Sunday, February 11, 2018

Soul Sustenance and Message of the day 8.2.18

Soul Sustenance 08-02-2018

The Right Intention For Happy Relationships 

Never do anything for anyone, do only for yourself. Sound selfish, but herein lies the secret of being selfless.

With relationships often are attached words like sacrifice, compromise and adjustment. Each word sounds more like a suffering rather than happiness. Relationships give us the opportunity to do a lot for others, but we need to check our intention. If we think we are doing it for them, then we could be doing it outwardly but not necessarily be happy inside. If we have negative thoughts of unwillingness or resentment and we do the right action, neither we nor they will be happy, because they will receive our mental energy. And then we will feel we did so much for them and they are still not happy. Before doing anything, introspect - why do I want to do it … because they will be happy …why do I want them to be happy…because they matter to me and there will be harmony in the relationship…if there is harmony, I will be happy…so I am doing it for my happiness, not for them. 

Actually we are always doing it for ourselves, but we believe we are doing it for them. We are not making any sacrifices or compromises, we are doing it for our own happiness and this is liberation. We no longer feel like a victim; we are doing everything for our own self; we are responsible for the consequences of the decision and most important we don’t expect them to do anything for us. Let’s think of all the things we feel we have done for people and yet felt very let down by them…let’s check today, till we finally come to the answer – I was doing it for myself.

Message for the day 08-02-2018

Introversion brings out the positivity within. 

Expression:Every human being has an innate positive nature because of the inherent qualities of love, peace, happiness etc. that are within. Introversion, the practice of looking within, enables one to be in constant touch with oneself and one's true nature. It helps express these qualities in everything that is done. Because of having practiced for a long time with them, these qualities emerge very naturally at the time of need. 

Experience: The practice of being introverted helps me in experiencing those qualities within me, which otherwise remain hidden during difficult situations. Thus it makes me have true self-respect and enables me to finish my ego. It also gives me the power to recognise and accept my mistakes, thus giving me the courage to work on them successfully. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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