Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thought for Today

If you don't live life on purpose you live life by accident. Why do some days feel like a motorway pile up? It's because you haven't sorted out your purpose yet. The highest purpose is always giving, or serving others, without wanting anything in return. This is why relaxation is always impossible if we are always 'on the take'. There is an overall purpose for your life, and each of the many scenes which fill your day are opportunities to serve your purpose. Take time to think deeply, listen to your intuition, and with patience, the reason why you are here, and what you uniquely have to give, will occur to you. Then you can live your life 'on purpose'.

Message for the day 31-12-2009

To experience newness each day is to be creative.


Sometimes we find things to be very monotonous. There seems to be nothing new that is happening. Days pass on and we tend to become action-conscious only trying to finish the tasks at hand. We feel caught up in the routine not able to enjoy anything anymore.


Instead of just doing what has to be done in a monotonous way, we need to take a thought each day to experience something new. There is such a variety in each day, we only have to discover ways of experiencing it. When we learn this creative art, we'll never be bored, but will be able to enjoy everything that comes our way.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thought for Today

The disease of anger needs the medicine of tolerance; the pain of disappointment needs the medicine of hope; the violence of revenge and spite needs forgiveness; fear needs courage, ego needs self-respect. Through inner silence we receive the strength to heal.

Message for the day 30.12.2009

To have the right attitude is to add meaning to circumstances.


Circumstances are like objects. They are not alive but they come to life depending on the kind of attitude that one has. If the attitude is positive, there is the ability to make situations positive too. But if the attitude is negative, even the most ordinary situations seem to be negative. So every action done with such an attitude creates a negative impact on one's own life and that of others too.


When faced with a situation, if I am able to look at it in a positive way, I am able to make the best of the situation. I accept the situation as it is and I am able to be happy and light. This positive state of mind creates a great impact and it spreads
around touching the lives of others too.

Brahma Kuamris

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thought for Today

With Divine help, put some determined thoughts and energy into training, improving, encouraging and loving the self. Self progress happens when you take help from the Source and use existing personal resources to enable positive growth.

Message for the day 29.12.2009

To be powerful is to destroy unwanted habits.


To be powerful means to be aware of one's own hidden powers and to use these powers in destroying old unwanted habits. It is to apply a powerful brake to the thoughts in a second, so that there is the ability to master the situation. Such a person does not fall prey to the situation but makes effort to become a destroyer of the
weakness in a second.


When I am able to use my inner powers I am able to apply a brake to my thoughts in a second. I am able to finish old unwanted habits and be free from the burden of having to be with negativity. So I am able to be a master who is well equipped to face all situations in life. And I am able to be successful both in relationships and in my work.

Brahma Kuamris

Monday, December 28, 2009

Thought for Today

The one who has faith is always victorious.

The one who has faith, has total faith in the self and in the progress of the self. The one who has faith is always successful because he gives his best in everything he does. He is never deterred by obstacles but progresses constantly. When we have complete faith, we are able to experience lightness even when we are faced with our weaknesses, because we have the faith that we are progressing. We are able to learn and improve from everything that happens.

Message for the day 28.12.2009

The best way to change others is to remain peaceful.


When there is behaviour seen which is not to my liking or approval, there is a tendency to get upset and worked up about it. So immediately, this is brought into words and actions also. Getting agitated or excited doesn't however solve the problem. When there is the ability to remain peaceful, the right solution is found and there is the right response to the problem at hand.


When I am able to maintain my inner peace under all circumstances and with all people, I am able to use the power of my thoughts to bring about a change in the mind of others too. I find myself discovering the power of my inner potential and am able to use it for my own benefit and that of others.

Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thought for Today

The one who checks himself constantly is the one who experiences progress. The one who keeps checking himself is also able to bring about a change in himself. Such a person takes each situation as a chance to learn something new and bring about some change for the better. So there is constant improvement in his life.

Message for the day 27-12-2009

Negative situations can be transformed into positive with the power of stability.


When faced with a negative situation, usually the mind gets affected. Lot of questions arise in the mind that don't allow us to be stable at that time. Because of the thoughts in our mind, though it is in our hands to work at transforming the situation, we don't make use of this opportunity but only end up adding to the negativity.


In a negative situation, it is necessary for us to maintain our own inner stability. We need to free ourselves from wasteful thoughts. Then, the negativity in the situation will finish, first in our mind and then in the situation itself. Our own internal stability will help in finishing the influence of the external situation.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Thought for Today

To create the future we desire we need a spiritual language; we must speak from the heart and in the language of the soul - a language of trust, faith and higher values, of inner growth, love and listening.

Message for the day 26.12.2009

To transform waste into something purposeful and powerful is to remain light.


To successfully transform something waste into something powerful and meaningful is to look beyond the situation and see what it has to teach. When there is the ability to do this, there is the ability to go on in spite of the most challenging obstacles. There is the deep understanding that nothing happens without a purpose. There is no time or energy wasted in wasteful company.


When I understand the significance of everything that happens, I am able to transform in a second. So I am able to remain light because I am able to put in sincere effort and free myself from the burden of waste. I also find that there is no problem in my relationships too, as I am able to understand others and behave accordingly.

Brahma Kumaris

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thought for Today

Freedom means accepting the rules of freedom.

The one who wants freedom naturally accepts the rules that go untold. He is willing to take responsibility for all his decisions and choices. Such a person will never blame others but try to check his own mistakes. When we take decisions with freedom and take responsibility for them, we are able to learn from anything that goes wrong. We'll feel light and free yet with a base from where we can work. Thus we find ourselves experiencing constant progress.

Message for the day 25.12.2009

To have a clear aim of where the action will lead is to be successful in everything.


Many a times it so happens that one acts immediately seeing a situation. But the one who is successful analyses the situation and predicts the outcome of the action that he performs and then acts keeping the end result in mind. Because of knowing the consequences of the actions before actually performing that action, he is able to continue putting in effort in spite of the challenges and difficulties. So he continues to give his best to the task.


When I am able to give time to myself to think before performing any action, I am able to take the opportunity to be clear in my thinking. The consequences of the action I wish to take are clear in my mind and so, the action taken to overcome the situation is right. Hence, I receive easy and sure success.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Thought for Today

The greater the demands on me, the more I need to sustain my inner calm and stability by taking time out for a little daily inner reflection and meditation.

Message for the day 24.12.2009

To search for solutions is to use resources for the right cause.


Usually a lot of energy and time is wasted to find the cause of something that goes wrong. But thinking about that only wastes the resources that could be used for finding solutions. So it is not necessary to understand the causes but to find solutions. So the one who understands this fact is able to make the best use of available resources to correct the situation.


Being focused on the solution rather than on the problem, I am able to use all my inner resources in the right way. I am free from complaints and am able to put in effort to do the best in the given situation. I am constantly happy and content because I know that there is a solution for every problem.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thought for Today

Experience the bliss of Self-Respect and give respect to others at all times. When I am prejudiced against another, my narrow vision and small heart lower my self-dignity and self-worth.

Message for the day 23.12.2009

Real positivity is being positive even in negative situations.


It seems very difficult, if not impossible, to maintain positive thoughts when we are faced with a negative situation. Even with a strong intention to be positive, challenges come in the form of relationships, physical illness, difficult circumstances etc and we find ourselves weakening.


A long time of practice of maintaining inner self-respect is what will help us in a difficult situation. To maintain self-respect means to understand and appreciate our own uniqueness. With this practice of self-respect we will not be dependent on the external situation but will find the strength within.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thought for Today

The beauty of things lie in the ability to appreciate them. Nothing is positive or negative in itself, but the one who has the eye for positive things sees only positively even when there is negativity around. Such a person is like a swan, which separates and picks up only pearls from stones.

Message for the day 22.12.2009

The one with the vision of perfection constantly experiences progress.


Many times, as we are moving ahead in the path of our life, we find ourselves stagnating. There seems to be no progress at all in any aspect of our life. We try to bring about a few changes that work for sometime. But after sometime we find ourselves dissatisfied and we stop trying.


We need to have the vision of perfection constantly in front of our eyes. We need to ask ourselves what is it that we expect out of ourselves, to be a source of joy to others, to keep learning.... it could be anything that inspires us to constantly move ahead while appreciating all that life brings.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, December 21, 2009

Thought for Today

To know the fruit of efforts will surely come is to remain happy and healthy.

