Saturday, September 30, 2017

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 30.9.17

Soul Sustenance 30-09-2017

Limiting Influences On Your Decision Making Ability (Part 1) 

It is extremely important to realize that, in any situation, you have the power to choose whether your response in that situation will be passive or pro-active, positive or negative, indifferent or attentive etc. You choose what action you take and how you feel. But do you exercise your power of choice all the time? You need to check which factors influence your decision making and push you either in one direction or the other? There are many factors that control and limit your power to make the right, and more importantly, free choices. These factors primarily include influences of people that dominate your ways of thinking, your beliefs, your attitudes, even your complete personalities, etc. You are also limited by the influence of your own fears, attachments, desires, biases or other negative and waste thoughts, which result in a lack of focus. 

There are a lot of people who are not used to thinking for themselves or even prefer being a yes man going along with what others think and say, without having an opinion of their own. Also as you pass through your childhood and teenage life and enter adulthood, you acquire many preconceived ideas or beliefs from your family and social and cultural environment; that is why you assume inside that some things or people are always positive and others are always negative when, in fact, that’s not necessarily true. This directly affects the type of decisions you make, each time there is a requirement for one. In any particular situation, courage, wisdom, high self-esteem and focus is required to sit down calmly and make an assessment about the possible choices before you, and then finally make the right decision.The more you practice relaxation, positive thinking and meditation, the more you rise above all the negatively influencing factors mentioned above , the more you experience the positive qualities and powers mentioned above and exercise your power of choice accurately and with confidence. 

(To be continued tomorrow ….) 

Message for the day 30-09-2017

The one who is humble is always successful. 

Expression:The one who is humble is free from desires and is in a state of appreciation and contentment of what he has. So he does not want to prove to himself that he is successful. He only enjoys the process of learning and progressing. He is never deterred by criticism and takes it in the right spirit. 

Experience: Humility enables me to appreciate the effort put in by those around me. I would naturally be able to see the specialities in others and respect them for it. There would be no feeling of envy. So I would naturally be able to have the quality of contributing for the progress of others too. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, September 29, 2017

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 29-09-2017

Overcoming Anger – 5 Keys To Success (Part 3) 

4. Let Go Of The I Am RightConsciousness – One of the most significant causes of anger filled relationships is the ego that I am right and the other person is wrong. The more the ego, the more the anger. Very often people who are very moody in the family or at the workplace and are always shouting at other people and seeing them as incorrect are the ones who are very egoistic. Also, a very common and negative shade of anger is sarcasm - to comment sarcastically on people’s actions and to always think that what I think and do is the best and only right. On the other hand, the one who sacrifices his or her ego will be very sweet and merciful in interactions, even if the other person has genuinely committed some mistakes. To see others as innocent and not to be over-critical, a very simple practice is to see atleast one specialty in each and every person we meet everyday. This type of positive vision makes us free from anger and even in the most negative of situations we see people positively and not focus on their faults and weaknesses. 

5. Remain Stress Free To Become Anger Free –Life is full of many different types of negative situations and twists and turns, which keep us unsettled and stressed at times. Stress is primarily caused by too many whys, whats, whens and hows, which are questions in our minds. The more the mind is full of questions and unsolved problems, the more the mind will react in the form of toxic words and actions. Problems will always exist but our attachment to them and impatience in waiting for them to get solved at the right time and in the right manner leads to anger. Anger in many cases is just a form of bottled up stress, which bursts open from time to time. Meditation and positive thinking as a result of the practice of meditation are some common techniques to resolve stress of the mind. Freedom from anger follows freedom from stress. 

Message for the day 29-09-2017

To spread the rays of happiness is to be optimistic. 

Expression:The one who is optimistic is able to spread the rays of happiness all around. Never does he stop or move back with life's challenges. On the other hand, he has the courage and determination to move on making the best out of the situation. Others too are encouraged seeing his faith. 

Experience: When I am optimistic I am able to understand that there is something good that is hidden in everything that happens. I am able to enjoy seeing only this positive aspect, filling me with positivity. So my happiness spreads around and touches the lives of those around me. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 28-09-2017

Overcoming Anger – 5 Keys To Success (Part 2) 

2. I Am A Source Of Infinite Peace And Love – Always Remember That – We are all a beautiful source of peace and love, which we can experience all the time and share with others. Also, where there is peace and love, the power to tolerate different types of people and situations is there inside us, which makes it easy for us to remain calm and patient, instead of reacting violently. Hating someone and speaking against someone behind their backs or in front of them is all a reflection of lack of the sweet peace and love which we are full of eternally, but we forget that. Start your day with the following affirmation: I am a being of light, a soul full of peace and love. I visualize my spiritual form, a sparkling star at the centre of the forehead. I radiate this light of sweetness to the world. Repeat this affirmation to yourself many times in a day and slowly the personality of creating angry and violent responses will be changed to sweeter and more humble responses to people and situations. 

