Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Soul Sustenance


There are two different basic levels of consciousness; * I am a body (which is illusory (false)) or * I am a soul, (which is real). When the feeling is * I am a body, the thought process is trapped in the limitations, problems and vision of the physical identity. Its reaction to others is on the same level. 

Given below is an awareness-thought-decision-action-result cycle in the case of a typical father-son relationship. You will notice the difference consciousness can make to the cycle. 

Body Consciousness: I am the father. I know the most.
Soul Consciousness: I am a soul. My natural state is love and peace.

Body Consciousness: My son should listen to me as he is my own flesh and blood. 
Soul Consciousness: My son is a soul too. As a soul he is my brother.

Body Consciousness: I will teach him a lesson.
Soul Consciousness: I will respect his idea also.

Body Consciousness: Father argues with son.
Soul Consciousness: Father and son discuss with respect.

Body Consciousness: Ill feeling between father and son.
Soul Consciousness: Respect maintained. 

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