Sunday, January 27, 2013

Thought for Today 27-01-2013

True celebration is to finish the devil of weaknesses with our inner power. 

We hear of stories about the good winning over evil and we celebrate that as a memorial. But, it is also important to have our own little celebration when we are able to finish our weaknesses with our own power. We do have the power to finish the darkness within. But, we are so caught up with and afraid of our own weaknesses that we forget to use our strengths. Today I will become aware of my own strengths and powers. There is surely something special and positive about me. Let me bring it today to my awareness and remind myself of it again and again. This awareness will help me get over my weaknesses with ease. Because, where there is light, there cannot be darkness.

Soul Sustenance

Effects Of Anger On The Human Body 

In numerous studies, anger has been found to have a completely negative effect on our physical well-being. In one such study, reported at a recent conference on forgiveness and peace in the US, it was demonstrated that letting go of negative feelings that we have for someone due to his/her negative actions relieved and reduced chronic back pain. 

It seems we have been conditioned to treat any tension-triggering event, be it a small accident or a conflict with a partner or colleague, as a big problem or crisis. At these moments our bodies generate and release the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Our heart accelerates, our breath quickens and our mind races. It's all harmless if the tension or fright is brief and once in a while, like a near miss while driving, but the emotional disturbances of anger and hatred are like accidents that don't end, and hormones turn into toxins. The depressive effect of cortisol upon the immune system has been linked to serious diseases and disorders. According to a recent medical research, "Cortisol wears down the brain, leading to cell degeneration and memory loss. It also raises blood pressure and blood sugar, hardening the arteries, leading to heart disease." 

Message for the day

To have knowledge in the intellect is to be constantly cheerful. 

Projection: When something negative happens, we find that there are only negative or waste thoughts about the situation or people. We try hard not to think about it but we find only those thoughts coming to our mind. With such thoughts the situation seems worse than it is and we find it difficult to remain cheerful. 

Solution: In such situations instead of trying to cut out waste we need to give ourselves something positive to think about. When the intellect is busy thinking about the positive, there'll be no room for negativity. In this way we will be able to remain constantly cheerful even in the most negative situations. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Thought for Today 26-01-2013

To admire is to take inspiration to imbibe qualities. 

True admiration and a true compliment is trying to appreciate and imbibe some quality on the basis of which the person achieved success. An attempt towards this, colors me positively as I start observing and imbibing positive qualities. Today I will not compare with others. I will not lead myself to a belief that I cannot achieve what he did. I will also not get into a feeling of jealousy. Instead, I will see what I can learn and practice in my own life that I observed in the other person.

Soul Sustenance

The Benefits Of Soul Consciousness (cont.) 

The following differences between body consciousness and soul consciousness, will make you realize the benefits of soul consciousness (the practice of meditation make us soul conscious): 

In Body Consciousness: I am disturbed by feelings of false attractions.
In Soul Consciousness: I am attracted by the qualities of the Supreme Soul only. 

In Body Consciousness: I give sorrow, like a thorn hurting everyone.
In Soul Consciousness: I spread the fragrance of virtues like a flower. 

In Body Consciousness: I see everyone relative to my individual identity, my life revolving around "me"... this is arrogance (ego).
In Soul Consciousness: I respect each individual and relate to them with humility (egolessness). 

In Body Consciousness: I am tense and tired.
In Soul Consciousness: I am alert and relaxed. 

Message for the day

A practical example is one whose every action inspires others. 

Projection: When we want to start off something new and different we look for role models or inspiration, which we rarely get. We usually never think of being an inspiration for others. So we begin to lose enthusiasm to the extent that we might even give up what we started. 

Solution: For whatever we do, we need to have the aim of becoming an example, an inspiration for others. The more we have this in our mind, we will never be discouraged by others' actions. Instead we will be able to perform each action with such enthusiasm and such perfection that our each action becomes an inspiration for others. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, January 25, 2013

Thought for Today 25-01-2013

To use treasures in a worthwhile way is to be content. 

We are all endowed with a lot of treasures. Treasures like our specialties, our time, our good wishes, our encouraging words are in our access. Without using these treasures, if we ask God for more, or expect from others, it is difficult to get them. When we start using what we have in a worthwhile way, we find these and other treasures increase automatically. Today I will remind myself of any one specialty of mine and make a conscious attempt to use it in my day to day activities. I will remind myself of this, from time to time, and use it consciously whenever I can. When I am busy using my own inner treasure, I will not only be content, but also start achieving success in all I do.

Soul Sustenance

The Benefits Of Soul Consciousness (cont.) 

