Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thought for Today

You can attain total success by putting an end to all things of the past and also your past attitudes. Whenever you begin any task first check whether or not you still remember any past situations that have taken place with others. You cannot achieve total success if you continue to regard or speak to anyone with the vision and attitude of the past. Whenever you are dealing with others make sure you put an end to all the past situations and your past attitudes and become totally clean, it is then that you will be able to attain total success.


Message for the day 20-09-2011

To be connected with people's specialities is to have faith in them.


Faith is more based on our perception of people rather than just their behaviour. When we have the habit of seeing specialities in each and every person, we are able to create space for the use of these specialities. This automatically reflects our faith in them and their ability to contribute.


Let me make a firm practice of seeing at least one positive aspect in each and every person I come into contact with. Then I will be able to use this speciality in a practical way and help the other person also to use this speciality. In this way, I will be able to increase his capability and my faith in him.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Radiating Good Wishes (Meditation) – cont.

The meditation below is a continuation of yesterday’s message. Create the following thoughts slowly:

I am strong... I am brave... within me there is strength and an abundance of peace at my disposal... I am a strong soul full of spiritual power... This power helps me to maintain my happiness... to have hope... to deal with obstacles and difficult situations... I am discovering my authentic being of light... powerful... radiating this light that is so pure and peaceful...

In this stage of strength, I become a source of light... stable... calm... generous... sharing the light of the love of God with others... the love that gives hope, trust... the love that protects and gives courage... I am an instrument to bring hope to this world... a light for the world that has good elevated feelings towards all the souls of this Earth... my heart overflows with love... with good desires and wishes towards all and these wishes spread like the fragrance of flowers... a fragrance that is given as a gift, freely... a fragrance of love that, with gentleness, soothes the suffering of others... it is a massage for the heart. I am a being of peace... I am light... I am a source of light that glows in the dark... gives peace where peace is missing...

Stay some moments in silence in order to feel how these vibrations, so peaceful and pure, spread. And, slowly, return to this present moment conscious of how you are, of your body and what surrounds you. Prepare yourself to carry on radiating peace, light and love in your actions and interactions also.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, September 19, 2011

Thought for Today

By removing the curtain of negative thoughts from your mind you can see the best that is hidden behind in every scene. Throughout the day when thing s go wrong, check if you are able to remain unaffected. Also check how far you are able to see beyond each situation and see the positive aspect that is hidden within. Each day take the thought that whatever happens is for the best. Even when things go wrong make the practice of seeing the good aspect in the situation and if you are unable to do so, remain with the faith that everything happens for the best.


Message for the day 19-09-2011

To look at specialities in each one is to ensure that cooperation is given and received easily.


Each and every individual has something special. If we have the habit of seeing these specialities, we find others too relate to us with these specialities and we can then easily get their cooperation. We will also be able to cooperate with them easily.


When I think of someone I can't cooperate with, I need to consciously think of some speciality in him. When I make sure, in my daily interactions, to relate to this speciality, I will find that my own negativity will finish and cooperation becomes easy. Others too will find it easy to cooperate with me.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Radiating Good Wishes (Meditation)

You need to get back your inner power by elevating your awareness and connecting with the Supreme Soul (God). In this way you can maintain the happiness, the peace that is within you and not be influenced by others or the atmosphere that surrounds you. That way you maintain your harmony. This gives you hope. In this meditation, we are going to fill ourselves with spiritual power in order to be a source of light that sends the light of love and peace to the broken and hurt hearts of many human beings - a source of light that takes hope to the life of others.

Imagine that God is in front of you like an endless fountain of supreme energy, of light and spiritual power... Think about his qualities that most attract you... he is the ocean of peace... the ocean of love... the ocean of happiness... the ocean of forgiveness...

In the same way as you look at the Sun and feel its rays of light and heat on your face, let this spiritual Sun (God) bathe you with its light... it fills you with spiritual power... it awakens your hidden potential... your original goodness... your greatness... You can feel the greatness of your being...

(To be continued tomorrow …)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Introversion (self-observation) strengthens the self. Just as a tortoise withdraws from the external environment after its work is done, we too need to find time for ourselves.
In the middle of the activity of the day, we need to make time to look within and find the beauty that is hidden there. When we do this as a practice it brings a positive experience that strengthens the self. We need to give ourselves a little time everyday at regular intervals. During this time, we need to look within and find our own uniqueness (individuality) and we will find that we are able to have access to our positivity. This practice will help us during difficult times too and we will be able to use these qualities under all circumstances. So we will not be a victim to situations but will be able to perform the right actions, which are required at that time.


Message for the day 18-09-2011

When each one is working towards a common task, cooperation becomes easy.


To get others' cooperation we need to share the task and the information regarding the task with others. When we communicate our motives using easy and simple language, everyone can understand and feel a part of the whole and they would naturally contribute their best.


Any new task that I take up I need to make sure I inform all the details to everyone related to the task. Even the minutest details when communicated to others, help in creating a priority in them to give their best to the task.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Transforming The Other’s Anger

In meditation, when I connect with God, I absorb His spiritual love and peace, which causes my own original qualities, which are present in me, the soul, in my pure state when I begin the playing of roles through physical bodies on the world stage, to come to the forefront or to the surface, to emerge in the conscious from the sub-conscious. As a result, now, where previously there would have been conflict, I have a greater capacity to remain peaceful when another person behaves in an unpleasant way with me. I have the power to stay mentally and emotionally stable when someone provokes or insults me. This power is enormously valuable in life, enabling me to cool heated situations, and even remove another person's anger altogether.

