Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 28.2.18

Soul Sustenance 28-02-2018

Changing Negative Thought Patterns (Part 1) 

Experiencing a life full of different types of events, which can be negative at times, can be demanding and also make life a difficult journey of ups and downs. There are some people who like life to be full of stability and even a little bit of instability can cause sorrow to them and also unsettle them. Once upon a time, there was a saint in a far off land who taught people the way of living life in a peaceful and positive manner. There were many people who respected him and looked upto him and approached him to get a glimpse of him and learn the way of right thinking and living from him. Once a follower approached him and asked him a simple question – Why is it that difficult situations in everyday life seem to disturb us a lot inspite of the fact that we make efforts to think positive and remain untouched by them? Tell us a way by which we can turn our mind to a positive direction in the middle of negativity and instability of life.The saint replied and gave him a very simple answer – You look for solutions to problems outside whereas the solutions lie in your thinking and the change you bring in them over a period time. It’s very easy to say to yourself – do not think negatively but it’s another thing to actually do that and not feel the pressure while you do that. The follower was confused and thought to himself that life without the pressure of negative situations is like a sea without water, next to impossible. 

And as we also realize that we are able to withstand and tolerate situations and it’s not only a few people but all of us try to some extent or the other. Of course, there are some of us who fail completely also. But most of us are successful to different extents in feeling joyful and light when negative situations surround us. Also, there are some who may not be joyful when they face a difficult situation but can nonetheless be stable and also free of too many negative thoughts and thoughts of a weak nature. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day 28-02-2018

To accept advice is to ensure self-progress. 

Expression:The natural state of the self is to ensure progress. Everything that is done by the self is for its progress. But the one who rejects advice rejects the progress of the self. To accept advice means to take the chance for whatever benefit that comes my way. 

Experience: When someone corrects me or gives me an advice or suggestion, if I accept it in the right spirit, I’ll constantly learn from it. This will enable me to experience constant progress. I am also naturally able to give regard to everyone I come into contact with and remain in constant happiness. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 27.2.18

Soul Sustenance 27-02-2018

Cooking A Meal – Subtle Energies At Work (Part 3)

The low subtle energy of certain tamsic foods is an obstacle in the purification of the soul, which is our life objective and they also affect the body negatively on an energy level. So consumption of such foods should be avoided. This is because these foods cause the minds to become agitated and aggressive and even bring the mind under the influence of other negative emotions like lust, greed, attachment, ego, jealousy and hatred. You might say why not purify these foods by meditation and then consume them. But giving these foods pure spiritual energy does not transform their inherent tamsic nature so that they don’t have a negative effect on the mind and the body on an energy level.

Also, along with being selective about your meal menu ingredients and using the right recipes, it’s important to maintain a higher spiritual consciousness while cooking and eating meals. This can be done by mothers by creating positive and peaceful thoughts or by playing a few peaceful songs or even playing soothing meditation tunes while cooking and eating food. This will remind everyone of their connection with God and pure love for their family members. Food should not be eaten while watching television, while reading the newspaper or while using the mobile phone. Also, before consuming any food item or even water, spend a few seconds in creating a powerful thought of spiritual self-respect and focus your vision or drishti on the item. In this way, the food or liquid item will be charged with positive spiritual energy through your eyes and its negative nature, both on a physical as well as spiritual level, will be destroyed. Remember you are what you eat. Your thoughts are a direct reflection of the kind of energy filled food you eat.

Message for the day 27-02-2018

Humility enables one to serve others.

Expression:The one who is humble is the one who is complete and full. So just like a tree which is laden with fruit, bowing down and offering all it has humbly, the one who is full is ready for service. He is available for others to take benefit from whatever resources are there with him. This humility earns respect from others and gives happiness to all.

Experience: When I am able to bow down with the awareness of what I have, I am fully in the stage of my self-respect. the more I am able to bow, the more others also bow down with regard to me and respect my fortune. This enables me to be a giver to those around me and experience contentment - constantly.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 26.2.18

Soul Sustenance 26-02-2018

Cooking A Meal – Subtle Energies At Work (Part 2) 

When cooking a meal, switch on the role of a beautiful creator of the divine sustenance for the mind and body. The divine sustenance is pure energy filled food. Switch off the role of a hard-working mother, which makes cooking food a boring and difficult task to be done everyday. Create the following affirmation in your mind while cooking the food and bring it into practice - I love making a meal using the creations of nature, the ingredients that are given to me by the elements of nature. With my beautiful inner state of mind and by being connected with the Supreme Being of pure spiritual energy or God, I shall pass on this pure energy to the food I am cooking. By doing this, all those you eat the food, will be benefitted spiritually and physically. 

So making a meal is respecting and loving these elements to the fullest. Also, although nature’s elements are eternal, it is important to know that when nature loses its purity, it’s God who purifies it and returns it to its original state. That is why God is incorrectly called the creator of nature, which he is not exactly, although he is a transformer of nature. So the nature’s elements also, when in their pure state, give pure energy to the soul and the physical body. But, today as we all know, these elements have lost their purity on a physical level. This is because of causes like vehicle pollution, emission of poisonous gases from factories, deforestation, depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, etc. This is also because of the use of improper materials to grow vegetables and fruits that are harmful to the physical body. The elements have also deteriorated on a subtle energy level, the spiritual energy level. This is because of the impure and peaceless emotions in the minds of human beings, which travel to the elements and make them impure and full of negative spiritual energy. So it’s important to purify your meal ingredients before their consumption. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day 26-02-2018

A single step of courage brings a lot of progress. 

