Friday, April 30, 2010

Message for the day 30.04.2010

The one who is free from desire is the one who is able to maintain positivity.


When I put forth my ideas to others I expect them to listen to me. My idea changes to desire and when it is not accepted I then tend to become irritated. And along with it also comes jealousy or dislike for the others and I find myself caught up in negativity.


I need to make sure that I share my ideas with others but at the same time I need to keep myself free from any selfish motive. When I put forth my idea in a detached way, I too will be open to learning and I will be able to accept any criticism or rejectance that comes my way. Thus I will be free from negativity.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Message for the day 29.04.2010

The power of positivity helps finish all negativity.


When I am faced with negativity in people or in situations, I too usually tend to have negative thoughts. When my mind is caught up with negativity of any kind-fear, anger or tension, I cannot think anything positive. I then find myself totally caught up in the situation finding no solution.


The only way to finish negativity is to work with positivity. I need to make a conscious effort to look at some positive aspect in the situation or person with whom I am facing difficulty. When I do this I can relate to them with this positivity which will slowly make the situation better again.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thought for Today

Communication is so much more than mere words, it’s also about the feeling and intention behind the words - as the same words can be understood in different ways. Do you find yourself getting lost in translation? When we’re lost in translation, it’s vital not to make assumptions, become defensive and go on the attack. When we understand that each person is unique and has their own personal communication style, we begin to learn to appreciate the differences and this helps us to better understand each other.

Message for the day 28.04.2010

The right kind of support makes people independent.


When I provide help and support to others, sometimes I find that they become dependent on me. They continue to expect the same kind of support that they had got from me before, when I am not in a position to give. Then my good gesture becomes a bondage or difficulty for me.


When I am providing help to someone, I need to check the kind of help that I am providing. True help is to provide assistance in such a way that slowly the person learns to rely on his own resources and becomes independent. Then there will be no expectations from me.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thought for Today

Illusion is the idea that people should be and do what we want. The truth is, all is as it should be, despite appearances or our perceptions of others to the contrary.

Soul Sustenance

Creating A Peaceful Workplace/Home

Ask yourself the question: "What would make my office or home a more peaceful place?"

There are many ways in which you can do this, through your own behaviour and the way in which you organize your workplace (office) or home. By functioning from an inner peaceful state and being a peaceful listener, you are able to create meaningful and peaceful interactions with whom you work and stay.

As well as creating a peaceful state within, it is important to bring a sense of peace into your surroundings. You can make positive changes in the outer environment, which might promote and reflect inner peace. You can choose plants, pictures, colours, sounds and furnishings (furniture), which contribute to a sense of calm, peace and well-being. You can also do this by clearing noise and finding ways of creating a sense of openness or space in your office or home.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Message for the day 27-04-2010

To be free from bondage means to be able to fly.


Sometimes we find that we are not able to progress as much as we should. We also find that we are not able to be light in all circumstances. At such times we might blame the situation and just stop making effort, as we cannot see the real cause for our lack of progress.


We need to understand that the lack of progress that we are experiencing is not because of the situation itself but because of our own weakness that is like a bondage. When we recognise this fact, we will be able to know the right method to overcome our own weakness so that we will then be able to fly forward.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thought for Today

Give up the habit of worrying. It serves no purpose other than to make us feel tense and miserable. When I stop fretting about things that are beyond my control, instead focusing on generating optimistic and kind thoughts, my life can begin to flow in ever more positive directions. Such a light and easy approach to life enables me to take everything in my stride.

Message for the day 25.04.2010

Few words are required when thoughts are positive.


I sometimes find myself using a lot of words to convey what I feel or to give explanations to others. Yet I sometimes find that others are not convinced with my words. I am then at a loss about what is to be done.


Positive thoughts actually reach out to others and create the right environment. All I need to do is to create an atmosphere of positivity by maintaining my own positive thoughts. Then I will not have to use so many words to prove my point or to convince others.

Brahma kumaris

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thought for Today

The one who is virtuous is loved by all. The

one who doesn't let go of his commitment to his values is the one who is loved by all. Such a person is not concerned whether the other person is committed to his own values or not. He continues to recognise and express his values in all words and actions. Hence the expression of his values is not dependent on others or situations and he continues to win the love of all. When we are committed to our own values, we enjoy using them in whatever we do. We are free from expectations - from situations and from people. We are able to accept people as they are and also appreciate them for their own value system. So we never expect people to change according to our expectations and we continue to win the love of all.

Message for the day 24.04.2010

The method to get help is to take the first step of courage.


When I set out to achieve something, I usually expect help from situations or people, but am not always able to get it. Then I tend to become disheartened and sometimes tend to give up the task altogether.


The right way to get help is to first take a step forward even in the most negative situations. With courage and faith when I start in whatever little way I can, I find the help coming to me. Then I will neither stop nor give up with the little setbacks that I am faced with.

Brahma Kumaris

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thought for Today

Human beings often think about things that don’t concern them and about other people. When you think a lot you will use the word 'why'. To become silent means to emerge wisdom from within. To move into dead silence means to go beyond the consciousness of the physical body. This is a very wonderful experience for the soul, it empowers and refreshes the soul.

Message for the day 23.04.2010

To have equality in thought, word and action is to be successful.


With regards to what I want to achieve, my thoughts are usually high. I then speak about my high plans to others too. But to bring my plans into action it takes a long time and by then I find that they have lost their intensity.


I need to remind myself that if I don't implement my thoughts immediately, I will never do it. I also need to check if the thoughts that I have are practical. I need to then plan and speak about it according to my checking. Then I find that my thoughts and plans are not wasted away, but become practical.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thought for Today

Learn how to keep your mind peaceful by feeding good thoughts to your mind. Let your mind rest.. let it be restful… not restless. Remember: my mind is my own. I mustn’t let my mind cause me distress. I cannot slap my mind (suppress the mind)
– I have to give it love. By giving your own mind love you will make it peaceful.

Message For The Day 22.04.2010

The art of right decision making lies in thinking less.


When I am faced with a difficult situation, I naturally begin to think a lot. I tend to feel that the more I think, the more choices I have and the better the decision I will be able to take. But such thinking only creates more and more waste thoughts.

I need to make the effort of thinking less about the problem. Even a few moments of internal silence helps me develop my intuition and the right decision is made from within; because silence brings solutions.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thought for Today

Where attention goes, energy flows; and where energy flows, things grow.

This is the blueprint behind all meditations. For example, if we focus on inner peace and 'give' mental attention to the idea of peace, we water it with the energy of our consciousness. It then grows from a thought into a deep feeling, resulting in an experience of inner peace.

Message For The Day 21.04.2010

The way to control the mind is to talk to it with love.


Whenever I find my mind wandering I try to control it with force. I try to pull the mind and order it not to think about something. Yet I find that, the more I try to force the mind not to go in a particular direction, the more it tends to go there.


The only way to control the mind is to talk to it with love. Just as I would explain to a child, I need to explain to it with love. This will make my mind my friend and I will be able to concentrate even in any undesirable situations.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thought for Today

Cooperation creates space for learning and growth.

The one who cooperates and inspires cooperation is able to create a conducive environment for the progress of all. To inspire cooperation means to be able to relate to the positivity in those around. Relating to the positive aspect naturally inspires others to use their specialities for the success of the task. Their good wishes for the task too emerge very naturally. Since we are able to relate to others' positivity, we find ourselves enriched with it. We subconsciously imbibe what we perceive. We get a chance and a space to learn and progress. The journey towards success in itself is a joyful experience and there is harmony in working with others. Thus we find success too easy to achieve as there is the contribution of each one's speciality for the task.

Message of the day 20.04.2010

To be free from negativity is to be free from limitation.


In many situations I tend to feel helpless and bound by different things and people coming my way. I continue to blame others for my difficulties, but find no solace or solution. I also look for solutions outside, but find none.


The real cause of my limitation or my feeling of helplessness is not situation or people but my own weaknesses. I need to check and realize the weakness working within me, in that particular situation and I will be able to overcome the limitation.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thought for Today

Pause before you let your assumptions spin out of control. Try being less fast to jump to conclusions and judge people or situations. Why not challenge your assumptions by checking out the full story first and then forming an opinion!

Message For The Day 19.04.2010

The index of change is to have better relationship with others.


Change or progress for me is usually success in terms of money, status, or name. But usually this does not give an accurate index of the change that is taking place within me.


Real change can be measured with the quality of my interaction with others. The more I progress, the more I find my relationship with others getting better. Others will also be happy with my progress and me

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Honesty inspires trust.

The one who is honest is clean and clear within. He is aware of his resources and uses them sincerely for his own benefit and that of others. Honesty also means to speak what is thought and to do what is spoken. So there are no discrepancies in thoughts, words and actions. So others are able to trust the one who is honest. Each action of an honest person becomes an inspiration for those around. When we are honest we break internal barriers. We are not caught up with the seeming negativity of the situation, nor do we feel helpless by the limitations set out by the situation. We are able to enjoy the gift of each moment and use it to the fullest extent. We find ourselves becoming an example for many, as others are inspired by whatever we do.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Message for the day 17.04.2010

The method to serve is to become an embodiment of power.


Service to others is usually understood as bringing benefit to others through what I do. I have love for such service and make an attempt to do it too. But sometimes busy in such service, I find that my own self-progress is left behind.


I need to pay attention for my own self-progress by learning from everything that happens. I thus find myself improving and filling myself with power. This power spreads around and shows the right path to others, just like a lighthouse and others continue to take benefit from me.

Brahma Kumaris

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thought for Today

Tolerance brings stability.

When one is faced with defamation or is accused of something, tolerance gives the power to remain stable and calm. So there is the natural ability to smile even when there is negativity that comes. Tolerance brings the recognition of the actual situation and the ability to see beyond the insults. This is possible because of being in a state of self-respect constantly. When we are in our state of self-respect, we are internally stable, whatever the situation outside may be. This is tolerance, which also brings humility. It is this humility that enables us to be a constant learner. So we find that in our stable state of mind, we are able to experience constant progress. Even insults do not stop us from moving forward.

Message for the day 16.04.2010

To be experienced means never to be deceived by anything.


It is normally understood that to be experienced means to gain expertise in something, or to become a master in a particular field. Such a person, who is an expert in one field might find himself totally impractical in daily situations.


Life has so many things to teach me through the various situations. I need to keep learning from all that happens. Then I'll never be surprised or cheated by any unexpected events, but will be prepared because of being experienced.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Message for the day 15.04.2010

To bring specialty to actions is to make them special.


I am usually looking for something better to do. What I do seems to be monotonous and ordinary and I try to think of something better to do, something that will bring benefit to others too. But I really am not able to easily bring about such a change.


What benefit I bring is not based on what I do, but it is based on the attitude I do it with. So I need to maintain an attitude of bringing benefit to as many as I can, with whatever I do. Then nothing I do will be waste or ordinary.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thought for Today

If you want to do something in life, there's no doubt that you'll find a way, no BUTs about it! If, on the other hand, you don't want to do something, you'll always find a reason not to.

Instead of looking to avoid things, start looking for excuses to live life fully! All it really takes is a shift in attitude. Change your excuses.

Message for the day 14.04.2010

The fruit of elevated actions will be revealed at the right time.


When I do something good for someone I expect them to reciprocate the same. But not always does this happen, in fact sometimes I find a negative response. This discourages me from being positive.


I need to understand that the seeds of my elevated actions will bear fruit at its own time. When I have this in mind, I will continue to do good without expecting immediate fruit. And I find the result coming naturally at the right time.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thought for Today

There is magic in each day for those who have the eyes to see.

The ones who are happy, always find something new. Even in the most ordinary and routine situations, they are able to find something interesting. So they are able to use everything that is with them in the best possible way. They are the ones who bring newness with enthusiasm and make the best use of the resources available. When we have the eyes to see the magic of each day, we have the ability to appreciate even small beautiful things of life. We constantly find ourselves content with whatever is happening and whatever we attain in our life. Our contentment also brings creativity and we are able to experience progress by making use of all that is with us.

Message for the day 12.04.2010

Regard for others brings trust.


When something negative happens, my trust in people breaks. I then find it difficult to keep my mind free from the influence of my past experience. Even if the others try to correct the situation, I am not able to change my attitude towards them.


When I see others, I have to see them with a vision of regard. I need to pay attention only to look at their specialties and keep myself free from the influence of the past experiences. When I do this, I will be able to trust others even while being cautious.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

To have love for God means to have love for all.

When there is love for God, there will be automatically love for all human beings, the children of the One God. There will be recognition of the speciality of all who come into contact and so words and actions will be beneficial both for one self and others. There will not be love for only some or love only sometimes. When we are connected with the seed, God, we naturally find ourselves becoming an instrument for God's love reaching out and touching the lives of others. We will not have love only for a few people, but will have equal love for all. We will then be in a position to help others too, to get rid of their negativity.

Message for the day 10.04.2010

The one who is selfless is the one who is the best judge.


When I have to take a decision, either for others or myself, there is some kind of selfishness or greed involved in it. When I think only of my selfish desires, my judgement would not be accurate.


I need to be detached and see what benefit there is for each one with the choice that I am going to make. The more I think of the benefit of all, the more my judgement is accurate.

Brahma Kumaris

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thought for Today

Intention guides our actions, indicating a direction that we may follow or a seed we allow and blossom. By focusing our energy and attention on something, then acting on our intention, we reach our aspiration.

Message for the day 09.04.2010

Success comes about only when there is an effort to bring about transformation.


When I am working towards being successful I usually want to work with just those personality treats that I have always been working with before. But this does not always bring me success. Then the reaction is to blame the people around you or blame the people around you or the situations.


Learning from each situation and working to bring about steady transformation brings constant success for me whatever the situations I will surely feel successful.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thought for Today

The method to finish negativity is to fill with the power of positivity.

There are a lot of negative characteristics, which continue to work in one's lives colouring words, actions and behaviour. Such negativity cannot be removed by reminding oneself of it again and again. Instead, a reminder and an excuse to use positivity, helps finish this negativity very naturally. It is when even the tiniest ray of light comes that the darkness begins to disappear. When we start discovering and working with our inner positivity, we are able to easily win over our seemingly strong weaknesses. The lesser attention we give our weaknesses and the more attention we give our strengths, we are able to have an influence over our weaknesses and convert them into strengths. So there is a total experience of positivity, whatever the situation may be.

Message for the day 08.04.2010

A deep understanding and an attitude of pure feelings results in positive thinking.


When we talk about positive thinking, it is usually just 'think positive' and 'be positive'. But just saying this, either to others or to myself, doesn't help to change my thoughts permanently, in fact usually, not even temporarily.


Real positive thinking is much deeper than just to think positive. For this I need to understand and see things as they are, without coloring them with my own attitudes. Then I can deal with things in the most appropriate way, having understood everything accurately.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thought for Today

To establish real world peace, every individual must first have a peaceful mind. Every individual contributes to the measure of our society. A man can attain peace of mind only when his actions are good because the basis of happiness and unhappiness is the activity of the individual which consciously or unconsciously stems from the mind.

Message for the day 07.04.2010

A single positive thought helps in changing the entire situation.


When I am faced with a negative situation the first thought I usually get is a negative one. The thoughts that I follow are naturally negative too because the mind looks for reasons to sustain that negative frame of mind.


I need to make the effort of intentionally taking a positive thought, thus I find all other connected positive thoughts coming up naturally this is because the situation doesn't look so difficult or challenging with my positive frame of mind.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thought for Today

Tolerance does not mean to simply leave a thing as it is – the ‘grin and bear it’ attitude of the world. Spiritual tolerance enables you to stay within a crisis and help to resolve it, because tolerance is of a higher order, or higher power, than tolerance, ego or anger. It means you are able to respond with understanding, care and compassion to the situation. Where there are feeling of friendship and love, difficulties will be overcome. To tolerate something is a demonstration of goodwill, of having the aim to be co-operative and work for resolution. Tolerance wins the heart of others.

Soul Sustenance

Experiencing Joy At The Workplace

Do you enjoy what you do? Do you enjoy your work? When you enjoy what you are doing you are so absorbed and involved in the task that you rarely stop to think about time. We think we ‘have to’ go to work because we associate work with hard labour, a kind of boredom that must be tolerated. We rarely see work for what it is. What is work? Is it something to get joy from, or something to give joy to? We are conditioned to see and think about work as a necessary activity in order to pay for the ‘good’ things in life. And so many of us leave our hearts in our homes, and reluctantly (unwillingly) do what we think we have to do – with one eye on the task and the other eye on the clock. Notice, when you are doing what you love doing, you do what you do, with love…and joy…and willingly. And time is never a problem. So here is the

Are you doing what you love doing. Is the work that you do, what you give yourself willingly to? If not, what do you love doing, or what is it that you joyfully enjoy giving your time, interest and attention to? (By ‘doing’ we mean something that is creative or interactive not something static (inactive)).

Imagine you are doing what you love doing, for a living, what does this look like? What could you do to begin to make this change?

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Message for the day 06.04.2010

Real positivity is being positive even in negative situations.


It seems very difficult, if not impossible, to maintain positive thoughts when we are faced with a negative situation. Even with a strong intention to be positive, challenges come in the form of relationships, physical illness, difficult circumstances etc and we find ourselves weakening.


A long time of practice of maintaining inner self-respect is what will help us in a difficult situation. To maintain self-respect means to understand and appreciate our own uniqueness. With this practice of self-respect we will not be dependent on the external situation but will find the strength within.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, April 5, 2010

Soul Sustenance

Understanding The Intellect

The soul has three faculties (energies): the mind through which we create thoughts, the intellect with which we understand, judge and decide, and the sanskaras, which are impressions in the form of memories, personality characteristics and habits.
All three work toge ther: the mind is influenced by both external and internal factors, which can be either positive or negative. The intellect has to understand, judge and decide what something means and then act. If the intellect is unclear or confused, then understanding and decisions are faulty and, consequently, actions and behaviour result in a lot of negativity, both for the self and others.

Throughout history, teachers have come to give spiritual knowledge, through which they attempt to awaken people's consciousness in order to make relationships, attitudes, thoughts and actions more positive and loving. For this to happen, there has to be a 'click' in the intellect, that is, a realization and willingness to change old habits and negative personality characteristics and to become better ethically and spiritually.

Change is the result of the third eye (intellect) opening.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Message for the day 05.04.2010

The one with the vision of perfection constantly experiences progress.


Many times, as we are moving ahead in the path of our life, we find ourselves stagnating. There seems to be no progress at all in any aspect of our life. We try to bring about a few changes that work for sometime. But after sometime we find ourselves dissatisfied and we stop trying.


We need to have the vision of perfection constantly in front of our eyes. We need to ask ourselves what is it that we expect out of ourselves, to be a source of joy to others, to keep learning.... it could be anything that inspires us to constantly move ahead while appreciating all that life brings.

Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thought for Today

We all want to be appreciated for who we are and what we do. When we feel we're being supported, we aim to excel and stretch ourselves. When does the need for appreciation become negative? It's when approval becomes the only thing that counts. This is approval addiction - are you addicted?

Soul Sustenance

Self Esteem

We are all already beautiful and perfect, and we always have been. However we do not know this beauty, because it is hidden deep within, and we are not taught to go deep inside ourselves and see it, feel it, and express it. Inner beauty is made up of the qualities of the soul, and these qualities are always found in the heart of our consciousness (through the practice of meditation). But we don’t know this because we are taught not to regard ourselves as spiritual beings or souls. And when we learn (falsely) that we are only physical bodies we then try to find beauty outside ourselves. But in the process of doing so, our self-esteem weakens. This is why the most physically beautiful people very often have the most delicate self-esteem. They depend on attracting desiring glances of others towards their form for how they feel about themselves. This is dangerous, as anyone with physical beauty will finally tell you.

Brahma Kumaris

Message for the day 04.04.2010

Determination enables elevated thoughts to become practical.


When we have an aim in our life and are working for it, we sometimes are not able to bring into practice all that we plan to do. We then tend to become disheartened and give up after trying for some time. Thus we lose out on the benefit that our thoughts can bring in our life.


In order to put into practice the good thoughts that we get i.e., in order to make our thoughts practical we need to stamp it with determination. Our words should never be 'I'll try', but must always be 'I will do it'. Where there is determination there is victory.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

To be happy is to let go through the mind and not just through words.

Things do not always happen as expected. At such times, the one who is able to let go of expectations from the situation is able to forget it. Such a person will not speak about the situation again and again and describe it to everyone. Nor will there be the need to say, "I let go". Once the situation is accepted as it is, there will not be even a single thought of it. When we accept things as they are, we will be able to learn and be richer with every new experience. We will not be mentally troubled by what happened, but will be able to maintain our inner happiness. We will thus be able to keep our mind clear for whatever is coming up in the future. So we will find freedom from waste and constant progress with the resources that we have.

Soul Sustenance


Motivation is an inner positive energy, a combination of enthusiasm and clear perception (understanding) that enables us to accomplish (complete) a task.

Motivation keeps us determined and on course, otherwise it is so easy to be distracted by problems and laziness. What does motivation do? It moves us from one reality to another, from where I am to where I wish to be.

When we want to reactivate our motivation we need to examine the following:

* What do I want?
* What do I wish for?
* What do I value?
* What do I need?
* What do I enjoy?
* What do I understand? and, especially,
* What do I love?

When we sit down and think about the answers to these questions, they become the basis for activating new insights and tasks and for reactivating those insights and tasks, which I have forgotten to pay proper attention to and have not developed properly.

Brahma Kumaris

Message for the day 03.04.2010

True nourishment is the nourishment of happiness.


We pay a lot of attention to maintain the physical health. We give it food everyday, nourishment that keeps us healthy. This helps in replenishing the physical energy, but we don't pay that much attention to nourish the mind.


The real nourishment is to keep giving happiness to the self. When the mind is happy, then automatically I find myself being energetic constantly. For this I need to make sure I give myself something that I am happy about everyday.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Beauty comes with self acceptance, self love and self awareness. Self knowledge is equivalent to truth which brings serenity and spiritual beauty.

Message for the day 02.04.2010

To finish a weakness is to finish the last trace of it.


When I work to overcome any of my weaknesses, I feel that I have got rid of it. In spite of that, I find that I have got rid of my weakness only for sometime. In some situations, these weaknesses begin to emerge again and again.


When I work on a weakness I need to understand why that particular weakness is working within me. When I recognise the root cause of the weakness working within me, I can overcome it very easily. I then find that the weakness will not emerge again.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Time Management is as much about what you're NOT going to do as it is about what you ARE going to do. Focus on a few things that make a difference.

Message for the day 01.04.2010

The best positivity is to have good wishes for the self.


When I recognise someone's mistake I do make effort to have good wishes for him, but when I make a mistake I am not able to have good wishes for myself in the same way. I identify myself with that weakness so much that I am not able to have positive feelings for myself.


Whatever happens, even if I make mistakes, I should not leave having good wishes for myself. I need to only have attention to learn from my mistakes and to maintain my own positive state of feeling for myself. When I do this I will be able to progress with ease.

Brahma Kumaris