Sunday, May 13, 2012

Soul Sustenance

Changing Your Belief System To Overcome Feelings Of Revenge 

It.s worth wondering, what I need to change inside my belief system so that no feelings of revenge exist inside me for anyone irrespective of what someone has done to me. When someone harms me or insults me in any way, what is the belief that exists inside my inherent belief system that causes feelings of revenge to emerge inside me in the first place? It is the belief that .whenever someone does something negative to me, he hurts me, he is the victimizer and I am a victim.. need to change that to . .no one can never hurt me, but it.s what I do with someone.s negative actions, what shape I give the negative actions inside my mind, that causes me hurt, the choice lies with me.. 

Two people will do two different things inside their minds with the offensive or negative actions of a particular person . one will create feelings of anger, hatred, sorrow, etc which will give rise to the desire for revenge; the other will create feelings of peace, love and good wishes which will give rise to only forgiveness, with no room for revenge. In other words,two different people will respond in two different ways to the negativity of the .so called. victimizer, depending on their belief system, their inherent personality or nature, their experience of similar negative actions in the past, either committed by the same person or by other people. All these factors will shape their perception of the other.s actions and the self. One will see the other or perceive the other as the victimizer and himself as a victim and another will not identify the other person with his negative actions, but will instead focus on his inherent positive nature or positive aspects of his current personality and will also remain unaffected himself. 

(To be continued tomorrow .) 

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