Instead of focusing on the anger on a person's face, I focus my attention to the non-physical, star-like being or soul within the person, which was peaceful and loveful in its original, pure state. This increases my tolerance and acceptance power. Also, through my meditation, I am actively aware of the spiritual bond all human beings share, as souls who have a common home of peace, the incorporeal (non-physical) home, from where all of souls come and a common connection with the One Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. Through this knowledge, I connect with the goodness in the other soul and my love for the soul is maintained. I realize that this goodness is a deeper reality than the anger. The truth is that if I can hold this soul-conscious vision steady for long enough, I radiate positive energy to the other soul, which works like magic and awakens the goodness within the other person. Then, my tolerance bears fruit and peace really does prevail between the two of us.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The way to accumulate the account of blessings is to remain content and make others content. While you are doing something, check if there is any limited desire for name or fame. The instant fruit of the service that you do is that you are happy, it is not what you get later that is important. So check how much you are experiencing this fruit and remaining content. Whatever you are doing for yourself or for others throughout the day, make sure that you are enjoying it. When you start enjoying what you are doing you'll stop expecting anything thereby you can remain content.


Message for the day 17-09-2011

The one who has a clear aim, is able to win the cooperation from others too.


When we are doing something with a clear picture in our minds, others will naturally cooperate. If we ourselves are not sure of what we are doing and why, we will not be able to receive their cooperation.


When I want the cooperation of others in what I do, I need to make sure that I am sure of what I am doing. I first need to be clear in my mind of what I want to achieve and I will find others helping me automatically.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Realizing Your Purpose

You are a source of the most powerful energy on the planet because you have a mind and an intellect, which has the capacity to create thoughts, ideas and actions. If however, there is no purpose (aim and objective) to your creativity, no focus or direction, your energy and your power will leak out in a variety of directions. You will be left with a drained feeling and the subtle guilt that you wasted precious time and energy. Just as a light bulb focuses and radiates the energy of electricity, so a clear purpose focuses and radiates the power of the self. Take time out to consider your purpose in life and then how you can translate that purpose into your day, everyday. You will see your purpose in your mind’s eye. One day it will occur to you, perhaps unexpectedly, perhaps in one single thought, or a clear single image of stunning clarity (accuracy), but you will know it with a certainty that needs no questioning.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, September 16, 2011

Message for the day 16-09-2011

Cooperation comes when there are pure feelings and good wishes for all involved in the task.


Every task we take up needs to be for the benefit of all. When we are working for something in which there is common benefit, we are able to easily gain others' cooperation. This also brings good wishes from all of them, which will naturally help in the success of the task.


When I take up something new and important, I need to make sure that there is surely something that will bring some benefit for everyone involved in the task. This attention helps me get the cooperation of those around me for the success of the task.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Maintaining Your Self-Esteem In Relationships

When a person is in love with another human, the marvelous thing about being in love is that it is a totally positive projection. There is a person who projects on to you all that is positive: you are marvelous, you are unique, you are indispensable, you are a treasure. That positive projection generates a euphoric state, of bliss, of wellbeing, whereby you are flying. You feel loved, cared for, needed and valued. That positive projection lasts for a time until, with the dependencies and expectations, the negative projection begins. "You should have called me, you should have told me, you should have come at this time, you should be more like this, you should be less like that, you should have done this or that."

With these expectations, demands and dependencies, that positive projection and flying state disappear. The other has started interfering in your personal space and the harmony that was there previously is lost. One needs to learn to have a positive vision of oneself. You are marvelous, you are unique; don't depend on them telling you so. This does not mean you need to feed your ego, but that you need to make the most positive emerge from within you. Resort to all your creative, positive, spiritual capacity, so that you do not depend on others having to project positive things onto you in order to feel good. On feeling good in an independent and autonomous way, you will be able to share with others peace, love and positivism. You won't be in the state of a victim but will be true rulers and controllers of your own life with solid self-esteem.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Be fluid like water and adapt your nature to your surroundings. Your practice is not to resist. Instead of forcing things to be the way you want them to be, go with the flow.


Message for the day 15-09-2011

The one who works with self-respect is the one who wins the cooperation of others.


When we do things in our natural state of self-respect, it creates cooperation. On the other hand if we have ego because of which we expect others to recognize our work and appreciate it, it creates competition and jealousy.


If someone is not cooperating with me, I need to check within myself why I am performing that task. If there is the slightest feeling of trying to prove myself, I need to remove it. In its place, there needs to be the thought in the mind that I want only success in the task and nothing else.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Principle Behind Rajyoga Meditation

"Yoga" in a general sense means a mental connection or union, achieved through remembrance. Whenever someone or something is remembered, then the soul is having yoga with that person or thing. At any moment, we are remembering people, places and things of the past or present, or we are imagining future events. We are continually using this power within, trying to find and maintain peace and happiness. We like to remember pleasant experiences and to entertain them as thoughts. We become "lost" in thought, detached from our immediate surroundings and problems. It is a natural ability of the soul to withdraw into itself in the face of external difficulties.

