – forgive and forget - it’s a well-known principle – one that we sometimes find difficult to practice. It can be modified to forgive to forget. Sometimes we spend many years with so much bitterness inside us for a particular person, with an inner violence of wanting to make the other pay (emotions of revenge), the one who has supposedly hurt you. If you don’t strike back immediately, you at least want to keep this guilt card in your pocket, to be pulled out at a later date: Oh yes, well what about the time when you…. We keep this bitterness inside us because we haven't forgiven. It does not resolve the situation; the only thing it does is increase our pain, makes us heavy and does not let us remain in peace. So the key is that if we do not forgive, we cannot forget. When someone has offended or insulted us, the last thing we want to do is to let it go. And yet, if our desire is to have a healthy, lasting relationship, that is exactly what we’ve got to do. 

Sometimes, when it is a question of a broken relationship, it is not only a matter of forgiving the other, but of forgiving yourself for having allowed yourself to enter that experience. It was you that took the step to allow that experience to be entered into. If you hadn't taken that step, you wouldn't have had that experience. You accepted that challenge, that relationship, and what might happen in it – you were aware of the possibilities when you entered in the relationship. So not only do you have to learn to forgive the other, but also to forgive yourself in such situations. Only then will you be able to forget.

Message of the day

To be free from waste questions is to save time. 

Projection:There are a lot of negative situations that come my way, as I am moving along. During the difficult phase I tend to experience a lot of negativity within too, either in the form of fear, anger or pain. At that time the difficulty seems very big and seems to last forever. 

Solution: I need to recognize the fact that whatever difficulties I face are like passing clouds. These clouds come at their time and fade away at their time too. I need to develop the determination to work on my problems with this understanding. I will then be able to face the situation with ease. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 13.3.2017

Members of a Great Family


Values are related to each other as if they were members of a great family. From peace and happiness emerges inner joy. From this state of wholeness love awakens and with is the desire to share and give.

Two of its relatives are tolerance and respect.

All values have a shared origin which unites them – the peace of spirituality.

When you lose peace you begin to lose everything.