3. Forgive And Forget – Have you ever spent a complete day thinking about another person’s negative actions and giving them different forms in your mind, all of which are not only negative but hurt you internally. Such hurt carried in your heart can become a source of anger at every step and make your mind violent. This type of carried anger can spill out in different situations involving you and other people and not necessarily the person who is the cause of the anger. To forgive and forget requires emotional strength. To respond with love and not react with anger is forgiveness in action. To forgive is to love unconditionally. To forget is to bring benefit to the self, because violence in the mind harms the mind, body and relationships immensely. Only when you forgive, can you forget. To forgive, remember everyone’s original personality is one of sweetness, peace and love and a negative comment or an action of bitterness by someone is a result of an acquired negative sanskara, which is temporary and which the other person is trying to remove. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day 28-09-2017

To donate virtues is the greatest donation.

Expression:To donate virtues means to express virtues through one's own words and actions. There is some or the other value revealed through all words and actions. The ones who constantly have the aim of donating virtues naturally bring benefit to all they come into contact with. No one would go away empty handed from such people. 

Experience: When I constantly have the aim of using my virtues I have the satisfaction of giving continuously under all circumstances. I also find my own treasures of virtues increasing and I find myself richer and better than what I was. Thus I experience constant progress in my life. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 27-09-2017

Overcoming Anger – 5 Keys To Success (Part 1) 

We are all living a life from morning till night, where we face situations where anger is a common and most easiest response we choose. Once a doctor was meeting a patient in his clinic and asked her that how many times do you become angry in a day? She replied that I have never counted but I think not a single day passes when I do not get angry and loose my temper at my husband and my children and the maid and even the shopkeeper. The doctor replied that have you ever wondered what goes on inside you after every bout of anger? Every second of anger or anger related emotions causes the secretion of negative chemicals and negative hormones inside the body. This is constantly harming the body and causes severe psychosomatic illnesses or illnesses caused by a negative mind, like blood pressure, diabetes, depression, insomnia and even cancer in the body. Also, the positive mood of peace, love and happiness inside our minds, can remain low for many hours, after even a smallest bout of hatred, revenge, aggression and any other toxic and negative behavior. We give you 5 keys to overcome anger in this message:

1. Don’t Try To Change What You Can’t Change
 – Very often we try and change scenes in our life, which are beyond our control. Scenes of life including different situations and behaviors of people, which are not as per our desire, make us react negatively and with emotions full of anger. When we cannot change a scene, we feel frustrated and feel things are out of our control. At that point of time, remind yourself that everything cannot go our way and as per our desires in life always. Also, the more we bring about positive change in ourselves, the more the energy of our change will change scenes around us in a positive way. So, instead of wanting that a particular person have a particular quality or a particular situation be more positive, fill yourself with that quality or that positivity and radiate it to your surroundings. This way you will accept and not expect, because expectations are the seed of all anger filled emotions. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day 27-09-2017

Easy nature makes tasks easy. 

Expression:The ones with an easy nature constantly think of solutions instead of problems. So such individuals are free from the burden of problems and are constantly contributing to make things easy for themselves and others too. The right environment to bring out the best result is naturally created by them. 

Experience: When I have an easy nature, I am able to put a full stop in a second with great ease. I am not caught with the waste questions and exclamations. So I am able to enjoy everything that comes my way and move forward constantly with lightness. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 26-09-2017

The Energy Of Thought And Feeling 

Like so many other energies like sound energy, light energy, electrical energy, etc. which are primarily invisible forms of energy and come under the realm of matter or the 5 elements, the energy of thought and feeling is also a form of invisible energy. The only difference is that it is an energy which transcends the limits of matter or the 5 elements and is metaphysical or non-physical and extremely subtle in nature. It is a living or conscient energy which originates from the conscient soul, as compared to the other energies which are non-living or non-conscient in nature. But at the same time, it is important not to forget that it is closely connected with the physical body and can only express itself through a physical body. The other energies cannot express themselves since they are non-living. Also, we perceive this energy only when we are inside the physical body. 

It is an energy which has kept going and going for as long as we have lived, life after life, in many wrong directions a lot of times. It is this energy which we need to learn to channelize, control, manage, discipline etc. because by doing that we experience our original virtues of peace, love, joy and power, which is our only and only desire, for which we use various different methods, but many times is not fulfilled, because we forget this basic and most important method. This is something which we have not been able to do since a long time, and something which a lot of people have desired to achieve since thousands of years. The technique of meditation is one technique which helps us in doing that. The channelization of this energy will also improve the state of our physical body as it has a positive effect on the various body systems, the quality of all roles that we play and the success we achieve while playing them and very importantly our relationships – not only with others but with our self and the Supreme Being or God also. 

Message for the day 26-09-2017

There is victory for the person who opposes the weaknesses instead of the person. 