The same ability is used in Rajyoga meditation. The intellect, full of knowledge, is that which understands and remembers also. As long as the intellect remains fixed on the person or thing, the soul experiences its qualities. For example, when we remember a beautiful summer experience of relative peace and quiet, we re-experience the scenes, forget our problems and drift away. If we remember something painful or unpleasant, or someone's faults, the mind is disturbed. The mind experiences different states according to the type of thoughts that arise. The thoughts depend on where the intellect is focused. In short, as is the consciousness so is the experience.

Raja Yoga, the highest yoga, or remembrance, works entirely on the level of mind, intellect and .sanskaras., rather than focusing on bodily forms, postures or rituals. The first stage in Raja Yoga is to stabilize the self in the pure experience of the inner tranquility of the soul. At first, distracting thoughts may come to the mind. To be free from these, do not become involved in a struggle to contain or eradicate these wasteful thoughts, but merely step away from them. The next step is to stabilize the self on the form and qualities of the Supreme Being (God).

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thought for Today

Our original resources are very simply - peace, love, purity, knowledge and happiness. In Raja Yoga meditation these are called the five original qualities of the soul. When we return our consciousness to these five qualities and remember them, then the following feelings arise in us, which finally get reflected in our actions:

• Love: I care and I share.
• Peace: I harmonize and reconcile (adjust).
• Purity: I respect and I honour.
• Knowledge: I am and I exist.
• Happiness: I express and I enjoy.

To understand and remember these qualities, we need to recognize the heavy deep shadows or personality traits (“sanskars”) which have blotted them out, or polluted them. Sometimes we don't recognize the pollutants because they have ingrained themselves so deeply into the personality that we say ‘I am this’. True, complete spiritual knowledge, makes us aware of these pollutants and the practice of meditation empowers us to dilute them and get them out of our consciousness.


Message for the day 14-09-2011

To have trust in others is to get their cooperation.


When we have faith in others, they will have faith in themselves too and this creates enthusiasm in them. This further serves to increase self-confidence in the one we are working with.


When I find that someone whom I am working with is not cooperating with me, let me make the practice of telling myself that I have complete faith in that person. Slowly I will find that person cooperating with me.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Qualities, Virtues And Powers

Innate or basic characteristics are properties that are unchangeable. It's impossible to take the heat out of the sun or sweetness out of sugar. Heat and sweetness are part of the unchanging make-up of the sun and sugar respectively; they are the basic properties of each of them. In the same way, in spite of whatever I have become as a human individual, my deep basic characteristics are still the same ones that have always existed in me. It's my inner core of qualities that in fact inspires me to seek the ideal in whatever I do. The impulse to seek and to dream comes from my own store of innate attributes that is just waiting to be found and brought into practical activity.

The innate qualities of the soul are those that are the most basic: Peace, Truth, Happiness, Love, Purity, Power and Bliss. They are so basic that they themselves are the foundation of all virtues and powers. They are like primary colors and virtues and powers are secondary colors. Just as orange (a secondary color) is made of red and yellow (both primary colors) and blue is made of yellow and green, virtues such as patience, tolerance, courage, generosity etc. and powers, are obtained by mixing the basic qualities e.g.

Patience - peace, love and, power
Humility . love, peace and truth
Courage - power and truth

The aim of meditation is to emerge and enhance my qualities so that my behavior becomes full of virtues and powers.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Instead of identifying yourself as a body, identify yourself as a soul, a subtle (non-physical) star without any physical form and dimensions, a point source of light energy and consciousness. Whatever you do or say, it is you, the soul, who is performing that action through the body. The soul is like a driver and the body is the car. To be in complete control, the driver has to sit in the place where he has access to the controls and also can collect all the necessary information to make decisions. The soul is located in the centre of the forehead in the brain.

The soul has basic, peaceful, positive qualities – peace, love, joy, power, purity, knowledge and bliss. In meditation create an awareness of yourself as a soul. This naturally leads to an experience of these peaceful, positive qualities. This is what is called 'soul-consciousness'. It is not just something to experience while in meditation alone, but also as we perform actions.


Message for the day 13-09-2011

Silence brings the experience of the power within.


When we see with a silent mind, a mind free from questions and waste thoughts , we will be able to see beyond what is visibly happening. This enables us to go beyond the situation. It is like flying high and looking down below and we'll be able to see things clearly and also be able to fly across the barriers very easily.


All I need to do when I am tired of the situation I am going through is to take some moments of silence to remind myself of the power within me. When I get detached and watch the situation as I would watch a play I would be able to enjoy each thing that happens. This detachment gives me the power to understand the situation accurately and overcome all obstacles.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance


Motivation is an inner positive energy, a combination of enthusiasm and clear perception (understanding) that enables us to accomplish (complete) a task.

Motivation keeps us determined and on course, otherwise it is so easy to be distracted by problems and laziness. What does motivation do? It moves us from one reality to another, from where I am to where I wish to be.

When we want to reactivate our motivation we need to examine the following:

* What do I want?
* What do I wish for?
* What do I value?
* What do I need?
* What do I enjoy?
* What do I understand? and, especially,
* What do I love?

When we sit down and think about the answers to these questions, they become the basis for activating new insights and tasks and for reactivating those insights and tasks, which I have forgotten to pay proper attention to and have not developed properly.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Trying to do too much at one time will only leave you exhausted and unable to give your best.
Like a marathon runner who knows how to complete the race, pick the right pace for yourself and preserve your energy, so that you complete the task. So, the next time, you're expecting too much from yourself, remind yourself, "If I want to see things through to completion, I have to pace myself properly."