To know that the fruit of my effort will eventually come one day is to understand the importance of making effort. Once there is this understanding, it becomes easy to continue making effort, which is like nourishment that keeps one happy. So effort is never stopped till what has to be achieved is achieved. Knowing that my effort will surely be fruitful makes me enjoy everything I do. It makes me remain happy, keeps me enthusiastic and free from tiredness, even when things are not going right for me. My mental happiness and well being thus keeps me healthy.

Message for the day 21.12.2009

Determination enables elevated thoughts to become practical.


When we have an aim in our life and are working for it, we sometimes are not able to bring into practice all that we plan to do. We then tend to become disheartened and give up after trying for some time. Thus we lose out on the benefit that our thoughts can bring in our life.


In order to put into practice the good thoughts that we get i.e., in order to make our thoughts practical we need to stamp it with determination. Our words should never be 'I'll try', but must always be 'I will do it'. Where there is determination there is victory.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

To be seated on the seat of self-respect is to be truly great.

The one who is constantly in the stage of self-respect is constantly stable. And because of this stability he always has the right authority. This brings about right decisions too and he moves forward with ease facing all situations. When we are aware of our own specialities and work with them we inspire others too to recognise our positive qualities. We also never have ego but are able to remain humble. This humility enables us to win the respect of others too.

Message for the day 20-12-2009

To be clean at heart is to give happiness to others.


The one who has a clean heart is the one who always tries to do the best for those with whom he comes in contact. Thus, the person develops the ability to accept others as they are and ignore anything wrong done by them. Instead, he is able to do the right action without losing the balance. So such a person brings happiness for himself and for others through every action he performs.


When I have a clean heart I am able to have an experience of my inner qualities. I am able to enjoy the beauty of the different relationships, each relationship and each person being unique. Thus others are able to get in touch with their inner beauty too. So there is happiness experienced by all.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Message for the day 19-12-2009

Our words are effective only when we combine them with pure thoughts and inspirational actions.


As soon as we find someone's mistake it is natural for us to give correction through our words. We tend to explain to others using a lot of words. Yet we find that inspite of saying the right thing we are not being listened to and our words are just wasted away. We don't understand at such times where the problem lies.


To enable our corrections to others to be effective, we have to combine our thoughts, words and actions. There need to be good wishes in our thoughts which also brings sweetness in our words. We also need to take care that we are putting into action all that we are talking. When we do this we will find that our words are really effective.


Thought for Today

We have a tendency to make significant choices in our lives and then forget that we actually made the choice. Work is such a choice. If we forget to choose the work we do then each day of our life can easily be an experience of continuous reluctance. Would you choose to live your life reluctantly? Every time you use the words ‘have to’ you are telling the universe you would rather not be where you are and you’d rather not do what you are doing at that moment. And if you keep thinking in this way in one area of your life, it becomes a habitual thought pattern which you soon find turning up in your attitude every where in your life. And if you keep thinking, feeling, saying and living with this pattern of reluctance you can be absolutely sure the universe will eventually grant your recurring wish. But you will like the result even less. Nothing positive, fulfilling or empowering was ever created with the energy of reluctance. Don’t be reluctant about anything in your life today. Re-affirm your presence and your choices every day.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Message for the day 18.12.2009

To be a giver is to be flexible.


The one who does not expect from others, but is able to give others from whatever resources he has, is the one who is flexible. Being flexible means to be able to recognize the other person's value system and moulding one self according to it without losing touch with one's own value system.


When I am a giver, I do not expect others to change according to my value system, but am very easily able to find a way to adapt to the other person's value system. I never expect from others to understand me, but am able to understand others. So there is never any feeling of negativity for anyone.


Thought for Today

Happiness is not a destination, it's a journey. Happiness is not tomorrow, it is now. Happiness is not a dependency, it is a decision. Happiness is what you are, not what you have.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Message for the day 17.12.2009

To have an open mind is to be prepared for mistakes too.


The one with an open mind is the one who is able to see things for what they are and accept them. He is able to take the lesson from each situation that happens and move forward with confidence. He never lets any situation or even his own mistake discourage him, but he is able to move forward with renewed confidence.


I am able to learn from my mistakes and be ready for the next learning too when I am able to keep my mind open. Each mistake that happens is also a beautiful teaching when I am willing to learn. With each new situation I find myself growing very beautifully within.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

What goes around comes around is not a new insight. It is something most of us intuitively know but easily forget, as we attempt to hold on to most things which come to us. What we don't realise is the ripple effect can easily become the cripple effect. Everything we think and do not only ripples out into the world, it also creates an impression on our own consciousness inside. If one day you decide to get really angry (very unrelaxing) at someone, then you create a memory of your irritation and carve a kind of scar or groove on your consciousness (non-physical of course). Within this scar or groove is a recording of the image of the person as you have decided to perceive them, and the energy of your anger surrounding that image. Remember, you put it there, not them. Two days later you see the same person and that triggers the image and the anger which you have already recorded within. The emotional turbulence inside your consciousness makes it very hard for you to remain positive, connect and communicate effectively, positively and harmoniously with them. In effect you are crippled and clouded by your own emotion. Most of us experience this, sometimes many times a day, but refuse to see that we cripple ourselves, preferring to blame the other person. Which is why we can stay crippled for a long time and not even realise it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Message for the day 16.12.2009

To use one value with commitment is to guarantee the use of all values.


Values are related to each other as if they were members of a great family. For the one who is committed to one value is the one who is able to emerge the other connected values. Such a person is able to add quality to everything he does and speaks.


When I am able to recognise my own special value and use it with commitment in my daily life, I am able to experience success in all I do. This is because I have the satisfaction of giving my best and of having added quality to everything I do.

Brahma Kuamris

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Message for the day 15.12.2009

To look closely at one's own behaviour is to bring about a positive change.


While it is easy to talk about what other people should do to change themselves and their behaviour, it is also important to see what one can do to bring about a change in oneself. When there is the ability to look in this way, effort is put in continuously to change old unwanted patterns of behaviour and replace with more
desirable ones.


When I am able to take a closer look at myself, I am able to see which trait in my personality is getting in the way of my progress. This knowledge helps me accept myself with my shortcomings and yet have the courage to bring about a change easily. So I have the satisfaction of working on myself.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

It is not necessary to search for peace. It is within. Your original state is one of peace. External situations will pull you away from your peace. If, that is, you let them. Internal feelings can also pull you away. Tiredness, for example, leads to irritability. Learn to be in charge of yourself and maintain your peace; centre your awareness on your spiritual form - a tiny star-like point of light, seated in the middle of your forehead. Really experience the difference between you the sparkling star, and your body, the physical vehicle. Learn to detach yourself from the vehicle. Even a few moments of this practice, if done regularly, will return you to your natural state of peace. Tiredness will vanish, Irritability, too. And your actions will be filled with love - for the self and others.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Message for the day 14.12.2009

Patience brings easy solutions.


What one cannot achieve with pressure can be very easily achieved with patience. Patience brings a state of calm inside which helps in finding the answers that already lie within. It gives courage to work on the problem in a cool and relaxed way till the solution is found. It brings creativity even to mundane things.


When I am able remain patient even in the most challenging situations, I am able to remain calm. I don't let go of my inner peace but am able to be aware of my own inner resources. I am able to retain my inner strength which gives me courage to find the solution for every problem.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

To do something altruistic each day is to ensure happiness.

When there is the thought to do something altruistic for someone every day, there is the ability to give happiness unconditionally. Whatever the relationship or whatever the personality of the other person, the one who develops the habit of doing this, is able to remain a source of support for those around. The best gift we can give is to give happiness and to finish sorrow. When we are constantly thinking of this, not for any reward but just for the sake of it, we are able to discover and enjoy the fruit of that action. We are free from expectations and are able to enjoy the action itself.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Message for the day 13.12.2009

True detachment gives a chance for others to grow.


Where there is detachment there is the ability to let go. There is also an equal amount of love, but along with it is the ability to give others an opportunity to be themselves. One's own attitude or expectations don't colour the perception and others get a chance to express themselves easily and naturally.


