Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thought for today 30-11-2013

Conflicts are like icebergs. What you see or understand is only a portion of what's really happening.

So, take time to explore your iceberg of conflict. 
Look below the words and actions that fuelled the conflict. 

Uncover your emotions, unrealistic expectations, preconceived preconceptions and everything else that lies beneath the surface.

Sort out what's going on inside before you sort things out externally to resolve the conflict.

Soul Sustenance

The Power To Co-operate (cont.) 

The more I practice meditation, and develop and live with the consciousness that I am a non-physical soul, a being of light, the quicker the ego associated with all the physical factors (explained yesterday) melts away. Coloring myself with the Supreme or God's company, I see others as the children of the Supreme Soul. I know myself as part of the family of human souls who have the same original qualities as me. In soul-consciousness, there is no way I can feel superior to others, though I'll value their specialties. We are brothers - equal yet different. 

In this consciousness, a natural humility or egolessness develops, a genuine respect for each other. There is a strength and happiness in the awareness of being a child of God, but I'll see others also as the same. There is neither the ego of feeling superior, nor the inverted ego of an inferiority complex. I am not negating myself, I am recognizing the value of the self, but I'm also appreciating the value and qualities of all others around me. In that spirit of mutual respect, it becomes easy to work together. 

The future of the world and the transformation of the planet actually depend on this transformation in each one of us, from ego and self-glorification to humility, respect and co-operation. Meditation, by lifting me beyond the factors that divide us, makes me deeply aware that we are one family, sharing one home, this beautiful planet, for which we have a common responsibility. In the awareness of where we are, and to whom we belong, there also comes the recognition of what we as a family must do together - create a world which is filled with the virtues of the Supreme Soul, by first imbibing those virtues inside us.

Message for the day

To fill the ones who are hopeless with hope is the greatest service. 

Expression: To have faith by seeing the positive qualities even in the most negative person is to fill them with hope. Also to fill hope means to encourage others to move forward in the most negative situation. When this is done they are able to use their potentials for a positive purpose and slowly bring about a change for the better. 

Experience: When I am able to see positivity under all circumstances, I am able to have the courage and enthusiasm to make the best out of every situation. This also naturally makes me an inspiration for those around me too and makes me an image of support for those who want to make effort. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today 29-11-2013

As the days get shorter and colder, even the best of us can get a little down.

With a positive attitude, embrace the weather and keep your spirits high.

Don't let the external affect the internal state of mind.

If you find any negative gloomy thoughts coming your way, replace them with positive thoughts. Think positive thoughts and keep the light of positivity with you.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Soul Sustenance

The Power To Co-operate 

In India, there is a saying that when everyone gave a finger of co-operation, the mountain of sorrow was lifted. If we look with open eyes at the world of today, and at current social, financial and environmental trends, it's clear that there is widespread suffering and sorrow, that it is likely to get worse, and that to remove this sorrow will be a task like lifting a mountain. Meditation ignites a conviction inside us that the task will be done. Although we have such different backgrounds, cultures, personalities, and so on; meditation shapes our personalities in such a way that it becomes easy for us to share our resources, work together, and give our own finger of co-operation in the task. 

The way meditation achieves this is interesting. Look at the other side - at what prevents co-operation: it is ego, where I am in a state of self-glorification, hungry for personal praise or fame, and not concerned about the wellbeing of the team. In ego, I think I am the only one who knows, the one who is right. Ego kills co-operation. Ego is closely connected to body-consciousness. An enormous 'I and my' factor comes in when I think of myself as this body, and lose sight of the soul. My race, my color, my gender, my physical appearance, my education, my family, my job, my position, my possessions - all these become part of the build-up of ego. Working with others with co-operation, who may at any moment challenge my ego with their own different agendas and needs, then becomes stressful. 

(To be continued tomorrow ....) 

Message for the day

The power of transformation brings all attainments. 

Expression: When there is the ability to transform negative into positive, and waste into useful in a second there is the ability to be useful for the self and others. There would not be just complaints against the situation, but the best would be made out of all situations and move on to the aim set out. 

Experience: When I am able to use the power of transformation to finish negative and waste, I am able to experience being free from obstacles. So I am able to experience contentment under all circumstances for having made the best use of everything available. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thought for today 28-11-2013

To leave weaknesses is to decorate with virtues. 