The following differences between body consciousness and soul consciousness, will make you realize the benefits of soul consciousness (the practice of meditation make us soul conscious): 

In Body Consciousness: I become bored and depressed easily.
In Soul Consciousness: I understand situations and overcome them easily. I am able to maintain enthusiasm. 

In Body Consciousness: The wings of the soul are clipped (cut).
In Soul Consciousness: I have wings of thought to fly beyond the body. 

In Body Consciousness: The intellect is dull. I am limited to the perception (way of looking at things) of this physical world only.
In Soul Consciousness: The intellect is sharp. I can travel, with the power of the intellect, to my original home – “paramdham” or “shantidham”. 

In Body Consciousness: I see a distorted (misunderstood) past and have no aim for the future.
In Soul Consciousness: The past, present and future of my part are seen clearly. 

(To be continued tomorrow ….) 

Message for the day

To be experienced means not to be deceived by anything. 

Projection: There are so many times when a situation takes us by surprise and we make the same mistake that we had made before. It is only when the situation has passed that we realise that we have actually repeated that mistake. What then remains is only repentance as the time has passed where we could have done something. 

Solution: Whenever there is a mistake, we need to take care that we learn from whatever has happened. When we continue to move forward in this way there will be no repentance for the mistakes made but there will be learning that'll make us experienced. And when we are experienced we'll never be deceived by situations which make us commit mistakes. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thought for Today 24-01-2013

To be cheerful is to contribute to others. 

When I am happy, that happiness is reflected in my face. This becomes a means of help for many others. There are a lot of people today, who are going through their own situations and are looking for some support or help. The biggest help that we can extend is to spread the warmth of happiness. Situations continue to be there. But, with happiness comes hope and a willingness to work towards making things better. Today I will make someone happy. Whether I am able to overcome my own situations or not, I will make a special attempt to bring happiness and hope to someone around me. It could be for a colleague, an acquaintance or even a family member.

Soul Sustenance

The Benefits Of Soul Consciousness 

The following differences between body consciousness and soul consciousness, will make you realize the benefits of soul consciousness (the practice of meditation make us soul conscious): 

In Body Consciousness: I am in bondage (not free).
In Soul Consciousness: There are no bondages, I am free. 

In Body Consciousness: I have many questions and few answers.
In Soul Consciousness: I understand everything that I do. 

In Body Consciousness: I am afraid of dying (losing the body).
In Soul Consciousness: I know I am eternal (the soul is beyond birth and death) and there is no fear of death. 

In Body Consciousness: I have no control over sense organs e.g. eyes, ears, tongue, etc..
In Soul Consciousness: I am able to practice self-control.

(To be continued tomorrow ….) 

Message for the day

To be seated on the seat of self-respect is to use virtues in life. 

Projection: It usually seems very difficult to use the virtues within us when the people around are not doing so. At such times using negativity seems much easier. In spite of not having that particular weakness predominantly, say of anger, when there is provocation from the outside we tend to react with that weakness. 

Solution: In order to free ourselves from weaknesses and work with the virtues within us we need to make sure we are seated on the seat of self-respect. For this we need to recognise and appreciate some speciality within us. When we are in the awareness of this speciality of ours, we will be able to stabilize ourselves in the state of our self-respect. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thought for Today 23-01-2013

Non-violence is a very deep philosphy. Not only does it require me to harm no one physically, but also to avoid harming anyone's self respect.
Such an ethic requires tremendous awareness and sensitivity. When I have learned to be gentle with myself, I can be the same with others.

Soul Sustenance

Thought Energy 

Our thoughts are always there, whatever age we are. Their content may change but our ability to think does not. First of all, I am a thinking, experiencing being or soul. Thoughts are not something physical which l can experience with the physical sense organs. I cannot see, taste or touch a thought. Thoughts are not made up of matter or even brain cells. I am a non-physical or spiritual being (soul), which creates thoughts. My form, a point of energy, situated in the centre of the forehead is the only form that cannot be destroyed. It is something so small that it cannot be divided. My identity is a soul, and all the other identities - teacher, student, man, woman, father, mother, friend, relation and so on - are simply different roles which I, the soul, play. 

Message for the day

The more we experience peace within the more there will be positivity in our life. 

Projection: We usually try to change ourselves and our negativities by working on each of them separately. We might be able to overcome them also but being connected to the other weaknesses we find that they reemerge again. Then we find that the negativity remains in our life influencing all our thoughts, words and actions. 