Expression:The understanding that one can do a lot and reach great heights, enables one to take courageously a step forward. With each step taken with courage, there is a hundred-fold help received. Also courage means to understand the accurate method of achieving things. When there is this kind of courage, there is a lot of progress in whatever is being done. 

Experience: The aim to achieve the best enables me to have the courage to take a step forward in all situations. So I am able to be light yet powerful under all circumstances. Because I also find myself receiving help, I am able to further increase my own courage. There is nothing to stop me, but I continue to experience progress, in both the positive and negative situations of life. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 25.2.18

Soul Sustenance 25-02-2018

Cooking A Meal – Subtle Energies At Work (Part 1) 

Mother, what are you making for dinner tonight? Please make something delicious!The ordering children often dictate the menu for a meal to their mothers. Mothers are often in a hurry to finish their cooking tasks for the day and also eager to fulfill the tastes of their children and other family members. Often mothers relax at the end of the day after having spent their energies on the minutest details of their meals – the vegetables, the salt, the turmeric, the spices, the oil, the pulses, the wheat flour and the water. They take care that food is prepared precisely, leaving no room for error. The objective – satisfying the tastes of everyone and also earning the blessings from the family. How come, inspite of this positive exterior feel to this family setting, there lie underneath negative subtle energies, which sometimes prevent the food from being spiritually energizing, although it may be very tasty to eat.

Love filled food, pure energy filled food is not only healthy, curing illnesses but also spiritually, emotionally and mentally soothing.
 This is because of the subtle connection that exists between the physical body and the non-physical mind causing both of them to influence each other. You have heard of how food cooked by a mother tastes better than the food cooked by a maid. Why? Because of the purity of purpose. The mother is absorbed in the love of her family while working on the meals and the maid cooks because she earns from the task, which she experiences as tedious at times. The mother will cook with a higher purpose which reflects in the food quality and the energy it’s every bite carries invisibly. So food should be cooked in pure love, a love without any dependencies, attachments and fear and full of positivity. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day 25-02-2018

Love for positivity brings progress. 

Expression:When I have love for positivity, I will not be able to have negative thoughts for a long time. I will naturally put in effort, both internally and externally to come back to positivity. So this positivity spreads around to others too and serves in creating a positive environment. 

Experience: Because of my love for positivity, I begin to enjoy creating and maintaining positive thoughts. When there is experience of positivity within, there is the natural desire to sustain it. Then no negative thoughts or feelings are encouraged. Slowly I find myself being only positive. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 24.2.18

Soul Sustenance 24-02-2018

The Spiritual Sculptor And The Piece Of Art 

A sculpture is a three-dimensional artwork created by an artisan, a sculptor, by shaping materials which may be hard like wood or stone or soft like clay. God or the Supreme Being also has been remembered as the spiritual sculptor. With that consciousness, I being like a rough living block of wood or stone or a plain piece of clay, place myself in his safe hands. There are three types of faith in this consciousness:-
1. the faith in the Sculptor,
2. the faith in myself and
3. the faith in time.

It's my first faith, my faith in the Sculptor, in his vision of his finished work i.e. a perfect and complete me, which he foresees, waiting to emerge from my present imperfect self, that allows me place myself in his hands.
 His vision of perfection is so clear that knowing it, I feel I must regain my original condition. Also when I come in front of God, who is a perfect spiritual being, his love and the knowledge he gives me makes me aware of myself as a spiritual being similar to him. This awareness then reminds me of my original qualities and the spiritual beauty and perfection hidden inside me, which helps me in having the second faith, the faith in myself. I am able to trust the Sculptor, knowing that the knocks I receive will chip away at my weaknesses, and restore my truth and beauty. Initially, I may not know myself completely or have full faith in myself, the second faith, but God, the Sculptor, knows me and has full faith in me, all the Sculptor wants me to do is to be still and patient. Being still means having complete faith in myself and him and being patient means having the third faith - the faith in time. His knowledge and power gives me the strength and courage to be still and patient i.e. strong in all three faiths while he continues his work on me. I should not move or be impatient i.e. not let any of my faiths waiver, otherwise I will not become perfect. There is a vast difference between how God sees me, and how I am at the present moment. Holding the vision that God has of me, I have to just surrender my mind to the Spiritual Sculptor and keep myself in his hands. When I do that, the thoughts inside my mind get focused spiritually on him and as a result I receive his spiritual energy, which reshapes and transforms me. That which is highest and most beautiful in me begins to emerge gradually. 

Message for the day 24-02-2018

Commitment for truth brings constant happiness. 

Expression:For the one who is constantly with the truth, there will be no fluctuations in the happiness - experienced by the self and expressed to the others. So there is benefit for both the self and others through this. Only when there is no truth, the support of falsehood is taken to prove and defend oneself. So the happiness is not retained constantly. 