Expression:Instead of trying to win over a person who displays any negative qualities, one needs to oppose the negativity itself. The one who knows the art of doing this will never do anything to encourage the weakness in the other person but will provide all help to finish it fully. 

Experience: Since I am able to look at the weakness only and am trying to finish it, I will be free from negative feelings of dislike and hatred. There would be a genuine feeling of love, which in turn provides the right environment for the other person's growth. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, September 25, 2017

Thought of the day 25.9.17

Can't Concentrate

How often do you hear yourself say, “I can't concentrate!"  Actually, concentration isn't a gift and it isn't about intelligence.  

Concentration is driven by interest, and interest is driven by attitude.  If your attitude swells with interest, concentration is astonishingly easy.

Increase your concentration by reducing multi-tasking and any of the many distractions at your fingertips.

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 25-09-2017

The Ego Sacrifice (Part 3) 

Remember that in every relationship the person who keeps the other ahead is the one who leads the relationship although it may seem otherwise. Keeping the other ahead means saying yes to the other person even if at times you do not agree with the other person’s opinion in a particular matter of common interest. Very often in offices and in homes; you will see at some places, people are so closely knit together. At some other ones, there are negative energy as well as negative word exchanges due to different ways of how people manage the relationships. At one place, the two office colleagues have such a beautiful bond with each other where a day at the office is like a smooth ride and they will never quarrel with each other. On the other hand, in another office, two different people just cannot work with each other and cannot see eye to eye. The main reason for this is simple – I am smarter than you or I am more efficient or I work harder than you or I am more intelligent etc. Such thoughts spoil the relationship and don’t let it become a beautiful bond full of love and closeness. 

It is commonly said - forget the differencesand become friends. But an important point to note that differences between any two people will always exist. There are no two people with exactly the same view points and ideas. But these differences have to be forgotten. In other words they have to be resolved. That is the key to success. Success in an office is not measured only by your talents and how well you perform alone but also by how well you handle your relationships or how sweet and humble you are. Such people are respected immensely in a workplace. People want to be in their company much more than the ones who are egoistic and extremely rigid in their views and are unable to bow down or sacrifice the ego when required. Remember life is short. So why not enjoy each day with your parent, your spouse, your office friend, your mother-in-law, whoever it may be. They all matter to you and you all matter to them. So cherish their blessings by making the ego sacrifice.

Message for the day 25-09-2017

Faith is the key to the best use of one's fortune. 

Expression:For the one who has faith, in the self and in things, there is only positivity. Under all circumstances, there are only opportunities and treasures seen. Each moment is an inner urge to discover these hidden treasures and make the best use of them. So the one who has faith draws out the best from each and every situation. 

Experience: When I am able to move forward with faith, I am encouraged to give my best under all circumstances and am able to enjoy the best fruit of the effort that I put in. Faith gives me the courage to go on even during difficult times and so I have the satisfaction of bringing about constant change and progress in my life. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 24.9.17

Help Yourself

Unfortunately these two words tend to describe the generally selfish and materialistic culture in which most of us live. They result not in self-help but in dependency. Our education and our role models do not encourage us to help ourselves to grow, change and expand our capacities as human beings. Real self-help means recognising that no one else is responsible for our thoughts and feelings, and that we are only ever victims because we choose to be. Our destiny is always and only in our own hands - despite all apparent evidence which may indicate otherwise. Learning to help ourselves is also a prerequisite to extending a hand of assistance to others. We all need a leg up from time to time, but once there, we are always on our own.

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 24-09-2017

The Ego Sacrifice (Part 2)

Whenever you come into contact with another person, see to it that you are yourself but at the same time you give the other person space by letting him or her be themselves. What that means is that let the other person express themselves in a way they want to and not necessarily in a way that you want them to express or act.They shouldn’t be a puppet in your hands. Tell them, guide them, but always be ready to sacrifice your opinion, your view point, attachment to your virtue or particular sanskara which you think is absolutely right and perfect. Also be ready to let the other person’s opinion rule the situation involving the two of you. Some people find this as the most difficult thing to do in a relationship and this requires spiritual power and also a lot of love inside you for the other person. Also, we need qualities like humility and contentment, which are extremely important. We are talking about any relationship - at home or in your friend circle or anywhere else; with the opposite gender or with the same gender; with your child or with your boss, with a friend or with your spouse.

There is a fine line between remaining in a high self-esteem about what you think is right and what you know about a particular situation and letting the other person also contribute in that thought process. What that means is you need to allow the other person to enter that personal space of your thought process. Very often we construct walls around our thinking process and don’t let the other person enter it because of the fear that the other person might dominate that space and also the attachment to one’s own space. Remember the ones who bow down and are comfortable with people’s views and give them as much respect as their own opinions and view points are the rulers of everyone’s hearts. People are not ruled by power but their hearts are filled with love to get their love and respect in return. And that happens by keeping the other ahead of you in interactions not only on a physical level but also on a thought level and the level of emotions.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 24-09-2017

To recognise one's own uniqueness is to respect oneself.

Expression:To have respect for oneself based on other people's opinion or situational achievements is to have respect temporarily. True respect for the self is based on the recognition of the fact that every individual is unique with its own set of unique capabilities. This understanding enables one to see one's own uniqueness without being influenced or without comparing with others.

Experience: When I know to recognise and appreciate my own uniqueness and respect myself on this basis, I am able to be free from ego or a feeling of inferiority. I am also able to recognise naturally the uniqueness of the other person and respect him for it. Thus I am able to win the love and respect of others too.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 23.9.17

In the library of your mind

Have you ever wondered why libraries have special atmospheres? They are places where many congregate but where silence is the code. Quietness in an atmosphere means there is the presence of quiet minds, and quiet minds are not only relaxed, they can concentrate easily and create more freely.
Imagine you are in the library of your mind, browsing the accumulated wisdom on the shelves of your life - listen to the silence, be aware of the stillness. Now you can really listen. Now you can really hear. Now you can really think. Now you can create. And behold, you are an artist. Did you not know that silence and creativity are lovers?

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 23-09-2017

The Ego Sacrifice (Part 1) 

Relationships are life’s primary treasure but they go the wrong way when there is a development of ego in either person in the relationship. You will find that people are always satisfied with those who are humble. Also the relationships of the ones, who are egoless, are problem-free and free of differences of opinions. Also, the relationship in which either person learns to sacrifice his or her ego at the right time and when required, is the one in which there is continuous peace and goodwill. Very often the only reason for blockages in a relationship is the inability to sacrifice the I, the me and the my. It sometimes seems very strange but love is lost in so many relationships because of the inability to mould and sacrifice the ego and become as the other person expects you to be. Differences of opinions are often seen in all relationships but to be able to solve them and rise above them is the challenge which actually every human being has to face at some point of time or the other. All of us desire for love filled relationships but are we able to make that much needed sacrificial bow? What that means? Something like – I lose or I am not always right or Please go ahead of me or You take charge or even accepting that - You are better than me. 

Sometimes it is seen in many different types of relationships in the family or in the office, that at first everything is fine and then as time passes and two people come closer to each other, there are misunderstandings. The relationship becomes like a boat without a rudder and it loses its direction. Why does this happen and why not right at the beginning? Initially the hearts are close and everything is easy like making the sacrifice and becoming the less dominant person in the relationship. But slowly the two people will start taking each other for granted and what seemed a beautiful relationship full of understanding becomes filled with thorns of sorrow and personality clashes. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day 23-09-2017

Simplicity is the promise of happiness. 

Expression:The one who is simple is able to see through the complications of situations and people. He has the ability to only pick out what is useful and worthy from the expanse of all that is available. A simple person's words and actions are the ones that give happiness to those around. 

Experience: When I am simple in my vision and attitude, I am able to remain happy, as I am free from the complications of all that is happening. My mind is not caught up with unnecessary things, and I am able to remain easy in the most difficult situations. This attitude of mine also helps in creating an environment of happiness where others too experience this happiness. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 22.9.17

Aim High

Each one of us is capable of so much more than we currently believe possible.  Every day, create an aim for yourself.

Rather than aiming at what you know you can do, challenge yourself to aim higher than where you are at right now.

Go on, aim high and set yourself a high standard.  Stretch, and make effort to reach that aim.

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 22-09-2017

Seven Techniques To Let Go Off The Past (Part 3) 

Correction - Memories inside the soul are like imprints or impressions on the soul. Some impressions are deep, some are not. Negative past experiences leave very deep negative impressions or scars on the soul, which sometimes take a lot of time to heal and sometime an entire lifetime can be sent without them getting healed. Negative past experience imprints and negative emotions like anger, hatred, attachment etc. are closely linked. So, correcting the self or incorporating positive sanskars fills the spiritual self with positive impressions. This, over a period of time, nullifies the effect of these negative impressions and as a result, the related negative memories. 

Donation - Donation can be simply defined as the distribution of the invisible attainments one has experienced through spiritual self transformation, to others. It helps one receive blessings or positive energy of those whom we donate to and gives life a focused positive purpose, both of which help us immensely in forgetting our past. People who live only for themselves will find it more difficult to forget their past as compared to ones who spend a lot of time for others. Giving happiness to others helps us in forgetting our griefs. 

Interaction - The more we interact with and remain in the company of positive minded people and have positive conversations with them, we give and receive positive energy and the more our past gets erased from my consciousness. Spirituality teaches us to look inwards and experience introvertness, which we haven’t experienced for a long time. At the same time, spirituality also teaches us to keep a balance between looking inwards and outwards. Composed and balanced extrovertness and healthy, happy relationships with virtuous people help us remain more in a present consciousness, not giving the mind to drift too much into the past. 

Message for the day 22-09-2017

Fortune is in one's own hands. 

