Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thought for today 11-2-2014

To have the courage to take risks is to overcome fear. 

When I am faced with a situation where I have to do something that I have never tried or in something that I have failed, I tend to be afraid or apprehensive. Most often, I decide not to take the risk and either postpone or avoid facing that situation. But, if I am able to take a small little risk and try and do it in a different way, I would be able to overcome my fear. It is not important whether I succeed in the task or not, but having taken the risk itself helps me overcome a little of my fear. Today I will do something that I know I have to do, but have been hesitating to do because of my own fear. I will take one little risk and be prepared even for failure. I know that if I avoid things too long the fear of it only increases. So today, I will take a step towards overcoming my fear.

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