Sunday, October 31, 2010

Message for the day 31-10-2010

The fire of anger can be cooled with the sprinkling of the cool water of virtues.


When someone is angry, we come under the influence of the situation and we too get angry. It seems very difficult at that moment to remain cool. With our own anger we find that the other person's anger also increases. But we find that this is not the solution because it doesn't help either of us in anyway.


Instead of getting angry and aggravating the anger of the other person, we need to instead emerge our qualities or virtues of coolness and peace. We will then find that where anger doesn't work, only the cool water of virtues will help us put off the fire of anger.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

“Karmas” In Spiritual Consciousness (cont.)

“Vikarmas” or negative actions are those actions performed in body-consciousness. “Sukarmas” or positive actions are those actions performed in soul and Supreme Soul-consciousness. Given below are some more differences between the two (we had explained a few yesterday):

Body Consciousness: Relationships become bondages (burdens) and causes of sorrow rather than enjoyment.
Spiritual Consciousness: Relationships with others are purified and elevated. There is no sense of bondage.

Body Consciousness: Conflicts, which can be called "clashes" of sanskaras, occur between souls. There is negativity, sensitivity and disunity.
Spiritual Consciousness: Souls are able to harmonize with each other with happiness and peace.

Body Consciousness: Actions are performed to attract or impress others by the physical identity.
Spiritual Consciousness: Actions are performed to bring others also into relationship with the Supreme Soul.

Body Consciousness: Charity performed for others has the shadow of ego and has limited results.
Spiritual Consciousness: The highest charity of introducing other souls to the Supreme Soul is performed selflessly through thoughts, words and actions.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thought for Today

To bring speciality to actions is to make them special.

I am usually looking for something better to do. What I do seems to be monotonous and ordinary and I try to think of something better to do, something that will bring benefit to others too. But I really am not able to easily bring about such a change. What benefit I bring is not based on what I do, but it is based on the attitude I do it with. So I need to maintain an attitude of bringing benefit to as many as I can, with whatever I do. Then nothing I do will be waste or ordinary.

Message for the day 30-10-2010

To use one value with commitment is to guarantee the use of all values.


Values are related to each other as if they were members of a great family. For the one who is committed to one value is the one who is able to emerge the other connected values. Such a person is able to add quality to everything he does and speaks.


When I am able to recognise my own special value and use it with commitment in my daily life, I am able to experience success in all I do. This is because I have the satisfaction of giving my best and of having added quality to everything I do.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

“Karmas” In Spiritual Consciousness

The soul creates its destiny according to the “karmas” or actions it performs. “Vikarmas” or negative actions are those actions performed in body-consciousness. “Sukarmas” or positive actions are those actions performed in soul and Supreme Soul-consciousness. Given below is a list of differences between the two:

Body Consciousness: The soul is influenced by any of the vices; principally anger, greed, ego, lust or attachment.
Spiritual Consciousness: The soul brings its original qualities of peace, power, purity, love and bliss into action.

Body Consciousness: The soul is unable to settle its past karmic accounts and so karmic debts accumulate.
Spiritual Consciousness: The soul balances out its karmic debt and actually begins to accumulate or store credit.

Body Consciousness: Actions cause sorrow and loss for the self and others in contact.
Spiritual Consciousness: Actions fill the self and others with happiness and peace.

(To be continued tomorrow ….)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thought for Today

The fruit of elevated actions will be revealed at the right time.

When I do something good for someone I expect them to reciprocate the same. But not always does this happen, in fact sometimes I find a negative response. This discourages me from being positive. I need to understand that the seeds of my elevated actions will bear fruit at its own time. When I have this in mind, I will continue to do good without expecting immediate fruit. And I find the result coming naturally at the right time.

Message for the day 29-10-2010

To experience newness each day is to be creative.


Sometimes we find things to be very monotonous. There seems to be nothing new that is happening. Days pass on and we tend to become action-conscious only trying to finish the tasks at hand. We feel caught up in the routine not able to enjoy anything anymore.


Instead of just doing what has to be done in a monotonous way, we need to take a thought each day to experience something new. There is such a variety in each day, we only have to discover ways of experiencing it. When we learn this creative art, we'll never be bored, but will be able to enjoy everything that comes our way.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Meditation – Connecting With The Supreme Being

Think slowly and visualize side by side each thought given below:

I visualize my true self, a pinpoint of light, a sparkling star........ in the centre of the forehead........ I radiate golden rays of peace in all directions........ Like a free bird, I, a being of light, slowly leave my physical body and fly into space........ I am surrounded by thousands of stars........ Slowly I fly upwards........ I enter a region of immense golden-red light........ I see myself, a golden star full of peace, floating freely in my sweet home........ I experience total silence, there is complete stillness here........ In front of me there is a brilliant point of light just like myself........ I come closer and closer to this Supreme Being of Light........ This Supreme Energy radiates golden rays of the light of unlimited peace in all directions........ He is an Ocean of peace........ I feel the waves of peace passing over me, I absorb the light of sweet peace........ I bathe under the shower of golden peaceful light........ All burdens are being washed away........ It is so soothing, calming and relaxing........

Remain in this experience for a few minutes. Gradually fly back to take your seat in the physical body. The above meditation commentary can be modified to fill the self with joy, love, bliss, purity or power.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thought for Today

Worry is triggered by any negative memory of the past. It means, you are suffering, and you are probably under the illusion (false belief) that you are enjoying your suffering. It also means you are not living now. You are missing your own life by living in your worries, which are always in the past and in the future. Your worry habit has trapped you in the past where you get the raw material for your worries, and a non-existent future, where you focus that material, and the result is you miss your life now. All this won't change until you choose to change the worry habits that you have recorded in your consciousness (mind). That will require the removal of the illusion (false belief) that you hold inside that it's good and necessary to worry. It's a waste of time and energy. It means replacing the desire to create images of negative futures with positive responses to what is happening in your life right now. Otherwise your 'worry karma' will keep you in permanent pain (sorrow).

Message for the day 28-10-2010

To have an open mind is to be prepared for mistakes too.


The one with an open mind is the one who is able to see things for what they are and accept them. He is able to take the lesson from each situation that happens and move forward with confidence. He never lets any situation or even his own mistake discourage him, but he is able to move forward with renewed confidence.


I am able to learn from my mistakes and be ready for the next learning too when I am able to keep my mind open. Each mistake that happens is also a beautiful teaching when I am willing to learn. With each new situation I find myself growing very beautifully within.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding Qualities And Virtues

Human beings have original qualities that are values which define our human and spiritual nature. The original qualities of each person are similar. The only difference is to be found in the intensity with which they are expressed. There are seven intrinsic qualities in human nature: peace, love, purity, happiness, power, bliss and truth.

These qualities, that we all possess, are expressed in our life, relationships and activities in the form of different virtues. Any virtue that we express in our life and day-to-day interactions is not usually a unique quality; normally these virtues are a variety of qualities (listed above) that work together and express themselves. If we blend some primary colours, we get a wide range of colours. While we are expressing these original qualities in action, they mix together and become virtues.

For example, patience is not an original quality of the self, but it is an important virtue, necessary for keeping calm in today's world. Patience possesses a little of the quality of love, wisdom and peace. If these original qualities are missing, in the sense that we have lost our contact with them, then impatience and irritability will arise. The virtue of tolerance requires inner strength, love and peace.

From the moment we are born, we are subject to many negative influences from our family, society, religion, education, the media, culture, social class and ethnic background, that tarnish our basic values and often restrict our ability to express them in the form of different virtues in our daily actions and interactions. Spirituality helps us to revive these basic values.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thought for Today

To be open to change means to experience constant progress.

We usually judge the situation according to our past experiences and we don't want to change our responses to the situation. Because we have succeeded once we feel that the particular response will bring us constant success. We need to learn from our past experiences but also need to take care to be open to whatever new learning the situations may have to offer to us. When we keep learning from every new situation that comes our way we will be able to experience constant progress.

Message for the day 27-10-2010

Determination enables us to overcome our weaknesses.


When we recognize any weakness of ours, we want to make effort to remove it. But usually we work on it for a few days with great attention. After some time, we find ourselves losing interest and the weakness gets stronger taking hold of us once again. We find ourselves exactly where we had started having no further enthusiasm to work on ourselves.


In order to overcome any weakness of ours, we need to have a strong aim in our mind to remove it. With this comes the determination to work on it without losing hope. Even if we find ourselves becoming slack, we need to remind ourselves that we don't want that particular weakness in our life. Then we will be able to work at removing the weakness fully.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Inculcating Powers Through Rajyoga Meditation - The Power To Accommodate

Closely linked to the power of tolerance, the power to accommodate means having a heart so big and generous that I am able to rise above all differences of character and personality while interacting with other soul actors, knowing that every actor in the enormous drama of existence has a unique personality, contribution and role to play. Whereas tolerance heals wounds and removes hurt, accommodation accepts and values differences, observing them and ultimately absorbing them in my love, as an ocean absorbs the rivers that flow into it. While completing my own part as a river, I also need to be aware of God as the Ocean of Love and the Ocean of Wisdom and I as the master Ocean of Love. When I enter this consciousness through meditation, the goodness of all other soul actors becomes clear to me very naturally, and it is no effort for me to go beyond conflict and clashes of opinion.

I become like my father, the Supreme Soul who is an Ocean of Love. My father sees every actor in this world drama as his child and his love is the same for each one of them (even though they have different personalities and roles) because he has the spiritual knowledge that every soul's original nature is loveful and the present nature is just an artificial one which has been acquired while coming into the process of birth and rebirth. In the same way, I too, experience myself to be a master Ocean Of Love and see all souls as my brothers and absorb their different natures. This is the power to accommodate which I can inculcate inside me through the practice of meditation.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thought for Today

The method to make use of all treasures is to be a master.

When difficult situations come my way, I usually become a slave to them. My feelings and emotions are controlled by the situation. Then I am not able to have the discrimination to see right from wrong. I need to remind myself that I am the master of the situation. The situation is definitely not in my hands, but the way I respond to it definitely is. When I keep this in mind, I'll be able to make the best use of whatever is available.

Message for the day 26-10-2010

To be a giver is to be flexible.


The one who does not expect from others, but is able to give others from whatever resources he has, is the one who is flexible. Being flexible means to be able to recognize the other person's value system and moulding one self according to it without losing touch with one's own value system.


When I am a giver, I do not expect others to change according to my value system, but am very easily able to find a way to adapt to the other person's value system. I never expect from others to understand me, but am able to understand others. So there is never any feeling of negativity for anyone.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Self Empowerment

Your strengths, talents, capabilities and resources are very important as the foundation of your self progress. Having a clear knowledge of them will help to keep you moving forward, and enable you to take up new opportunities when they arise. Our internal strengths create the foundation on which we make our decisions in life, how we relate to others and how we understand ourselves. For most people their strengths are understood but never made very conscious. They lie below the surface and are not openly talked about. Bringing them into our conscious understanding improves our process of self-empowerment. Also assess your areas of weakness or those aspects of life that are holding you back in some way and/or are causing you some sorrow or discomfort.

Exercise: Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses (5 each)

Now create questions (5-6) which will help in your self progress. Looking at your strengths and weakness, judge how effectively you are using these strengths to improve your personal and professional life, and what negative effects are your weaknesses (shortcomings) having on the same. These are some examples of questions that you can ask yourself at the end of each week:

How are my present strengths being used to improve my worth (value) at the workplace (office)? Is any weakness of mine proving to be an obstacle (barrier) in maintaining a healthy relationship with my spouse (partner)? Am I using my strengths in helping others or doing social service? Does any weakness exist inside me, which if removed, would make my relationships harmonious (peaceful) in the family and office?

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thought for Today

The mistake many make in meditation is one of subtle pride (ego). It's as if we say, "Look at me, I've got the best seat on the train. Look at me I made it to my peace. Didn't I do well?" This of course is one of those old-fashioned self-centred thoughts. As soon as you create it you go against the very essence (nature) of your true self, your peace. To go with the essence (nature) of truth about peace is to realise your peace is not just for you, it is for the world. It is for giving, for radiating, for transmitting, for sharing.

It is a subtle recognition that your peace can only be sustained (nourished) and increased when you give it to those who are peaceless around you. When you realise this, you will also recognise how the vibration of your peacefulness radiates outwards. When you consciously release your peace to others and to the world, that's when you will feel its power.

Message for the day 25-10-2010

Humility is to respect everything that comes our way.


To love simple things is humility. It teaches to respect all that life brings. That means there is an ability to appreciate and value everything appropriately. So one is able to use everything that comes one way to the fullest extent for the benefit of the self and that of others.


When I am humble I am able to remain focused on my inner peace and not lose my sense of personal well-being. I am able to simply learn from everything that happens to my life and add on to this sense of well-being. No situation is difficult or impossible to work on, but I am able to overcome all challenges with ease.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Being An Observer And An Actor – Maintaining The Balance

In relation to the other, we have the possibility of observing and intervening (interfering) when we wish to; that is, maintaining the balance between being an observer and acting; playing between forming part of the audience and being the actor. On being actors, sometimes we can lose ourselves in the acting of the other in his or her or their dramas; we get in so deep with what is happening to the other that we lose distance. We get mentally and emotionally involved in the other's stories. When our awareness gets lost in those stories, we stop being the creators of our own life and of our own story. This habit exhausts us; we lose energy; we lose our concentration and control over our thoughts and our emotions. We lose our inner peace and we begin to look for it again.

We can choose to observe the dance of ideas, images and acts of others, and not get involved in their complications. Only thus will we be at peace with ourselves and with the world. Remember that you create your own story. If you want to live in peace and exercise a positive influence on the people around you, don't try to control or to change the stories of others. In order to enjoy a painting you do not poke your nose onto it; you remain at a certain distance so you see it with greater clarity. The same thing occurs with the painting of life. By learning the art of being a detached observer and then intervening, of keeping a healthy distance, we manage to be connected with what is essential without losing ourselves in the waste and superfluous (excessive). That way, our intervention does not arise out of a reaction which has shades of frustration, anger and negative judgements. We are then the creators of spaces of trust and love in relationships.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thought for Today

The one who teaches others never makes time his teacher. When the situation demands or forces us to change, we can usually bring about a change. But rarely do we find ourselves changing before time and being ready for the situations that are to come. So, we face a lot of difficulty during the time we are facing a problem. We need to have the simple aim to keep learning from everything that happens. With this aim we will be able to learn and be ready even before time forces us to change. Then we will be able to give the right direction to others, too, at the right time.

Message for the day 24-10-2010

Our words are effective only when we combine them with pure thoughts and inspirational actions.


As soon as we find someone's mistake it is natural for us to give correction through our words. We tend to explain to others using a lot of words. Yet we find that inspite of saying the right thing we are not being listened to and our words are just wasted away. We don't understand at such times where the problem lies.


To enable our corrections to others to be effective, we have to combine our thoughts, words and actions. There need to be good wishes in our thoughts which also brings sweetness in our words. We also need to take care that we are putting into action all that we are talking. When we do this we will find that our words are really effective.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

From Knowledge To Experience (cont.)

The same mechanism of the pole-vaulter which was explained yesterday is involved when a person wishes to attain realization of the self and an experience of a higher state of consciousness. To experience realization, we have to run some distance, collecting the necessary information. Then we use the pole of knowledge and wisdom to lift us off the ground of ordinary consciousness. But, we must then let go of the very pole of knowledge that we used to elevate our minds and take a jump of faith, flying over the barrier of 'ordinary consciousness' to experience a new and higher level of consciousness. If there is no faith, then there is not enough trust to let go of the pole and jump.

Many people do not let go of the pole of knowledge and, as a result, fall into the spinning of speculation and the habit of analysis and discussion – the experience of spiritual consciousness eludes them. The pull of the ego draws the consciousness back to the ground. The irony is that they think they have jumped over the barrier and regard themselves as being in the privileged position of knowing. Then they think that from this privileged position they are in the position of judging and being better than those who 'know' in a different way or in other words those who are truly spiritually enlightened.

The ones who have let go of the pole can be characterized by their wider, creative perspective and their benevolent strength.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Regard for others brings trust.

When something negative happens, my trust in people breaks. I then find it difficult to keep my mind free from the influence of my past experience. Even if the others try to correct the situation, I am not able to change my attitude towards them. When I see others, I have to see them with a vision of regard. I need to pay attention only to look at their specialities and keep myself free from the influence of the past experiences. When I do this, I will be able to trust others even while being cautious.

Message for the day 23-10-2010

To be clean at heart is to give happiness to others.


The one who has a clean heart is the one who always tries to do the best for those with whom he comes in contact. Thus, the person develops the ability to accept others as they are and ignore anything wrong done by them. Instead, he is able to do the right action without losing the balance. So such a person brings happiness for himself and for others through every action he performs.


When I have a clean heart I am able to have an experience of my inner qualities. I am able to enjoy the beauty of the different relationships, each relationship and each person being unique. Thus others are able to get in touch with their inner beauty too. So there is happiness experienced by all.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

From Knowledge To Experience

One aspect of practical spirituality is the practice of values such as tolerance, patience, flexibility, humility (egolessness) etc. Another is for the meditator actually to experience the highest level of consciousness. It is said that when this highest level of consciousness is experienced, there is the strength to practice those values that create well-being. How can we go beyond the stages of information, knowledge and even wisdom to experience the original state of being, that is, truth?

One way to describe the above process is to compare it to the game of the pole-vaulter. The pole-vaulter has a long pole to help jump over the barrier. The athlete runs for a short distance, and then quickly fixes the pole into the ground, enabling the body to be lifted up. When the athlete reaches a certain point in the air, the very pole that was used to get to that point is discarded; if the athlete fails to let go of the pole, then the body will be propelled backwards and it will be impossible to accomplish the task of jumping over the barrier.

We shall explain this comparison tomorrow.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." Do not even think evil, because first you think of something, then you speak of it, then you see it.

Message for the day 22-10-2010

To be a giver is to be flexible.


The one who does not expect from others, but is able to give others from whatever resources he has, is the one who is flexible. Being flexible means to be able to recognize the other person's value system and moulding one self according to it without losing touch with one's own value system.


When I am a giver, I do not expect others to change according to my value system, but am very easily able to find a way to adapt to the other person's value system. I never expect from others to understand me, but am able to understand others. So there is never any feeling of negativity for anyone.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Themes/Thoughts For Meditation (cont.)

Here are a few thoughts or themes for meditation to help you:

• I am a point of pure spiritual energy, a point of pure light, situated at the center of the forehead. While the world around me is always changing, while even thoughts and feelings come and go, I the soul remain here at the centre of myself, still, unchanging and totally stable. In this inner space of stillness I experience pure peace, pure calm and pure silence.

Repeat and expand the thoughts explained over the last couple of days gently to yourself, allowing them to take root deeply in your mind while enjoying the flowering of the real feelings they bring. It sometimes helps to write them down and then to contemplate (think about) them in quiet moments. In this way you can reconnect with your spiritual power with ease. Remember, the ultimate aim is to go beyond ‘thoughts’ into the actual ‘experience’. But you cannot force this - if you try to, it will not happen. Use the thoughts to gently guide you there. They will fall away on their own and, when the time is right, instead of thinking about peace you will reside (stay) in peace - the peace which always resides (stays) within you.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thought for Today

Why do we get mad? Could it be because we're not getting what we want? Or maybe it's because someone is not doing or being as we want them to do or be. If that's the case, then we're trying to achieve the impossible, that is control someone. Why not let go and let be.

Message for the day 21-10-2010

Determination enables elevated thoughts to become practical.


When we have an aim in our life and are working for it, we sometimes are not able to bring into practice all that we plan to do. We then tend to become disheartened and give up after trying for some time. Thus we lose out on the benefit that our thoughts can bring in our life.


In order to put into practice the good thoughts that we get i.e., in order to make our thoughts practical we need to stamp it with determination. Our words should never be 'I'll try', but must always be 'I will do it'. Where there is determination there is victory.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Themes/Thoughts For Meditation

Here are a few thoughts or themes for meditation to help you:

• I am a being of radiant light, like a star in the night sky reflecting and radiating light in the darkness of the night. The, light, which emanates from the heart of me is peaceful and loving. I know not who it touches, but I know it does touch. It is my gift to the world.

• I am just a tiny point of pure energy, of light, situated at the center of the forehead. And within that tiny point lie all my thoughts and my personality traits. Within the point of light that I am, lie all the qualities of spirit that I have - I am a source of love, a source of peace, a source of contentment and wisdom.

• I am a conscient point of energy, at the center of the forehead and I give life to my body. This body may be heavy, but I the soul am so light, and free that I can almost fly. I experience joy as the soul releases itself from the chains of matter.

(To be continued tomorrow…)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thought for Today

The practical application and benefits of meditation show up in our interpersonal relationships. As our inner peace and positivity are regained by the regular practice of meditation, we find it easier to resolve (clear up) conflict, remain open, communicate honestly with others and finally be of help to others through the quality of the company we are able to give. There are also many physical benefits, which can result from the continuous practice of meditation. Meditation has a deeply relaxing and calming effect on the nervous system, balancing physical energies, allowing the body to function more effectively while improving its ability to heal itself. This can result in reduced blood pressure, an increase in fitness; better sleep patterns and greater pain control.

Message for the day 20-10-2010

With the right balance between discipline and love you will not waste your energy through words.


When you have to give directions to others or correct someone's mistakes, check if you are using more words than necessary and if you have the right balance between discipline and love. The right balance is to use words in a firm way, at the same time to have an attitude of love.


When giving directions to someone, make sure you have the practice of having the right attitude towards that person. Where the attitude is of love, you'll find yourself accomplishing what you have to with few words.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thought for Today

To have love for the self means to finish the weaknesses within.

When we make a mistake we usually think about it a lot and continue to feel guilty. The continued thought about the mistake magnifies it and we think it is difficult to change or overcome that weakness. Like a mother who accommodates the mistakes of the child, yet has the best wishes for the child to be free from them, we, too, need to deal with ourselves with love in order to finish the weakness that is working within us. We need to recognise and work with some speciality that is within us, which will help us overcome the weakness.

Message for the day 19-10-2010

The one with the vision of perfection constantly experiences progress.


Many times, as we are moving ahead in the path of our life, we find ourselves stagnating. There seems to be no progress at all in any aspect of our life. We try to bring about a few changes that work for sometime. But after sometime we find ourselves dissatisfied and we stop trying.


We need to have the vision of perfection constantly in front of our eyes. We need to ask ourselves what is it that we expect out of ourselves, to be a source of joy to others, to keep learning.... it could be anything that inspires us to constantly move ahead while appreciating all that life brings.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Anger Management And Prevention

How often has your anger ever made any positive difference to situations? Probably never.

Have you ever noticed that when you get angry with someone it seems to push them away, they go into hiding, they go underground, and then it’s not possible to influence them and help them to change.

Then some people think, that if you don’t get angry about anything and with anyone you might as well lie down and be a doormat, one on which anyone can walk over. Well you could if you think doormat is a role you would like to play, but it’s not compulsory. You could be assertive (confidently aggressive in a positive sense or self-assured) instead of angry. You are fortunate to have an intellect that knows the way to differentiate between right and wrong, you are human so you have the ability to be understanding and compassionate (merciful), and you have a unique contribution to make to this game called life. So why not ‘do something’ to help situations become better by applying the qualities of generosity, kindness and mercy instead of becoming angry? If you care about the situation so much what are you waiting for? Trouble is, the angry person is a bit like the ‘compulsive complainer’ about situations. If you complain (get upset) about situations it means you have an image of how you would prefer things to be but you are not prepared to actually do something about it.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, October 18, 2010

Thought for Today

Not only does the philosophy of non-violence require us not to harm anyone physically, but it also includes not harming their self- respect. Such an ethic requires tremendous awareness and sensitivity. When I learn to be gentle with myself, I can be the same with others.

Message for the day 18-10-2010

To do something altruistic each day is to ensure happiness.


When there is the thought to do something altruistic for someone every day, there is the ability to give happiness unconditionally. Whatever the relationship or whatever the personality of the other person, the one who develops the habit of doing this, is able to remain a source of support for those around.


The best gift I can give is to give happiness and to finish sorrow. When I am constantly thinking of this, not for any reward but just for the sake of it, I am able to discover and enjoy the fruit of that action. I am free from expectations and am able to enjoy the action itself.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding And Overcoming Insomnia (Sleeplessness)

Over sixty percent of the population experience disturbed sleep or complete sleeplessness, either chronically or once in a while. Insomnia has never killed anyone, but to the person suffering from it, insomnia is as weakening as anemia and as nagging as an ulcer. Apart from physical causes such as malfunctioning of some organ, it is anxiety which is the cause of most sleep abnormalities.

Anxiety causes nightmares and night terrors in children, and it is the most frequent cause of sleep walking and sleep talking. Even small worries can cause insomnia, as the person lies in bed "over thinking" and fearing that he will not be able to sleep. The fear itself results in that very result i.e. inability to sleep. A vicious circle results, continuously, increasing the severity of the problem.

Since worries and over thinking are the prime causes of insomnia, the cure is obvious: stop worrying, especially at bedtime. Unfortunately, that advice, though true, is very difficult to put into practice. A period of meditation, ranging from ten minutes to half an hour, just before going to bed, is usually successful in eliminating the problem.

Meditation works by relaxing the mind. The peaceful mind quickly spreads its effect to the hypothalamus inside the brain, the region where the sleep centre is located. When the blockage there is removed, natural and peaceful functioning of the sleep centre is restored.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thought for Today

True treasure is the treasure of contentment.

We, sometimes, find that we do not always have with us everything we want. When we are faced with this thought again and again, we naturally begin to have negative thoughts. We, then, are not able to appreciate and use what we have. Instead we are left wishing for something else. Instead of thinking of what we don't have or need, we need to make effort to use whatever we already have with us. For this, we need to make a conscious effort to check what treasures we have, then, we will be able to use them in a worthwhile way. Then, we will be able to be content whatever the situation may be.

Message for the day 17-10-2010

Real positivity is being positive even in negative situations.


It seems very difficult, if not impossible, to maintain positive thoughts when we are faced with a negative situation. Even with a strong intention to be positive, challenges come in the form of relationships, physical illness, difficult circumstances etc and we find ourselves weakening.


A long time of practice of maintaining inner self-respect is what will help us in a difficult situation. To maintain self-respect means to understand and appreciate our own uniqueness. With this practice of self-respect we will not be dependent on the external situation but will find the strength within.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding The Mind And Its Functioning

The mind is a faculty of the soul, the main function of which is to produce thoughts. The thoughts we create are energy. In one day we produce an average of thirty to forty thousand thoughts. How much energy does this represent? What do we do with it?

The mind works constantly, even when we are sleeping. We cannot separate ourselves from it, it is our inseparable companion. If you study your mind you will see that, as well as thinking, it imagines, remembers, dreams, associates, desires and even produces your feelings.

If you think about some incident that made you unhappy ten years ago, you will feel that unhappiness again, perhaps even more deeply than before. If you think of something that made you happy, you will also feel that happiness when you repeat the event in your mind.

If you create positive thoughts about yourself, you will feel good and your self-esteem will be strengthened, and if you create negative thoughts, you will feel depressed, with low self-esteem. The mind opens up the way to the self. By creating the right type of thoughts you can open up your inner potential again, and rediscover that as people we are full of positive qualities.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thought for Today

Success comes about only when there is an effort to bring about transformation.

When I am working towards being successful I usually want to work with just those personality treats that I have always been working with before. But this does not always bring me success. Then the reaction is to blame the people around you or blame the people around you or the situations. Learning from each situation and working to bring about steady transformation brings constant success for me whatever the situations I will surely feel successful.

Message for the day 16-10-2010

To forgive is to give correction.


When there is forgiveness, the harm of the mistake is forgotten. The mistake itself is remembered only to the extent that the correction is to be given. So there are no negative feelings expressed even while giving correction. And the words that are used are few but prove to be very effective.


When I learn the art of forgiving I am able to be free from the burden of negative and waste thinking. So there is never any difficulty in giving correction when necessary. The mind is free from the attitudes of the past and it creates harmony in relationships even if the opinions or personalities don't match.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Invisible Factor

The most powerful things are invisible. For example, the roots of a tree cannot be seen; they are underground silently nourishing the visible tree. A house is supported by its foundation deep within the earth. If the foundation is weak the building will fall when there is some kind of strong pressure, like an earthquake. The essence of matter is the atom; it holds a tremendous amount of energy but cannot be seen by the eyes.

Can we see the Supreme Being (God)? You will never meet someone who has seen Him. People have experienced, or felt God's presence but no one has actually seen a personal form, yet millions believe in such a Being! In the same way, when it comes to knowing the true self, we ask, 'What does the soul look like? Where is it situated?'

Spirituality leads us to the answers related to the invisible i.e. answers to what is the form, location and virtues of the soul as well as the Supreme Soul.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thought for Today

Why do you suffer so much when things that you have brought so close to you are changed or lost?
It is because they are too close. When someone damages your car and you suffer it is because you think you are the car! This is the deepest mistake. It is the deepest cause of the suffering called anger. You are not aware of this of course, but if you were to take a moment and see what you were doing in your own mind, you would see you have brought the image of the car up on the screen of your mind. You have then gone into that image of the car in your mind, and you have lost your 'sense of self' in the image of the car. In effect you identify with the car. So if the car outside is scratched or damaged in any way, it feels like it is happening to you and, as a result, you become disturbed. The disturbance is called anger. In spiritual terms this would be called attachment. Attachment is a mistake we all make within our consciousness and it creates what is known as ego. From a spiritual point of view, ego is the root of all suffering, and all suffering can be found and felt at an emotional level in the various forms of fear, anger and sadness.

Message for the day 15-10-2010

To search for solutions is to use resources for the right cause.


Usually a lot of energy and time is wasted to find the cause of something that goes wrong. But thinking about that only wastes the resources that could be used for finding solutions. So it is not necessary to understand the causes but to find solutions. So the one who understands this fact is able to make the best use of available resources to correct the situation.


Being focused on the solution rather than on the problem, I am able to use all my inner resources in the right way. I am free from complaints and am able to put in effort to do the best in the given situation. I am constantly happy and content because I know that there is a solution for every problem.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding The Process Of Birth And Death

The leaving of one body and the taking of another is nearly always confusing and soon the details of the old life are erased by the new. Just in one day we forget so much. After having slept for a while, after some injury or shock, or even after a change in place, company or circumstances, many things are forgotten.

Death of the body is a great shock to the soul, especially if there was great attachment to that body, and the new set of circumstances in the new body is bewildering (confusing). Because the body and brain are not developed, the soul cannot express its memory, so it laughs and cries when it cannot recognize anyone, or when it wishes to express itself. By the time the body is developed, the soul has forgotten its past birth and has become accustomed to the new conditions and the new parents. The prominent “sanskaras” developed in past lives soon begin to manifest (show) themselves with new details (in the new birth).

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thought for Today

To be intuitive (instinctive) often means that the third eye is able to tune in to the hidden silent vibrations of other people and situations. Vibrations are energies, which are constantly being transmitted by all things, particularly living things and people. A person may not say anything, or may even say the opposite of what he or she is feeling, but we are able to understand this contradiction, either through facial expressions, or body language, or by picking up the thoughts.

The doctor uses the stethoscope to 'hear' the body of the patient and to examine and understand the pulse and rhythm of the body in order to judge the health of the person; so it is like a third ear!

If the intellect wishes to understand the mental pulse of another person, in order to truly cooperate and help properly, then it has to have the capacity of a third ear, which means developing the art of really listening and catching the needs of the situation and person. When the intellect is used like a stethoscope, it needs to be very introspective (thoughtful), very concentrated and very open. In this way, the intellect is used like a third eye and a third ear; seeing and listening become the same thing.

Message for the day 14-10-2010

True service is to spread the light of happiness to all around.


In any negative situation, the usual reaction is to feel disheartened and unhappy. With this reaction to the situation, the people around too are affected as the unhappiness spreads around. Focusing this way only on the problem creates such negativity that it doesn't inspire anyone to work for a solution.


Instead of spreading unhappiness in a difficult situation by seeing the negative aspect, we need to think of how to bring a solution. Even if we can't, we need to look at some positive aspect in it that will enable us to maintain our own positivity. When we keep ourselves happy in this way, we will be able to spread this happiness to others too.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Role Consciousness To Soul Consciousness

Experience the following thoughts one after the other:

I am conscious of myself and of what is around me...
I look at my life as a detached observer...
I observe the different roles I play during the day...
I see to what point I am capable of releasing myself of the role after I have played it and the scene has ended…
I can be myself...
I am freed from my roles and the consciousness of my body with which I play the roles...
I become light, without any burdens, free of weight...
I am only pure consciousness, I am light...
I am a miniscule point of light that radiates from the centre of my forehead...
I radiate the innate qualities of my being...
I radiate vibrations of peace; I radiate vibrations of love...
I am peace, I am love, I am light...

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thought for Today

A single positive thought helps in changing the entire situation. When I am faced with a negative situation the first thought I usually get is a negative one. The thoughts that I follow are naturally negative too because the mind looks for reasons to sustain that negative frame of mind. I need to make the effort of intentionally taking a positive thought, thus I find all other connected positive thoughts coming up naturally this is because the situation doesn't look so difficult or challenging with my positive frame of mind.

Message for the day 13-10-2010

The one who has the spirit of service is free from wasteful thinking.


It is usually thought of as an additional burden to think of serving others. The usual thought is to think of first serving oneself and when one is content to think of serving others. But this thought makes one miss out on the fact that both service to oneself and service to others are complementary to each other, one helping the other in a positive way.


When we take on the responsibility of bringing benefit to others, i.e., when we consider ourselves as a humble server we will be free from wasteful and negative thinking. We will not waste our thoughts and energy on something that is not worthwhile, something that is not going to bring benefit to anyone. So each thought, word and action of ours becomes elevated.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Understanding The Inner Mechanism Of Anger

If we think, speak and act in an angry way, we leave an impression or memory of anger within our own consciousness which results in sanskara of anger to be born. Within the sanskara is the recorded emotion and experience of our expression towards the object of our anger. The object is a particular person or situation. If we encounter the object of our anger the next day, it will trigger the emergence the recorded anger from within the sanskara. We then deepen the sanskara as we express more anger, even if we only 'think' anger. The emergence of this emotional energy from within our consciousness then stops us from interacting in a positive way. It clouds our mind and confuses our intellect, weakening and distorting our thoughts, decisions and behaviour. This often explains why we find it harder to connect and communicate with certain people in our life. Essentially we are carrying a negative image of the other person within our sanskara from a previous interaction with them. And when we see them again it emerges the energy within the sanskara, which then influences our ability to respond to them.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thought for Today

Contentment makes me a giver. My mind is busy usually with expectations. I continue to expect something or the other from people. Yet I find that people are too busy fulfilling their own expectations to notice or to give what I need. Since my expectations are not fulfilled I am not able to be available for others and give them what they need. I need to be so aware of what I have and be content with it, that people should never think about what I need but should be able to take from me what they need. Then I'll be free from expectations and give others what is required.

Message for the day 12-10-2010

To have a clear aim of where the action will lead is to be successful in everything.


Many a times it so happens that one acts immediately seeing a situation. But the one who is successful analyses the situation and predicts the outcome of the action that he performs and then acts keeping the end result in mind. Because of knowing the consequences of the actions before actually performing that action, he is able to continue putting in effort in spite of the challenges and difficulties. So he continues to give his best to the task.


When I am able to give time to myself to think before performing any action, I am able to take the opportunity to be clear in my thinking. The consequences of the action I wish to take are clear in my mind and so, the action taken to overcome the situation is right. Hence, I receive easy and sure success.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Mental Periscope

This is the ability of the intellect to come out, observe, understand and initiate appropriate action and, when necessary, go back inside and be calm and still. This act of taking the thoughts inside is called introspection and in this introspective state the self can re-energize, examine, reflect and refine, or just be completely still - whatever it may wish to do in that state of silence. When the intellect uses its capacity as a periscope, it is able to find a balance between the inside and outside worlds.

Effective meditation means to gather the positive resources of the inner self and then use them in the outer world.

It is important to remain neither too much inside, nor too much outside, but constantly to create a balance between the inner and outer realities. Meditation resembles the cyclic path of energy: going from the inside out and then from the outside in, gathering information, or experiences that we need to reflect on, or understand better. On other occasions, it may be a question of recharging our minds with positivity and peace: we go inside and, with the practice of silence, the battery becomes re-energized.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, October 11, 2010

Thought for Today

Do you enjoy what you do? Do you enjoy your work?

When you enjoy what you are doing you are so absorbed and involved in the task that you rarely stop to think about time. We think we ‘have to’ go to work because we associate work with hard labour, a kind of boredom that must be tolerated. We rarely see work for what it is. What is work? Is it something to get joy from, or something to give joy to? We are conditioned to see and think about work as a necessary activity in order to pay for the ‘good’ things in life. And so many of us leave our hearts in our homes, and reluctantly (unwillingly) do what we think we have to do – with one eye on the task and the other eye on the clock. Notice, when you are doing what you love doing, you do what you do, with love…and joy…and willingly. And time is never a problem. So here is the challenge:

Are you doing what you love doing. Is the work that you do, what you give yourself willingly to? If not, what do you love doing, or what is it that you joyfully enjoy giving your time, interest and attention to? (By ‘doing’ we mean something that is creative or interactive not something static (inactive)).

Imagine you are doing what you love doing, for a living, what does this look like? What could you do to begin to make this change?

Message for the day 11-10-2010

To transform waste into something purposeful and powerful is to remain light.


To successfully transform something waste into something powerful and meaningful is to look beyond the situation and see what it has to teach. When there is the ability to do this, there is the ability to go on in spite of the most challenging obstacles. There is the deep understanding that nothing happens without a purpose. There is no time or energy wasted in wasteful company.


When I understand the significance of everything that happens, I am able to transform in a second. So I am able to remain light because I am able to put in sincere effort and free myself from the burden of waste. I also find that there is no problem in my relationships too, as I am able to understand others and behave accordingly.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Search For Peace, Love and Happiness

We are constantly searching for true values. In consciousness we mistakenly think that the physical world and physical relations can provide us peace, love and happiness. However peace, love and happiness are not the properties of matter, nor of the physical identity, but the true properties or characteristics of the soul. This has to be realized.

Imagine a scene in which you are surrounded by all your favourite things; food, music, fragrance, scenery and companions. Just about to enjoy your meal, the telephone rings and you are told that a person close to you has just died. Instantly, that scene of "favourites" melts into a distasteful and superficial experience. Something has happened that shakes the soul and it can no longer enjoy those things. At the same time it finds itself powerless in the face of the bad news as understanding and power are missing. Life is full of experiences such as this and it becomes clear that physical things are not the sources of peace, love and happiness, but that understanding and inner strength are.

One of the basic facts of human psychology is that we do not seek or desire something that has not been experienced previously. For example, if one has never tasted a mango, there cannot be a burning desire to have a mango. This suggests that desires might be arising from previous life experiences. In fact, it is impossible for a human being to act or desire outside the field of his or her own experience. The search for peace, love and happiness is so fundamental to the human spirit because these are the original and true qualities of the soul itself.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thought for Today

Wisdom lies in taking only whatever is good.

I am usually so receptive to things outside that I take in everything, both the good and the bad. The bad part of it, however, doesn't let me be happy. I also notice that the more I take the negative things that people are giving me, the more they tend to give. The solution lies in taking only the positive things and ignoring the negative things. Even if I do have to take the negative things, I need to take it in a positive way. This is real wisdom through which I'll get the best out of life.

Message for the day 10-10-2010

Where there is honesty there is flexibility.


When someone challenges the truth of what we are saying we generally tend to argue and prove our point in order to prove ourselves right. When we argue in this way, it only shows our own stubbornness and doesn't help in anyway to reveal the truth. Where silence doesn't help in revealing the truth, argument never will because the other person is not in a position to listen to us at that moment.


We need to realise the fact that when the other person is not able to recognise the truth, our arguing will not help in any way. When the truth is with us we need not argue but we only need to wait for the right opportunity to talk what we have to say. When we try to talk when the other person is not in a position to listen to us, it only reveals our lack of flexibility.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Thought Management

If we are stuck or trapped in our own thoughts we will not have control over them. When we observe them, we separate ourselves from them and we provide a space, and this is how we can control them and channel them in the direction we wish. In order to have control over something we must look at it from a certain distance, like an impartial observer. This practice helps us to realise the influences, both positive and negative, that there are in our life.

Observing our thoughts (which we do in the process of meditation) is the first step in understanding and, in the last analysis, taking full responsibility for them.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thought for Today

The soul has three faculties (energies): the mind through which we create thoughts, the intellect with which we understand, judge and decide, and the sanskaras, which are impressions in the form of memories, personality characteristics and habits. All three work together: the mind is influenced by both external and internal factors, which can be either positive or negative. The intellect has to understand, judge and decide what something means and then act. If the intellect is unclear or confused, then understanding and decisions are faulty and, consequently, actions and behaviour result in a lot of negativity, both for the self and others.

Throughout history, teachers have come to give spiritual knowledge, through which they attempt to awaken people's consciousness in order to make relationships, attitudes, thoughts and actions more positive and loving. For this to happen, there has to be a 'click' in the intellect, that is, a realization and willingness to change old habits and negative personality characteristics and to become better ethically and spiritually.

Change is the result of the third eye (intellect) opening.

Message for the day 09-10-2010

To be merciful means to transform the pain and sorrow of others.


The one who is merciful always has the feeling of mercy and is able to help those who are in need or in distress. Such a person is able to bring about transformation in others too because of his own pure feelings. He is able to put in effort that becomes a contribution for the progress of others.


When I have mercy for others, I am able to accept their feelings, emotions and behaviour and provide them with the right kind of mental support. Then I am able to give them courage without being influenced negatively with their feelings of pain and sorrow. So my mercy influences myself positively too as I am able to keep myself positive under all circumstances.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Experiencing Freedom From The Subtle Burden Of Pending Conversations (cont.)

We must create the necessary space to share pending matters, messages, ideas and feelings with our loved ones in a safe atmosphere, protected from violence and full of respect. In that atmosphere, we can express ourselves, share and love. We have to create the atmosphere ourselves. It is our responsibility to make the other understand that there is something important that we have to tell them.

In order to live in freedom we have to be aware of all the burdens that we have pending from the past, what things we have to fix, solve, clear up and communicate, and free ourselves from all of them.

To start with, make a list of all the pending conversations that you have. Give yourself a date that is soon and realistic in order to have these conversations. Make them happen. Don't put them off any more.

Don't allow your mind to keep on making excuses. Imagine that today is your last day. What is it that you have to say, communicate, and/or clarify and with who? Do it soon. Today might be your last day or the last day of the person with whom you have a pending conversation.

Living without pending conversations keeps the path clear, your conscience clear, your heart at peace and your mind light.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thought for Today

Awareness of my own resources enables me to experience quick progress. I usually look for excuses for my lack of progress. I either compare with others or curse my own lack of resources and stop putting in effort. So although I can do a lot I don't experience as much progress as I should. To make as much progress as I want to is in my hands. For this I need to recognise the resources I have and put them to the best use. When I am busy with that I am able to move forward quickly.

Message for the day 07-10-2010

The best way to change others is to remain peaceful.


When there is behaviour seen which is not to my liking or approval, there is a tendency to get upset and worked up about it. So immediately, this is brought into words and actions also. Getting agitated or excited doesn't however solve the problem. When there is the ability to remain peaceful, the right solution is found and there is the right response to the problem at hand.


When I am able to maintain my inner peace under all circumstances and with all people, I am able to use the power of my thoughts to bring about a change in the mind of others too. I find myself discovering the power of my inner potential and am able to use it for my own benefit and that of others.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Meditation The Western And Eastern Perspective

Nowadays, the majority of people in the West who wish to learn how to meditate do so because they want to relax. In a world of constant demands, where everything appears to happen at lightning speed, people want to learn the technique of freeing themselves from the variety of tensions they face, find an inner calm to bring about balance in their lives and sustain a positive frame of mind.

In the East, meditation is an ancient tradition, which involves far more than just relaxing and being positive; it is a way to enlighten the mind. An enlightened mind is one filled with peace, clarity and kindness. Clarity enables the individual to make decisions, which are benevolent (kind) and accurate for the self and others; kindness protects the self and others from the harmful effects of the mind's negative desires. The aim of meditation is to use the values of wisdom (spiritual knowledge), peace and kindness to enable the individual to control the mind, to keep it in order.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thought for Today

We are all already beautiful and perfect, and we always have been. However we do not know this beauty, because it is hidden deep within, and we are not taught to go deep inside ourselves and see it, feel it, and express it. Inner beauty is made up of the qualities of the soul, and these qualities are always found in the heart of our consciousness (through the practice of meditation). But we don’t know this because we are taught not to regard ourselves as spiritual beings or souls. And when we learn (falsely) that we are only physical bodies we then try to find beauty outside ourselves. But in the process of doing so, our self-esteem weakens. This is why the most physically beautiful people very often have the most delicate self-esteem. They depend on attracting desiring glances of others towards their form for how they feel about themselves. This is dangerous, as anyone with physical
beauty will finally tell you.

Message for the day 07-10-2010

The best way to change others is to remain peaceful.


When there is behaviour seen which is not to my liking or approval, there is a tendency to get upset and worked up about it. So immediately, this is brought into words and actions also. Getting agitated or excited doesn't however solve the problem. When there is the ability to remain peaceful, the right solution is found and there is the right response to the problem at hand.


When I am able to maintain my inner peace under all circumstances and with all people, I am able to use the power of my thoughts to bring about a change in the mind of others too. I find myself discovering the power of my inner potential and am able to use it for my own benefit and that of others.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Meditation The Western And Eastern Perspective

Nowadays, the majority of people in the West who wish to learn how to meditate do so because they want to relax. In a world of constant demands, where everything appears to happen at lightning speed, people want to learn the technique of freeing themselves from the variety of tensions they face, find an inner calm to bring about balance in their lives and sustain a positive frame of mind.

In the East, meditation is an ancient tradition, which involves far more than just relaxing and being positive; it is a way to enlighten the mind. An enlightened mind is one filled with peace, clarity and kindness. Clarity enables the individual to make decisions, which are benevolent (kind) and accurate for the self and others; kindness protects the self and others from the harmful effects of the mind's negative desires. The aim of meditation is to use the values of wisdom (spiritual knowledge), peace and kindness to enable the individual to control the mind, to keep it in order.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thought for Today

True nourishment is the nourishment of happiness.

We pay a lot of attention to maintain the physical health. We give it food everyday, nourishment that keeps us healthy. This helps in replenishing the physical energy, but we don't pay that much attention to nourish the mind. The real nourishment is to keep giving happiness to the self. When the mind is happy, then automatically I find myself being energetic constantly. For this I need to make sure I give myself
something that I am happy about everyday.

Message for the day 06-10-2010

The one who has the power of realisation is the one who can bring transformation.


When something goes wrong we immediately begin to look for excuses why that mistake happened. This finishes our power of realisation and we will not be able to recognise our own mistake. Then we will not be able to work at improving ourselves and we will not be able to bring any transformation.


Instead of looking for excuses for what happened, we need to take the opportunity to check within ourselves and see our own mistake. When we recognise our mistake, however small it may be, we will be able to work on it. Only when we are able to realise our own mistake, will we be able to bring about transformation in ourselves.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Total Positive Health (cont.)

We have already explained the characteristics of Physical, Mental and Social Health in brief over the last two days. Today we take a look at:

Spiritual Health:

It is stated that spiritual health is "something non physical that is beyond physiology and psychology". From our experience of Raja Yoga meditation, we feel the following three characteristics properly describe, at least minimally, the spiritually healthy person.

A. Possession of accurate knowledge and continuously experienced awareness of the self as a soul (the non-material point of light in the centre of the forehead). The feeling-state of such a self-realized soul will be peace and purity.

B. Living without excessive attachment to any object in the physical world, including one's own body. A sense of brotherhood with other souls, without coming under their influence. One's actions elevated and characterized by integrity.

C. Constant intellectual connection with the Supreme Being, by which positive energy is received and transformed into pure action. This connection empowers the person in such a way so that no worldly obstacles can affect him. In this brief outline of the characteristics of total positive health, we can see by even casual self-analysis that most of us today do not qualify in all four categories (even though we may justify this by comparing ourselves to other unhealthy people or society in general today). Of the four, it is obvious that the spiritual dimension is most important, for it affects most heavily upon the other three. The spiritually healthy being will have no difficulty in attaining mental and social health, as well as having a distinct advantage in maintaining the well being of his body.

The practice of meditation, in turn, is the strongest foundation for building the stage of one's spiritual health.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thought for Today

Motivation is an inner positive energy, a combination of enthusiasm and clear perception (understanding) that enables us to accomplish (complete) a task.

Motivation keeps us determined and on course, otherwise it is so easy to be distracted by problems and laziness. What does motivation do? It moves us from one reality to another, from where I am to where I wish to be.

When we want to reactivate our motivation we need to examine the following:
* What do I want?
* What do I wish for?
* What do I value?
* What do I need?
* What do I enjoy?
* What do I understand? and, especially,
* What do I love?

When we sit down and think about the answers to these questions, they become the basis for activating new insights and tasks and for reactivating those insights and tasks, which I have forgotten to pay proper attention to and have not developed properly.

Message for the day 05-10-2010

To be powerful is to destroy unwanted habits.


To be powerful means to be aware of one's own hidden powers and to use these powers in destroying old unwanted habits. It is to apply a powerful brake to the thoughts in a second, so that there is the ability to master the situation. Such a person does not fall prey to the situation but makes effort to become a destroyer of the weakness in a second.


When I am able to use my inner powers I am able to apply a brake to my thoughts in a second. I am able to finish old unwanted habits and be free from the burden of having to be with negativity. So I am able to be a master who is well equipped to face all situations in life. And I am able to be successful both in relationships and in my work.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Total Positive Health (cont.)

We explained the characteristics of Physical Health in brief yesterday. Today we take a look at:

Mental Health:

A. Happiness, calmness and cheerful behavior. Self satisfaction (no self-condemnation or self-pity). No conflicts within the self (no feeling of being 'at war' with oneself).

B. Accommodative intellect. Able to accept criticism, not easily upset. Understanding of the emotional needs of others, considerate and courteous in all dealings. Open to new ideas.

C. Self-control. Not dominated by the emotions of fear, anger, attachment, jealousy, guilt, or worry. Not driven by lust or greed. Able to face problems and solve them intelligently.

Social Health:

A. Forms friendships which are satisfying and lasting.

B. Keeps family and social relations hearty and frictionless.

C. Acts for the benefit of the society in general.
(We will take a look at Spiritual Health tomorrow …)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thought for Today

To finish a weakness is to finish the last trace of it.

When I work to overcome any of my weaknesses, I feel that I have got rid of it. In spite of that, I find that I have got rid of my weakness only for sometime. In some situations, these weaknesses begin to emerge again and again. When I work on a weakness I need to understand why that particular weakness is working within me. When I recognise the root cause of the weakness working within me, I can overcome it very easily. I then find that the weakness will not emerge again

Message for the day 04-10-2010

Faith enables the creation of elevated fortune.


Usually there is a tendency to leave things to destiny. When something goes wrong, we blame fate for it. Then we feel the situation to be totally out of our control, which prevents us from taking responsibility for our own life. And we will not be able to work in any way for bringing about a change and improving the situation.


Instead of blaming fate for whatever is happening, we need to take up responsibility for creating our own fortune for the future. When we have faith in ourselves, we will take up responsibility for our own life. We will, then, be able to work at making our each thought beneficial, contributing to our success, making a better future for ourselves.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Total Positive Health

We need to take a deep look at the term 'health'. This means we must understand what health really is. Aside from general agreement that it is something which should be promoted and maintained, there is no universally accepted definition of health. Many experts refer to some version of the definition offered by the World Health Organization (WHO), which states: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity". Other authorities add a fourth dimension to the definition, suggesting 'spiritual well being' as essential to the true condition of human health. The characteristics of the above dimensions of health (in brief) are generally described as follows:

Physical Health:

A. Balanced dietary habits, a peaceful breath, and sound sleep.

B. Regular activity of bowel and bladder, and smooth, coordinated bodily movements.

C. Resting pulse rate, blood pressure, body weight and exercise tolerance are all within the normal range for the individual's size, age and gender.

D. All the organs of the body function normally.

(We will take a look at Mental and Social Health tomorrow …)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thought for Today

Some of us also hold the belief that a 'positive thinker' walks with a broad smile on his face all day long and thinks 'everything is great'. But 'positive thinking' is an inner matter, a mental attitude. It is a way of looking at life's circumstances. It teaches us to act instead of only reacting; to get a firm hold on our life again, instead of being influenced by others or by circumstances.

Message for the day 03-10-2010

To have the right attitude is to add meaning to circumstances.


Circumstances are like objects. They are not alive but they come to life depending on the kind of attitude that one has. If the attitude is positive, there is the ability to make situations positive too. But if the attitude is negative, even the most ordinary situations seem to be negative. So every action done with such an attitude creates a negative impact on one's own life and that of others too.


When faced with a situation, if I am able to look at it in a positive way, I am able to make the best of the situation. I accept the situation as it is and I am able to be happy and light. This positive state of mind creates a great impact and it spreads around touching the lives of others too.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

What Is Instinct?

Every baby has some tendency or another from the moment of birth, tendencies formed by past thoughts and actions. The soul does not inherit tendencies genetically. All that is transferred genetically is the physical appearance, the colour of eyes, shape of nose etc. There is a certain amount of influence acquired in the new situation, e.g. for a child we might say - "He has his father's bad temper". The fact that the soul was born into that family to payoff its accounts one way or the other, indicates that the soul has performed similar actions in a previous birth. That someone has a fear of heights, someone else a fear of being enclosed, indicates that they had suffered from similar experiences in a previous birth. The soul's desire for peace and happiness may be termed as "instinctive" but is certainly not biological.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Thought for Today

There is a common notion (belief) that positive thinking makes one 'soft', a bit weak. But quite the opposite is true. The more we understand and experience our own inner qualities and powers and realize our own weaknesses, the stronger, more stable and less dependent we become on others.

Message for the day 02-10-2010

Humility wins hearts.


The one who is humble is able to put the other person forward. Such a person recognizes, appreciates and uses the specialities of others for the success of any task. So, along with giving the best, he is also able to bring out the best in the other person too. So, he is able to do the best in any task.


When I am humble, I experience harmony in relationships. I am able to learn from the different experiences and make myself better and better each day. So, I experience success in all I do. I am also able to win the hearts of others and get good wishes from them.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Creating Positive Habits

To overcome a negative habit, we have to ensure that the intellect is strong and stable enough to lead the mind with knowledge and comprehension. In this way, transformation is more deep and lasting, creates satisfaction and fullness, and greatly improves our self-esteem.

Our mind, which is under the influence of an old program, must be left in no doubt that "I", the original personality, no longer wants to go down that old road. We must have the strong determination to create a new thought pattern; this will also be recorded on our memory bank. This new register will help us to avoid taking up the old habits the next time something similar happens. For a period of time the two thought patterns, the old and the new, will exist alongside each other.

To achieve a long-lasting transformation, we should not suppress our mind and immediately eliminate all the habits or tendencies to which the mind has become accustomed to. If we do this, the mind will begin to cry and make a fuss, and finally, the moment we lower our guard and stop paying attention, the old habits will emerge again and drag our mind towards automatic thoughts and actions so that, almost without us realising, we are once again immersed in our old way of thinking and doing.

We have an alternative: creating thoughts of a greater quality that emerge from a new conscience. In this way, thanks to these positive thoughts, full of love, harmony and creativity, the mind will start to cleanse itself, replacing the old habits and negative tendencies in a totally natural way.

The positive thought that preceded the positive action is still conscious, but the more we repeat the positive action the less conscious we are of the thought that created it. The time comes when we don't know why we are doing whatever we are doing: it has become a positive habit.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, October 1, 2010

Thought for Today

Unhealthy lifestyles are rooted in the mind and seeded in the soul. The spiritual exercise of the mind involves taking the mind out of the physical body and to the subtle, angelic body of light and then to our state of being a soul - a sentient point of light and power. As for diet control, pure thoughts are the healthy diet for the mind. Creative thoughts are like vitamins and positive thoughts provide proteins that build will power, while thoughts of serving others are like carbohydrates, which provide energy for the mind.

Message for the day 01-10-2010

To experience newness each day is to be creative.


Sometimes we find things to be very monotonous. There seems to be nothing new that is happening. Days pass on and we tend to become action-conscious only trying to finish the tasks at hand. We feel caught up in the routine not able to enjoy anything anymore.


Instead of just doing what has to be done in a monotonous way, we need to take a thought each day to experience something new. There is such a variety in each day, we only have to discover ways of experiencing it. When we learn this creative art, we'll never be bored, but will be able to enjoy everything that comes our way.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Meditation To Discover Your Inner Beauty

Given below is a meditation to reflect on and experience the original qualities and virtues of the soul. When you are in contact with these treasures, you begin to shine.

Create a space within you. Sit down and go within. Look at your being in a different way. Look at what beautiful things you have within, and learn to recognize them.

I allow my body to relax ... I breathe gently and deeply... My physical senses relax ... I can feel more and more how my body is calming down... I direct my attention to within, as if I was looking through a window... I discover a silent space... tranquil... calm... Here I feel safe from any outside influence... I can feel the silence ... My mind is quietening... it becomes silent and peaceful...

The expansion of my thoughts fades... I concentrate on my true being... The lake of my mind is serene... clean... transparent... Everything is clear ... I can feel my own presence... I feel the pure energy of my being... I am shining like a beautiful star of divine light at the centre of my forehead... My original qualities like bliss, love and purity begin to shine at the heart of my soul, like a fountain of water that comes from a spring... I begin to recognize these treasures that rise up within me...

I concentrate on them and make them emerge, feeling that I am those qualities... I am a spiritual being... I am a being of light... I shine and sparkle with unlimited peace, happiness and love... I feel the peace... I am at peace... I am a being of peace... I feel the love... I am a being full of love... of good feelings, of acceptance towards everybody... My heart is strong... I feel that I am a being without limitations... with great strength... I glimpse what I really am... a being of authentic light... strong... radiating this light towards all people... towards the whole world... I stay in silence ... and I smile.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris