Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Soul Sustenance

The Beautiful Personality Of God (Part 1) 

Have you ever wondered why God is respected so much and seen as a guiding light by all religions? Ever seen someone who says God is imperfect? Only some who have experienced some sorrow in their lives sometimes wrongly blame God for what has happened in their lives. That too only temporarily. Later everyone realizes that God can never be blamed for anything that happens in their life, because everything we face, is a result of our own actions. On the other hand, God only thinks good for everyone and never harms anyone. This is the reason why God is trusted by everyone as the most beautiful spiritual parent who is full of good wishes for His billions of children and will never bring them down in any way. They say that God has a thousand eyes with which He takes care of the whole world and keeps a vision of love for each one irrespective of whatever keeps happening in the world. God is the Ocean of Purity. There is no one purer than Him in the entire Universe. This is God’s constant stage which never changes. God never experiences sorrow even for a second ever. He is also ever peaceful, with no trace of a negative thought or a feeling in His consciousness inspite of all the negative events happening all across the world and violence also increasing. So God, inspite of being a parent to so many children with such different personalities, always maintains His pure consciousness. In fact, He serves the world while being in that stage. This is the beauty of God and this is the reason why He is the most loved one in the entire world. 

So, taking inspiration from this parent, we need to change ourselves and become a child who is similar to his spiritual Father or the Father of the soul or God. That is in the true sense loving God. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

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