When I am detached, I am also loving. I am able to watch with inner happiness all that life brings into each one's lives. Neither do I take over other peoples' lives and feel disappointed when things go wrong, nor do I leave them to their fate. I am able to see their inner capabilities and get each one to become self-reliant.

Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thought for Today

We tend to see things not as they are but as we are. Becoming quiet and simple inside is a first step to seeing things truly

Message for the day 12.12.2009

The best comparison is the comparison with oneself.


The one who is comparing oneself with what he was and seeing how he can improve or how he has improved is the one who is constantly bringing about progress in his own life. On the contrary the one who is comparing himself with others is the one who is constantly finding excuses and leaving behind the opportunities that he gets for bringing about a change.


When I am free from excuses and free from comparison with others, I am able to be light even in the most challenging circumstances. I am not caught up with my own mistakes or those of others, but am able to constantly add on to my treasure store of experiences and be richer and richer with every new challenge faced.

Brahma Kuamris

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thought for Today

The method to finish negative is to transform it and make it positive.

When someone says something that we find negative we normally tend to speak about it to others. Having recognised that it is negative, instead of finishing it we usually talk about it. Without realising that we are only increasing negativity by talking about it we spread it to others. Naturally instead of finishing, it only increases all the more. When we find someone with negativity, we need to make effort to look at something positive in that person. We need to recognise the fact that each one is special and has some or the other positive quality. When we make effort to look at the positive in the other person we will be able to finish the negativity in our mind first and will be able to inspire the others to finish it too.

Message for the day 11-12-2009

To be a leader is to lead by one's own example.


Everyone knows what is right and what is not. But the one who is able to live by what is right, and shows the same in his words and actions is the one who is able to inspire others to bring about a change. There is then no need to speak a lot of words to inspire others.


When every action of mine is qualitative , I find that people look up to me for guidance and support. When people look up to me and take inspiration from me, I am able to keep attention on my words and actions so that whatever I speak and do is beneficial for myself and others.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thought for Today

Real progress can be experienced when we are faced with obstacles.

When faced with obstacles in our path, we usually tend to have negative feelings. We either experience fear or irritation and we don't enjoy the work anymore, our total focus being on the result. We only wait for the outcome not really bothered about enjoying the effort that we need to put in. When we are encountered with a difficult situation, instead of seeing it as an obstacle, we need to see it as an opportunity to evaluate ourselves and see where we stand. We can then use this understanding to bring improvement in ourselves. When we constantly work on ourselves in this way, we will never stop when faced with obstacles, but will experience constant progress in our life.

Message for the day 10.12.2009

To be free from the identification with negativity is to be always light.


The one who identifies with his negative traits is always thinking about it. There is a trace of this negativity that is seen in everything he does or talks. He is not able to be free from this negativity because with each passing day the identification with it becomes stronger. Slowly others too start perceiving him in the same way.


When I am able to be free from the identification with my negativity, I am able to be constantly light. There might be situations or people who might provoke my negativity, but I am able to maintain my inner positivity. This is because I have managed to finish my identification with the negativity.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thought for Today

Values are those things, both tangible and intangible, which we care about the most. Most of us demonstrate by our actions that our values are mostly tangible or material. But if we were to reflect for a moment we might find that what we truly value is very intangible. Love, peace and happiness are our deepest values whether we are aware of it or not. So let's experiment. If peace is something you value, then how will you live peacefully today. You experience what you live. So if you want peace in your life...give it and you'll live it. Or do you prefer a bit of anger and stress? We are all artists and it's only when we paint our own life with the innate values of our spirit, which are also our eternal virtues, that we are truly creative. Paint a little peace, love and wisdom into your life today. If you do, and you make it a regular inner activity, the giving is automatic and the living is...easy!

Message for the day 09.12.2009

The one who is clean and clear inside is the one who becomes a mirror for others.


When there is the ability to realize and bring about a change, there is also the ability to make oneself clear and clean inside. Such a person naturally becomes a clean mirror for others to see their own perfection. He becomes an inspiration for those around for bringing about the best from within.


Each and every moment of my life, when I am able to work to bring about a change in myself constantly, I am able to remain in touch with my inner qualities. I have the joy of experiencing my inner perfection, which naturally flows and touches the lives of those around.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thought for Today

Whatever has happened is in the past. Do not think about the past. Learn from whatever has happened and be optimistic about the future. The past belongs to the past. Let me let go of it, because it does not belong to me now.

Message for the day 08.12.2009

Contentment makes one virtuous.


The one who is content is free from selfishness, yet is concerned about filling the self with inner treasures. Such a person finds his stock of treasures always full and overflowing. So his thoughts, words and actions are those that are constantly bringing benefit to those around.


When I am always content, I always experience myself to be victorious. I am easily able to learn from all situations and use all my experiences to move forward. Also I become a giver. I thus get the love and good wishes of those around me and am also able to experience constant progress.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thought for Today

May you make your thinking, speaking and doing equal, and become complete and perfect. In order to become perfect, your highest and most elevated thoughts should be expressed in word and in action.

Message for the day 07.12.2009

Cooperation brings beauty and growth.


Everyone seeks for cooperation from others, but the beauty lies in cooperating with others. True cooperation is that which is given with the heart and touches the lives of others positively. It inspires others to be cooperative too. This is the true help that one can extend to others.


When I am able to be cooperative with others and provide them with the help that they require, I am able to enjoy the joy of giving unconditionally. I am free from expectations from others and I am able to enjoy the growth that I perceive in others. I don't expect others to change for me but because they can improve.

Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thought for today

To serve with the heart, with love is to guarantee success.

When we have to be of help to others, we sometimes find ourselves doing it with force. We don't seem to be really interested in doing it but situations or people seem to be forcing us to do it. We, then, don't enjoy what we do and also don't find the benefit of it either to others or to ourselves. We need to consciously make an effort to see what people are benefiting when we are helping them. With this conscious effort we are able to help others with love without feeling the heaviness of what we have to do. Thus, we find our actions to be much more fruitful.

Message for the day 06.12.2009

True spirituality is that which makes one practical.


Usually spirituality is perceived as something that has to be kept separate from the normal daily life. But true spiritual life is that which is very practical. The one who is able to fill himself with spiritual power is able to use this power for being better and better in his practical life.


When I am able to recognize the inner beauty and am able to give myself time to be in touch with this spiritual aspect, I am able to be powerful and beyond chaos in all situations. I am able to go within to find the immense power and use it in practical situations. So I find myself being successful in practical situations.

Brahma Kumaris

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thought for Today

To be responsible for each thought, word and action is to be free from questions. When we are faced with challenges we usually put the blame on others or on situations. We justify our thoughts, words and actions. We, then, tell ourselves and others that we have been forced to think that way or say and do such a thing. Such thinking creates a series of questions in our mind about others and situations for which we can never find answers. We need to recognize the fact that no one or nothing can force us to do something that we do not want to do. Each and everything we do is our own choice and we are responsible for it. When we take up the responsibility in this way, we will not only be free from waste questions and doubts but will also be able to mould our thoughts, words and actions in the right way.

Message for the day 04.12.2009

To have knowledge means to remain cheerful.


The one who has the right understanding based on accurate knowledge is the one who is able to remain content even during difficult situations. Since there is a clear understanding about situations and the people around, there is no difficulty in giving the best under all circumstances. Such a person uses all challenges to enrich his own capabilities.


When I am able to use knowledge as a weapon in a positive way, I am able to understand everything that happens. I understand that there is a reason for whatever happens and there is something to learn from every situation. So I am not upset with the varied situations I am faced with, but am able to remain cheerful enjoying everything that comes my way.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thought for Today

To look closely at one's own behaviour is to bring about a positive change.

While it is easy to talk about what other people should do to change themselves and their behaviour, it is also important to see what one can do to bring about a change in oneself. When there is the ability to look in this way, effort is put in continuously to change old unwanted patterns of behaviour and replace with more desirable ones.

Message for the day 02.12.2009

To consider oneself an instrument of God is to be light.


To be an instrument of God means to allow God's qualities to flow through one's life. It means to be available for God's task to happen. The ones who considers himself to be an instrument neither has ego of the work that is done through him nor has he any difficulty in dealing with situations. He is able to do everything well and with ease.


When I am an instrument of God, I am able to remain light even while being responsible. Being an instrument I would naturally consider myself responsible for God's task to be done through me. Also since I am God's instrument, I feel the responsibility of making myself more and more beautiful.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thought for Today

Faith enables the creation of elevated fortune.

Usually there is a tendency to leave things to destiny. When something goes wrong, we blame fate for it. Then we feel the situation to be totally out of our control, which prevents us from taking responsibility for our own life. And we will not be able to work in any way for bringing about a change and improving the situation. Instead of blaming fate for whatever is happening, we need to take up responsibility for creating our own fortune for the future. When we have faith in ourselves, we will take up responsibility for our own life. We will, then, be able to work at making our each thought beneficial, contributing to our success, making a better future for ourselves.

Message for the day 01.12.2009

The one who is loving is the one who experiences freedom.


The root of suffering is attachment, because attachment makes one bound. To be truly free means to learn to love and appreciate while remaining independent. Others' state of mind or task does not negatively influence one's own responses to the outside environment. There is the ability to be free and express one's own specialities without being coloured.


If I cannot keep myself free from attachment I am constantly experiencing suffering. Because I am attached, I am dependent on someone or something I have created a space for in my mind. When that person or object is criticized, neglected or not with me, I feel pain in my mind and I experience a sense of loss. Then I am not able to be loving.

Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thought for Today

The one who has the power of realisation is the one who can bring transformation.
When something goes wrong we immediately begin to look for excuses why that mistake happened. This finishes our power of realisation and we will not be able to recognise our own mistake. Then we will not be able to work at improving ourselves and we will not be able to bring any transformation.Instead of looking for excuses for what happened, we need to take the opportunity to check within ourselves and see our own mistake. When we recognise our mistake, however small it may be, we will be able to work on it. Only when we are able to realise our own mistake, will we be able to bring about transformation in ourselves.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thought for Today

There is no greater teacher than one's own practical example. To be really benevolent therefore means that I must first change, then I have the power, the knowledge and the experience of thinking and doing for the ultimate benefit of all.

Message for the day 28.11.2009

Even the impossible becomes possible with determination and there is sure success.


The one who is determined is the one who never gives up in adverse situations. He is able to use all the challenges as a means for self-progress. He is never deterred with situations which seem difficult to handle, but is able to creatively bring out new ideas that help him to cross over the obstacles with ease.


Determination brings confidence in me and in my ability to achieve what I set out to achieve. I am able to remain confident and sure of my own success. This confidence gives me the encouragement not to let go half way through, but to do something till the end. With each obstacle that comes my way that seems to deter me from my path, I find myself improving and progressing, making myself better and better. So I am able to experience success constantly.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thought for Today

To become worthy of blessings means to make success easy.

Thinking of benefit for the self increases to such an extent that it sometimes takes on the form of selfishness. When we are selfish we stop thinking about others or the effect that our action is going to have on them. Then we are not able to move forward with lightness because the good wishes and blessings of others are not with us. In each and every action of ours we need to first check if it is going to be beneficial for us as well as for others. As much as there is benefit for others, too, in the task that we are doing, that much the good wishes of others will be there for the task.With these good wishes we will be able to move forward much faster and achieving success will be easy.

Message for the day 26.11.2009

The one who is powerful shows the practical proof of success instead of just talking about it.


It is usually very easy for us to talk about how to do things best, it is as much easy to tell others and give directions. But the one who is powerful is not just satisfied with mere words or proving to others about his success. He is more concerned more about being successful.


We need to check if we are applying in our life what we are talking about. We need to see to it that whatever we speak about, we must put into practice. Only then will we find improvement and progress in our life. Then, there will be no more the need to talk about our success but our life will reveal how successful we are. We will,
then, be an inspiration to many.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thought for Today

Change comes with what is done than what is thought of.

Thinking about others' actions can give a headache. Instead it is good to think about what is to be done. If someone is doing something wrong, instead of risking one's peace by raising complaints in the mind, it is good to do something to change the situation. When this is done, it creates good feelings for others. These good feelings become like ointments that heal wounds and re-establish friendship and relationships.

Message for the day 25.11.2009

Cooperation brings easy success.


To work together is to allow the specialities of each and every individual to be contributed in the task to be done. There is an ability to appreciate others and their contribution. There is no ego of one's own specialities but a true and natural
appreciation of everyone around. So there is success for the task and for the person too.


Whenever I am involved with others in doing something, the task is important in itself but when I understand the importance of cooperation I am able to recognise the specialities of each and every individual. I am able to have faith in the other person to make his own contribution and I give the space for him to do so.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thought for Today

To finish excuses is to take up full responsibility.

To take up responsibility means to be ready to bear the consequences of the action done. The one who is responsible will never give excuses, but will be able to take the responsibility of correcting the situation. Under all circumstances, such a person will be able to give his best without situations hindering his output. When we are responsible, it is not important for us why a mistake happened, but it is more important for us to find a method so that we are able to rectify what has gone wrong. So when we are responsible we are either worried nor concerned too much for whatever has happened. On the other hand we are able work with lightness to improve the situation.

Message for the day 24.11.2009

To remain in peace is to give support to those around.


If there is inner peace even when there is negativity all around, there is the ability to give support to those around. The biggest service that one can do is to give this support to those in need during challenging times. The one who remains in peace even in chaotic conditions becomes an example also.


When I am able to maintain my own inner state of calm under all circumstances, I am able to learn from everything that happens. I am able to bring benefit for those around me because of the vibrations of positivity that I am able to spread. I become a source of inspiration and support for all those in need.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thought for Today

To be free from the identification with negativity is to be always light.

The one who identifies with his negative traits is always thinking about it. There is a trace of this negativity that is seen in everything he does or talks. He is not able to be free from this negativity because with each passing day the identification with it becomes stronger. Slowly others too start perceiving him in the same way. When we are able to be free from the identification with our negativity, we are able to be constantly light. There might be situations or people who might provoke our negativity, but we are able to maintain our inner positivity. This is because we have managed to finish our identification with the negativity.

Message for the day 23.11.2009

To finish excuses is to take up full responsibility.


To take up responsibility means to be ready to bear the consequences of the action done. The one who is responsible will never give excuses, but will be able to take the responsibility of correcting the situation. Under all circumstances, such a person will be able to give his best without situations hindering his output.


When I am responsible, it is not important for me why a mistake happened, but it is more important for me to find a method so that I am able to rectify what has gone wrong. So when I am responsible I am neither worried nor concerned too much for whatever has happened. On the other hand I am able work with lightness to
improve the situation.

Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thought for Today

To tighten the loose screw of carelessness is to be powerful.

The one who is careless is not able to use the powers and the skills that he has. All the positive qualities within are wasted, because the one who is careless is not able to use them in the best possible way. But the one who is able to tighten the loose screw of carelessness is able to recognize and use the potentials that are within. So there is power visible in such a person.

Message for the day 21.11.2009

God's love brings out the best from within.


God, who is an image of perfection, becomes a source of inspiration and power for the one who is connected to Him. with the connection with God, and with an experience of His love, it becomes easy to be in touch with the innate qualities of peace and purity. In all circumstances, the presence of God becomes a great motivator to express the inner beauty.


When I am deeply connected with God, I am able to be connected with the innate beauty. God's love becomes a source of energy to connect me back to my innate beauty. Thus I find that I am able to maintain this inner beauty under all circumstances. I am not negatively influenced by the situations or people.

Brahma Kumaris

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thought for Today

Normally an eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it Breaks . The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it. The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm. When the storms of life come upon us - and all of us will experience them - we can rise above them by setting our minds and our belief toward God. The storms do not have to overcome us. We can allow God's power to lift us above them. God enables us to ride the winds of the storm that bring sickness, tragedy, failure and disappointment in our lives. We can soar above the storm. It is not the burdens of life that weigh us down, it is how we handle them.

Message for the day 20.11.2009

Concentration on positive thoughts brings power and growth.


Whatever thoughts are concentrated upon, those thoughts become powerful. It is like the growth of a seed. When a thought, a positive thought, is planted in the mind and it is concentrated upon, it becomes like sunlight adding energy. The more the concentration on them these thoughts begin to grow.


When I am able to create a positive thought, each morning and water it with attention throughout the day, I am able to find myself becoming more and more powerful. Negative circumstances or people with negativity do not influence me but I become a powerful source for finishing that negativity. I am able to maintain this positive thought under all circumstances.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thought for Today

To consider oneself an instrument of God is to be light.

To be an instrument of God means to allow God's qualities to flow through one's life. It means to be available for God's task to happen. The ones who considers himself to be an instrument neither has ego of the work that is done through him nor has he any difficulty in dealing with situations. He is able to do everything well and with ease. When we are an instrument of God, we are able to remain light even while being responsible. Being an instrument we would naturally consider ourselves responsible for God's task to be done through us. Also since we are God's instrument, we feel the responsibility of making ourselves more and more beautiful.

Message for the day 18.11.2009

True honesty brings clarity about the self.


Honesty doesn't mean just speaking the truth. Honesty means being clear with oneself. Then it naturally brings clarity about one's own capabilities. This clear understanding enables one to do the best according to the capacity. It gives the recognition of a higher step that can be climbed and brings the humility to learn from the different lessons of life.


When I am honest I am able to know my own limitations and accept them with love. This acceptance keeps me busy with what I can do and also silently makes me ready for the next step. When time comes, I am able to do it, because I have already prepared myself for it. I don't stop when situations demand more from me because
there is total clarity within.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thought for Today

To be strong is to be free from the influence of the body.

To allow the body to influence the mind is to be doubly ill. The one who allows himself to be doubly ill is not able to deal with the illness of the body. On the other hand, the one who is powerful in the mind is able to maintain the inner strength in spite of the disease and so has the power to put in effort to finish it. Instead of being conscious of the disease of the body, all we need to do is to
maintain the consciousness of being powerful internally. Then we would not be afraid of the disease of the body but will have the courage to deal with it. We are able to see the disease as something temporary and will soon find ourselves rid of the illness, as we are powerful within.

Message for the day 17.11.2009

To be free from attachment of one's own qualities is to have the ability to work on the self.


The main form of attachment of the self is the attachment to both one's own specialties and weaknesses. When there is the ability to free oneself from this kind of attachment there is the ability to work on both. There is the awareness of them, but not bound by them. There is the ability to use specialties with love and according to the need. There is also special attention given to finish weaknesses.


When I am free from attachment, I am aware of them, but there is neither arrogance of the specialties nor any inferior feelings for the presence of the negativity within me. I am able to experience detachment from them and able to use my specialties with ease. I am not disturbed with the presence of the weaknesses but am able to win over them with ease.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thought for Today

True spirituality is that which makes one practical. Usually spirituality is perceived as something that has to be kept separate from the normal daily life. But true spiritual life is that which is very practical. The one who is able to fill himself with spiritual power is able to use this power for being better and better in his practical life. When we are able to recognize the inner beauty and are able to give ourselves time to be in touch with this spiritual aspect, we are able to be powerful and beyond chaos in all situations. We are able to go within to find the immense power and use it in practical situations. So we find ourselves being successful in practical

Message for the day 16.11.2009

True honesty brings clarity about the self.


Honesty doesn't mean just speaking the truth. Honesty means being clear with oneself. Then it naturally brings clarity about one's own capabilities. This clear understanding enables one to do the best according to the capacity. It gives the recognition of a higher step that can be climbed and brings the humility to learn
from the different lessons of life.


When I am honest I am able to know my own limitations and accept them with love. This acceptance keeps me busy with what I can do and also silently makes me ready for the next step. When time comes, I am able to do it, because I have already prepared myself for it. I don't stop when situations demand more from me because
there is total clarity within.

Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thought for Today

To be a leader is to lead by one's own example.

Everyone knows what is right and what is not. But the one who is able to live by what is right, and shows the same in his words and actions is the one who is able to inspire others to bring about a change. There is then no need to speak a lot of words to inspire others. When every action of ours is qualitative, we find that people look up to us for guidance and support. We are then able to keep attention on our words and actions so that whatever we speak and do is beneficial for ourselves and others.

Message for the day 15.11.2009

As is the seed so is the fruit.


Several times we find things happening unexpectedly. Yet, there should be the understanding that nothing is unexpected or a matter of chance but everything depends on the seeds previously planted. When there is this understanding there is no passiveness but there is an ability to take responsibility and better the situation.


Every thing I do has a deep significance and an importance for what I have to attain. When I understand this fact, I am able to make the most out of what I have. I am never discouraged by the negative results that I get today, nor do I take myself to a great height for the positive things that I get. I remain stable and make the best use of what I have.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The best comparison is the comparison with oneself.

The one who is comparing oneself with what he was and seeing how he can improve or how he has improved is the one who is constantly bringing about progress in his own life. On the contrary the one who is comparing himself with others is the one who is constantly finding excuses and leaving behind the opportunities that he gets for bringing about a change. When we are free from excuses and free from comparison with others, we are able to be light even in the most challenging circumstances. We are not caught up with our own mistakes or those of others, but are able to constantly add on to our treasure store of experiences and be richer and richer with every new challenge faced.

Message for the day 14.11.2009

To use the gift that one has is to be powerful.


Each one has surely been bestowed with a special gift, a gift that is unique to each one. The one who recognizes this fact is able to use it for the purpose of bringing benefit to one and all. Under all circumstances there is the ability to bring out the best from within the self. So there is the influence of that on all around and everyone is benefitted.


When I recognize my own uniqueness, I am able to remain free from comparison and competition. I am able to be in the state of self-respect of knowing who I am. This then keeps me content and peaceful. Along with this, I have a lot of enthusiasm to use this special gift of mine. So there is a constant experience of contentment along with progress.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

True detachment gives a chance for others to grow.

Where there is detachment there is the ability to let go. There is also an equal amount of love, but along with it is the ability to give others an opportunity to be themselves. One's own attitude or expectations doesn't colour the perception and others get a chance to express themselves easily and naturally. We are able to watch with inner happiness all that life brings into each one's lives. Neither do we take over other peoples' lives and feel disappointed when things go wrong, nor do we leave them to their fate. We are able to see their inner capabilities and get each one to become self-reliant.

Message for the day 13.11.2009

To understand the power of positivity is to finish negativity.


All it takes to finish darkness, is a little light. What is real is light and what needs to go away is darkness. In the same way, negativity is nothing but a lack of positivity. The one who is able to use positivity in situations, is able to finish negativity very naturally. There is a very powerful influence of this inner positivity, where no negativity of the self or the others remain.


When I am able to enable myself to use the power of positivity, I experience myself to be free from the influence of negativity. I am powerful in all situations, and deal with them with great ease. Others or situations don't have an influence on me. Instead I am able to influence others with my own commitment to positivity.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

To be clean means to be a success.

We usually interact with others based on our past experiences with them. Even if there has been a single negative experience with someone, we keep that in our mind and all our responses are based on that experience. We are, then, not able to be fully successful in our relationships. In order to succeed in our relationships we need to keep our mind free from the experiences of the past. We can do this when we look at the uniqueness and speciality of each individual that we come into contact with. This practice makes us respect all and be free from the negativity of the past.

Message for the day 10.11.2009

To make big things small is to remain in peace.


Many times life brings situations, which are difficult and seem impossible to work on. But there should be the ability to transform something as big as a mountain into something as small as a grain of sand. To do this means to look for solutions instead of looking at problems. It also means to make effort to find the right answers for the problems.


When I have the ability to look at things lightly, I will be able to make even big things as small. This gives me the courage to deal with situations with ease. Then I am able to remain in peace. Such a state of mind is naturally able to bring out the best solutions under all circumstances.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The one who transforms oneself is the one who is victorious.

When in a discussion or debate with someone, we usually want to have the last word. We want the others to understand us. When we succeed in this we feel we are a winner. But we find that neither is the other person satisfied with us nor are we able to learn anything new. In order to be a winner in all situations, we need to pay special attention to keep learning from each situation. We need to see in what aspect we can bring about transformation in ourselves instead of trying to prove ourselves right. This will make us truly victorious.

Message for the day 09.11.2009

To understand is to be easy and light.


Life brings obstacles and difficulties. They do not come to stop or hinder progress. They can strengthen and help in bringing progress with more experience. To understand this is to keep advancing. Understanding this aspect means to know that it is not always necessary to find a solution, it is enough to keep moving forward, leaving the obstacle behind.


True understanding is to understand what the solution of the problem is and bring it into my own life accordingly. When I am able to understand this instead of focussing too much on the problem, I am able to remain happy. This brings a lot of inner lightness and ease and thereby I am able to use all my strength in bringing about solutions.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The power of detachment helps us to watch the different games of life.

Whenever we are faced with a situation or when we watch someone dear going through a difficult situation, we tend to overreact because we feel caught up in it. Then we are neither able to work to remove it nor are we able to enjoy all that life brings. Whenever a situation comes up, we need to use the power of detachment that is within us. With this power we can see and appreciate all the variety that life brings. This makes us enjoy, whatever the situations may be.

Message for the day 07.11.2009

To let go of worry of the problem is to find the right solution.


When the mind is caught up with any problem there is a great difficulty in finding solutions. Instead when the mind is free from worry, it finds the answers that lie within. So whatever the kind of situations or problems, the one who is free from worry is the one who is able to respond to the situation in the right way. Nor does such a person take time in making decisions during challenging times.


When I only continue to worry about my problems it is like cursing the darkness. It will not bring light. All I need to do is light a little lamp and I will find the light coming in slowly spreading all around. I find that it is very easy to find the solutions that are already within me.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The one who wins over situations with the power of one's own stage is a winner. When difficult situations come our way, it is usually our own stage that is affected. We feel disheartened, or frustrated which makes us feel helpless in the situation. We can, then, do nothing to bring about any change and lose out to the situation. Whenever a difficult situation comes our way, we need to remind ourselves that the situation is here only for a short time as a test for our own stage and to give us a chance to progress. This thought will help us be stable in the worst situations and will enable us to learn from what has happened in order to improve ourselves.

Message for the day 06.11.2009

To be accepting means to give a chance to the other person to change


When someone makes a mistake there is usually a feeling of guilt and a lot of negative feelings. At such a time if there is understanding and love, it helps the other person bring about a change. There will be always an environment of positivity provided by the one who understands and accepts. So anyone in this environment can bring about a change with great ease.


Only when I am able to accept can I bring about a change in the other person. When I accept I am able to see what the other person is lacking and provide him with it. So I am actually giving the other person a chance to change. Also when I accept others and understand them, others too are able to accept me and love me as I am. I find my relationships becoming more and more beautiful.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The one who is detached is the one who is loving too.

The lotus flower is both detached and loving. It is untouched by the dirt it is surrounded with and is beautiful and loving at the same time. In the same way, whatever the situations or the people around us, we need to be untouched by their negativity. Then we will become the ones who are loving too. When we are faced with a negative situation, instead of blaming the situation, we need to work at our own inner strength. The problem could be created by someone else, but we have to make effort in bringing about the solution. Then we will be able to make things better without having negative feelings towards anyone.

Message for the day 05.11.2009

The one who has courage to bring about a change is free from excuses.


For the one who recognizes the need for bringing about a change, every situation is an excuse for doing something new. If there is no commitment to change in every situation, excuses are given and others are blamed. So there is nothing new that is done and nothing new achieved.


Life becomes very interesting for me when I am willing to take up the challenges that it brings. I am not afraid of new situations and challenges but am able to make the best out of the situation, I am free from fear and have the courage to bring about a change easily and naturally.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The more there is contentment the more there is progress.

Usually contentment is associated with lack of ambition. So, we find that we think we are content when we are not having any aim in life, which, in fact, is carelessness. On the other hand, we have so many wants and desires that we are never content with what we have. Either way, we find that it is difficult to progress because of the negativity. We need to be content with whatever we have or attain. That is, we need to appreciate each thing that we have in our life, big or small. Only when we are content will the mind be at peace and it is this peace that will help us to achieve what we aim for with our full potential. Thus, we experience progress.

Message for the day 04.11.2009

To have respect for the self constantly is to experience progress.


The one who has respect for the self is not dependent on external inputs for having a good state of mind. To have respect for the self means to have the right state of mind and the right way of working with the self specially when things are not going well. It means to constantly express the positivity that is within.


When I am able to give respect for the self under all circumstances I am able to experience constant progress. Especially when I am not able to achieve the desired results or when I am not able to be successful, at that time I need to be good to myself. Then I will be able to be the best and do the best with what I have. So I will be able to experience constant progress.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

The one who admires is the one who is fortunate.

When we look at the specialities of others we sometimes have negative thoughts, having compared ourselves with them. That is, either we develop feelings of superiority or inferiority. Both do not help us in any way; instead it creates more of a loss for us. To admire means to take on the quality that we admire. Whenever we see someone with some good quality we need to see how we can imbibe it within us, too. When we have this attention constantly and pick up virtues from each and every one we meet, we will be able to have the fortune of getting richer and richer each day.

Message for the day 03.11.2009

To contribute specialities is to have the power to cooperate.


Each individual is unique with his own unique set of capabilities. The one who is aware of his specialities and contributes them to any task is the one who is able to cooperate under all circumstances and with all people. There are no conditions attached to contribute these resources.


When I contribute to every task with my own specialities I have double satisfaction. I have the satisfaction of having contributed something and I am also free from expectations from others. I also find that because I am able to give unconditionally, others too are able to cooperate with me.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

To take a vow means to guarantee transformation. When we decide to bring about a change in some aspect we sometimes work hard in the beginning with commitment and sincerity and slowly find our enthusiasm lessening. So we give up before we could really bring about any change. Just as the one who takes a vow never breaks it, we too need to take the vow to transform. Whatever obstacles come our way, our special attention has to be not to break the vow. Then we will not stop when obstacles come our way.

Message for the day 02.11.2009

To be committed towards one's own progress is to help others to move forward.


The one who is committed towards his own self-progress, is free from criticizing others when he sees them make mistakes. Having realised what is wrong, such a person makes corrections immediately. He is able to realise his own mistake in a second and take the chance for self-improvement. This naturallly gives the ability to help others also to bring about a change for the better.


Since I am committed to my own self-progress, I am able to become stronger and stronger with each passing situation. I find that I become a source of inspiration for those around, as I continue to learn from all that happens. I don't put people down for their mistakes, but am able to give them the help to be better.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

To recognise the uniqueness of one's own role is to be free from negativity. When we find things going wrong with us, we sometimes wish for a change in our role. We begin to compare ourselves with others or wish for something better in our life, which makes us lose all our enthusiasm. We then make no effort to better our role. We need to recognise the importance of our own role. Like an actor who doesn't make effort to change his role but brings perfection to his own role, we, too, need to concentrate on our own role. The recognition of the importance of our own role and the desire to bring excellence to it makes us free from negativity.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Message for the day 01.11.2009

To change means to experience progress.


Whenever there is a desire to bring about a change, there is also a simultaneous intense feeling to find a change instantly - and fully. Yet this does not always happen. However, true change is that in which there is at least a little change. When there is constant effort put in to be better and to do better, then naturally the best results are visible, even if there is not perfection seen overnight.


When I bring about a change constantly, in whatever little way I can, I am able to experience constant progress. I do not have great expectations, but will be satisfied with the little changes that I make and will have the confidence to go on putting in effort. Even with the little results that I attain I will be able to take encouragement constantly. I am thus able to move on towards perfection.

Brahma Kumaris

Thought for Today

To be special means to have a gift for everyone we meet. Usually we are ready to give physical gifts to people but when it comes to being a giver in the form of understanding or love, we cannot always be a giver. We usually begin to expect from others. We need to make sure that we have a gift for everyone we meet; it could even be a smile or a kind word. When our focus is on what we have to give, we will be free from expectations from others. This will make us truly special.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Message for the day 31.10.2009

The one who is the master is the one who creates positive thoughts under all circumstances.


The one who is the master of himself is always able to create the right kind of thoughts according to the circumstance. Never is there the dependency on situations or people for the right kind of responses. Since there is mastery over thoughts, there is also mastery over all words spoken and everything done.


When I am able to be a master of myself, I am able to constantly create positive thoughts. I am in touch with the inner resources and I am able to make use of these resources in a timely way. I never get confused or pressurized with outside situations, but am able to be in control in all situations.

Brahma Kumaris

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thought for Today

Honesty brings progress. Honesty is usually associated with telling the truth or being open with others. Even when we have such honesty, we sometimes don't experience progress because we are always honest with ourselves. More than anything else we need to be honest with ourselves. That means we need to introspect and check within and change ourselves. Such internal checking without cheating ourselves, i.e., without giving excuses to ourselves helps us to experience progress.

Message for the day 30.10.2009

To be free from desires is to have the experience of attainment.


The more there are desires, the more it becomes difficult to appreciate what is there and what is attained. Life becomes a constant struggle for attaining something else. One desire is fulfilled and before it can be appreciated all energies are focused on the fulfillment of ten other desires.


When I continue to run after desires, I am not able to have the experience of having attained anything. Running for desires is like running after the shadow, I can never get it. But when I turn my back on it, it runs after me. If I am free from desires, I am rich because I am content with whatever little I have and I am happy putting in effort to be better with that little.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thought for Today

Intuition is the discerning of a refined intellect. We all have the capacity for intuition, but we find it hard to cultivate and exercise this capacity as we are mostly encouraged to keep our awareness focused on the surface events and activities of life around us. Intuition is that voice of innate wisdom which can speak to us at any moment. It is the core of our self, of our consciousness, a touchstone which is always true and trustworthy, as long as the voice is not distracted or disturbed by the many voices of our ego, or others egos, which we allow to reside like ghosts within our consciousness. Learning to listen to and trust our intuition means we must be able to recognise these voices and ruthlessly ignore their deviations and temptations. This is why we need to spend some time each day in some form of contemplative process - call it meditation, reflection or just listening to the self. When we give time to restoring our inner peace and quiet, we will learn to discern the voice of our intuition from the cleverness of our ego. When meditation becomes a regular exercise we rebuild that trust in ourselves to be able to ignore the machinations of ego, and follow the wisdom of our inner tutor. Gradually there comes a time when we never do not know what to do, when every event reveals something deeply significant to our awareness, and we can sense the deeper needs of those around us. These are the inner subtle skills of intuition and the sign of our intuitive intellect at work.

Message for the day 29.10.2006

To switch on the power of awareness is to be free from being mood off.


To be mood off means to find excuses and reasons to feel negative - to have negative thoughts for the self or for the others. But if there is a strong powerful awareness in the mind, a positive thought about the self, there will not be a chance for a negative thought to enter the mind. So there will never be any reason to be mood off.


When I am able to maintain a single powerful thought, I am able to remain happy and content. I am not dependent on the external situations for the internal state of mind. Nor do I make external situations as an excuse to further weaken my own thoughts. So there is constantly a feeling of positivity under all circumstances.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thought for Today

The one who is a special flower keeps spreading the fragrance of virtues. Being in situations that are not always positive it seems very difficult for us to be positive. As is our environment and the situations, we find, so are our own responses, too. That is, we find ourselves reacting negatively in a negative situation and positively in a positive situation. We need to remind ourselves that we are a special flower with our own specialities. The more we remind ourselves of these specialities, the more we are able to spread the sweetness of this fragrance to all - whatever the situations may be.

Message for the day 28.10.2009

The one who follows the right method gets easy success.


When there is a clear aim of what has to be done and how one has to go about doing it, then there is accuracy in all words and actions. Whatever effort is put in is according to the system and is naturally accurate. So when there is accuracy in all that is done, the fruit of that is also right.


When I have been following the right method for whatever I have to do, I am able to remain happy for the effort that I have put in. I am also able to be patient and wait for the fruit of my effort to come at its own time. I am never in a hurry, so I always experience success whatever the outcome of the task may be.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thought for Today

The power of Truth is such that you need never be concerned about proving it. You need only be concerned with being it and living it. Truth is always revealed, at the right moment, at the right place, at right time.

Message for the day 27.10.2009

To have the spirit of sharing is to be constantly happy.


There are lots of resources in each one's life that can be shared
with others. The more there is the consciousness of giving there
is the ability to give and share these inner resources with others.
New treasures are discovered and used for the benefit of all and
also for the self.


There is constant satisfaction in my life when there is the spirit
of giving. There are no expectations from others, but only an
awareness of what I have. Life becomes more and more satisfactory
and I feel richer for having given unconditionally. There are also
constant good wishes that I receive from others.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, October 26, 2009

Thought for Today

Knowledge and faith bring the ability to be positive. Whenever things don't happen according to what we expect we begin to look at everything negatively. We are caught up with the negativity to such an extent that we are not able to find anything that might be positive in it. We need to understand and develop the faith that behind everything seemingly negative there is something positive. It is up to us whether we want to see positive in negative or negative in positive and be influenced accordingly.

Message for the day 26.10.2009

To listen to others fully is to be able to be free from repeating mistakes.


When there is criticism that comes one's way, it should be carefully analysed to see if there is any truth in it. If there is correction can be made accordingly. On the other hand, if others' criticism is ignored or there is a tendency to defend oneself, there cannot be any correction and mistakes are repeated.


When I listen to others with honesty, I am able to discover even the most negligible aspect in my behaviour which I can change. So I find myself constantly improving and progressing and moving on towards success. So having brought about a change, even the criticism that comes my way stops.

Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thought for Today

The one who gives constantly is a true bestower. We usually find ourselves giving only to those who give to us. When someone gives us love or happiness, we too are inspired to give. So we find that unless we get from others, it becomes difficult to give. We need to have the aim of not letting anyone go from us empty handed. That means we give them an experience of love or happiness or whatever they need at that time. When we have that aim, we will be able to give even when we don't get anything. And then, we find that only when we give do we get.

Message for the day 25.10.2009

To find reasons to be happy is to increase happiness.


When the mind searches for reasons to be sad and sorrowful, even situations with no great significance are seen with a vision of negativity. So there is constantly an expression of words and actions that reflect the need for sympathy and reassurance. On the other hand, when there is the search for happiness, then everything is positive giving happiness.


When I am happy, I start perceiving everything with that vision. It is like wearing coloured glasses. Whatever colour my glasses are, the whole world is coloured with it. Then, I am no longer able to perceive and recognize negativity and I am able to remain happy with everything.

Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thought for Today

Regard for others makes them our helpers. Working with others we usually find ourselves expecting others to cooperate with us. And sometimes we are not able to get their cooperation. We are, then, disappointed and look for help from elsewhere or seek to change the place of work. But we find that it is just a temporary solution. Each and every individual has a contribution to make for every task at hand. We need to give a chance and allow them to make their contribution. This is possible when we provide them with the right environment of love and regard. When we respect them for what they are, they will naturally continue to provide us support and help.

Message for the day 24.10.2009

Every reaction to situations is a reflection of one's own self-respect.


To the extent that there is a high degree of self-respect, to that extent there is a positive response to even the most negative situations. If there is low self-respect, even the smallest situation brings forth a strong negative reaction. This reaction only makes matters worse.


When I am able to maintain my own self-respect even in the worst situation, I am able to have a hold, control over these situations. But if I have a low self-respect I continue to blame situations and use them as excuses to feel helpless. So I am not able to do anything about these situations and just continue to have negative feelings.

Brahma Kumaris

Friday, October 23, 2009

Message for the day 23.10.2009

To recognise one's own fortune is to be constantly happy.


When there is an awareness of one's own fortune, there are no expectations from people and situations. Due to this I am able to recognise and use my own resources for my own benefit and also for the benefit of others. One's happiness also spreads out to the others and they too become happy.


When I recognise constantly my own fortune, I am able to make the best use of it. I constantly remain content and am able to move forward with happiness. I never become upset with the various unexpected situations that come my way, but am able to see them as test papers that will help me move on to the next step. So I never get tired of continuing to put in effort.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thought for Today

Where the intellect is free from assumptions the right decisions are made. As soon as we are faced with a situation we correlate it to some previous incident and assume based on our past experiences either with the situations or with the people involved. Such assumptions sometimes lead us to wrong decisions. The solution lies in detaching ourselves from our past experiences. Of course we have to learn from the experiences of our past, but we also need to be open to look at the situation in a new way. Such detachment will enable us to make the right decisions.

Message for the day 22.10.2009

The way to be rid of waste thoughts is to maintain a powerful thought.


When the intellect is accomplished with powerful thoughts, waste thoughts cannot enter. Only when the intellect remains empty that there is place for waste thoughts to enter. To be busy with elevated thoughts is to keep the mind free from waste. All it needs is to turn on the switch of one powerful thought, then wastage finishes. This is just like a switch which brings light and finishes darkness. Then there is no wastage in words and actions too.


When I make the practice of keeping a single elevated thought in my intellect, I am able to be free from the bondage of wastage. I find that a lot of time and energy of mine is saved. Even when there is an external situation of conflict, chaos and confusion, there is no internal chaos and there is only power in my thoughts. So I make decisions easily and quickly and I enjoy all the situations that come my way.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thought for Today

To be obedient to God means to have a right to His inheritance. We sometimes find ourselves feeling low and unenthusiastic. We tend to blame the situations and the people around which makes us feel even more dull. At such times we expect and seek God's help and power but experience no help from him. We need to realise that we don't have to ask God for power or blessings but have a right to them. Before we perform any task we need to ask ourselves if God will like what we are doing. If we do everything according to God's wishes that means we are obedient. Such obedience will get us the inheritance of peace and happiness from God.

Message for the day 21.10.2009

As is the consciousness, so are the thoughts, words and actions.


To have the right consciousness means to identify oneself with one's own specialities and powers and not to work with weaknesses. When there is such an elevated consciousness, then there is power in all thoughts, words and actions. Effort need not be put for specially making them powerful and effective. Even if they are tried to be made powerful without changing the consciousness the effort put goes in vain.


As I have a powerful consciousness and I am set firmly on this seat, no outside situation or person can disturb me or my internal state of mind. I am free from negative and waste and also from being ordinary. I am free from labouring and of having to fight with my thoughts in order to maintain the right thoughts. And I find that there is only speciality within. Others too are able to take benefit from this speciality.

Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thought for Today

To contribute selflessly is to move forward with the blessings of all. Many times we find ourselves in situations where there is a problem, where we seem to be part of the problem too. We try defending ourselves but people do not always understand. At such times there is no solution to be found, and we find ourselves talking again and again about the problem. We need to become part of the solution instead of just being part of the problem and talking about it. To be part of the solution means to make some contribution in order to better the situation. When we do whatever little we can, we continue to receive blessings from those around us.

Message for the day 20.10.2009

The one who is powerful finds one or the other means to finish waste.


Life brings lots of situations which naturally bring about waste thoughts. But the one who is powerful searches for ways and means to finish this waste. Such a person is like a skilled player who is waiting for an opportunity to give his best. So each situation is used as a means to use of all the resources in the right way. Even if there is one method that doesn't work, there is always a search for a new method to bring about the right solution.


When I am able to remain powerful even in the most difficult situation, I am able to recognise the powers that are within me and use them for overcoming that situation. I am never afraid of difficult situations, nor do I wish for life to be smooth without difficulties. Instead, I use each problem as a challenge to bring out the best from within me. So with each challenging situation, I find myself becoming more and more powerful.

Brahma Kumaris

Monday, October 19, 2009

Thought for Today

There is a huge hole in the heart of all our educations. It is where the skills and abilities of self-management should be. No one teaches us how to manage our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviour, so we find it hard to manage the four Rs – relationships, roles, responsibilities and resources. So let’s get started. Consciously choose the quality of your thoughts today – accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative and clean up the waste. Everything, which means everything in your life, begins with your thoughts.

Message for the day 19.10.2009

To look at and appreciate specialities is to become special.


Life constantly offers opportunities to look at specialities. The
one who has the habit of looking at these specialities is able to
imbibe these specialities within himself. He is able to become
more special with looking at only specialities constantly. So also,
the one who looks at others' weaknesses subconsciously imbibes
those weaknesses within himself. And these weaknesses are
expressed in one's actions too.


When I form a habit of looking only at specialities, I am able to
become richer. My personality changes positively as I have imbibed
the habit of looking only at the positive aspects of the others.
Also for having looked at others' specialities I find that others
also begin to look at my specialities. Thus I am able to win the
love and regard of all, and I become truly special.

Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thought for Today

Where everything is done according to the right method there is success. When we don't achieve success we sometimes do get tempted to opt for a short cut method, which might bring us temporary success, too. But in the long run we find that it isn't be so beneficial after all. Whenever we are involved in a task specially if it is a difficult one we need to make sure that we are following the right method. Whatever is done according to the right system will surely be successful.

Message for the day 18.10.2009

To make use of situations in a positive way is to experience constant progress.


Each and every situation comes with a hidden blessing - a hidden opportunity. It of course brings challenges, challenges that could bring out the best potential from within. But the one who is caught up with only weaknesses never gets a chance to use these challenging situations as opportunities. On the other hand, the one who uses his potential is able to be from his weaknesses also.


When I am able to use all situations as opportunities to recognise and use my inner potential, I am able to be free from the influence of my weaknesses. This freedom gives me the ability to enjoy this moment without filling the mind with unnecessary doubts and questions. It gives the ability to bring about progress in my life, whatever the circumstance may be.

Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thought for Today - Diwali

Today is a great day and time is calling us to fulfil the greatness that lives in each of us. So, do something special. Think no impure thoughts and speak no impure words. And if you hear them, ignore impure words being spoken to you. Can you maintain this attitude throughout the day? Can you try? It will be a great service to yourself and humanity. And what a way to start the New Year!

Wishing you all a very Happy Diwali

Message for the day 17.10.2009

The one who is virtuous is loved by all.


The one who doesn't let go of his commitment to his values is the one who is loved by all. Such a person is not concerned whether the other person is committed to his own values or not. He continues to recognise and express his values in all words and actions. Hence the expression of his values is not dependent on others or situations and he continues to win the love of all.


When I am committed to my own values, I enjoy using them in whatever I do. I am free from expectations - from situations and from people. I am able to accept people as they are and also appreciate them for their own value system. So I never expect people to change according to my expectations and I continue to win the love of all.

Brahma Kumaris

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thought for Today

The idea of world peace appeals to all, yet we leave it for someone else to initiate. Historically we've placed this responsibility in the hands of our leaders, but today we know that for peace to prevail, we must take personal responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions. Awaken the leader within us today, for our children to one day live in a world without war.

Message for the day 16.10.2009

The one who is virtuous is loved by all.


The one who doesn't let go of his commitment to his values is the one who is loved by all. Such a person is not concerned whether the other person is committed to his own values or not. He continues to recognise and express his values in all words and actions. Hence the expression of his values is not dependent on others or situations and he continues to win the love of all.


When I am committed to my own values, I enjoy using them in whatever I do. I am free from expectations - from situations and from people. I am able to accept people as they are and also appreciate them for their own value system. So I never expect people to change according to my expectations and I continue to win the love of all.

Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thought for Today

Giving is as natural to human beings as breathing. Whether we realise it or not, we are constantly giving to each other and to the world, through our thoughts, feelings and relationships. Do something special today. Give some precious, priceless gifts. Gifts that don’t need to be bought or wrapped, yet will leave a lasting impression on those who receive them.

Message for the day 15.10.2009

To change means to experience progress.


Whenever there is a desire to bring about a change, there is also a
simultaneous intense feeling to find a change instantly - and
fully. Yet this does not always happen. However, true change is
that in which there is at least a little change. When there is
constant effort put in to be better and to do better, then
naturally the best results are visible, even if there is not
perfection seen overnight.


When I bring about a change constantly, in whatever little way I
can, I am able to experience constant progress. I do not have
great expectations, but will be satisfied with the little changes
that I make and will have the confidence to go on putting in
effort. Even with the little results that I attain I will be able
to take encouragement constantly. I am thus able to move on
towards perfection.

Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thought for Today

Most of us cannot begin to imagine how powerful we are. The Power of Good Wishes and Good Feelings is an art that few actually master. Yet when we learn to harness our elevated thoughts and feelings we can reach out and touch others and become a positive force for healing and helping the whole world.

Message for the day 14.10.2009

Our correction is effective when we become an example.


When we find ourselves correcting others, sometimes we do find ourselves in situations where someone is not listening to us. Even if the correction is given with love it does not seem to work. So we find ourselves at a loss as to how to make the other person understand.


In order to make our words effective, we need to apply them in our own life. When we first apply it in our life, we will become an example for others around us. Our words would then surely have an impact on others.

Brahma Kumaris