Experience: When I am committed towards living by the truth, I will not be influenced by the different situations that I am faced with, but will be able to experience constant happiness. I will never be influenced negatively by negative situations and allow myself to lose my happiness. Also I naturally find my happiness rising constantly. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 23.2.18

Soul Sustenance 23-02-2018

Unloading Your Pressure Baggage (Part 3)

Sometimes the pressure we are carrying is related to the situation we are in, sometimes we even carry a pressure of one situation in another situation i.e. it is unrelated pressure. All this continues throughout the day, day after day. What all this pressure does is increase the quantity of thoughts that we carry in our mind, which in turn reduces our efficiency and discriminating and judging power. The words and actions coming out from such a state of mind are improper and lacking in power, conviction and clarity. To ensure that we do not carry pressure baggage on our emotional back, as per our pressure equation (shared in the first message of this series), we need to change the incorrect beliefs that we carry, which are the root cause of our pressure and at the same time increase our ability to bear the different life forces. We carry thoughts that are determined by our belief of what success is and what failure is, what winning is and what losing is. Although we perceive such beliefs to be true, they are not true; they are like a facade that influence our perception of reality and generate in us feelings of pressure. The truth, on the other hand, is deeper than beliefs. 

While meditation will serve as an important tool to increase our inner power to tolerate or resist life forces; spiritual knowledge, understanding and wisdom will serve as an immensely important tool which will help us in correcting our beliefs. So in times of pressure, stopping yourself for a minute and assessing your thoughts, then going backwards, and checking the beliefs which are the root cause of the thoughts at that particular moment and then changing them requires strength and clarity, which we will obtain through the medium of spiritual wisdom. Once the beliefs are corrected, the thought patterns will change. Thoughts like: Maybe I won't arrive on time or If I don't finish this assignment successfully, I will lose my next promotion or If I lose my money in this financial investment, my family will stop appreciating me etc. which we create all the time - will be replaced by more positive thoughts of security, fearlessness, patience, peace, faith, determination, certainty etc. 

Message for the day 23-02-2018

The language of silence is more powerful than the sound of words. 

Expression:When something is expressed in silence, it is with the power of thoughts. Such thoughts spread positive vibrations and reach out to the others, in such a way that even the words can't. Also when such kind of positive actions are added to the positive thoughts, the desired effect of that is seen. Then the words are not needed to express good intentions and good wishes. 

Experience: When I am able to express myself through the language of silence, I am able to be free from expectations for others to listen to what I am saying. I will only be silently communicating whatever I have to through my good wishes and inspiring others through my positive actions. So I am able to remain content and light, even when I have not yet seen the result of my communication. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 22.2.18

Soul Sustenance 22-02-2018

Unloading Your Pressure Baggage (Part 2)

Can we experience freedom only when there is an absence of outside pressure? We feel pressured from many sides. At work, we feel the pressure to do tasks as per fixed guidelines of set systems and within boundaries of time, of keeping up our performance as per others’ expectations and as good as our compatriots. In relationships, we feel the pressure of experiencing success in them, of satisfying others and gaining respect from them. In studies, we feel the pressure of having to excel in them, not only because that is instrumental in building our future but because of the desire to be seen in a positive light by others. We feel the pressure of having to earn more and more wealth to satisfy the necessities, comforts and luxuries of the family and to maintain a certain image in society. In the face of problems, we feel pressure when we are not able to solve them quickly or in the way that we want. Failure or its fear, in any sphere of life, generates pressure in us. Sometimes we experience pressure because the mind is not functioning as per our desires or directions or we are not able to transform our negative personality to a positive one as much as we want. When we believe that something harmful can happen if we don't reach our set objectives on time or in a certain manner, we feel pressured. Physical illnesses or their fear can also create pressure for some of us. 

And so life turns into an endless amount of pressure crests, like speed breakers that appear one after the other, unsettling us and not giving us time to relax. When we feel pressured, it seems that the life forces rule our life and we do not feel free. In the long-term, this repetitive habit of creating feelings of pressure and carrying such baggage ends up leaving us exhausted on an emotional and spiritual level. 

(To be continued tomorrow…) 

Message for the day 22-02-2018

Mercy means to give courage. 

Expression:The one who is merciful is able to give courage to the ones who are weak, because of the ability to look at the positive qualities in them. The weak ones are never made weaker with negative and discouraging talk, but are encouraged to discover and use the strengths that are hidden within. So real mercy will give the courage to the other person to change too. 

Experience: When I have mercy on others, I will never lose hope on anyone, but will continue to have good wishes for everyone. Whatever the kind of person, even with the most negative situation, I will find my stock of good wishes to always be full. So I am able to be free from the expectation from the others to bring about a change immediately. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 21.2.18

Soul Sustenance 21-02-2018

Unloading Your Pressure Baggage (Part 1)

On a spiritual level, pressure can be defined as an external force acting on us divided by our ability to bear the force or resist it. Thus, force and resistance capacity are two variants in the equation of pressure. Everyone has different resistance capacities. Two people with different resistance capacities will experience different amounts of pressure on being subjected to the same magnitude of force. A feeling of pressure absorbs our freedom and gives us an experience of being ruled by an external entity. There are a lot of people who hold the belief that they can experience freedom only in the absence of an external force, which is almost impossible, since there is almost some force or the other exerted on the soul by ups and downs that takes place in the role that it plays through the physical body; which includes the physical body itself; profession; family; wealth, all types of relationships, etc. Even our own personality, thoughts, feelings, emotions etc. exert pressure on us at times.

Apart from the resistance capacity, the other variant in the equation of pressure is not only force but our perception of what the magnitude of the force is. This depends primarily on the beliefs that we carry. Two people will perceive the same situation in their role (as explained above) as forces of different magnitudes. While we hold the belief that life events, people and their expectations from us, are the forces that are the causes of our pressure, we will be able to do little to change the habit of being pressurized. It is we who pressurize ourself and allow the outside to pressurize us. We can either go through our life journey while experiencing feelings of being emotionally imprisoned, confused, rushed and hurried, or we can do the same with the power of faith and determination, at the same time remaining patient and maintaining our inner emotional stability. In some cases, some of us put pressure on ourselves, because we carry the belief that a bit of pressure is good in order to achieve what we want; it provides us with positive energy and motivates us. So this is an example of perceiving a force in our life, a force which does not exist. Such kind of pressure can deceive us and give us a feeling of being beneficial in the short term but it can have harmful effects on us in the long term. Some others might not experience this pressure because they do not carry this belief at all and don't invite this force.

(To be continued tomorrow…)

Message for the day 21-02-2018

The one with humility is the one who can be creative.

Expression:Creativity comes to the extent that the intellect is humble. Such an intellect is able to create something new. Because humility is a form of love, it brings the enthusiasm for creativity and the ability to bring newness in everything that is done.

Experience: Humility gives me an experience of being a master, of being powerful. This power comes from the experience of being a constant learner, because I have no ego of what I already have. This mastery makes me creative, making me bring newness in every thing I do.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 20.2.18

Soul Sustenance 20-02-2018

Personality Radiation 

Each thought that we create, every word we speak and every action we perform is responsible for the radiation of non-physical energy or vibration into the universe; towards other people, to the surroundings or the atmosphere as well as to physical nature. A very important aspect of our consciousness which influences the quality of this vibration is the intention or hidden meaning behind each thought, word and action. When the intention is pure, positive and unconditional, positive packets of the energy of peace, love, good wishes, happiness and truth get transmitted. People who experience this positive energy from us are reminded of their personal positive qualities, even if these qualities are different from ours, and get inspired to imbibe the same and put them into practice, although this may not even be our conscious intention in the first place, but we just have a general pure, positive, intention towards everything and everyone around us. But this giving of inspiration happens automatically. On the other hand, when the intention is negative and impure, it is as if we bring other people, surroundings and nature down i.e. in a way we absorb positive energy from these entities, instead of filling them.People, without realizing, will come down from their positive personality state on receiving this energy and become inclined to thinking and speaking against their basic, positive nature; thus it is a negative inspiration. Both are energy exchanges, but one is positive and the other is negative. 

The above process happens even when we are quiet, not creating any thoughts and not speaking or performing any actions. Depending on the kind of nature or personality we have, those type of vibrations keep getting emitted from us all the time. The higher the quality of the activity inside the mind and intellect during the day and in general in our life, even if they are inactive at a particular point of time, the higher the quality of the energy radiated at that time. It’s as if we are constant spiritual energy radiators and radiate our personality all the time, even while we sleep. The purer our personality, the purer this radiation is. 

Message for the day 20-02-2018

The one who is detached enjoys all facilities and yet is not dependent. 

Expression:For the ones who are detached, the facilities available are a medium for attaining something. They make the best use of each and everything available, for their benefit and the benefit of others. Yet they don't stop because of lack of facilities because they are able to find a way even if there is nothing available. 

Experience: When I am detached, my internal stage is beyond fluctuation. I am able to enjoy each and every thing that comes my way and be light constantly. Also it enables me to be free of dependency. So I am able to make use of all facilities, and yet be free from negative feelings when I am deprived of them. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 19.2.18

Soul Sustenance 19-02-2018

The Art Of Living (Part 3) 

Our mind, body, wealth and relationships are four out of five aspects of each one of our lives and all of us intend to make them successful. It is natural to desire that our mind be content and peaceful, our body be healthy and we earn wealth without facing any obstacles and also our relationships are beautiful. But all of these desires will only get fulfilled if along with taking care of all of them, we include God at every step of our lives. You might ask what has God got to do with my physical wealth or my job? But remember it is your healthy and pleasant mind which influences your physical body positively and makes you healthy and a powerful mind cannot be experienced constantly without a loveful relationship with God. In the same way, without God’s help, we may be able to run our jobs for some time but the journey may be stressful and the money earned may not give to us a lot of happiness. Also, what use is a beautiful relationship if God is not there to share the happiness of that relationship with? A lovely parent or a child for e.g. is a result of our good actions of past lives. So shouldn’t I include God in this happiness? God is like a parent Himself who deserves to be told each and every little thing that I experience in a worldly relationship. By doing this, relationships will be positive and peaceful continuously. 

Sometimes, we start to think that God is just a concept and not a reality. But remember God is a beautiful living energy with a heart and all that we have to do is love Him with a pure heart. If we do that, He will fill our life with happiness and make all the different aspects of our lives, which we have discussed, full of success and our lives will become an inspiration for others.

Message for the day 19-02-2018

The ones who work towards perfection naturally inspire perfection in others. 

Expression:All life's situations are lessons for bringing about progress, for the one who is committed towards perfection. Such a person never expects others to be perfect, knowing that every human being has his own weaknesses. He is instead able to accommodate others' weaknesses. He only inspires others to bring about transformation and work towards perfection. 

Experience: When I am constantly working towards bringing perfection within myself, I am able to take everything that happens to me in a positive way, as a chance for bringing about self-progress. Also I am able to keep myself positive seeing only the goodness in the other individual and encouraging it. So I am able to enjoy each moment of my life. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 18.2.18

Soul Sustenance 18-02-2018

The Art Of Living (Part 2) 

A very important and the fourth pillar of life that we all depend on so much is our personal and professional relationships and interactions which give us strength and are also a medium of give and take. We give peace, love and happiness and get blessings in return. All the people who surround you and make up your life play an important role in shaping up your personality and success filled relationships are a source of immense joy for each one of us. 

The fifth and most important aspect of our lives is God, who makes our life beautiful and our mind, body, wealth and relationships are shaped positively by remembering Him. God does not give us our minds but teaches us how to make our minds beautiful by connecting our minds with His. Also, our physical costume or the precious vehicle, when used in the way God wants us to use it, makes our actions filled with divinity and purity. Even our wealth and the way we use it gets affected positively when we earn it by making God our constant companion and giving Him due respect by keeping a small amount aside from our profits, for the service of people and their betterment. And lastly our relationships can never be successful without including God in them. What that means is that I take from God and share with others. I connect others with Him. These five different aspects of our life define our life. All are important in their own way and how good we are in handling all of them makes us happy and content. These different aspects or pillars are the foundation of our lives and all of them are connected with each other. Even if one pillar is weak, it affects our lives in a negative way. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day 18-02-2018

To sow the seeds of pure feelings constantly is to experience positive fruit. 

Expression:When one's feelings are constantly positive and pure, there is no expectation of the fruit to emerge immediately. Even if others are not able to respond to the positivity or if situations are not according to my expectations, there is still the feeling of giving. So there is this positivity expressed through the vibrations spread around and in every word and action. 

Experience: The more I am able to have pure feelings for those around me, the more is the positivity that emerges from within. Because of having discovered the positivity within, I am able to give unconditionally. So I experience the immediate fruit of what I have given and also accumulate for the future, and continue to enjoy multifold fruit of what I give. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 17.2.18

Soul Sustenance 17-02-2018

The Art Of Living (Part 1) 

A very significant and beautiful intention that all of us carry inside our minds is of making our lives full of plenty of joy in every sphere that is connected to us e.g. If our relationships lack love then the first thing that comes to our mind is to make ourselves so nice as a person so that people around us respect us and we receive love from them. Life becomes fulfilling by doing that. There are five beautiful aspects of our lives that need to be made perfect in every way. One is our physical costume or body which we need to take care of in every way including our physical health and physical personality which helps us in achieving life’s purpose through it. Spirituality helps us in making proper use of our body for achieving our purpose. This is called karma yoga or the art of performing day-to-day karmas in the remembrance of God for making the actions successful. 

Another aspect is our mind which is also like a temple in which we need to always have pure thoughts and feelings as well as emotions. Our mind is the place where our entire life originates and everything we do on a physical level first takes place in our mind. Remember the negatives and the positives will at times exist in our minds but it is the extent of both which matters. The negative needs to be minimal and the positive needs to be as much as possible. Also, our wealth is a third aspect of our lives, which needless to say, is important in its own way and life would be incomplete without it.

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day 17-02-2018

To be a judge of the self means to be free from judging others. 

Expression:The one who becomes the judge of the self and not that of others, is free from criticising others unnecessarily. Such a person also does not plead his own case by giving excuses and proving himself right. So he is able to bring about a positive change in himself and others are able to take inspiration from the change that he brings in his own life. 

Experience: When I am free from giving excuses and reasons for things going wrong, specially to myself, I am able to experience progress in my life. For everything that happens, instead of blaming others I am able to take some new learning and use it for my own self-progress. I am able to remain light because I have no expectations from others, but am able to bring about a change in them through my actions. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 16.2.18

Soul Sustenance 16-02-2018

Worry Confused With Concern (Part 2) 

We are all linked together at a subtle, invisible level, and communicate with others invisibly. We not only send but also pick up the energy that others radiate, especially the ones that we are close to. We demonstrate with an example how this can work positively as well as negatively when we find ourselves in negative situations in our practical lives. 

Suppose the class teacher of your child (we take the example of your son) calls up and says that while playing in the school playground, your son has injured himself. She doesn’t explain much but says there is nothing to worry. She requests you to come and pick him up from the school. At this point of time your son is radiating his own spiritual energy which is most probably the negative energy of fear, stress, anxiety and sorrow (although the teacher has informed you that he is fine). At the same time he is also picking up your subtle spiritual or mental energy. You are driving to his school to pick him up. At this point of time, you only have a rough idea of what situation he is in exactly at that moment because you are physically far away from him. Guessing about the exact situation is making assumptions and is a waste of your mental energy. If you make negative assumptions i.e. you worry and are scared, then you are sending him the same vibrations of fear, a negative energy, which he is going to pick up and it is not going to empower or help him in anyway but is more likely to weaken and disturb him and even disturb you in your driving. You have been told that there is nothing to worry but still you know he is in a slightly difficult emotional situation and only he knows how he will come out of it. What will help him? He needs your support, but what will support him the most - we are talking about subtle support, because you are going to take some time to reach the school and provide him physical support? Your negative vibration of fear which you may mistakenly call concern or care as you imagine something bad has happened? Or the positive vibrations of your unconditional love and your good wishes, which is true concern or care? What will you send him to support him from far away? Worry vibrations or the vibrations of love in the form of your good wishes for them? Vibrations of love will keep you also in a positive state as you drive through the city. Besides, what is care or concern? It is you sending your positive inner spiritual light to help another and worry is definitely not that. 

Message for the day 16-02-2018

The power of stability enables to cross over all obstacles. 

Expression:The one who is stable is not influenced by one's own old habits and tendencies to react, but is able to think and act properly under all circumstances. The power of stability brings forth the best decisions in the most difficult times, brings solutions and helps in lessening the impact of the obstacle itself. 

Experience: When I am stable on the seat of a master, I am able to be free from the influence of my own old habits, those that are of weakness. Instead I am able to transform old habits into new ones, making them into those of power. Learning to be stable in the most difficult situations, enables me to cross over all obstacles very easily. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 15.2.18

Soul Sustenance 15-02-2018

Worry Confused With Concern (Part 1) 

One of the most incorrect beliefs that we have acquired since childhood is that to worry is to care, worrying is caring. Our parents are the people whom we grow up with and are closest to in our childhood. As soon as we are born, in fact even before we are born, even when we are in our mother’s womb, they start transmitting the energy of this belief through their thoughts and later on when we are physically present in front of them, through thoughts, words and actions; to us, which we catch, because we being a spiritual energy, not only transmit or radiate but also absorb energy. As we grow up, this false belief keeps reaching us from everyone on a subtle as level as physical level from whom we meet and are close to including our friends, siblings (brothers and sisters), spouse etc. and slowly we start accepting this belief as being completely true and lead our lives according to it and even transmit the same to others. That is why it is extremely difficult to find a single person today who does not live according to this belief or does not bring it into their daily lives to some extent or the other. 

A very common example of the above belief which we all have gone through sometime or the other is when we are late by just a few minutes in coming back home from office. On reaching home, we are asked a thousand questions and by our family members, perhaps our parents or spouse or children about where we have been and why hadn’t we bothered to call and also informed about another thousand negative assumptions they had made in that much time. Why? Because they had been worried for us. We are normally surprised with the fact they are worrying, because 9 out of 10 times we are late because of a not so serious reason, but our family members explain that we were worrying for you because we care for you. But worrying is not caring. Worry is fear or anxiety and care is love or concern, they are two opposite emotions which can never exist together at the same time. 

In tomorrow's message, we shall demonstrate how on a subtle energy level, true love and concern is more beneficial than worry in coming out of negative situations, in which we find ourselves every now and then. 

Message for the day 15-02-2018

To transform the self means to receive blessings. 

Expression:The one who brings about transformation in the self learning from all situations, attains victory constantly. He will naturally be able to take the learning from all situations and move on inspite of negative situations. He is also successful in his relationship with others, as he knows to mould himself. 

Experience: When I am able to bring about transformation in myself according to time, without just expecting others to change, I am able to get the love and good wishes of all. Because of the ability to mould myself, my thoughts too would be easy and light. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 14.2.18

Soul Sustenance 14-02-2018

When We Change Others Change (Part 3) 

While being involved in action, make it a point to remain connected with your inner centre of peace, love and bliss which is the spiritual centre or the soul, by remaining in its consciousness. Also, feel the presence of God or the Higher Power in your life at each and every step without which we cannot succeed in our actions, especially in our relationships and interactions, where powers from both the soul and God are required. So, satisfying others with your behavior and through the energy that you share with them, will only be possible when you first carry positive energy inside yourself. 

You can try and do everything possible to make people’s ideas similar to yours and make them work the way you want them to, but a single action of yours which is full of goodness can achieve that much faster than you can if you tried through other methods. Say for e.g. a person in your family constantly has a habit of disobeying you and going against your requests and he or she does not believe in being on good terms with you and will always find a reason to differ with you in opinions. You have tried for many months to come to good terms with this person, but you have not succeeded. Now, you make yourself a sweeter and more tolerant person and work on making yourself more humble. Suddenly, what you could not achieve in such a long time becomes very easy and gets done in a few days. This is because seeing your practical change, the other person gets inspired to change him or herself much faster than by just persuading the other person constantly, to change. Remember when we change, others will change and until we do not do that, changing others will remain the most difficult thing to achieve and in fact it will be impossible. So, change yourself and set an example for others to follow.

Message for the day 14-02-2018

The biggest treasure of all is the treasure of experience. 

Expression:The one who has the treasure of experience is able to bring benefit to others. He is clear in thinking and accurate in judgement. So he is naturally able to give directions or corrections based on his own experiences and is also successful in it. Also there is equality in what he talks and does. 

Experience: To be an embodiment of experience means to learn from everything that happens. So when I am able to become an embodiment of experience, I am able to feel mastery over every situation that comes my way. The power of my experience enables me to move lightly through all situations. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 13.2.18

Soul Sustenance 13-02-2018

When We Change Others Change (Part 2)

Handling people with different natures requires a lot of spiritual strength and can be the most difficult thing to achieve for some. It’s not just about physical skills like a way of speaking or presenting yourself, which are some measures we take in our office or in our personal relationships. But it’s more about virtues and powers as well as wisdom of different types of actions and their results.

E.g. if you are preparing for a meeting in your office with many different office colleagues, then you will take different steps on a physical level - like seeing what is on the company’s agenda to discuss, what are the different complaints of the different people in your group, where is the company lacking and things like how best my outer personality should be so that everyone is satisfied with me. But do we ever think of how is my inner personality? Am I good natured, am I able to fulfill everyone’s inner desires with my love and good wishes? Also, have I spiritually empowered myself so much so that I can tolerate each and everyone even if their behavior and way of working is different from mine? Otherwise when we see different personalities of people and different intentions as well as aims and objectives which everyone possesses, it disturbs us. Also, that unfocused state of mind does not let us act in a positive way and our decisions can become incorrect. Of course, we cannot always think that people will be easy to deal with and also our efforts to please them can be unsuccessful at times. But, to bring harmony in relationships, we also need to have spiritual skills like good judgment power, discrimination power, the ability to mould, power to accept and the ability to give respect to each one’s opinion, etc. All these will make it easy to succeed.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 13-02-2018

To be a giver means to give according to need.

Expression:The one who is a giver would be sensitive to the needs of others and will be able to give what the other person needs at the right time, instead of giving what he wants to give. Also such a person is able to give without expecting anything in return.

Experience: When there is even a little thought to share with others whatever I have, I would naturally be able to perceive my own inner treasures and experience being full. Sharing with others, whatever I can, enables me to get their good wishes also. I thus find myself experiencing the richness of life.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, February 12, 2018

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 12.2.18

Soul Sustenance 12-02-2018

When We Change Others Change (Part 1) 

Living a life full of many different types of relationships sometimes brings with it different types of challenges and relationships can become a test of our mental strength when what we expect from others is not what we receive. Expectations from others can sometimes burden us so much that at times we can find people extremely difficult to deal with. Also, we may loose interest in our lives to an extent, difficult to imagine.There was once a king who ruled a very big kingdom, which was full of different types of people, who were not only different in their roles but also very different in their natures and personalities. The king sometimes wondered that I am not able to satisfy so many different people because everyone has different expectations from me. At the same time, his different expectations from the people of his kingdom were immense and at times it became difficult for him to experience peace and inner stability while handling their concerns and demands. A minister of the king gave him a suggestion that instead of trying to focusing on everyone’s desires and what they wanted, you be your good self and focus on playing your role in the best possible way and leave the rest to happen as it happens. 

Many a times, it’s not about making the effort to change others but it’s changing yourself which brings positive results. This is because it is your change which inspires others to change. Remember everyone will not act or behave as we want and sometimes it can be difficult to cope with this. But if we remain determined in our positive behavior and change, they will, after seeing our change, over a period of time, begin to realize their mistakes and become the way you expect them to be. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day 12-02-2018

To be a creator means to use all treasures for a positive contribution. 

Expression:Even in the most negative situations, the one who has the thought of creation, works towards bettering the situation. Every thought, word and action is towards creation and not towards worsening the situation. Such a person is not concerned about who spoilt the situation or how it got spoilt. To the extent possible, he works towards bettering the situation. 

Experience: When I am working towards creation, I am able to make the best use of my resources and treasures. I then experience constant progress. I also experience contentment of having made a contribution, however little it may be. I have no questions, but only answers under all circumstances. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 11.2.18

Soul Sustenance 11-02-2018

Empty Handed We Come And Go Away (Part 2) 

Continuing from yesterday's message, a soul who does not cling, is easy natured, who wears the clothes of its roles and responsibilities, but not very tightly, experiences constant happiness and serenity and connects with everyone or everything, but yet can disconnect whenever required. This is true inner freedom. Such a soul always smiles and coming in contact with such a soul is soothing. Such a soul is a liberated carefree emperor and gives a comfortable feeling of liberation to everyone and everything it touches or comes in contact with. On a lighter note, if you are still not convinced about living a life of detachment, you can start with asking yourself, do you enjoy interacting with someone who likes to possess or cling or control or someone who does not? What is a more empowering and comfortable experience for you? The answer is obvious.

Once we get convinced about the idea, we will be courageous enough to challenge internal pressures like old thought patterns, habits, beliefs, past experiences and external pressures in the form of real life challenging situations, the information that we receive from outside and of course our friends and loved ones who will try and convince us to take the opposite path of attachment in subtle or non-subtle ways. Along with inner conviction, becoming aware of ourselves as spiritual beings through meditation, which will help us rediscover our real and authentic being, will also assist us immensely in this process and will provide us the power for the same. Meditation helps us empty ourselves of all that is unnecessary or excess waste inside us and discover the essential, which is precious, as a result we feel full and complete inside, and we no longer desire to possess or hold on to anything physical or non-physical. Hence, we very naturally, without much effort, start living our day-day life without depending on the crutches of attachment. 

Message for the day 11-02-2018

Honesty brings success in relationships. 

Expression:Honesty means being the same inside out. Honesty with oneself helps one to bring about constant improvement in the self. Honesty with others enables one to relate positively under all circumstances. There is no rudeness but there is an openness that brings about love towards the other person. 

Experience: When I am honest, I am able to experience progress in my own life and others are benefited too with my own self-progress. I am able to maintain harmony in my relationship with others because I am open with them and I find myself successful in my relationships. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 10.2.18

Soul Sustenance 10-02-2018

Empty Handed We Come And Go Away (Part 1) 

There is an old saying that we came empty-handed not only when we entered this particular life but when seen from a broader perspective, also when we entered the world. The same is the case when we leave this life or the world as a whole. Every birth for the soul is a fresh chapter or innings in its journey of life. 

Everything that has come to us will definitely go away from us one day. While some may perceive this basic fact of humanity to be unrealistic and not in tune with practical life, but the fact is that attachment or the tendency to possess or cling is a defiance of this law, which leads to a form of fear filled spiritual suicidebecause the joy and contentment that seems to come from this tendency is only temporary and artificial and between these moments of happiness, there is fear of the loss of the physical or non-physical object that you try and possess, embedded in between and this fear causes the object to start controlling you and you feel suppressed and in bondage. As a result, your inner potential and creativity remains untapped and even starts reducing, without you realizing it consciously. In such a state, you fail to see and accept new ideas, opportunities and people in your life. You inner world becomes closed and chaotic and very difficult to manage and your internal self is weakened and harmed, leading to an internal self suicide. When someone stops clinging to anything, physical or non-physical, they don't become indifferent or cold, but their consciousness just starts becoming broader and functions without any limits, barriers or boundaries. 

(To be continued tomorrow ...) 

Message for the day 10-02-2018

The one who works to remove the sorrow of others is the one who is loved by all. 

Expression:When there is the one aim of helping to remove the sorrow of others, there will be nothing negative while dealing with others. There will also be no expectations from others. Working with the natural desire to bring benefit to as many as possible, enables one to continue to contribute to whatever extent possible. 

Experience: When I am able to have this one desire of helping others be more happy, I am able to make a contribution for others' happiness and progress. I then find that others naturally appreciate my selfless contribution and their good wishes help me feel light and experience progress. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 9.2.18

Soul Sustenance 09-02-2018

Health Is A Matter Of Choice, Not A Matter Of Chance 

The effect of thoughts on our physical health is well established. Each thought has an effect on the cells of the body. A large number of diseases today are psychosomatic, which means persistent negative emotions like stress, anger, fear, hurt, mistrust, jealousy, guilt, manifest in the form of disease. Let us now focus on the effect of positive feelings on health. Love, peace, happiness, forgiveness, acceptance, appreciation, trust, enthusiasm - each powerful and positive thought is having an effect on the cells of our body. It’s not about the right thinking when we are not well only, but it’s about our thoughts at all times. Let us begin clearing our emotional blockages, past hurt, resentment, not being able to forget and forgive, it’s only a thought away. The situation may have happened days or years back, but if I am able to feel that emotion even today, then I am carrying an emotional blockage, which has already begun creating a physical blockage of energy in my body. 

When we talk about healing, we always focus on healing the physical ailment, but if we don’t remove the root of the ailment which is an emotional blockage, the physical ailment can recur. Each time we are choosing compassion over anger; forgiveness over resentment; trust over doubt; co-operation over competition; appreciation over criticism – we are choosing health over disease. Let us be aware of every thought that we create regarding our body - whether it is about the way we look; about our health; an addiction we wish to give up – it is a message to the body which the body will obey. So, let us detoxify the mind and erase every past memory of pain, because detoxification of the mind begins the process of detoxification of the body. 

Message for the day 09-02-2018

Where there is contentment, problems finish. 

Expression:Contentment enables one to have a positive outlook towards life. So the one who is content always works towards solutions, as he is never disturbed with situations, but is always relaxed. This automatically brings the ability to contribute to others and give them the support to bring progress within them. Such a person works for his own self-progress too. 

Experience: When I am content with everything that is happening, I am able to be light in all situations. So even in the biggest difficulty, I am never caught up with the problem, but am always thinking of the solution. My mind is busy with finding the solution, so internally I remain unaffected with the problem. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris