Monday, February 15, 2016

Soul Sustenance

A Gauge To Check How Spiritually Powerful Am I 

The territory of spiritual understanding is both infinite and unlimited. Simply put, spirituality can be defined as the rediscovery of the deepest values, virtues, positive sanskars or characteristics of the human soul. The innate attributes or characteristics of the soul (peace, love, truth, purity and happiness) give the soul its power. The power of the soul cannot be quantified either on a physical or a non-physical level. The power can only be experienced and revealed to the self and others through the quality of the above characteristics and the different forms they are given by the soul itself. 

For a practitioner of meditation, whether a beginner or an experienced once, patience and a gentle persistence guarantee two aspects of self-progress (in varying degrees in different souls):
1. rediscovery and revelation or expression of one's spiritual attributes and secondly, but very importantly
2. the ability to give them an appropriate form internally or externally, depending on the requirement of the situation. 

A particular soul might be good at both aspects, another one very good at the first aspect and not so good at the second one. When we choose to be peaceful, we reconnect with our inner peace and create the spiritual form of peace within our self. This form created is different for different souls, depending on how powerful the soul is. So what is the quality of that form, what is the quality of our peace? Is it a superficial quality that is easily disturbed with unexpected changes in our external circumstances, or is it a deep peace which is stable even in the face of fierce criticism from others? Only we know the quality of our spiritual forms. 

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