Friday, February 26, 2010

Thought for Today

When you look at the world through your physical eyes, you will see all the facets of our diversity: culture, race, personality, religion and so on. Seeing only through your physical eyes, it is easy to become stubborn and to try to prove yourself right. However where there is stubbornness there is no love. And trying to prove the self right is equally offensive. A diamond will sparkle even in the dust; you do not ever need to prove that you are right. In the face of the dangers that come from seeing only with the physical eyes, always think: now is the time to go beyond all divisions, beyond all that limits us and our sense of self. Whatever the race, the religion, the class - our consciousness now has to go beyond all of that.

Message for the day 26.02.2010

The one who is constantly flying with zeal and enthusiasm brings progress in others too.


Whenever problems come my way, I tend to feel heavy with waste and negative thoughts. At that time I am not able to feel free and light. When there is heaviness in my mind, I can't move forward with enthusiasm and thereby find it difficult to contribute for others' progress too.


Whatever the circumstances I am faced with, I need to make special effort not to reduce my enthusiasm in any way. The more I am able to be enthusiastic, the more I am able to contribute to the progress of others too along with my own progress.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thought for Today

To step into the soul's potential, let go of the past. If you keep thinking about how you were in the past then this will hold you back. By keeping the soul's potential in front of you, then you can reach it.

Message for the day 25.02.2010

The one who recognises the needs of others is the one who gives real happiness.


I usually make a lot of effort to give in some way or the other to those around me. Yet I sometimes find that people are not able to be happy with me. What I give is usually based on what I feel the other person needs. I continue to give in this way and begin to expect from others too, and find myself disappointed when I am not appreciated.


I need to be a giver in the true sense. Before I think of giving, I need to recognise the needs of others. The more I keep myself tuned to this I will enjoy what I am giving and the impact of it will be there on the others too. I will then find that others are pleased with me too.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thought for Today

Tread lightly upon this earth, seeing, understanding but never imposing. Thoughtful, independent, be gracious in victory and defeat. Free of possessiveness, so ease of mind sweetens relationships. Like the scent of a rose the untroubled spirit imparts a lasting fragrance.

Message for the day 24.02.2010

To be free from waste questions is to save time.


When difficult situations come my way I usually have a lot of questions in my mind about it. I continue to ask myself why the situation has come and have no answers. These questions usually bring me no solution for the problems at hand but I continue to have waste thoughts.


I need to understand the importance of the time that is in my hands. When I recognize the value of my time I will not waste time in unnecessary thoughts but will try to find a solution for the problem. If there is no solution for the problem I at least just stop thinking unnecessarily and just accept it.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Real Gentleness is a power that sees, understands, but never interferes. A branch of a tree touches the earth without taking root. Never to take root in someone else's mind but to help, that's gentleness.

Message for the day 23.02.2010

When there is determination in my thoughts, the clouds of negative situations will fade away.


There are a lot of negative situations that come my way, as I am moving along. During the difficult phase I tend to experience a lot of negativity within too, either in the form of fear, anger or pain. At that time the difficulty seems very big and seems to last forever.


I need to recognize the fact that whatever difficulties I face are like passing clouds. These clouds come at their time and fade away at their time too. I need to develop the determination to work on my problems with this understanding. I will then be able to face the situation with ease.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, February 22, 2010

Thought for Today

To donate virtues is the greatest donation.

To donate virtues means to express virtues through one's own words and actions. There is some or the other value revealed through all words and actions. The ones who constantly have the aim of donating virtues naturally bring benefit to all they come into contact with. No one would go away empty handed from such people. When we constantly have the aim of using our virtues we have the satisfaction of giving continuously under all circumstances. We also find our own treasures of virtues increasing and we find ourselves richer and better than what we were.

Message for the day 22.02.2010

The right way of living spreads joy to others.


When people around me are not happy with me, I usually believe that I am right and they are all wrong. I then cannot check or realise my own mistake. So I rarely make an attempt to change myself and continue to wait for others to change or understand me.


If people around me are not able to get happiness from me or the way I live, I need to look at my own life in a detached way to see where I could change. Even a slightest change brought by me with sincerity will have a great effect on those around me.

Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thought for Today

It is good that obstacles come, but the obstacles should not defeat you. Obstacles come to make you strong. Therefore instead of being afraid of obstacles, overcome them by considering them to an entertaining game. When you have the company of God there is no need to be afraid.