Expression:To have fortune in one's own hands doesn't mean to have it in the lines of one's hands. It means to have the ability to make the best use of all the resources available. When they are put to the best use, they naturally increase. Through right actions one can draw the line of fortune as long as desired. 

Experience: When I understand the significance of my actions and create an elevated fortune for myself through right actions, I am able to experience constant progress in my life. I also naturally become an inspiration for others too, so that they can discover their inner resources to create an elevated fortune for themselves. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 21.9.17

Traffic Control Your Mind

The mind thinks many thoughts, leading us in different directions.  No wonder there is so much chaos in the mind, creating traffic jams and even a few accidents!

Now imagine the state of the roads if we didn't have any traffic controlling mechanisms!  So, what's needed is a traffic control system for our mind.

At regular intervals throughout the day, stop and control the traffic of your mind.  Change negative to positive.  Where there are waste thoughts, put a full stop and let it go.

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 21-09-2017

Seven Techniques To Let Go Off The Past (Part 2)

Positive Information and Intoxication - The more we listen or read positive and constructive spiritual knowledge, even if it is for 10 minutes daily, and imbibe (absorb) it, the more our negative memories fade into the background. Also the regular input of knowledge lifts our consciousness to a higher level and gives us an experience of intoxication or spiritual bliss, in which the memory of our past sorrows and negative experiences gets dissolved. Even on a physical level, there are lots of people who indulge in some kind of addiction or intoxication only because it temporarily helps them to overcome and forget the negatives in their life.

Karma Realization - Another benefit of spiritual knowledge is that it makes us realize the various shades and details of the Law of Karma and its application in the World Drama, which helps us immensely in letting go of the past and concentrating on our present so that a bright future can be built, irrespective of the quality of the past.

Self and God Realization - One of the most important benefits of meditation, an important aspect of spirituality, is that it makes us realize and experience the spiritual self and the Father of the spiritual self, the Supreme Soul, accurately. This is an experience of liberation, in which there is no room for past repentances. Past repentances are more a reflection of excessive attachment to the physical or material or attachment to incorrect emotions related to body-consciousness, remembering the damage caused by it to the self and experiencing sorrow due to the same.

Connection and Relation - Also, meditation being a deep connection between me and the Supreme Father, it fills me with immense power and it is also an intense relationship, which fills me with love, happiness and peace. In the experience of these attainments, over a period of time, my past ceases to burden my consciousness.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 21-09-2017

The one who is the master of the self is able to master situations and control people.

Expression:If there is an attempt to control situations and people without trying to control the self it becomes impossible. It only takes things more out of control and leads to extreme emotions like anger. To be a master means to be a master of one's own feelings and emotions under all circumstances. It means to have the reins in one's own hands.

Experience: When I am able to be a master of my own thoughts, feelings and emotions I am able to deal effectively with situations and people. I never go out of control or lose my cool however difficult the situation or person may be. This enables me to be aware of my own inner resources and use it to be the best of my ability.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 20.9.17

Co-operation is perhaps one of the least recognised but most valuable of human virtues. So, for a person to be co-operative means for them to have a quiet eye for what is needed to bring success, and to supply it (and no more)at the right time, in the right place and then to be off. Someone who co-operates, offers their services and then splashes their name on the achievement is not co-operative. It requires invisibility and precision to do and then to go without waiting for results. It also takes a discerning eye to see exactly what is needed, to be removed sufficiently from your own approach to a task and just to contribute one ingredient. Sometimes not even an idea but, however clever you may consider yourself to be, just a hand, a support.

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 20-09-2017

Seven Techniques To Let Go Off The Past (Part 1) 

Almost each one of us carries a heavy or subtle burden of negative events and happenings that have taken place in our life sometime in the past, either an immediate past or a far-off one; which reduce our present contentment levels immensely. The negative past could be of any form – you experienced the loss of a close loved one due to a break-up or sudden death; you went through a serious physical illness or a very lean phase of financial loss, you were abused on a mental or physical level; you were not treated properly by a colleague at office and undue advantage was taken of you; you performed an inappropriate action and you repent up till now, even after many years have passed, and many such similar and different types of incidents. 

There are three different types of processes for removing negative past memories from our consciousness: 

Modifying - A negative past event is modified into a positive, beneficial form and then stored in the consciousness. 

Forgetting - Memories of a negative past event are forgotten and do not exist either in our conversations or in our conscious mind or thoughts, but traces of those memories exist in the sub-conscious mind.

Erasing - No traces of the negative past exist in the consciousness and memories of it are completely removed from the sub-conscious also. 

We need to take the help of all the different aspects or techniques of spirituality and not depend on only one or two for these removal processes. In the next two days’ messages, we will explain all these different techniques of spirituality, which if incorporated in our life, help us experience lightness and emotional freedom from the past. All of them have their own unique importance. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day 20-09-2017

The one who serves others is the richest. 

Expression:To be in a position to serve others means to be aware of the resources and treasures within. When all the powers that are within are used for the benefit of the self and others they tend to multiply and increase. So the one who continues to serve others continues to become richer. 

Experience: When I serve, not only do I become richer with what I use, but for having served unselfishly I also become richer with the blessings and good wishes that emerge from the hearts of others. I am able to experience the real richness and beauty of life as there is a lot of love, happiness and joy in my life. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 19.9.17

Say Goodbye

The most powerful anchor on our potential to soar high in life is the past. The past contains the dead weight of experience, learned beliefs and all our mistakes. Life cannot truly begin until we are able to say goodbye to the legacies of yesterday at will. Like a filing cabinet, the past is a resource of information for learning, but it is not a place to live. When you go to work do you spend your day in the filing cabinet? How often will you/did you live in the past today? Say goodbye and make it final. Saying farewell to yesterday, last month and last year is the sign of a person who wants to live for today and is truly alive to all the possibilities of “the moment”, while fully aware that all they think, say and do right now, creates tomorrow.

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 19-09-2017

My Thoughts Create My Destiny (Part 2) 

Yesterday we saw how our thoughts lead to feelings and feelings develop our attitude. Let us go through subsequent stages today. 

3. My Attitude Brings Me Into Action.
My attitude dictates my outlook, behavior and response to people and situations. So my attitude drives my actions. Using yesterday's example - I am an employee whose attitude towards my office is one of belongingness. This attitude brings me into action. I give my best performance. I work passionately and align with my company goals. 4. Repeated Actions Form My Habits.
Repeating any action twice, thrice, or ten times makes it a habit. When I am a high-performing employee, I enjoy all the associated benefits. It enhances my happiness and motivates me to do better in the next task, then the next. So I get into a habit - of remaining happy, performing and succeeding. 5. Habits Define My Personality.
I become what I repeatedly do. So all my habits combined together shape my personality. They become an integral part of my life, flowing into my behavior and guide my way through life. If I am a happy employee, it flows in my personality. In this way my happiness is not restricted to my workplace but accompanies me everywhere, leaving its impression in everything I do. 6. Personality In Action Manifests My Destiny.
As will be my personality, so will be my every action. As will be my action, so will be the consequence of the action. That consequence is my Destiny. 

Summary: This is how all elements come together - my thoughts create feelings, feelings develop my attitude, attitude comes into action, actions repeatedly done cultivate habit, habits influence my personality, and my personality scripts my destiny. Therefore I choose how I want to feel the whole day, my whole life. I decide the list of emotions to use and the ones to avoid. I have the power to write a destiny of my choice. So when I create a positive thought, it manifests a happy destiny. 

Message for the day 19-09-2017

The easiest way to bring positivity in life is to become worthy of God's love. 

Expression:A simple checking whether to perform an action or not is to see if it would be approved by God. When every action is thus checked, there would be positivity and benefit expressed through everything. There would not be any negative, waste or even ordinary actions performed, but only those that are sealed with the power of positivity. 

Experience: When I am able to bring about such positivity in my life, I'll not only win the love of God, but also the love, praise and good wishes of all those around me. I also become trust worthy and an image of support for those who are seeking to bring positivity in their lives. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, September 18, 2017

Thought of the day 18.9.17

Conflict Resolution

Do you feel resentment towards another? 
Are you willing to resolve this conflict?

What attitudes are preventing you from making peace? 
Do you want to teach them a lesson?  Or do you think that they started it, so they should resolve the conflict?

Why not be the one who takes the first step towards peace and consider resolving a conflict.  Just remember, there is always a solution, if you really want to find one.

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 18-09-2017

My Thoughts Create My Destiny (Part 1) 

Spiritual wisdom teaches us that happiness is independent of our accomplishments, possessions and relationships. Yet, some days we feel pleasant, some days anxious. Some days we are enthusiastic, some days dull. This means that sometimes our feelings are not in our control. The fact is that each of us can create feelings and destiny of our choice using Thought Power. How do thoughts manifest destiny? Answer is in a simple chain moving forward sequentially from our thoughts to feelings, attitude, actions, habits, personality and destiny. Let us understand how they work. 

1. My Every Thought Generates My Feeling.
Thoughts are my creation. Every thought gives rise to a feeling, so how I feel is decided by the quality of my thought. So if I consciously create a pure, positive thought, I feel happy. Happiness is a feeling, an emotion and an experience I go through. Likewise I also experience feelings like peace, love, pain, anger. Suppose I create a thought - I enjoy working in this office. it generates a positive emotion and I feel happy. On the contrary, if I create a thought - I dislike working here, it generates a negative emotion and I feel dejected. My inner power depletes so my job feels tougher as I get weaker. Instead, if I think - I have challenges at office but will face them, my positivity helps me to overcome them. 2. My Feelings Develop My Attitude.
My thoughts create feelings at every moment whether in my relationships, workplace or a shopping mall. Everyone is who they are, everything is what it is. But how I feel about people and situations over a period develops my attitude towards them, determining whether I accept, respect or reject them. So if I create a thought - I enjoy working in this office over a period of time, the resulting happiness defines my attitude about my office - one of belongingness. 

Tomorrow we will go through subsequent elements of the chain leading to creation of destiny.

Message for the day 18-09-2017

It is on the basis of actions that praise is received. 

Expression:The one who only talks but is not able to put his talk into practice does not become worthy of praise. On the other hand, the one who is able to bring his good thoughts and words into action becomes worthy of praise. Such a person's actions become inspirational for others and encourage them to follow him. 

Experience: When I am able to act according to my thoughts and words, I am able to take inspiration to do more. For every positive action that I do, I experience support and good wishes from others which encourage me constantly. My account of positivity is always full and it takes me further to a cycle of positivity making it a habit. So I find that I don't have to work hard for performing positive actions. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Thought of the day 17.9.17

The Secret of Good Health

The secret of good health is good nourishment and exercise. We need daily nourishing food and exercise to maintain a healthy body and it takes care and attention to fulfil this responsibility. Making the effort underlines our value and importance as a human being. However, the human spirit needs the same attention in the form of the thoughts we have and how the mind puts them to use. Feeding both body and mind with nourishing food gives a powerful and consistent message to respect and co-operate with one another. This is holistic good health.

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 17-09-2017

Applying The Law Of Balance To Anger (Part 2)

Yesterday we had explained how the law of balance can be applied to anger on a smaller level. The same law can also be applied on a larger level. Each time a group of people transmit the negative energy of anger physically to another group of people - at that time, either:

a) one party is disturbing the balance temporarily, which will be restored sometime in the future, by the second party indulging in similar behavior, or 
b) balance is being restored at the present moment (because negative energy had been transmitted from the opposite party to the first party sometime in the past). This balancing must take place, because it's an unbreakable law. This is the law of balance.

This law that does not need to be enforced by us, the police or even by God. It is a natural law like other laws of nature. It gets enforced itself and cannot be broken by anyone. Understanding that this law is embedded in the human state of affairs at all times makes us careful and detached so that we don’t hurt ourselves with violent, toxic thoughts, when someone acts negatively. We create these kinds of thoughts because we believe this is revenge that is justified. Also, knowing that anger that is radiated comes back doesn't mean we don’t have any laws within society – they are required, but it helps us not to take the law into our own hands. We cannot force justice to take place before its fixed time. We cannot force the balancing of energies of anger. If we trying doing it, it is being egoistic and we only upset the balance of our energies as a result. Even to criticize those who try to take the law into their own hands is to take the law into our hands.

Message for the day 17-09-2017

To have a balance between being a master and a child is to ensure success.

Expression:To be in the consciousness of being a master means to have confidence in whatever has to be done and in the ideas that have to be put forth. Along with this if there is the consciousness of being a child, there is learning and improvement, because criticism is taken in the right spirit.

Experience: When I am able to be open to criticism as a child, I am able to learn from it. I am able to gain further mastery without being troubled by ego. My learning would never be blocked by what other people think or feel. Instead I am able to experience constant progress and sure success.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 16.9.17

Inner Sanctuary Retreat

“Getting away from it all' is something we all love to do. 
Why wait for the holidays!  Whenever you need it, make time over the weekend for your very own retreat at home.

Create a sanctuary.  Drop the distractions.  Take the phone off the hook.  Listen to soothing music.  Simply enjoy the solitude and some unstructured time.

You can even use this time to review recent events, create new dreams or retreat into your inner space to renovate the soul.

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 16-09-2017

Applying The Law Of Balance To Anger (Part 1) 

We are all very much aware of the law of gravity. It keeps us grounded on the earth. Gravity ensures everything returns to a state of balance. This is the law of balance on a physical level. 

The law of balance can also be applied on a mental and emotional level, to the emotion of anger e.g. Too many angry thoughts of revenge and animosity (hatred) inside our consciousness can emerge in two ways:

a) either externally as toxic, violent behavior, which will attract toxic, violent responses from others, or 
b) if these thoughts are kept bottled inside, they will eventually, after a period of time, emerge as some disease or the other in the physical body. This is because our consciousness then tries to find a way to get rid of the mental impurity, which enters our physical body and restores balance to the mental and physical system, which has been upset due to the creation of the toxic thoughts, in the first place. 

The above e.g. is an application of this law on a micro level. We can apply this law of balance on a macro level, on the world at large, where we watch groups of people, even countries exchanging negative energy. We shall explain that in tomorrow’s message. 

(To be continued tomorrow…) 

Message for the day 16-09-2017

To see only problems is to become the one who only takes service. 

Expression:When there is the practice of seeing only problems in all situations there is the inability to find solutions and act effectively. All the resources that could be used for the benefit of the self and others remain hidden. Such a person becomes dependent on others for finding solutions and a source of pity. 

Experience: When I am caught up with problems and not able to see anything else, I am unable to experience progress. I find myself moving backward losing a lot of things I have. I would not be able to retain my self-confidence and would become dependent on others. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought of the day 15.9.17

Expecting Others to Change?

Instead of expecting others to change, be compassionate in understanding others and understanding the situation.
Your compassion may inspire the person to change for the better.

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 15-09-2017

Consciousness Cleansing (Part 3)

Purity of the mind is something that is to be made the aim of your life and is the most important characteristic of your life. After all, the purer you are, the more happiness you attract in your life. Each time we have an impure thought we transmit an energy packet to the universe of a negative nature. That energy packet will then come back to us in the form of a sorrow filled circumstance which can be of any nature. So, purity of the soul or our consciousness is the foundation of all our life experiences which come to us from the outside world.

If a person is regularly having negative life experiences in the form of a series of body illnesses, that means she has negative energy inside her due to some negative action of her immediate or far off past. This negative energy is at the present moment coming back to her in the form of negative scenes in her life. So what she needs to do at that point of time is to create a lot of positive thoughts, full of purity i.e. thoughts free from lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego and full of peace, love, joy and spiritual power. Also, these thoughts should be full of high self-esteem, and focused towards the negative scenes in her life i.e. creating these powerful thoughts and then complementing them with thoughts of success. This can do magic and wonders and attract the right solutions to her illnesses and bring her sorrows to an end. This is what a pure consciousness can do. Also, if a person is suffering from regular financial losses and there is no end to them. He could start reading something positive every morning and meditate every morning for a few minutes. This will make his consciousness clean and clear and over a period of a few days, he will start noticing a change in his negative situations and he will attract positive wealth earning opportunities in his life. This is guaranteed and is consciousness cleansing in practical life. It is the essence of our lives and the key to the invisible treasures of peace and joy in our lives.

Message for the day 15-09-2017

To have power means to enjoy the variety of life.

Expression:When there is the inner strength there is enthusiasm to give the best and also to learn and improve with every obstacle. To work with inner power is to be like a skilled player whose focus is on enjoying the match too rather than just on winning.

Experience: When I have learned the art of focusing on my strengths, I am able to enjoy the variety scenes that life brings for me. I would enjoy dealing with all these different scenes in a natural and easy way, and also be naturally victorious. And so I have the benefit of double enjoyment.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thought of the day 14.9.17

Share What You Have

The best things in life are free so share what you have, freely, all without needing acknowledgement or recognition. 
Even if you only have a little, share it openly. 
You'll feel richer for it!

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day

Soul Sustenance 14-09-2017

Consciousness Cleansing (Part 2) 

Whenever you step into the daily routine, give yourself a few positive thoughts which will orient your mind towards a pure consciousness and attitude towards others. We all know that cleanliness is the original sanskara of the soul and cleanliness is where there is peace, joy, love and power inside our consciousness. Also it is where there is no room for emotions or thoughts of anger, ego, jealousy, hatred and too much thinking about the past or future or in general about others and what they are doing, which is sometimes unnecessary. 

So, when we start the daily work routine, it is important to read something positive before that and fill our mind with positivity which will keep our mind occupied for the rest of the day. This reading of wisdom or spiritual knowledge or practical tips for mind empowerment early in the morning will change your mindset and you will feel mentally fresh and powerful. On the other hand, an empty mind i.e. one that has not filled itself with positive thoughts can easily come under the influence of the different ups and downs of the day or variety natures of different people at the workplace or even in your family. Such a person is constantly vibrant and full of energy, radiating contentment and without any complaints about life in general and how it is going on. Also, as we know that food, rest and exercise are the key to a healthy body. In the same way, experiencing oneself as a soul and experiencing with the eye of your mind, your spiritual Father, the Supreme Soul or God and charging yourself with mental energy and positivity is like an exercise.The exercise of connecting with God, with the power of thought and visualization, gives the soul a lot of strength. Also positive thoughts are like the food for the soul. Also, rest for the soul, along with experiencing peace at hourly intervals, is loving God in different ways all through the day. God is always with us and teaches us how to radiate good wishes to each soul and tie them in a bond of pure love with oneself and with God. So, enjoying the company of God while performing actions and giving that ocean of love, which you receive from Him, to others, gives a lot of peace, rest and fulfillment to the soul. This is because you receive a lot of blessings in return, from those whom you have shared God’s love with. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day 14-09-2017

To fill the ones who are hopeless with hope is the greatest service. 

Expression:To have faith by seeing the positive qualities even in the most negative person is to fill them with hope. Also to fill hope means to encourage others to move forward in the most negative situation. When this is done they are able to use their potentials for a positive purpose and slowly bring about a change for the better. 

Experience: When I am able to see positivity under all circumstances, I am able to have the courage and enthusiasm to make the best out of every situation. This also naturally makes me an inspiration for those around me too and makes me an image of support for those who want to make effort. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris