Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thought of the day 26/2/2015

Discovering Inner Compassion (Kindness) –Part 3 

When we try to describe compassion, it is worth looking at the words sympathy, empathy and interpathy. 

Showing sympathy towards another person's suffering is acknowledging their suffering, for example, 'I am sorry that you have hurt yourself'. We recognize that they are injured or ill without really engaging at a feeling level. 

Empathy is when we literally share a feeling with someone, we walk in their shoes, for example, 'I feel really upset that you are so depressed about losing your job'. This can bring great comfort to the person we are empathizing with, but the comfort to them can be at our expense and leave us feeling emotionally drained or sad. If we identify too closely with them, it can also make it difficult for us to help them. 

An expansion of empathy is a word called interpathy where we relate to another's suffering although we may not understand why they are suffering. This may be because they are from a different culture or because their feelings may seem inappropriate given the situation, but we are curious, we try to understand. 

Compassion is all these words — sympathy, empathy, interpathy - yet it is more and it is less. We acknowledge someone’s sorrow, we sense how they feel, we try to understand how it affects them, yet with compassion we do not become emotionally involved. We are engaged yet detached. We are standing back and looking on with kindness. By showing compassion in this way, it allows us to be compassionate without suffering from compassion fatigue or emotional burnout. 

Soul Sustenance

Understanding The Inner Mechanism Of Anger 

If we think, speak and act in an angry way, we leave an impression or memory of anger within our own consciousness which results in sanskara of anger to be born. Within the sanskara is the recorded emotion and experience of our expression towards the object of our anger. The object is a particular person or situation. If we encounter the object of our anger the next day, it will trigger the emergence the recorded anger from within the sanskara. We then deepen the sanskara as we express more anger, even if we only think anger. The emergence of this emotional energy from within our consciousness then stops us from interacting in a positive way. It clouds our mind and confuses our intellect, weakening and distorting our thoughts, decisions and behaviour. This often explains why we find it harder to connect and communicate with certain people in our life. Essentially we are carrying a negative image of the other person within our sanskara from a previous interaction with them. And when we see them again it emerges the energy within the sanskara, which then influences our ability to respond to them. 

Message for the day

Where there is faith there is victory 

Expression: When someone has faith there are no doubts or questions about the self, others or situations. Faith also enables a person to see and understand simple things in life with a new understanding. It shows direction and courage to go on. 

Experience: When I have faith, I experience myself to be lucky and thus receive cooperation from many others. I would also be able to experience success at every step. There is then no worry for me and am troubled less by aspects that keep changing around me. My thoughts then would always be positive and I experience victory. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Thought of the day 25/2/2015

Discovering Inner Compassion (Kindness) – Part 2 

To really understand compassion, we have to experience it for ourselves. We can observe and admire others; we can even acknowledge that we have behaved compassionately on some occasions, but how do we develop the virtue of compassion inside us? If we can find a place of inner silence where we can slow down our thoughts and touch our deepest nature, we will discover that it is peaceful and compassionate. This is the source of our compassion and the more we experience it the more it will become part of our actions. Meditation reminds us that we are compassionate at our core. 

Most people can remember a compassionate act. It may be an everyday situation or something that stands out as very special. Examples may be sitting holding the hand of a distressed relative or friend, or simply smiling and being positive. Reflecting on such acts helps us to identify the qualities of compassion that a person may express, such as patience, tolerance, generosity and calmness. By thinking about acts of compassion and the people that perform them, we can begin to get a sense of what compassion means and, with further reflection, how we have shown these same qualities ourselves. 

We all use words in different ways to describe how we feel and what we mean, and the meaning can change in different settings. We need to come to some understanding of the word compassion, redefining it for ourselves. Compassion can mean simply kindness; it can mean patience, generosity, respect and understanding. Compassion is unconditional love. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Soul Sustenance

Adopting A Wiser Perception 

Depending on my choice of perception, I may see life as a battleground, where I face a constant battle from morning to night. The constant to and fro between family and work may tire me emotionally and mentally. If I let it and see it that way, life can also itself become the cause or source of my tensions. It may even seem as if the path of life is scattered with rocks blocking my way. Instead of stepping around or over them, I perceive them as being obstacles. The thoughts may come easily to my mind - If it was not for so-and-so or such-and-such, I would be able to.... I may mention the same to my loved ones. Instead of bringing me any benefit, these complaints take me away from the power that I, the soul, have within of changing anything. I simply pass on my capacity to change, to persons or objects over whom or which I obviously have no control. 

If I am fortunate to have a wiser perception which spirituality can give me, life can become a great place to learn and grow. Behind seemingly difficult situations are my major lessons. Disguised in routine tasks are the sign boards that point me back towards truth. Relationships that bring with them repeated scenes of negativity with the same person and for the same reasons show me the weaknesses I have to work on. Indeed, until I work on the eradication of my weaknesses, I keep repeating them. Challenges do come, but they help to bring out the best in me. If I have the subtle eyes to see and the courage to go forward... life is a constant experience of reminders and benefits to progress along the road to my highest consciousness. 

Message for the day

Stay in constant peace by becoming an embodiment of solutions. 

Contemplation: Situations do bring a lot of challenges for us, but where there is fear or worry while facing them, there cannot be peace.As long as we continue looking at the problem instead of searching for solutions we cannot remain in peace. 

Application: Think of some problem that you are thinking a lot about. Now see if you can find a solution for it. If you feel you cannot, it is better to leave thinking about it rather than to worry about it. When you keep the mind free in this way, you will get the solutions automatically. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Thought of the day 24/2/2015

Discovering Inner Compassion (Kindness) - Part 1 

Competence and compassion are the two most important aspects of our professional life. We would contend that compassion needs to be valued at least as much as competence in our work and in education. 

There are many reasons why we find it difficult to be compassionate in our job; often there is not enough time to respond to competing demands, we have to concentrate on our tasks, we feel too exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally to give any more. Then there are the negative feelings that block out compassion. Being clear about what we mean by compassion can help us to understand how it can be an integral part of our work. This will help us to be caring in our work, without suffering compassion fatigue and emotional burnout. 

Our own negative feelings, such as anger, hatred and jealousy, can prevent us showing our compassion. By understanding those feelings and how they affect us, we can release them and allow ourselves to be more compassionate. Compassion can be compared to the sun; it is always there but sometimes it cannot shine through because of the clouds. The clouds are the negativity that hides our true nature of compassion. 

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Soul Sustenance

Life Beyond Life (Part 3) 

What type of mindset and consciousness should one keep on being faced with the death of a beloved relative or a close associate, so that one remains protected from the shock related to such a sudden demise? If, we at the Brahma Kumaris, say that it’s not death but a life beyond life and a shift to a new life existence or reality, you might question and might ask something that we agree with also, but how do I fill the void (emptiness) left in my life and how do I not remember the loved one, with whom I spent millions of minutes, sharing and receiving so much love and happiness, something which have left deep impressions on my heart, which are difficult to erase. On one hand, we at the Brahma Kumaris, on being faced with the death of a close one, conduct group meditation, and pass on the vibrations of peace and power to a departed soul, which help it to go into a life setting with the best of the four pillars of existence - nice sanskaras to be received from the new set of parents, a healthy body, plenty of wealth and beautiful relationships and also adapt easily and in a short period of time to the new environment along with slowly coming to terms with the shift that it is making and also easily forgetting what it has lost. On the other hand, people who lose such loved ones, apart from contributing through vibrations, which help their loved ones in their shift; through a deep loveful relationship with the Supreme which helps them to be strong and reading spiritual wisdom as shared by the Supreme which helps them to become content, get used to the sudden emptiness created in their lives when such events happen. Also love for serving each one whom they meet, with virtues and powers and being absorbed in the Supreme’s task of the present moment of self change and world change helps them rise above the difficult time phase. They do remember the relative they have lost, but from an empowered consciousness. 

To end on an empathetic (understanding your feelings) note, we confess that the reality of life beyond life is something that many of us knew or had heard of, even before joining the Brahma Kumaris, but at the same time, we were not empowered enough to accept the reality and live the reality. Spiritual understanding empowered us to do that and we wish from the bottom of our heart that you are able to do the same. All the best. 