Message for the day 20.02.2010

To be flexible is to enjoy everything that life brings.


When I plan perfectly for the day ahead, I sometimes find that I am not able to implement all that I had planned for. Things seem to be coming up unexpectedly spoiling everything for me. I am then not able to be happy with what is happening and so find it difficult to do my best in the particular situation.


It is as important to be flexible in my thoughts as it is to be particular about my daily schedule. Flexibility allows me to accommodate the unforeseen situations that come up my way and enables me to make the best use of everything. And so I enjoy everything that comes my way.

Brahma Kumaris

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thought for Today

It is wise to bend rather than to break. Those who change will get spiritual wisdom. Conversely, those who have wisdom will decide to change. Change is the first law of Nature.

Message for the day 19.02.2010

All desires end when there is the one desire to experience progress.


It is believed normally that in order to progress one needs to have desires. But desires are not always fulfilled and unhappiness is experienced because of it. Then I am not able to appreciate whatever comes my way.


I need to replace all my desires with one desire, i.e., the desire to experience progress. With this thought, I will be able to make the best use of what I get in the right way. When I move forward in this way making the best use of everything I will be able to experience constant progress.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thought for Today

Learning to talk properly to the self is a spiritual endeavour. When you make a mistake, do you talk lovingly to yourself in your mind, or do you tell yourself off? One habit recognises your divinity; the other subtly shapes a nature of sorrow.

Soul Sustenance

Meditation For Experiencing Soul Consciousness

Read over the following words slowly and silently. Using the power of visualization, aim to experience them in your mind:

I withdraw my attention away from the physical limbs and sense organs........
I focus on myself........
I am listening through these ears........
I am looking through these eyes........
This instrument of mine, the physical body, is a precious vehicle........
a valuable instrument, a medium........
But, that which is more valuable and more precious is the being (soul) making this instrument function........
Within this assembly of bones and muscles and amazing organs is a being of light........
In the centre of the forehead is a point of light ……
I am this being of light........
I the being of light express myself through this body........
But the body is not I........
I am light........
I spread rays of peace in all directions........
I become aware of the power within this point of light........
Within I the being of light is everything that I am and everything that I have........
Within my own being are my qualities, my powers, my talents........
In the awareness of who I am I radiate this light within........
and in the awareness of this inner light........
I hold my head held high in self-respect........

Brahma Kumaris

Message for the day 18.02.2010

The one who is powerful shows the practical proof of success instead of just talking about it.


It is usually very easy for us to talk about how to do things best, it is as much easy to tell others and give directions. But the one who is powerful is not just satisfied with mere words or proving to others about his success. He is more concerned more about being successful.


We need to check if we are applying in our life what we are talking about. We need to see to it that whatever we speak about, we must put into practice. Only then will we find improvement and progress in our life. Then, there will be no more the need to talk about our success but our life will reveal how successful we are. We will,
then, be an inspiration to many.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thought for Today

The secret to life's purpose is to be happy. In order to be truly and permanently happy, we have to fulfill our best intentions and act on them right away ... even if that means we start by just giving good thoughts to them.

Message for the day 17.02.2010

To serve with the heart, with love is to guarantee success.


When I have to be of help to others, I sometimes find myself doing it with force. I don't seem to be really interested in doing it butsituations or people seem to be forcing me to do it. I then don't enjoy what I do and also don't find the benefit of it either to others or to myself.


I need to consciously make an effort to see what people are benefitting when I am helping them. With this conscious effort I am able to help others with love without feeling the heaviness of what I have to do. Thus I find my actions to be much more fruitful.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Thought for Today

Give everyone a gift. Through your mind give the gift of powerful thoughts, through your words give the gift of wisdom and through your actions give the gift of virtues. For this, pay attention that at every moment you can access your personal stock of powerful thoughts, wisdom and virtues

Message for the day 16.02.2010

Inner satisfaction brings creativity.


Quite often I find myself trying to keep pace with the things that I have always been doing. I seem to be caught up in the routine to the extent that I experience monotony. I then cannot think of any newness that I can bring in my life.


It is only with my inner satisfaction that can I bring creativity in my life. For this, while doing the routine jobs that I am involved in throughout the day, I need to make special effort to keep myself content with the things that are going on and also think of new ways of doing what I am already doing. Then I will never experience boredom in my life.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, February 15, 2010

Thought for Today

People are tired of words. However we still need to use words, so how could words become a means of giving an experience? For this we need to pay attention to the alignment of thoughts, words, and actions. Words are such they could either ‘make’ or ‘break’. Words have broken relationships into so many pieces. Now I am staying in a peace palace and my job is to put back together all the broken pieces. Ask yourself, who is inside the temple of my heart? Who is the one who has made my heart into a temple? Make the temple of your heart such that others can take rest and comfort with your pure feelings. God is looking for instruments who can do such service to others. Now, look at the time, the fortune of being an instrument for world service, and transform yourself. Do not get stuck in the thought that others should transform, but transform yourself and be free from bondages. This time of transformation will not come again. Keep the determination that it is now or never. – Dadi Jankiji

Message for the day 15.02.2010

With the balance of love and discipline, energy can be saved while speaking.


Throughout the day I find myself having to give explanations or corrections to so many people. When I do this I find that I have to spend a lot of words. In the process I tend to lose a lot of my energy and find myself tired.

In order to save my energy and to use fewer words I need to have the balance of love and discipline. Discipline will enable me to give the right directions while love will make my directions effective. So I find that just a few words would be enough to get my message across.

Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thought for Today

People are often unreasonable, self-centred: Forgive them anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you, but be honest anyway. What you spend years to build, someone could destroy overnight. Build anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow. Do good anyway. You see, in the final analysis it is between you and God; it never was between you and them anyway.

Message for the day 13.02.2010

To be in the awareness of my own speciality is to be free from negativity.


When I percieve negativity in others, I find myself very easily influenced by it. I then react negatively to them and am not able to maintain my own positivity. All my specialities remain hidden in such a negative atmosphere and I continue to be negative too.


Like a rose I need to maintain my originality and uniqueness while being amongst the thorns. Instead of blaming others and their negativity for my own negativity, I need to practice being positive and working with my original qualities. Then I will never complain but will always use my own specialities.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The ones who see specialities become special.

To see specialities and ignore negativity is to take a step ahead by imbibing those specialities. This creates a habit of seeing, taking in and expressing only positive qualities. So whatever the person may be, whatever his qualities may be, there is only a connection of positivity with him. When we are able to relate to everyone in this way with only specialities, we become special. We also find others responding positively to us and using only their speicialities while in contact with us. There are also a lot of good wishes that we receive from others because of our positive attitude.

Message for the day: 12.02.2010

To recognize the uniqueness of one's own role is to be free from negativity.


When we find things going wrong with us, we sometimes wish for a change in our role. We begin to compare ourselves with others or wish for something better in our life, which makes us lose all our enthusiasm. We, then, make no effort to better our role.


We need to recognize the importance of our own role. Like an actor who doesn't make effort to change his role but brings perfection to his own role, we, too, need to concentrate on our own role. The recognition of the importance of our own role and the desire to bring excellence to it makes us free from negativity.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

World Transformation (Change)

As we activate our subtle (non-physical) energy field (aura) that surrounds us through conscious positive thought, we carry it with us wherever we go. Then we can positively influence those who come into contact with us inour office or at home. The positive vibrations influence those who interact within our energy field very powerfully and on an unlimited level.

If you know somebody who might need a little bit of help, support or guidance experiment by going into silence and sending out your positive thought energy to him/her. As a first step, practice with the following positive thoughts:

Let me adopt the consciousness of a conscient (living) being, a soul, full of light, love and energy, situated at the centre of the forehead. Now I send a very powerful protective light to my friend or to my family.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thought for Today

Faith in spirituality enables us to trust ourselves. With trust we can let go of the past and have the courage to dare. To dare with courage gives us the confidence to know that we can achieve what we set out to achieve. If we begin with doubt then we have sown the seed of possible failure. Faith in spirituality always allows us to win. Every step of faith opens another chapter in our lives.

Message for the day 10.02.2010

To make thoughts as pure as the actions is to be truly elevated.


There is usually attention on the self not to perform any negative acts. There is also considerable attention not to speak any words that are harmful or negative. But very rarely is there that attention on the thoughts. Because of this a lot of negative thoughts tend to remain in the intellect causing trouble for me.


I need to understand the fact that my thoughts form the basis for my words and actions. The more I pay attention to make my thoughts positive, the more it will make a positive impact on my words and actions too. Constant awareness of a positive thought enables me to maintain my own inner positivity.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thought for Today

To be victorious means to pass obstacles with ease.

The ones who aim to become victorious never think of not being faced with obstacles. Instead they look at each obstacle as a chance to use and express their own inner powers. So there is constant progress visible in them. When we are prepared for the inevitable challenges that life brings, we will not experience fear, tension or anxiety but will always be confident and fearless. Apart from actually being victorious in the situation, we also experience winning over our weaknesses and discovering new powers within us.

Message for the day 09.02.2010

To be successful I need to have the balance between the head and the heart.


In my interactions with others, I sometimes only use my head, i.e., my logic. I am very logical and understand the facts very clearly. But if I keep myself limited only to the facts, I tend to forget to use my heart. I then am not available to the other person and fail to understand him.


in order to be successful in my interactions with others I need to have the right balance between my head and my heart. I need to see beyond what the facts say and try to listen and understand the other person too. When I do this I will not hurt people with my attitude but will be able to maintain harmonious relationships.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, February 8, 2010

Thought for Today

Diamond alone can cut another diamond and a thorn alone will have to be used to remove another thorn. The tendency to be greedy can be cured by another facet of greed. Instead of showing attachment towards worldly objects, one's attention should be directed towards divinity. We can be greedy to acquire spiritual knowledge. Let me possess a deep desire to develop forgiveness, politeness, straightforwardness and peacefulness.

Message for the day 08.02.2010

The one who fulfills promises with determination is the one who overcome all problems.


When I see some weakness working within me I usually make a promise to myself with a lot of enthusiasm. But if I face even a little opposition or difficulty in fulfilling this promise, I tend to lose hope and usually give up trying altogether.


In order to bring about a change in me and fulfill my promise, I need to use the virtue of determination. Every time I find myself becoming careless in it, I need to remind myself strongly of the importance of the promise that I had made. Then I will be able to win over all the obstacles that come my way in bringing my thoughts
and words to actions.

Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thought for Today

Concentration develops when the intellect is clean and clear.

For the one whose intellect continues to wander, concentration becomes difficult or impossible. On the other hand, for the one who is focused on one thing there are no other distractions at that time and there is easy concentration. When we are able to remain focused, we are not troubled by distractions which lessen our concentration. Instead we are able to increase our discrimination power and are able to decide and judge well. This happens because our intellect becomes clean and gets cleared of waste.

Message for the day 06.02.2010

The power of positivity helps finish all negativity.


When I am faced with negativity in people or in situations, I too usually tend to have negative thoughts. When my mind is caught up with negativity of any kind-fear, anger or tension, I cannot think anything positive. I then find myself totally caught up in the situation finding no solution.


The only way to finish negativity is to work with positivity. I need to make a conscious effort to look at some positive aspect in the situation or person with whom I am facing difficulty. When I do this I can relate to them with this positivity which will slowly make the situation better again.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Habits are transformed when there is introversion.

Introversion gives us the power to look within and find the source of the habit that we want to change. Instead of working at a superficial level, we will then be able to recognize and change it from deep within. When such deep transformation takes place, we find that it never emerges again. When we want a habit to be changed, we need to ask ourselves why the habit is still continuing in spite of our wish to get rid of it. Along with the recognition of the root cause of the habit, we need to emerge the positive nature that is within us. This gives us the confidence and we find our habits transformed.

Message for the day 05.02.2010

The right kind of support makes people independent.


When I provide help and support to others, sometimes I find that they become dependent on me. They continue to expect the same kind of support that they had got from me before, when I am not in a position to give. Then my good gesture becomes a bondage or difficulty for me.


When I am providing help to someone, I need to check the kind of help that I am providing. True help is to provide assistance in such a way that slowly the person learns to rely on his own resources and becomes independent. Then there will be no
expectations from me.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thought for Today

To be merciful means to transform the pain and sorrow of others.

The one who is merciful always has the feeling of mercy and is able to help those who are in need or in distress. Such a person is able to bring about transformation in others too because of his own pure feelings. He is able to put in effort that becomes a contribution for the progress of others. When we have mercy for others, we are able to accept their feelings, emotions and behaviour and provide them with the right kind of mental support. Then we are able to give them courage without being influenced negatively with their feelings of pain and sorrow. So our mercy influences ourselves positively too as we are able to keep ourselves positive under all circumstances.

Soul Sustenance

Thought Energy

Our thoughts are always there, whatever age we are. Their content may change but our ability to think does not. First of all, I am a thinking, experiencing being or soul. Thoughts are not something physical which l can experience with the physical sense organs. I cannot see, taste or touch a thought. Thoughts are not made up of matter or even brain cells. I am a non-physical or spiritual being (soul), which creates thoughts. My form, a point of energy, situated in the centre of the forehead is the only form that cannot be destroyed. It is something so small that it cannot be divided. My identity is a soul, and all the other identities - teacher, student, man, woman, father, mother, friend, relation and so on - are simply different roles which I, the soul, play.

Brahma Kumaris

Message for the day 04.02.2010

The one who is detached is the one who is happy.


When difficult situations come our way we tend to overreact because of our attachment and expectations. Because of this we experience much more unhappiness than what the situation actually holds. The understanding lacks that it is not the situation, but our own thoughts that are giving us sorrow.


We need to look at the situation just as we would watch it happen to someone else - with detachment. When we learn to detach ourselves from the situation in this way and see what it holds for us, we will not experience unhappiness but will be able to remain happy under all circumstances.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thought for Today

The best way to change others is to remain peaceful.

When there is behaviour seen which is not to my liking or approval, there is a tendency to get upset and worked up about it. So immediately, this is brought into words and actions also. Getting agitated or excited doesn't however solve the problem. When there is the ability to remain peaceful, the right solution is found and there is the right response to the problem at hand. When we are able to maintain our inner peace under all circumstances and with all people, We are able to use the power of our thoughts to bring about a change in the mind of others too. We find ourselves discovering the power of our inner potential and are able to use it for our own benefit and that of others.

Soul Sustenance

Understanding The Difference Between Control And Influence

The moment we become upset with someone in our family or at work it means we are trying to control them. And the moment others sense we are trying to control them, they distance themselves from us, and that reduces our ability to influence them in that situation. This in turn kills our effectiveness at getting things done through others, and leaves us frustrated and stressed, wondering why the world does not behave the way we want it to. This finally turns into the a very important realization - the more we try to control, the less influence we will have, whereas the less we attempt to control others, the more influence we will have.

Question: Who are the two people in your life with whom you become frustrated or upset very often? Why are you trying to control them?

Reflection: What can you see yourself doing differently (or behaving differently) in order to change your attempt from control into positive influence?

Action: Where, and with whom, will you experiment this?

Brahma Kumaris

Message for the day 03.02.2010

Few words are required when thoughts are positive.


I sometimes find myself using a lot of words to convey what I feel or to give explanations to others. Yet I sometimes find that others are not convinced with my words. I am then at a loss about what is to be done.


Positive thoughts actually reach out to others and create the right environment. All I need to do is to create an atmosphere of positivity by maintaining my own positive thoughts. Then I will not have to use so many words to prove my point or to convince others.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thought for Today

Anger comes where there is discontentment. When we don't get what we want or when people don't do what we expect them to do we experience discontentment. When there is discontentment, when our desires aren't fulfilled we experience anger. Then trying to do away with anger without knowing the actual reason, doesn't work. When we find ourselves getting angry with someone or some situation, we need to first check what is the true reason for our anger. Once we find the cause of it, which is some expectation of ours, we will be able to work at overcoming it. We will then be able to get rid of our anger too.

Message for the day 02.02.2010

The method to get help is to take the first step of courage.


When I set out to achieve something, I usually expect help from situations or people, but am not always able to get it. Then I tend to become disheartened and sometimes tend to give up the task altogether.


The right way to get help is to first take a step forward even in the most negative situations. With courage and faith when I start in whatever little way I can, I find the help coming to me. Then I will neither stop nor give up with the little setbacks that I am faced with.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, February 1, 2010

Thought for Today

To harness that holiday feeling, anytime, without jetting off to some far-flung location, do things differently more often. Choose what goes into your day-to-day routine and then change your approach whenever you want.

Message for the day 01.02.2010

To have equality in thought, word and action is to be successful.


With regards to what I want to achieve, my thoughts are usually high. I then speak about my high plans to others too. But to bring my plans into action it takes a long time and by then I find that they have lost their intensity.


I need to remind myself that if I don't implement my thoughts immediately, I will never do it. I also need to check if the thoughts that I have are practical. I need to then plan and speak about it according to my checking. Then I find that my thoughts and plans are not wasted away, but become practical.

Brahma Kumaris