True decoration is to decorate ourselves with virtues. For example, happiness and peace brings decoration to my face. In order to be decorated, I need to leave attachment to weaknesses. When I am able to give up weaknesses, my virtues too are uncontaminated. In order to give up weaknesses, I need not give too much importance to them. Instead, I need to focus on working on my strengths. Today I will decorate myself with one virtue. I will start with happiness. When anything happens to take away my happiness, I will remind myself that I cannot spoil my decoration. I will do all that I can to make happiness a natural part of my life.

Soul Sustenance

Listening To The Voice Of The Intellect 

The subtle or non-physical sense organ of the non-physical soul which we use to judge something as right or wrong, good or bad and then make a choice or decision is the intellect. When we are body-conscious, we are attached to many things such as people, our role, objects, money, even our own ideas and beliefs, etc. Due to these attachments, we are constantly creating emotions of fear and anger in the energy of our consciousness. It is these two emotions which then overpower or influence our intellect and stop us from judging clearly and correctly between right and wrong. This constant inner emotional noise of worry and irritation (the seeds of fear and anger) do not allow us to hear the deepest part of our intellect, which is our intuition. 

When we are soul-conscious, we are free from attachment and therefore fear and anger. Our consciousness is calm, focused and keenly aware of the quiet, but extremely wise voice of our intuition (inner wisdom). Decision-making is easier and choices are made out of wisdom rather than fear. Meditation is the method which helps us rise above our mental attachments and allow us to connect with the wisdom in our heart, our intuition, our inner voice, which suggests what the right response or action in any situation, is. A practical example of this is when, after being persuaded by your family members you decide not to smoke any more. You let go of the attachment to ‘my’ belief that there is nothing wrong with smoking, which then allows you to listen to the heart of the other (their feelings) and your own heart or intellect, which suggests to you the right action for your well-being in the long run. 

Message for the day

To be free from guilt means to ensure quick and easy progress. 

Expression: Blaming oneself for all that happens and taking the mind to extreme levels of guilt takes one to a sense of unworthiness. Such a person loses the strength and is unable to look for solutions in difficult situations. Hence there is nothing new that can be thought of, and the situation doesn't get any better. 

Experience: When I continue to blame myself, I believe that I deserver neither happiness nor love and that the sorrow that I am experiencing is a deserved punishment. So I lose all enthusiasm to improve the situation and have no awareness of the treasures that I have. So I experience no progress in my life. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thought for today 27-11-2013

What makes your day better? 
When someone gives you a smile, a thank you, a positive comment?

What's interesting is that it's not just about receiving - the joy is in the giving too. And it's in the giving that we receive more joy in return.

Why wait for others' to make your day better? Today, offer
a smile, a thank you, a genuine positive comment and see how your day takes an upturn!

Soul Sustenance

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Positive Thinking On Our Relationships? 

• Your relationships are more harmonious. 

• You possess greater ability to accept others with comprehension and without expectations. 

• Your positive thoughts influence others and you share your happiness. 

• You attract other people with your peace and harmony. 

• You make others approach your true self and they feel comfortable with you. 

• You break through barriers and build solid bridges of communication and understanding. 

Message for the day

The ones who see specialities become special. 

Expression: To see specialities and ignore negativity is to take a step ahead by imbibing those specialities. This creates a habit of seeing, taking in and expressing only positive qualities. So whatever the person may be, whatever his qualities may be, there is only a connection of positivity with him. 

Experience: When I am able to relate to everyone in this way with only specialities, I become special. I also find others responding positively to me and using only their speicialities while in contact with me. There are also a lot of good wishes that I receive from others because of my positive attitude. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thought for today 26-11-2013

To have the light of knowledge is to have the ability to finish darkness. 

When I have the light of knowledge about something i need to be able to put it into practice. Knowledge then helps me to finish negativity. If knowledge is not finishing my negativity, I need to check whether I understand things accurately. Knowledge also means that I need to understand if I have the power to transform too. So, I do all that it takes to bring about transformation. Today I will take up something that I am bothered with and work on it. I will see what point of knowledge I need to use to make it possible to change that negative into positive. I will bring out all those points of understanding and practice, which will help me to overcome that negativity. This will help me get the courage and also give me the determination to do the needful.

Soul Sustenance

Transforming (Changing) My Thought Patterns 

Why is it that we can't change the pattern of our thoughts so easily? Imagine a bird being so comfortable in its nest that, though perhaps sometimes it stands on the branch of the tree to inflate its chest and adjust its feathers, it never wants to fly and does not even realize it could fly. It never knows the blissful freedom of flight, never feels the wind through its wings. It thinks the other birds that are flying around are unwise or foolish. In much the same way, we never really leave our nests of old thought patterns. Our habitual thoughts become our comfort zone and each repetitive thought pattern is like a twig in the nest, which makes the nest stronger and our stay in the nest seemingly comfortable and permanent. We never experience our true spiritual freedom or flight or feel the breeze of our inner beautiful nature. Even the thought, "I am a soul" has to be realized eventually, so that we can actually experience its deepest truth. 

In the world of spirituality, thoughts are like the map, but they are not the territory nor the reality of the experience. Thinking * I am a peaceful soul or * I am a loveful soul or * I am powerful soul is not being soul-conscious, it is only theory or knowledge, but it is definitely an essential start. Maps are important and necessary, until we know the way home toexperience. Reaching this final destination of experience makes it easier for us and empowers us to transform or change our old thought patterns. 

Message for the day

To be victorious means to pass obstacles with ease. 

Expression: The ones who aim to become victorious never think of not being faced with obstacles. Instead they look at each obstacle as a chance to use and express their own inner powers. So there is constant progress visible in them. 

Experience: When I am prepared for the inevitable challenges that life brings, I will not experience fear, tension or anxiety but will always be confident and fearless. Apart from actually being victorious in the situation, I also experience winning over my weaknesses and discovering new powers within me. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thought for today 25-11-2013

The one who is wise is free from careless or negative talk about others. 

When someone is talking about another person's shortcomings, I need to question why I am listening: is this information of any use to me, or can I do anything about the situation? If not, then I need to remind myself that there is no use in listening to such talk. Instead, I need to make an attempt to look at the positive qualities of the person in question, and think about how I can help everyone focus on these instead.

Soul Sustenance

Various Synonyms (Meanings) Of Peace 

Peace has a number of synonyms, which all have slightly different shades of meaning: 

The feeling of contentment and being completely full with no need for further additions to the self; a feeling of satisfaction, of wholeness of the self. 

There are no disturbances or waves in the mind, like a pool of water that is clear and still with not even a ripple to disturb it. 

Tranquility is the state of harmony in nature and in ourselves that keeps everything in balance naturally. 

In this state, there are no sounds of uncontrolled thoughts jumping around like a monkey in the mind; our thoughts become essenceful, returning to the point, with no expansion; it is an economy of thinking that creates quietness. 

There is no movement of thoughts. I remain absorbed in one thought and, in the stillness of silence, I am at rest, with a feeling of complete detachment from everything. 

Peace has the meaning of harmony, balance, order and freedom: when we are free from waste and negativity, then we exist fully serene, fully at peace with everything. 

Peace is my original energy and treasure and with the practice of meditation I step inside and experience it. 

Message for the day

Concentration develops when the intellect is clean and clear. 

Expression: For the one whose intellect continues to wander, concentration becomes difficult or impossible. On the other hand, for the one who is focused on one thing there are no other distractions at that time and there is easy concentration. 

Experience: When I am able to remain focused, I am not troubled by distractions which lessen my concentration. Instead I am able to increase my discrimination power and am able to decide and judge well. This happens because my intellect becomes clean and gets cleared of waste. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thought for today 24-11-2013

We spend so much of our time watching how other people behave, that we rarely stop to watch ourselves.

Make time to observe yourself, without being critical. 

Become fully aware of your thoughts, feelings and behavioural patterns.

Soul Sustenance

Different Shades Of Attachment To Opinions And Ideas (cont.) 

The attachment or detachment to one’s ideas not only comes into play while giving an idea or opinion, but even when accepting or receiving or listening to an idea from another person from the group. The more the attachment to one’s own ideas, the more will be the tendency to resist or reject the other’s idea. A particular person, with the objective or resisting or rejecting the idea:
* might try to do the same through different means like putting up a seemingly valid or even an invalid objection to the idea in front of the whole group which may seem very reasonable to the group and may be taken or accepted by the group or the person objecting may try to ensure that happens or 
* he/she may quietly disassociate from the group if the group begins showing interest in the idea (sometimes the influence of the position of the person is such that this kind of disassociation very easily manages to reduce the energy of interest of the group in the new idea) or also 
* might present a new idea to the group, which manages to divert the attention of the group, etc. 

Sometimes the person rejecting the idea is aware of the fact that he/she is rejecting the idea because of the inner attachment to his ideas, but will not admit it in front of others and sometimes he/she might not even be slightly aware of the fact; the attachment is too subtle to realize. Others might realize their attachment, but they might not themselves. And if someone to point out their inner attachment, they might even react, because where there is attachment, there is fear that the other’s idea will be accepted and yours will not. Attachment to one’s ideas fills the energy of ‘I am right’ in any situation. Overcoming all sorts of attachment to ones ideas is one of the foremost steps that we can take to bring about harmony in all types of relationships. 

Message for the day

To have tolerance means to be stable. 

Expression: When one is faced with defamation or insult, tolerance gives the power to be stable and cool. And so there is the ability to smile even when there is negativity that comes. Tolerance means to see beyond the insults because of being stable in the stage of self-respect. 

Experience: When faced with criticism, if I am able to be stable in my stage of self-respect, I am able to learn from every negative remark that comes my way. I will never become defensive, but will be able to see clearly what new learning I could take. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thought for today 23-11-2013

Humility is the sign of greatness. To the extent that you are great, you are accordingly humble because you are constantly full. Just as a fully-laden tree would be bowing down, so, humility does service, and those who remain humble receive respect from everyone. No one gives respect to those who have arrogance; they run away from such a person. Wherever those who are humble go and whatever they do, they will always give happiness. Everyone will experience happiness from them.

Soul Sustenance

Different Shades Of Attachment To Opinions And Ideas 

Very often in a group or team, whether social or official, while moving towards a common goal or objective or purpose, different people in the group or gathering give their opinion to make the objective of the team possible. While giving their opinion, one very commonly sees two different categories of people. The first category contains type of people who are attached to their ideas (to different extents) while presenting them to the group and the other contains type of people who are extremely active, positive and authoritative in giving their ideas, when they are required to do so, but are able to keep a relationship of detachment with their ideas. 

If someone is attached to his/her idea and it is not accepted, he/she might react emotionally (internally) or even physically (externally). He/she: 
* might even start creating disharmony in the group by talking against or creating ill-feelings for the person who objected to his idea or
* might stop co-operating with the remaining members of the group or
* sometimes may just disassociate or distance himself/herself from the group,
 which is a quiet way of non co-operation and can cause ripples of negative thoughts and feelings in the others. 
These and others are some of the common reactions of someone whose idea/ideas are not accepted. 

So the right balance of authority (while giving the idea) and humility (while accepting the result of the idea, the result could be rejection or even acceptance of the idea) has to be maintained. Humility comes very naturally to someone who is detached to his/her idea. 

(To be continued tomorrow…) 

Message for the day

The one who is able to discriminate well is able to bring about real benefit.

Expression: Everyone naturally works for the benefit of the self and others. But the one who discriminates well is able to understand the other person's need and give accordingly. So whatever is done naturally brings benefit for others and also for the self.

Experience: When I am able to bring benefit for the right person at the right time with the right thing, I am able to win the trust of the other person. I expect nothing in return, but have the satisfaction of helping at the right time.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thought for today 22-11-2013

To the unenlightened, death comes but once a lifetime. To those who have chosen to become enlightened there are a thousand chosen deaths before it's time to leave the body and move on. This kind of death is the releasing off all our attachments, from false identity to opinions, from people to possessions. Cutting the subtle threads of attachment frees the spirit from fear, and when the time comes to move on, it's like 'shooting the breeze'. Dying alive is simply letting go of all you hold fast to in your mind. It doesn't actually mean losing anything, simply changing your relationship with the things in your life today. The greatest pleasure for every soul is the result of choosing the living death called detachment. Why? Because attachment is a form of slavery, and it all takes place in our own minds. And the result of detachment? Real freedom.

Soul Sustenance

Understanding And Overcoming Fears (cont.) 

Listed below are some of our common fears: 

• Dying 
• Getting ill 
• The unknown 
• Loneliness 
• Other people 
• Authority 
• Being rejected 
• Being hurt 
• Failure 
• Change 
• The future 
• Being 
• Being free 
• Thinking and being in a different way 
• Losing control 
• Dreaming and making our dreams real 

From these fears many other fears and blockages emerge. 

Message for the day

The one who is aware of one's fortune enables others to experience their fortune too. 

Expression: To be aware of one's own fortune means to appreciate and use all that one has. Also when there is the awareness of one's own fortune, there is a natural tendency to help people become aware of what they have and how they can benefit from it. So the one who is fortunate becomes a giver. 

Experience: When I am able to recognize my own fortune, I am able to have the joy of being a giver constantly. Whatever the circumstances, I am able to give knowing that I am fortunate. But never is there dependency created on me, because my help is to make them aware of their fortune too and make them independent. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thought for today 21-11-2013

Like a sponge, we soak up all the information that the world offers us. 
This broadens our horizon; it keeps the mind sharp and stimulates ideas.

But our mind can only absorb so much! Sponges have limits, so regularly squeeze the liquid out; otherwise the sponge will start to smell!

Give your mind space to process all the information. Keep what's useful, discard what's not and apply what's necessary. You can do this whilst exercising, listening to music, cleaning, commuting - find what works best for you.

Soul Sustenance

Understanding And Overcoming Fears 

We are all afraid of something. We all have fears at some point or other during our lives, and one fear brings about other fears. For example, the fear of death brings about the fear of illness or the fear of accidents. The fear of rejection comes from the fear of being perceived as different. The fear of success or standing out comes of the fear of relating to people. From the fear of failure comes the fear of making mistakes; the fear of taking on risks; the fear of taking decisions, the fear of not being recognized at work. The fear of others includes the fear of the anger and aggressiveness in others, fear that they might reject you, fear that they might judge you. 

Eliminating fears and liberating the mind requires a broad knowledge of how our mind and spirit work. Our spiritual conscience has to awaken for us to realize what the origin of our fears is and how to overcome them from the root. Fears are like a tree; we can cut off a branch, but then other branches or fears will grow. We have to go to the root and, even, the seed, to overcome the fears. 

Tomorrow we shall list out some of the common fears. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

To be careless means to misuse specialities. 

Expression: To be careless means that there is no awareness of one's specialitites and so there is the inability to use them for the benefit of the self and for the good of others. On the other hand there is also a tendency to become overconfident because of these specialities and not to work on self -transformation. The one who is careless is not able to recognize the need for self change and so is not able to bring about transformation. 

Experience: When I am able to be free from carelessness, I am able to understand the importance of the specialities that I have , and am able to use a particular speciality that I have , and am able to put them into use. So I find that the more I am able to use a particular speciality that I have, the more I am able to bring out and use the latent specialities that are within me. So I am able to experience quick transformation and constant progress. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today 20-11-2013

Becoming aware of own gifts and those of others fills life with beauty. 
When I am aware of others' unique gifts, I can encourage them to develop them. 
Using my own gifts enriches others as well as myself. At times of need, 
I am able to draw on these qualities.

Soul Sustenance

The Law of Surrender 

According to what or whom your mind thinks consistently of, you will take on the form of the object or the person to which you have surrendered. We can see this in children, when they transfer their minds to actors they see on television, and then begin to behave like them. 

What is the highest form to which we can surrender our self? There may be several answers to this question in our mind. Choose the truth from among them. So what is the truth? 

Spirituality gives us answers to questions like: Who am I? Who is the Supreme Being? What is my relationship with him? Where do I come from? Where am I going? What is the purpose of my existence? What is the importance of the present time? How can the Supreme Being empower me at the present time? 

The answers to these questions show us the way to surrendering our mind to the Supreme Being, which is the highest entity to which we can surrender. When we do that, gradually we get colored by his knowledge, virtues and powers. 

Message for the day

The habit of thinking positive finishes negative. 

Expression: Just as it has become a habit of thinking negative, a positive habit when created will naturally bring about a change. A little practice and attention to form a habit of thinking positive will reveal its result of creating an influence of positivity. The situations will not change on their own, but the habit that has been formed will bring about a change in the response and will change the situation too. 

Experience: Usually it becomes very difficult or sometimes impossible for me to think positive in difficult situations. At that time, although I want to, the response that emerges from within is based on the habit that is formed previously. So when I make the habit of constantly and consciously thinking positive, I then become free from the struggle of having to change my mind to positive in difficult situations. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today 19-11-2013

Do you easily get uptight about things? Is it because you're trying to control everything? Is it because you take everything too seriously?

Loosen Up. Focus on the things that you can have an impact on and learn to accept everything else that's out of your control.

And lighten up. Smile more, laugh more and see the humour in life, instead of taking everything so seriously.

Thought for today 18-11-2013

Do you want to break a habit? 
Well remember, the more you think about what you don't want, the more you strengthen the negative habit.

To break a habit, simply replace the negative habit with a positive habit. Put your energy into creating the new habit, by breaking it down into manageable steps.

To make the new habit stick, monitor your progress by checking regularly. When you falter and revert to your old ways, simply recommit to the new habit.

Remember to enjoy the process!

Thought for today 17-11-2013

When water flows in one direction, it generates energy. 
The wind, when it blows in one direction, also generates energy. 
Sun rays, when focused, generate energy. 
In the same way, when we have an aim and objective, our actions become directed, focused. A current of consistent actions flowing in the direction of one's aim becomes increasingly powerful at each second. The intellectual capital invested in that will generate the dividends of increased happiness.

Soul Sustenance

Tapping Guidance From The Supreme Intellect (cont.) 

In yesterday’s message, we had discussed how no human entity can fulfill all the necessary requirements of someone who can guide us correctly in any difficult situation. Thus to proceed in such a situation, it’s good to take the guidance from the intellect of someone who fulfills all these criteria. That someone is no one except the Supreme Being or God, who is the entity possessing the most powerful intellect, and intellect with the most perfect judgment power. Sometimes my mind and intellect is absolutely clean and clear and I am 100% sure about my right course of action for the future, but even in those times its good to verify the course of action from a higher authority. So, in those times, it is very important to connect for a few minutes with the Supreme, who is an Energy of Unlimited Truth. Then, the question to ask myself at that time is not what do I want, or what do others want, but most importantly: What does the Supreme want, what is his wish, what is his perception of the situation? The deeper my connection with Him in meditation, the clearer the answer will come.

When it becomes a regular practice, it will be as simple as taking guidance from my physical parent or spouse or friend. I'll know without wasting time and energy, the right course of action. 
Sometimes it may happen that the answer may not come to me immediately, but by connecting my intellect with the Supreme’s intellect my intellect will become clear, which will help me take the right decision. Also, in some cases the Supreme may not respond immediately but may guide me through some other medium, whether living or non-living after some time or even after a day or two. 

Message for the day

The sweetness of the mind brings sweetness in words and interactions. 

Expression: There is an understanding of the need for being sweet in words and interactions. But this sweetness can be expressed only when there is sweetness in the mind. Sweetness of the mind means there is not even a trace of negativity. Such a mind is further open to all that is nice and beautiful and expresses its own freshness and beauty in interactions. 

Experience: When I am able to keep my mind sweet, i.e., free from any kind of bitterness or ill-feelings, I am able to experience the beauty of life. There is no feeling of sorrow or negativity but the mind is nurtured to further positivity with everything that comes its way. I am then able to experience constant growth and progress. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance

Tapping Guidance From The Supreme Intellect 

There are many occasions in my day-to-day life when I am not sure as to what my next course of action should be in that particular situation. The intellect is the faculty inside the soul which normally takes all decisions for the soul. But sometimes the intellect is clouded by my own or others’ sanskaras, beliefs, opinions, inclinations, assumptions, thoughts, actions, past experiences, etc. 

In such a situation, I require the guidance of an entity who:

* is above the whole situation and is seeing it as a spectator or observer and is not a player in the situation,

* is the knower of the three aspects of time (the past, present and the future),

* can see the situation from all dimensions or perspectives,

* is beyond all influences and is impartial,

* is extremely pure and clear,

* knows me more than I know myself,

* knows my benefit and harm more than I know it myself,

* someone who is selfless and is concerned for my well being the most, etc.

No human entity can fulfill all these requirements. 

(To be continued tomorrow …)