Message for the day

Become an embodiment of peace and a bestower of peace.

Expression: People in the world only want peace and happiness. When you experience peace yourself you can give others this experience too. Where there is peace there would naturally be happiness too.

Application: Spend a few moments each day in solitude. Practice stabilising yourself in one powerful thought. Let the experience of peace from you flow to others too. During interactions too, keep your mind free from waste thoughts and you will find that others will be free from them too.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, February 23, 2015

Thought of the day 23/2/2015

What is an anagram of listen?  Silent.

Silence accentuates listening.  When you listen, refrain from speaking and also still the noise in your mind.

Listen.  Listen with an open mind and you'll hear the words. Listen with your heart and you'll understand what the words mean.  Listen and you'll enrich what you have to say.

Soul Sustenance

Life Beyond Life (Part 2) 

A new born child is a new entrant in a new home with new parents. Each day thousands of new-borns get new homes and new parents. These births are accompanied by celebrations and greetings of congratulations to the parents and other family members. But have you ever stopped to wonder that behind the curtains of these celebrations lie tears in the eyes of those family members and dear ones where these souls or spiritual energies leave old physical costumes, what we commonly call death. We, at the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization, call it Life Beyond Life. The concept of birth and re-birth or life beyond life has been a topic of debate since time immemorial. Over the ages, many philosophers, the spiritually inclined, the religious minded, psychologists, the medical fraternity and scientists have talked in favour of this reality, which they believe is embedded in the fabric of life while some have been non-committal or unsure in their approach and some have even expressed disbelief at the idea because of lack of ample evidence. Though today, evidence in its favour has surfaced in various corners of the world through past life regression (hypnosis), near death experiences and case studies by medical journals, accompanied by records of a significant number of people who have remembered their past birth or births, some of whom have even gone back to the families they were once a part of. Some even remember the circumstances accompanying their death in their past life. 

So, living in a world giving ample proof for the concept today, accompanied by deep experiences of the existence of the soul and its immortality (it never dies) by good meditators and people who are strong adherents (followers) of different religions all across the world, one needs to develop strong faith in the fact that my family member or my dear friend, who has left me, has transferred himself/herself to a new reality, a new joy filled and love filled existence, a new Mamma, a new Papa, a new prosperous family, a new healthy body, a new set of positive sanskaras (including the sanskaras of the previous birth) and a new set of friends, relatives and brothers and sisters. So it’s not death but a beautiful new life beyond this life. This is a more positive perception of an event, which for all of us is the most sorrowful and negative of all life events. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

The power of silence can bring peace to any situation. 

Contemplation: The instruments for the power of silence are pure thoughts and pure feelings. You can give others an experience with the power of your silence. When you understand and experience the power of silence you will become more powerful. You will then be able to experience peace that you will be able to spread to others too. 

Application: When you have to correct someone in any situation remind yourself that words will not work but silence based on pure feelings and love will surely work. When you accept the person as he is with love you will be able to bring about a change in him. Remember that the lesser you talk the more the peace that is created. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Thought of the day 22/2/2015

What Is Karma Yoga? 

Karma Yoga implies two things: 

• yoga (meditation) by which the karmas are elevated and purified; 
• those karmas by which the remembrance of the Supreme Being (God) is maintained and strengthened. 

The loveful remembrance of the Supreme, is not just a "sitting" matter. If we approach meditation from this angle (as only a sitting practice), any real change in practical life takes a very long time. We should not only use meditation to improve our actions but also modify our actions to improve our meditation. In this way, theory and practice should be simultaneous. As the soul takes virtues and powers from the Supreme Soul, it gives to the world, thus increasing the capacity to take and give. 

In the sitting meditation, be it five minutes or two hours, the soul dives deeply into itself and establishes an unbroken mental link with the Supreme. When the sitting finishes and the soul has to go back into the world of action and responsibility, the link need not be forgotten. The hands can be involved with the work and the mind can still be with the Supreme Soul. 

Soul Sustenance

Life Beyond Life (Part 1) 

Have you ever looked at a new born child and glanced at the expressions on his face? Why is there a magnetic aura about a baby’s features that attracts one and all? The innocence, the sparkling smile, the beautiful eyes, the angelic cheeks, the shining forehead, the round, cherubic (pretty) face and the soft whispering sounds makes one wonder what is so special about the spiritual energy inside such a baby that talks to us and tries to convey so much as to move us and even bring tears in our eyes. Such a spiritual energy is in a state of nirvana or a meditative state or a soul conscious state, a state which we as adults, practice to achieve.

We would like to share with our readers that in the nine month gestation (pregnancy) period of a mother, the spiritual energy which has to own a particular physical costume, enters the womb of a mother and adopts the physical foetus (which is semi-developed) as its own in the fourth or fifth month. A wonder of nature is that a spiritual energy that has been exposed to different types of situations and relationships and played different roles as an adult in its previous life in a state which is not really spiritually self-aware, more of a state which is focused towards the gross or material existence, suddenly forgets all that and becomes a very pure and divine being temporarily as soon as it enters the foetus inside its mother’s womb, a being that is cut off from physicality and almost in a thoughtless state of meditation – here by meditation we mean a state that is self-aware or soul conscious, not in body consciousness. It even forgets its past life almost completely and starts adopting itself to the new environment inside the mother. On one side its physical body continues to receive physical sustenance from the mother as before its entry and on the other side it vibrates its mental energy to its physical body which also helps it grow physically. As the personality of the spiritual energy, so is the energy radiated, resulting in a healthy or unhealthy body. Once the baby is born, a few subtle traces of consciousness or remembrance of the past life do remain inside the spiritual energy, because of which sometimes when these remembrances surface inside the minds of babies, they smile or become sombre (serious) or even cry in their sleep, depending on the type of past remembrance. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

The actions performed with happiness become a means to draw the line of fortune as long as you want. 

Contemplation: The more actions are performed with a feeling of happiness, the more they will bring benefit to yourself and others. Thus it becomes a basis for creating your elevated fortune. 

Application: Instead of blaming fate when things go wrong, it is good to remember that to create our line of fortune is in our hands. Take the thought to be happy in whatever you do. This practice will enable you to change your situation into a more positive one. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Thought of the day 21/2/2015

A Powerful Consciousness Of Faith In Critical Situations (Part 3) 

In the latter part of the birth-rebirth cycle, as our accounts of negative karma increased, we have experienced large number of ups and downs in the four parameters explained in the last two days messages – mind, body, wealth (or profession) and relationships. All these bitter experiences, which we obviously do not remember today, have weakened us and left deep scars on our subconscious mind and are in fact the main cause of the creation of sanskaras of fear, uncertainty, doubt, pessimism, etc. which we find in ourselves today. Repeated experiences cause the formation of similar sanskaras. If we experience peace repeatedly i.e. we think about peace, visualize peace, make peaceful conversations repeatedly, sanskaras of peace are created inside us. In the same way each time something went wrong with any of the four parameters (mentioned above) in the past births; due to a lack of spiritual awareness and power, we experienced sorrow, pain, peacelessness, anxiety etc. and that caused the creation of similar sanskaras inside us. This is the main reason why today we find ourselves in a situation, when faced with a problem, we are not being able to have the faith in ourselves, that we can emerge victorious in the situation. 

We have experienced failure in the past births at different points of time and many times and that is why each time something goes wrong, although we emerge thoughts of victory we dilute these thoughts with a large number of weak thoughts, of possible failure. This kind of a weak consciousness during problems is not only prolonging the time period of our problems but is also keeping the solution away much longer. Today, with the help of spirituality, we need to inject the power of faith in our thoughts, words and actions. For that, we need to increase our thought power tremendously, which will have an effect on our words and actions automatically. The food of powerful thoughts through listening to or reading spiritual knowledge and the experience of emotional power through meditation given to the mind only can heal the emotional scars inside us over a period of time, the result of which we can become full of fierce determination and will-power so as to weaken negative situations and not let situations weaken us.

Soul Sustenance

Taking Responsibility, Overcoming Guilt (Part 3) 

There is a difference between when we have established our own code of values or beliefs in life, and when we feel obliged (forced) to obey an imposed code of beliefs. It is important for us to accept on an inner level the code by which we think we should be guided and act. When we act out of obligation (compulsion), by following a code of beliefs or behaviors that we feel have been imposed but aren't accepted as our own, we should ask ourselves why we act out of obligation (compulsion), basing ourselves on a code we have not accepted. Are we perhaps afraid that, if we don't do it, we will feel guilty? 

When we violate the codes of belonging to a group, family, social class or community, generally we feel guilty. If this guilt leads us to question ourselves about what is right for our conscience, we progress in our personal growth and improve our clarity. It is necessary to respect ourselves, being clear about what the beliefs are on which we base our life, think, feel and evaluate. This will help us to avoid the gap between what we should and what we want to do. Until the should and the want are joined, we leave an open space for guilt. 

When we act according to how we feel we should, we will feel guilt for not doing what we want. While we act according to what we want, we will feel guilt for not doing what we should

When guilt warns us that there is something to check and correct within us and we are willing to see it, have a dialogue with the self and clarify, we are on the right path. Sometimes guilt acts as an excuse for us to apologize without really taking on the responsibility for what happened; we pass on the responsibility to the established norms, norms that in this case we haven't accepted as our own. In any case, the solution to guilt is to take on self-responsibility.

Message for the day

Happiness comes when there is self-sovereignity. 

Expression: Being a self-sovereign enables you to have total control over yourself. If not, when there are negative or difficult situations, there would be sorrow. When you are in control you will not expect situations to change but you will have the courage to change yourself. 

Application: When things go wrong, instead of worrying or waiting for things to change, tell yourself that you are a self-sovereign and you can bring about a change in yourself. When you work on yourself and change you can be happy. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, February 20, 2015

Thought of the day 20/2/2015

A Powerful Consciousness Of Faith In Critical Situations (Part 2) 

Having accepted the reality that negative situations in our mind, body, wealth or relationships will arise in our life from time to time (explained yesterday), a question arises what kind of consciousness do I keep in these kind of situations and how do I ensure that the situation does not overpower my consciousness. Because only a powerful consciousness of faith or victory will keep me protected from the negative emotional (internal) and physical (external) influence of these problems but will also become the most important influencing factor which will help me in overcoming the problem and going towards the solution or attracting it towards me, sometimes immediately and sometimes slowly, but steadily, without losing my inner stability during the period that I wait for the solution to arise. 

What is a powerful consciousness of faith when faced with a negative situation? “No negative scene or situation of any type in my life lasts forever and this scene shall also pass and I shall emerge victorious over it using the power of thought, the power of positivity, the power of spiritual knowledge, the power of meditation. Victory is my birthright and it is dead certain.” This is in short a powerful consciousness of faith. 
(To be continued tomorrow…)

Soul Sustenance

Taking Responsibility, Overcoming Guilt (Part 2) 

If there are people or situations that lead you to fall over the same stone i.e. they lead you to make the same mistake, which was committed earlier, again, perhaps you will have to avoid them for a few days or a time, until you have strengthened yourself and have the inner security that they will not influence you.This is not running away; it is wise knowing your weaknesses and knowing that to get into similar situations with the same people is only to repeat the same errors and to worsen your wellbeing and that of the other. Trust in yourself. You can overcome these mistakes and stop making them. It is a question of loving yourself and living. Out of love, you stop hurting yourself and hurting the other. 

Crying over past mistakes, you don't mend anything. Open yourself to forgiveness. Raise the level of your thoughts so that they don't keep you in a state of sadness and loss of hope. Don't allow your inner judge to sentence (punish) you each time that you act, since that way you won't feel free. Your judge that you carry within makes your life bitter; however, it is you that gives this judge the capacity to exist. If the inner judge is in harmony with our conscience, it is good, because it wants to protect us. On creating guilt it warns us that we have broken a rule of our code of beliefs, values or behaviors. It alerts us to the fact that we are acting against something important of ourselves. At those moments it helps us to observe and question what is real, true, important and even sacred in our life and for us. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

The one who is truly happy knows the importance of taking happiness as much as he knows how to give happiness to others.

Expression: In order to be fully happy, it is important not to take sorrow from situations or people. Usually we pay attention not to give sorrow but it is now equally important to just take happiness from whatever happens.

Application: Today take the thought in your mind that you will just give happiness and take happiness from each and every person you meet. Think of something nice to say to every person you meet. Then you will find that you are constantly happy because you are not expecting from them but you are giving.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thought of the day 19/2/2015

A Powerful Consciousness Of Faith In Critical Situations (Part 1) 

Almost every single day in our present lives brings with it various ups and downs in mind or sanskaras, body, wealth (or profession or role) and relationships. There is not a single human soul existing in the entire world today that is experiencing a constant state of positivity in the four parameters mentioned above. All parameters are extremely changeable and every now and then seem to bring with them negative surprises. A very simple reason for this is today we stand at the end of the eternal world cycle, when every human soul is in its last phase of its journey of birth and rebirth in this respective cycle, a journey in which it has committed many mistakes, especially in the latter part of the journey, as it has continued to lose its power and succumbed to negativity or the consciousness of the physical body. 

So the problems from time to time in the four parameters mind, body, wealth and relationships are nothing but a reflection or mirror image of incorrect actions performed by each soul, especially in the latter part of this cycle. If we are expecting a time to come in the present time, when all these will be absolutely fine and they will always be positive, that will not be possible, not until this cycle reaches an end and we return back home to the soul world. Until we return, we will need to settle all our accounts of our past karmas or incorrect actions, by being faced with problems in these four parameters (not necessarily in all of them at the same time, but in one or more from time to time) and overcoming them with ease, positivity and power. Instead of running away from this reality we need to accept it completely and instead of looking at ways of keeping these parameters positive on a physical or superficial level only, which we will be able to do but only to some extent because there will be times when it will not be possible for us to change the negativity in these parameters, in spite of our deep efforts on a physical level. We should do it and we will be able to do it at times, but it will not be possible each time that these parameters will change for the better as much as we want and at the speed we desire. 

(To be continued tomorrow…)

Soul Sustenance

Taking Responsibility, Overcoming Guilt (Part 1) 

When you free yourself of guilt, you live in peace within. You take on responsibility and stop sentencing (punishing) yourself internally with feelings of guilt. Taking on responsibility is constructive; it allows all your potential to remain awake and flow. You feel free and unburdened. When you get it wrong, you can find different methods to relieve yourself of the burden that it might imply. For example, being sorry for or feeling sad for something that you have done means that you are aware that you have acted against your own wellbeing or that of another. Realizing it is good; it is the base for any positive change. The important thing is not to sentence (punish) yourself. Learn the lesson. Say sorry, if it is the right thing. Put it right. 

Remember that yesterday has already passed. The past cannot be changed. You can't swallow the words that you said, since you already said them. You can't repeat the scene from yesterday in a different way because it already happened and stayed recorded on the film of this world drama. Therefore, don't repeat the words or the scene in your mind over and over again; doing that, you keep alive something that is dead, since yesterday already stayed behind. Learn from the error and commit yourself to you and to your life, promising to yourself that you will not fall over the same stone again. You will think about it before speaking or acting. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

Happiness is earned by those whose actions and attitudes are pure and selfless. 

Expression: When the actions are pure and selfless there is no trace of negativity. Where there is no negativity, the mind becomes free from feelings of guilt, fear etc. This automatically ensures constant happiness. 

Application: If there is no happiness, there is definitely some kind of negativity. So check the actions that you perform. Let them be not only for your benefit but also for the benefit of all and you will find that you are able to be in constant happiness. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Thought of the day 18/2/2015

No one is more capable of loving you than you are, because you are love!  

Love is within us, all the time.  
It's in our heart, in our soul.  
Today remind yourself, "I am love". And hold a loving attitude, towards yourself and others.

Soul Sustenance

A Message From God On Shivratri (Part 4) 

“Sweet children, become aware of your original self and connect to me. Remember me and reclaim your inheritance of Peace, Purity, Bliss, Power and Love. I have come to re-energize you so that together we create the New World, a world where: 

Peace is the religion 
Love is the language 
Compassion is the relationship 
Truth is in action and 
Happiness is a way of living. 

A New World Morning for you … your dream … is very soon going to be a reality.” 

This is the message of God for all of us on the occasion of Shivratri and this is our experience at the Brahma Kumaris, expressed in a few words - He talks to me everyday … He loves me sooo much … He has healed all my pain … He teaches me everyday … I know it’s difficult to believe, but He has really come … Do you want to connect to Him … Do you want to experience a personal relationship with Him … He is here and He is mine … He has finally come ... you don’t believe me ... come and experience for yourself. 

To know Him more, come over to the nearest Brahma Kumaris centre. 

Call … email … 

Message for the day

True happiness doesn't come from external things or people but from within. 

Contemplation: As long as we depend for our happiness on external sources, there is every chance that we are disappointed. True happiness is that which comes from within. It is to enjoy and cherish each moment. When you do this your happiness spreads to others too. 

Application: Take this thought today to smile at everyone and everything that comes your way. When you believe you are happy you will be able to take even the negative things in the most positive way. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, February 16, 2015

Thought of the day 16/2/2015

The Location And The Form Of The Soul (Part 2) 

Whenever I say: I feel something within me, pointing to the heart, obviously it's not something within the chest. The physical heart is just an incredibly sophisticated pump for blood. It can even be transplanted – it does not create feelings! Within the real me, the living and thinking being, the soul (situated inside the brain), there is a centre of emotions, moods and feelings. The sensations that I very obviously feel around the body are due to the total connection that exists between the soul and the body in which it resides. For example, when I am afraid of, say, a dog attacking me, the whole system is activated. From the control centre in the middle of the brain, the soul sends messages out all around the body. Adrenalin is secreted to give extra strength to the muscles (so that one can run). The heart starts to pump faster, the breathing becomes shallower and the palms begin to sweat. While it may seem that all the different organs have their own sensing and feeling systems, the whole operation is so split-second fast that the coordination of sensations and responses by the soul from its own special cockpit in the centre of the brain passes unnoticed – it so seems that the body is creating the sensations and responses, but they are actually coordinated and controlled by the soul. In this way, if I feel something in my heart for or from something or someone, it's really being processed by me, the thinking being, the soul and then reflected in my heart. 

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Soul Sustenance

A Message From God On Shivratri (Part 3) 

“You thought I decide your destiny, whenever you had a problem you blamed me for it and prayed to me to correct it. Sweet children, I am your Father, can I ever give you disease, poverty, abuse, conflict and natural calamities. Everything in your world works according to the Law of Karma, you are only getting a return for what you have done. You are the creators of your destiny. I can give you the knowledge and power to create a wonderful destiny. But for that you need to connect to me and study the knowledge I give. 

Sweet Children, your search for me now ends. All these years you could not find me because I was not in your world, I was in our home. But now, as promised to you, I have descended into your world. I have come to purify you. I have come into your world to remind you of who you are and who I am. 

My lovely children, like you, I am also just a point of light. I am the Ocean of Purity, the Ocean of Love and the Ocean of Knowledge. You have called out to me by many names, but my actual name is Shiva. I am your Father, Teacher and Guide. You children take a body and come into the cycle of birth and death, I do not take a body. I live in the soul world, a land of golden red light, land of silence and purity, which is also the home from where you all came to this world. I have come into your material world to give you knowledge, love and power.” 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

Faith in God gives you power to face the different challenges that come your way. 

Contemplation: In the difficult situations that come in your life when you have faith in God, the power within you is brought out. With the faith that God is with you, you can transform negative to positive, and impossible becomes possible. 

Application: When any task demands strength beyond your capacity, make the all-powerful God your companion. With the power of His companionship you will find things a lot easier to handle. Because of your faith help automatically comes. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Thought of the day 15/2/2015

The Location And The Form Of The Soul (Part 1) 

When I look in a mirror I don't see my reflection but that of my body. The soul is actually looking through the windows of the eyes from some point inside the head. When viewed from the front, this region appears to be between and slightly above the line of the eyebrows. As the brain is the control centre for all of the various processes of the body - metabolism, the nervous, endocrine, immunological, and lymphatic systems - it makes sense that the soul be located somewhere in the brain. Just as the driver in a car sits behind the wheel with the steering wheel in his hands, the soul sits in a specific point in the centre of the brain. This is important to know for meditation purposes because it is the place to which attention is first directed in the effort to concentrate the thoughts: I am the soul, a tiny point of conscious light energy centered in the spot between the eyebrows. 

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Soul Sustenance

A Message From God On Shivratri (Part 2) 

“As you had been playing your part on the world stage for a very long time, your purity and power slowly started to reduce. You forgot your own self and thought you were the body you were wearing and thus lust, anger, ego, attachment and greed came into your interactions. The love and harmony which was there amongst you was lost and you started cheating and fighting with each other. When you experienced pain and sorrow, you started calling out to me. You started looking for me, you had forgotten that I, your Father, stay in the soul world. You started looking for me in your own world. You had a faint memory that I like you, am a point of light, so you started building temples of Shiv Jyoti Lingam, where you made a symbol of my form to remember me. 

Hearing your cries of pain and conflict, I sent your brothers, who were my pure children to your world to guide you. I sent Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Gautam Buddha, Mahavir, Guru Nanak to your world. They came to teach you the right way of living. They reminded you that I, the Supreme Soul, point of light, Ocean of Purity and Love, am your Father, and I live above in the soul world. They came to connect you to me, but you started looking for me in them. 

As time passed, you got divided in the name of religion, nationalities, caste and creed. You, my sweet children, started waging wars in my name. You built temples of your ancestors, the divine souls who had lived in your world in the Golden and Silver Age (or Heaven) - Shri Lakshmi Narayan, Shri Radhe Krishna, Shri Ram Sita. You built temples to glorify them and you started looking for me in them. As your cries increased, your search for me became more intense. You looked for me in nature. You even thought that I was in each one of you. Some of you dedicated your life to search for me, but still could not find me. Some of you got so entangled in your world of science and technology that you even believed that I did not exist. This was the Copper Age (Dwaparyuga) and Iron Age (Kaliyuga) which lasted for another 2500 years.” 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

You can bring transformation in others when you have faith in them.

Expression: When you blame others for their weakness they will not able to change themselves. Instead when you have faith in others, it enables them to have faith in themselves too. This will give them the courage to work on themselves and change their negativity into positivity.

Application: Think of one person whom you want a change in. Tell yourself again and again that you believe that he will change. Also whenever you interact with this person let it be with only with the positive in him.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Thought of the day 14/2/2015

Life often feels like a jungle!  Hazardous and arduous; threatening & unpredictable!

Well, the next time life feels like a jungle, go on a safari!

Anticipate.  Look around carefully.  Enjoy the unpredictable.  Savour the mundane.  Marvel.  And feel exhilirated.

Change how you see things & you'll connect with life in a different way.

Soul Sustenance

Being An Observer And An Actor – Maintaining The Balance 

In relation to the other, we have the possibility of observing and intervening (interfering) when we wish to; that is, maintaining the balance between being an observer and acting; playing between forming part of the audience and being the actor. On being actors, sometimes we can lose ourselves in the acting of the other in his or her or their dramas; we get in so deep with what is happening to the other that we lose distance. We get mentally and emotionally involved in the other's stories. When our awareness gets lost in those stories, we stop being the creators of our own life and of our own story. This habit exhausts us; we lose energy; we lose our concentration and control over our thoughts and our emotions. We lose our inner peace and we begin to look for it again. 

We can choose to observe the dance of ideas, images and acts of others, and not get involved in their complications. Only thus will we be at peace with ourselves and with the world. Remember that you create your own story. If you want to live in peace and exercise a positive influence on the people around you, don't try to control or to change the stories of others. In order to enjoy a painting you do not poke your nose onto it; you remain at a certain distance so you see it with greater clarity. The same thing occurs with the painting of life. By learning the art of being a detached observer and then intervening, of keeping a healthy distance, we manage to be connected with what is essential without losing ourselves in the waste and superfluous (excessive). That way, our intervention does not arise out of a reaction which has shades of frustration, anger and negative judgements. We are then the creators of spaces of trust and love in relationships.