Solution: We first need to make a promise to ourselves to maintain our own inner positivity. Once we do that we also need to make an attempt to practice relaxing our mind and remaining calm before we do any important thing. When we practice in this way we will be able to keep our mind calm and this calmness will bring contentment through which there will be positivity in all we do. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thought for Today 22-01-2013

The biggest service is to rectify that which has gone wrong. 

When we see that something goes wrong, instead of getting affected with it, we need to find a way to make the situation better. If we are affected and colored by the negativity, we can do nothing to change it. But if we watch with detachment, we will be able to get the right solution for the problem at hand. In this way, we can help the other person to make the situation better. Today I will see every scene that comes my way with detachment. Even if something goes wrong, I will make sure I will first check my state of mind if I am able to remain unaffected. I will then find the best possible solution for it.

Soul Sustenance

The Power To Transform Emotions (cont.) 

Thoughts may be temporary. Feelings (either positive or negative), accompanying repeated thought-patterns, stay a bit longer inside us. But when a soul suffers a major setback, loss or failure in life that it is not able to deal with, it becomes emotionally damaged and the results of that can be extreme. 

Suppose I lose a loved one all of a sudden. If the feelings that come to me because of this loss can be taken care of at that time, through any means like the remembrance of God, meditation, developing a positive hobby to divert my mind, spending more time in the positive company of other family members, etc.; I will deal with the feelings and move on. If however, I am unable to deal with my feelings through any of the means mentioned, the experience of loss I feel is going to cause a lot of deep damage on the emotional level. Then it will not just be a feeling of loss, but it will actually have wounded the soul emotionally. Until that wound has healed, I'll carry it with me long after the loss has suffered. The emotions linked to it will come to the surface repeatedly, though I may have no idea where my sorrow is coming from. Due to the emotional wound, I'll be unable to stay happy, no matter how positive my circumstances may be today. 

Meditation does not require me to go into the subconscious roots of my pain. Instead, through thought,meditation enables me to take conscious control of my feelings and emotions, so as to displace the negative, which brings sorrow; with positive, which brings happiness. It helps me experience pure, powerful emotions and loveful feelings to such an extent that the wounds left by past experiences are healed. Raja Yoga means 'royal union’ - it means having a loveful relationship with God. The experience of God’s love is a soothing balm for my emotions, and a remedy for the emotional pain the soul feels. 

Message for the day

To keep the aim in front of us is to move forward with contentment. 

Projection: Several times there are situations that are negative where we have to face things that are not really what we are expecting or wanting. At such times we tend to get disheartened and experience discontentment. Our state of mind becomes such that we can no longer experience peace. 

Solution: The solution at such times is to keep our vision clear on our aim. When all our thoughts and energy are concentrated on our aim, we will be able to consider any negative scene that comes our way as only a side-scene. We can easily ignore all such situations and so our mind is at rest or peace. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, January 21, 2013

Thought for Today 21-01-2013

When we talk too much, people switch off and stop listening.

Think carefully about what you need to communicate. 
Can you do it with fewer words?

Speak less, engage others in the conversation and they'll become more willing to listen.

Be economical, be thrifty with words and you'll communicate more effectively.

Soul Sustenance

The Power To Transform Emotions 

As with feelings, when emotions are aroused, there are physical changes inside the body in the form of chemical and electrical activity. In fact, strong emotions don’t just affect the body; they also have an impact on the soul. When the soul suffers emotional trauma, from which there is lasting impact, the emotional trauma brings about an immense strain on the brain and body. Brain chemical production is likely to be affected, and there may also be feelings of depression and tiredness. But the real trauma at the root of these physical effects is at a deeper level within the soul itself, and the resulting emotional sensitivity will also arise from the soul. 

e.g. I suffer a series of losses or setbacks in my business that causes a lack of confidence and self-respect inside me. A ‘sanskara’ of low self-esteem is created inside. As a result I become emotionally unstable and sensitive. I'll show a tendency to react emotionally with extreme sorrow (may be in the form of depression) or extreme anger (sometimes in the form of an outburst) whenever there is a similar setback that touches this sensitivity. A person who has not suffered similarly in the past and does not have a ‘sanskara’ of low self esteem, and as a result does not have this tendency, will not react in a similar fashion under similar circumstances. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

To be a donor means to give at each step and increase one's own stock. 

Projection: Usually it seems very difficult to be a donor - to give from whatever resources we have. The thought often arises in the mind that we cannot give because we are ourselves not complete or full. We find ourselves constantly trying to fill ourselves and we then have no time or thought for giving to those around us. 

Solution: We have a lot of treasures within us which we can give to those around us, our virtues, our specialities etc. Even if we have just a little and give to the others, we will find ourselves benefitting. For having given from whatever we have, we find that these treasures begin to increase within ourselves too. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Thought for Today 20-01-2013

The seed of one positive thought gives fruits of success. 

One positive thought helps in changing the situation totally. When I start experiencing that one positive thought and continue sustaining it, I find that there is a flow of positive energy which changes things. Something that seems impossible starts seeming possible. And everything and everyone around start cooperating too. Today I will create and sustain a positive thought right in the morning. Even if there is a negative situation, I will try and find something positive in it. This will help me create a thought of positivity in spite of the negative situation. Once I experience this positive thought by sustaining it, I find that there is a possibility to work on the situation to make it better.

Soul Sustenance

Simple Exercise To Identify Your Hidden Fears 

If you want to overcome and overpower fears that exist inside you, you have to first take a look at your feelings and hidden emotions. After realizing your feelings and emotions, you have to know how to manage them and finally correct or overcome them. Given below is a simple exercise that will help you to achieve that. This exercise will help you identify the conscious and sometimes sub-conscious (very subtle) fears that lie inside you. 
Choose an area of your life that you feel is negative and needs some improvement. Now, ask yourself these three questions: 

1. What do I really want, what is my aim and objective? 
2. What obstacle/obstacles are stopping me from achieving my objectives? 
3. What prevents me from dealing with or overcoming that obstacle? 

For each fear that comes to you in response to the question no. 3, ask yourself the following questions: 
A. What is the worst that can happen, if what I fear occurs? 
B. What is the best possible result for me and for others, if I do it even though I feel afraid of doing it? 
C. Keeping in front of you the answer to question B and comparing it with the answer to question A will inspire you to overcome the fears that lie inside you. 

Message for the day

True progress brings progress in others as much as for the self. 

Projection: It is usually believed that self-progress and progress of others are totally separate. It is believed that where there is thought for the progress of the self, there is selfishness and there is no benefit for those around. In fact, selfishness in an extreme form can also have a negative influence on those around. 

Solution: In whatever we do we have to check and see if there is any benefit for others along with whatever benefit we are getting. If there isn't we can check to see if there is a better way of doing what we are doing which could have a positive influence on at least one person. Then we will find ourselves benefitting doubly. We will get the blessings from others along with the personal benefit we get. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Thought for Today 19-01-2013

Contentment is like an underground river whose course just cannot be daunted. 
On the surface, people are stamping, pushing, pulling; the ground is cracking or left derelict but underneath the river is flowing, even if at some point it is only a trickle in the darkness.

Soul Sustenance

World Transformation (Change) 

As we activate our subtle (non-physical) energy field (aura) that surrounds us through conscious positive thought, we carry it with us wherever we go. Then we can positively influence those who come into contact with us in our office or at home. The positive vibrations influence those who interact within our energy field very powerfully and on an unlimited level. 

If you know somebody who might need a little bit of help, support or guidance experiment by going into silence and sending out your positive thought energy to him/her. As a first step, practice with the following positive thoughts: 

Let me adopt the consciousness of a conscient (living) being, a soul, full of light, love and energy, situated at the centre of the forehead.

Now I send a very powerful protective light to my friend or to my family.

Message for the day

Patience brings harmony in relationships. 

Projection: When there is a misunderstanding in a relationship we hardly put in any effort in order to understand the other person. We tend to become impatient and we don't listen to the other person to understand them. Because of which we start inventing things about them. This only further increases the misunderstanding. 

Solution: When we have a difference of opinion with someone, we need to give some time to understand and listen to the other person. Only then will we be able to understand the other person's point of view. This practice will enable us to finish any misunderstanding we have with others and brings harmony in relationships. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today 18-01-2013

Sometimes it feels as if angels appear right on cue. 

But perhaps for most of us, it's the recognition that solutions are more likely to be found in everyday things around us and in our friends. 
It may well be that it is we ourselves who are in the position of being an angel.

A kind word, a smile or simply our presence can touch another person and set off a ripple. 
By maintaining sensitivity for the well-being of others, we may give ourselves the opportunity to see life through an angel's eyes.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Soul Sustenance

Moving From ‘Action’ Consciousness To ‘Spiritual’ Consciousness 

As the name suggests, to be a ‘rajayogi’ means to be a practitioner of meditation, who with the practice of meditation is able become a ruler of the self. But on the other hand, ‘rajayoga’ is not restricted to learning to discipline the physical sense organs only but more importantly, of redirecting the energy of my thoughts, feelings, emotions, intellect and ‘sanskaras’ in a positive and constructive way. When these energies become positive, my ‘karmas’ start becoming elevated. And how do I make these energies positive? By performing actions while having a mental connection with the Supreme Being or by having a meditative consciousness while walking, interacting, cooking, driving or working - in fact, while doing anything. After all, meditation is specifically related to the use of the mind and intellect and does not require the use of the physical sense organs and so can be done alongside each ‘karma’ in the day – only the form of meditation changes depending on the ‘karma’ being performed. Just as we can remember other things and people while being involved in various activities throughout the day, we can keep our minds on our true spiritual self, the Supreme Being, churn different aspects of spiritual knowledge, remain focused on a single aspect of spiritual knowledge, etc. while performing’ karmas’ – these are all some of the different forms of meditation – there are more that can be practiced. Thus,‘rajayoga’ can also be called ‘karmayoga’. ‘Karmayoga’ meaning the one who maintains the balance of meditation and ‘karmas’ while being involved or busy in ‘karmas’. 

Message for the day

Where there is humility there is the give and take of love. 

Expression: Usually we don't even know when we are working with our ego because it is deeply concealed. Even when someone points out our ego, we don't want to accept it and we continue to work with it. Ego finishes the ability to learn and negatively effects our relationships because there is no give and take of love. 

Experience: The method to overcome ego is to develop humility. Humility means to be strong within yet to be gentle and flexible. This enables us to bend i.e., to bow. When we bow it doesn't mean we are defeated, but it reveals our own victory. It is only when we bend and forgive will we be able to allow the flow of love in relationships. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thought for Today 17-01-2013

The true hero not only frees the self but has the capacity to free others from their dragons. 
Ultimately it is a state of being not action. 
Freedom can be called the state of purity, in which intentions and actions have become naturally benevolent.

Soul Sustenance

Factors that Bring Us Closer To Failure 

Given below are ‘some’ factors that bring us closer to failure: 

• Dejection and Disillusion. 
• Fear. 
• Ignorance. 
• Confusion. 
• Influences. 
• Mental weakness. 
• Insecurity. 
• Inexperience. 
• Ego, arrogance. 
• Mistrust. 
• Attachment, dependencies. 
• Excuses, laziness, putting off. 
• Excess of acceptance with submission. 
• Fear of being yourself. 
• Making judgements without an objective vision. 
• Nervousness. 
• Not taking on limits. 
• Low self-esteem. 
• Blockages. Not going forward. 
• Intolerance. 
• Rigidity – inability to adapt to different situations. 

Message for the day

The one with true mercy fills hope even in the ones who are hopeless. 

Expression: When we see someone who is in need or who is totally negative, a case that is totally hopeless, there are a lot of feelings aroused within us. What we feel is pity or hatred, which are only negative feelings. Such negative thoughts don't help in anyway and the people remains as they are, unable to take any benefit from us. 

Experience: Instead of having pity or hatred we need to develop true mercy for others. To have mercy means to have good wishes with love - combined with hope for them. It is our hope that enables them to develop faith in themselves too. This is the method to bring progress even in the most hopeless case. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Thought for Today 16-01-2013

To finish weaknesses is to get the gift of virtues. 

When we make effort to finish any weakness with determination, we automatically get the gift of some virtue. The process of finishing the weakness itself brings out virtues in us. Also, the end result may not be the virtue we want, but it is surely some virtue that we obtain. So, it is important to work on removing weaknesses, whether we see visible gain or not. Today I will take a firm decision to work on one weakness of mine, which I have been wanting to remove. I will chalk out a plan and begin work on removing it completely. From time to time, I will also revise and review my plan. I will also start appreciating the gift of virtues I am gaining in this process.

Soul Sustenance

Defining Failure 

Given below are ‘some’ definitions of failure: 

• Depending on your perception: failure actually does not exist. 
• Staying stuck in what you could have done and haven't done. Letting your though patterns to be influence by the same. 
• Experiencing emotions of frustration, pain, suffering. 
• Losing your notion (idea) of the dream, of the ideal life you want to lead. 
• Not fulfilling set expectations. 
• Not having enough courage and bravery to walk through life. 
• Not being the ruler of your thoughts, feelings, actions and life in general. 
• Allowing yourself to be led by something negative that a particular situation causes. 
• Distancing yourself from your values. 
• Not being in harmony with your inner conscience (while performing actions). 
• When the self does not accept what life brings it. 
• Putting your life in the hands of, and blaming, others and circumstances with feelings of emptiness and confusion. 
• False expectations. 
• Excessive attachment. 
• Excessive materialism.