Message for the day 13-09-2011

Silence brings the experience of the power within.


When we see with a silent mind, a mind free from questions and waste thoughts , we will be able to see beyond what is visibly happening. This enables us to go beyond the situation. It is like flying high and looking down below and we'll be able to see things clearly and also be able to fly across the barriers very easily.


All I need to do when I am tired of the situation I am going through is to take some moments of silence to remind myself of the power within me. When I get detached and watch the situation as I would watch a play I would be able to enjoy each thing that happens. This detachment gives me the power to understand the situation accurately and overcome all obstacles.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

What Is .Clean Communication.?

With the self covered by the clouds of so many external influences and many of its own negative beliefs and past experiences, the self is normally unclear about its own self. The light of spiritual knowledge brings clarity to the self, about the self. This helps me to communicate with others much more clearly than when I am not sure or clear about what is going on inside me. There is a direct connection between the quality of subtle activities in the form of thoughts and feelings going on inside me and the quality of my interaction and communication with others.

Very importantly, relationships are also connected with attitude and vision. Sometimes, I may feel I have said and done the right things to someone, yet still someone is not behaving towards me as I would wish. At such times I need to check my attitude towards that person and the vision with which I am seeing them. I may find inside a slight feeling of disapproval towards that person, a feeling of discomfort, a resistance to something in their personality. Neither of us may be conscious of it, but my negative feeling casts a shadow on the other person. They are not receiving the acceptance or respect from me, that they should (on a subtle level), although externally I may be showing them a lot of respect. This subtle lack of acceptance and respect from my end influences their ability to hear me clearly (on a subtle level), and the way they behave towards me. The practice of meditation enables me to clean out my thoughts, feelings, attitudes and vision, ensuring that what I share with others on a physical and on a subtle level is positive. Then it is much easier for me to connect with others and for others to connect with me in a positive way. This is called .Clean Communication.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, September 12, 2011

Thought for Today

Where there is zeal and enthusiasm, success is guaranteed. If you are not able to experience success in all that you do, check if you are filled with enthusiasm or not. Also find out the reason for not being enthusiastic. This helps you to realize and overcome your weakness. In order to increase your own enthusiasm throughout the day, create an aim for yourself and see that you work towards this aim each day. When you find yourself progressing towards the aim you will become enthusiastic.


Message for the day 11-09-2011

To experience silence is to become an embodiment of solutions.


Situations do bring a lot of challenges for us, but where there is fear or worry while facing them, there cannot be peace. As long as we continue looking at the problem instead of searching for solutions we cannot remain in peace. So solutions are not to be found easily. The more we are able to make our mind calm with the practice of silence we are able to find solutions easily.


Let me think of something that I consider as a problem, something about which I am thinking a lot. Now let me see with a calm mind if I can find a solution for it. If I feel I cannot, it is better to leave thinking about it rather than to worry about it. When I keep the mind free in this way, I will get the solutions automatically.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance


Imagine you are walking along a crowded platform in a train station.

You know that where you want to go to is the other end of the platform where your train is waiting. You don't stop and talk to anyone on the way. If you did you would be delayed. You would fail to arrive at your train if you interacted with everyone on a platform that is continuously filled with new people. Meditation is exactly like this. Just as you cannot empty the platform of people just because you have a train to catch, you cannot just empty your mind of all thoughts just because you want to get to the destination (goal) or seat of your inner peace. Not at least until you are able to practise meditation correctly.

Remind yourself that you are not your thoughts, you are not your feelings, you are not your memories, you are not any of the voices in your head. You are the creator and they your creation, but they are not you. In fact they represent a platform of absolute strangers.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Heal the rifts in your soul that have been caused by toxic relationships in the past. Instead of rehashing the past, revisit the past with understanding. Can you learn anything from those relationships? Did you in any way allow or prolong the toxic behaviour? Were there any unfair expectations? Open your heart and forgive yourself and the other person. Heal your heart, so that you're able to leave the past relationships in the past and move on.


Message for the day 10-09-2011

Silence brings creativity.


Every great invention of science or art has always been in silence. Silence just doesn't mean that we don't talk or there is no noise. Silence is a beautiful quality of the mind where we are able to experience the peace that is within. This automatically brings out the best from within us.


It is very important to spend a few moments each day in solitude. During this time I need to practice stabilising myself in a single thought of peace. Let the experience of peace from me flow to others too. During interactions too, let me redirect my mind to a state of peace. Consistent practice like this will help me become more and more creative.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Absorbing Spiritual Light (cont.)

We should not keep the vices bottled up inside us like prisoners. Prisoners are always plotting to escape. If we change them into our friends they can help us. For example, the energy required to be stubborn is almost the same as that required to be determined except that one is positive and the other negative. The soul learns to transfer such energy. Anger becomes tolerance. Greed can be transformed into contentment. Arrogance, or the respect for false identity, can become self-respect. Attachment can be changed into pure love.

The more I inculcate the Supreme Soul or God.s virtues, the closer I feel to Him, but if I allow inner disturbances due to any vice, my high stage is grounded. All the power stored up until that moment will leak away. I must recognize that I really do not like being body-conscious. As I wish for higher experiences I choose to live the life of a meditator with purity in thought, word and action. Obstructions come within and without, but through my connection with God I am drawing so much power so as to remain unaffected. This needs soul-consciousness. So in discarding the rubbish of the vices I have gathered over many births, I become my original form and maintain it through my closeness or companionship with God.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thought for Today

When you are content you can give the experience of contentment to others too. Each day check if you are content with what you are doing. Also check if others are content with what you are doing in your life. If there is an experience of contentment within yourself others will be content with you. At the end of each day, make a mental list of all that you have attained for the day, things that you are happy about. This will enable you to be content even during the phase when things are not going so smooth, because you are able to look at the positive aspect too.


Message for the day 09-09-2011

The power of silence can bring peace to any situation.


The instruments for the power of silence are pure thoughts and pure feelings. We can give others an experience with the power of our silence. When we understand and experience the power of silence we will become more powerful. We will then be able to experience peace that will naturally spread to others too.


When I have to correct someone in any situation I first need to remind myself that words will not work but silence based on pure feelings and love will surely work. When I accept the person as he is with love I will be able to bring about a change in him. The lesser I talk the more the peace that is created.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Absorbing Spiritual Light (cont.)

How many times do we hear, "Oh, he is always in a bad mood...", "It is my nature to be irritable...", He will never change..." This shows the extent to which the soul's own light has faded and been replaced by the dark curtain of negativity. Therefore it is better that we do not try to deal with each vice and defect individually. As the soul fills itself with the power of spirituality, its overall condition automatically improves.

Another significant point is that there is a deep-rooted awareness within the soul of God and His .sanskars., however much it may be covered by dirt and weakness. This is because the each soul is the child of God and being his children we inherit his .sanskars.. These .sanskars. are present in us when we start playing our part in the physical world, but gradually they fade away as we take more and more births. As these .sanskars. are brought to the surface of the consciousness, automatically our thoughts and behavior patterns change.

In modern psychology it is stated that we must express all our negative emotions and note suppress them. But the fact is that 'letting it out' leads the soul further into slavery to that emotion. Remembering that thoughts, decisions and actions are formed on the basis of .sanskars., which are deepened by repetition, the soul can only cause harm by expressing any defect or vice. On the other hand, the psychological effect of suppressing negative emotions can be quite drastic. Suppression can lead to severe personality problems, even madness or insanity. The right path is that we emerge our positive .sanskars. with the help of meditation and other self-development techniques and the negative ones automatically vanish away.

(To be continued tomorrow .)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thought for Today

Watch how many things you do during the day are dependent on how you imagine the other sees you: your husband, your friend, your child, your cousin, your aunt, your boss, the secretary or whoever. You imagine how they are going to look at you and, as a result, you mould yourself accordingly. If you depend on the look of the other, inwardly you will always feel fear. You want to please the other so that they continue to see you as you want. Because of the dependence that we have on the other to appreciate us, value us and not to reject us, we want to please them. If, in spite of doing everything possible, they do not appreciate us or are not happy, how do we feel? Cheated. After having done everything out of wanting to please them! Inside, you want to please them because you want them to keep on loving you, or you don't want them to sack you from your job, or you are afraid of being different or not being accepted. That kind of dependency takes us away from our true authenticity. If you look at yourself well, in the end, others will look at you well and the one who does not look at you well will perhaps teach you something, but your value and self-esteem do not depend on the look of the other. In this state, you are open because you trust yourself and you have personal security.

The other entity can also be the Supreme Soul (God). We are afraid that God might judge us for being sinners or not. If I think God looks at me with that vision of whether I am a sinner, whether I am this or something else, I distance myself from Him. A judge like that does not help me to live with wholeness. In general, in society, there has been a distancing from the relationship and experience with God, because we have learned that He is a strict being and a judge. Actually, God is love; God looks at me well and sees my potential and my beauty (which reflects His), God embraces me and, in this embrace, He frees me: He does not allow me to depend on Him?


Message for the day 08-09-2011

To be clean at heart is to give happiness to others.


The one who has a clean heart is the one who always tries to do the best for those with whom he comes in contact. Thus, the person develops the ability to accept others as they are and ignore anything wrong done by them. Instead, he is able to do the right action without losing the balance. So such a person brings joy for himself and for others through every action he performs.


When I have a clean heart I am able to have an experience of my inner qualities. I am able to enjoy the beauty of the different relationships, each relationship and each person being unique. Thus others are able to get in touch with their inner beauty too. So there is joy experienced by all.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Absorbing Spiritual Light

Just as darkness is the absence of light, negativity which manifests as vices and weaknesses inside us is merely the absence of spiritual light. Through the influence of negativity, the sense organs waste away the light. The question of vice, or sin, has been of a lot of importance in religion. No matter how much political or religious control has been imposed, nothing has been able to block the internal wasting away of the "light" of the soul. Light has a source but darkness does not. Darkness is not created by any source but is rather the absence of a source. In the same way, the negative forces do not emerge from the real nature of the self, but are simply symptoms of a lack of spiritual power or light. As spiritual power declines, symptoms of negativity such as anger, greed, ego, attachment, hatred, jealousy and related vices appear. On the other hand, as the soul's power and spiritual light increases through a union (meditation) with the Supreme, the vices automatically disappear. In fact problems are not fundamentally caused by a particular vice, it is a question of the extent of one's power. If I am weak, the .sanskars. mostly related to vices dominate my experience. If I am strong they do not have a chance to affect me.

The negative forces have often been personified as .Ravana., "Maya" or "Satan" but in fact there is no such entity. "Maya" describes a level of consciousness. There is no outside being whom we can blame. The vices are symptoms of individual ignorance and loss of power, which appeared only when our original creative powers subsided as we came into the process of birth and rebirth. When the soul's power fell below the level necessary to control matter and the senses; then the vices emerged inside the soul. The soul was more and more propelled by them through many births, until today when they appear to be a basic part of our "real" nature.

(To be continued tomorrow .)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thought for Today

Instead of thinking of the situation, think of your own stage. When you find yourself questioning the things that are happening in your life, ask yourself if your own stage is good. The situation might be bad, but check if your own stage is good and if you have the power to face the situation. The reason for losing the stage in a negative situation is because of negative thoughts. In order to finish such negative thoughts, remind yourself that you are learning from the things that are happening so that you can improve your own stage.


Message for the day 07-09-2011

Flexibility brings joy.


Each day we face new situations - nothing remains the same. Joy lies in being flexible and adapt to the situation, whatever it may be. If we don't think too much we are able to experience the pleasure of adjusting ourselves. Where we have a rigid nature, we will not be happy.


When things change demanding me to adapt and adjust, I need to make sure that I enjoy that too. I need not ask what happened or why it happened, but just enjoy the change which has something new to teach. When I practice in this way, every situation brings joy to me.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Meditation To Experience Being An Impartial Observer

Experience the following thoughts one after the other:
I sit in a relaxed position, letting all tensions dissolve.
I relax my shoulders and neck and breathe deeply several times.
Now I focus all my attention inside and observe what is happening in mind.
I observe, and look carefully.
I see myself in different situations; I can identify the things that affect me most, the dependencies on things and people, the various circumstances in which I see myself involved...
I observe how these external factors influence me and change my state of mind. I lack trust in some people, but with others I can express myself freely. There are many influences in my life.
There are the influences of these external factors.
I separate myself from them and observe my inner qualities; I begin to feel that peace, strength and love are part of my original self.
They are so strong that they cannot be influenced by the changing external factors.
I create positive thoughts about myself.
I am a being independent of external influences, and in my inner self there are many qualities. I feel them.
I enjoy being myself in my original peaceful state.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

It is because of waste that you sometimes experience defeat and sometimes victory. If you are able to finish waste, you are able to finish defeat. Because whatever the situation may be, however challenging it may be, if you are able to finish waste you are able to recognise the benefit that is merged within it and so you are able to experience being constantly victorious.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Message for the day 06-09-2011

The one who is joyful is the one who is free from tiredness.


When we are able to enjoy the colour and beauty of life, we are able to be free from tiredness. We are able to appreciate the variety that life brings. No difficult circumstance or situation takes away the inner spirit and so we are able to be fresh and joyful.


Even in a difficult situation I need to remind myself that I can only enjoy the beauty of life if I am able to appreciate equally all that life brings. As much as I enjoy success, I also need to enjoy learning from my failures.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Controlling Your Emotions

There are five essential steps to emotional control and mastery. Although the complete process will finally happen in a few seconds in real life, it is essential for our learning to break it down and see what is required at every step.

Step One . Awareness
This simply means being aware of the emergence of the subtlest (finest) of emotions, which, if left unchecked, will grow into important disturbances. For example irritation leads to frustration leads to anger leads to rage.

Step Two . Acknowledge
Which means taking responsibility for the emotion by understanding and acknowledging that I am the creator of the emotion, not someone or something else.

Step three . Acceptance
Fully accept the presence of the emotion without resisting (opposing) it in any way. If it is resisted it simply becomes stronger, or is suppressed for another day.

Step Four . Ascend
This is the moment of full detachment from both the emotion and the inner source of emotion. In the process of detached observation the emotion is losing its power. And it is only through detached observation that the emotion will begin to dissolve.

Step Five . Attune
This means returning our attention to the very centre of ourselves where our inner peace and power are to be found. This is the purpose of meditation.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

When you are full with the nourishment of happiness you will remain healthy. Just as the body needs food each day, check if you are giving the nourishment of happiness for the well being of the mind. When the mind is healthy with this regular diet, the body will remain healthy too. In the busy schedule of the day, make sure you make time for yourself. For at least a few minutes, do something that you enjoy and which relaxes your mind. It is essential that the mind is given the food it requires everyday to keep it healthy.


Message for the day 05-09-2011

To be free from expectations means to experience inner joy.


When we are free from expectations from others we are also free from dependency. So we are able to do everything well and to our satisfaction. We are not bound by the praise that we get from others but there is joy in doing the action itself. Then of course praise follows too.


When I do something, I first have to ensure that I am enjoying it and keep reminding myself of the joy that I am deriving out of it. Then I am free from the desire for recognition or praise. Then I will find myself succeeding in the task that I undertake and I will be appreciated too.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Projection Of Mental Energies In Relationships

Sometimes in relationships, you believe that the other person is hurting you because they do not meet your desires, but in such cases how can you know if it is really true? Let.s go a step ahead; does the belief that they are going to hurt you influence the situation until in the end it happens? Perhaps they won't hurt you. Your belief that the other is going to hurt you is not so powerful that it will necessarily affect the other person. But it affects you yourself. They may not hurt you at all finally, but you will end up hurt, you will become emotionally ill, even psychically ill sometimes. The symptoms will begin to show themselves and you will say: "Did you see? I feel hurt, I keep telling you so." So your belief caused you to get hurt and not the other.

The other person isn't you. In relationships, a moment comes when you don't know if it is their fault or yours, if it is their responsibility or yours, if that person has caused the irritation inside you, or if it was you, if that person began the argument or it was you, if they created the conflict or if it was you, because we project (throw) our energies onto each other. All of this drives us to frustration. A lot of power, negative or positive, is needed for a person to be able to influence others with their consciousness, it is easier to influence ourselves. This is a basic principle of human relationships, which we don't understand. We don't understand, and the reason is that we don't see ourselves, because we are always looking at the other, putting the responsibility onto them, blaming them, criticizing them.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

Where there is no trace of laziness or carelessness, there is progress. Check if you are finding progress in your life. If there is any kind of dissatisfaction, check if it is because of any kind of laziness or carelessness within you. In order to bring progress in your life, see that the weaknesses that retard your progress are removed. For that create an aim for yourself and work towards it. It could even be a very small aim that would help you move forward.


Message for the day 04-09-2011

The one who has the humility to learn and progress is the one who experiences constant joy.


We need to take responsibility for the mistakes we have committed and have the enthusiasm to learn from them. This comes when there is humility which also brings honesty with the self. So there is an experience of constant change and progress. At all times there is the ability to bring about change and so there is an experience of joy under all circumstances.


When I am honest with myself, I am able to find the joy of learning from my mistakes. Mistakes don't make me heavy because I know I have something to learn from them. There is constantly enthusiasm to bring about a change and move forward. My inner joy allows me to progress constantly thereby becoming an inspiration for many to bring about change.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

The Step Of Donation In Silence

Donating is the final step of silence. We have filled the self with a particular quality and it starts flowing out of us. We allow this quality to touch the atmosphere around us and consciously donate this vibration to the world, enabling those in need to feel it and to absorb it.

This is the ultimate step of a true meditator, often referred to as the 'lighthouse' stage. A lighthouse stands still and stable in one position in the rough sea and beams the light all around so that ships are shown the way. We are able to bring an original quality of the self into our consciousness, fill our self with it and then, very naturally, let it radiate from the mind.

One of the most important aspects in this step of silence is the link with the Supreme Energy. We make this link with the Supreme Source, we absorb from that Source, we fill the self from that Source and then donate all that the Source has given us.

This is called 'angelic or 'instrument. consciousness. It is said that an angel is a human soul who has fallen so deeply in love with that Source of Light that it has transformed completely. It is totally filled with Light and Peace and its task is only to serve, to share Divine Love and Peace with others.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

To use one value with commitment is to guarantee the use of all values. Values are related to each other as if they were members of a great family. For the one who is committed to one value is the one who is able to emerge the other connected values. Such a person is able to add quality to everything he does and speaks. When I am able to recognise my own special value and use it with commitment in my daily life, I am able to experience success in all I do. This is because I have the satisfaction of giving my best and of having added quality to everything I do.


Message for the day 03-09-2011

To be simple is to be sample (an example).


When we are simple in our thoughts, we are simple in our responses to the outer environment i.e., to both situations and people. So internally we are able to remain content. This contentment further brings newness and creativity in the way we respond to situations, and we naturally experience further progress.


In all that I do let me check if I am free from expectations i.e., am I free from the complications of waste questions, doubts and expectations. Then naturally I become accurate and inspiring in my actions. I am able to understand the demands of the environment and mould myself accordingly. I become a role model or an example for those around me.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Forgive To Forget

A key principle to remain light and stable in relationships is . .forgive and forget. - it.s a well-known principle . one that we sometimes find difficult to practice. It can be modified to .forgive to forget.. Sometimes we spend many years with so much bitterness inside us for a particular person, with an inner violence of wanting to make the other .pay. (emotions of revenge), the one who has supposedly hurt you. If you don.t strike back immediately, you at least want to keep this .guilt card. in your pocket, to be pulled out at a later date: .Oh yes, well what about the time when you... We keep this bitterness inside us because we haven't forgiven. It does not resolve the situation; the only thing it does is increase our pain, makes us heavy and does not let us remain in peace. So the key is that if we do not forgive, we cannot forget. When someone has offended or insulted us, the last thing we want to do is to let it go. And yet, if our desire is to have a healthy, lasting relationship, that is exactly what we.ve got to do.

Sometimes, when it is a question of a broken relationship, it is not only a matter of forgiving the other, but of forgiving yourself for having allowed yourself to enter that experience. It was you that took the step to allow that experience to be entered into. If you hadn't taken that step, you wouldn't have had that experience. You accepted that challenge, that relationship, and what might happen in it . you were aware of the possibilities when you entered in the relationship. So not only do you have to learn to forgive the other, but also to forgive yourself in such situations. Only then will you be able to forget.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

It can sometimes be the hardest thing in the world to say what you need to say. There are so many fears: the possibility of rejection, of not being liked anymore, of it coming out all wrong and creating misunderstandings. If you want relationships to grow and flourish, sometimes it's worth taking a few risks. Let go of the fear of offending or losing the relationship. Create an environment of trust. Clearly express what needs to be said respectfully and fearlessly


Message for the day 02-09-2011

The one who is simple is the one who is free from pain.


When I am simple I am able to be free from pain or hurt even in adverse situations. I am able to take benefit from the wealth of experiences accumulated over the past without feeling the pain. With simplicity I know that I need to remember the past only to the extent that I have to learn from it.


When something goes wrong and I find myself thinking about it again and again, I need to remind myself that all the past experiences are only for me to learn from them. The past is finished and I don't have to undergo the sorrow again thinking about the past repeatedly.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Overcoming Phobias (Fears) Through Meditation (cont.)

To overcome any phobia, read over silently and visualize the following positive thoughts:

I am a soul, an eternal, immortal and indestructible (which cannot be destroyed) point of life energy........
Sitting on my throne in the centre of the forehead, I the ruler, perform actions through my body........
I have incarnated (entered) in this physical body from .shantidham., my incorporeal (non-physical) home, original home of light........
I am an actor on the huge world drama stage........
All the other souls are actors too, each acting a unique role through its own individual body-costume........
This spiritual knowledge makes me detached and fearless........
Unimportant scenes of the drama that would have previously brought about fear in me no longer affect me........

Through Rajyoga meditation, the soul can experience all relationships with the Supreme Soul in its day-to-day life. I continue -

I experience receiving powerful vibrations of spiritual might from the Supreme Being........
I fill my mind with thoughts of courage........
When the Almighty is my Father, my Mother, my Companion, my Guide, no one can be my enemy........
Nothing can harm me in any way........
Fear is wasted energy, it has no power in my life........
Now I am becoming a bold person and I am capable of facing all fearful situations with increased self-confidence ........

At the end of the meditation practice, for a few minutes, the patient should create a picture of the fearful situation in his mind, while at the same time learning to relax. This will help him to decrease the anxiety (worry) when he faces the real life situation and he will be able to completely overcome (face) the specific fears.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thought for Today

When you have the right balance between being careful and cheerful you can be successful. In all that you do check if you are being careful and cheerful at the same time. Check if you are losing your cheer because of being careful or vice versa. When there is a balance of both can you be successful. While you are in all your activities, try to be as careful as possible and at the same time, be cheerful. In order to do that, see each and every situation in a detached way. Also keep doing your best and leave the rest. When you are not dependent on the result you can be cheerful.


Message for the day 01-09-2011

Truth brings simplicity.


When you have the power of truth, you are simple. When there is a connection with falsehood, there is artificiality and complications. If you have the power of truth within you and you are living with it, you will never want to show off, nor would you be dependent on the compliments of others. So life becomes simple and easy.


If you ever find yourself having waste thoughts because of your expectations from others, ask yourself what you expect from them that you don't have within yourself. The more you learn the art of connecting to your own innate truth, the easier it becomes to keep your life free from complications.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Overcoming Phobias (Fears) Through Meditation

A phobia is an intense (excessive), continuous and illogical fear of an object, situation, activity, person or animal that's generally considered harmless. Accompanying the fear is an excessive, unreasonable desire to avoid what you fear. When facing the object of his/her phobia, the person may experience negative feelings like excessive sweating, poor control of nerves, difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate, anxiety (worry), etc. In some cases, the avoidance or distress (anxiety) in the feared situation interferes significantly with the person's daily routine, social activities, relationships etc.

By practicing Rajyoga meditation regularly, a person suffering from any type of phobia, can erase (remove) negative thought patterns, which are the main cause of all phobias. It enables him/her to reprogramme his/her flow of mental tendencies.

(To be continued tomorrow..)

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The sun is rising, a new day is dawning, and all is wonderful. Your pink optimism dispels the darkness. Your golden enthusiasm invites the sky to display its vast spaciousness where anything is possible. With such a spectacular start it's going to be a beautiful day.


Message for the day 31-08-2011

Greatness is visible in simplicity.


The simplicity within me brings benefit to many. Simplicity doesn't mean I have to give up all I have, but it only means that I give up the attraction and attachment to whatever I am using. With simplicity my lifestyle takes on an easiness that in itself can be a healing source to those around.


I need to make the practice of being detached even while using everything. I need not give up anything, but while using everything, I need to remember that what I have is for the use of everyone and not to get dependent on it. When I am detached in this way I will be able to bring benefit to all around me.

Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Restoring The Mind-Body Balance

Many people are under the impression that the focus of spirituality is only on the mind and the soul, and the physical body is neglected. But that.s not true. Our physical body is essential to our life and the art of living. It is our vehicle and our home. An appropriate balance of diet, sleep, relaxation and exercise is important for the body. However, when we enter the world of spirituality, the main emphasis is on the mind and the soul. This does not mean that we do not value or take care of our body. Without a healthy body, we would not be able to express ourselves mentally or spiritually. Spiritual progress, which includes the listening/studying and imbibing of spiritual knowledge, the practice of meditation, the inculcation of divine virtues and the spiritual service of others through different means is much easier and better with a healthy body.

Unfortunately, though, we have lost the art or wisdom of balance and for very long we have placed too much emphasis on our physical form, the body; and less emphasis on our spiritual form, the soul, as a result, reducing our spiritual awareness. One of the aims of spirituality is to restore this balance between mind and body so that we can experience well-being and happiness at every level. So while our body and our physical energy are essential, the focus of spirituality is on the mind and the soul, to help regain the balance.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris