Monday, September 30, 2013

Thought for today 30-09-2013

Are you prepared for every eventuality?

No matter how much you plan, you can never be totally prepared. And if you had to plan for all the things that could go wrong, you'd end up feeling quite paranoid!

Make a positive mindset your favourity accessaory and 
you'll be better prepared for every eventuality!

With a positive mindset, you'll be cool, calm and centred. And as a result, you'll be ready to change your strategy with a 'Plan B', do a complete 'U Turn' or, simply adapt to the new situation.

Soul Sustenance

The Origin of Addictions: How to Overcome Them (cont.) 

In order to change an addiction, we need to work out what need lies behind this addiction. What is the spiritual desire that we are trying to satisfy? 

If we smoke for relaxation (by smoking we breathe deeply and this relaxes us), perhaps what we really need is peace of mind. Any doctor will tell you that mental peace cannot be found in a cigarette. On the contrary, instead of calming your stress, it makes you more irritable and nervous, especially when going through withdrawal symptoms. We can learn to find relaxation and peace through meditation and will not have the need to smoke. 

The same applies to all the other qualities that we need to experience in our lives so that we feel satisfied and happy: it is in our inner self where we can turn to discover what we need. Although our mind often asks for visible and material things, its needs are deeper and nothing superficial can satisfy it. Meditation leads us to what is genuine and eternal. 

Message for the day

Simplicity enables one to become an example. 

Projection: Simplicity is free from the complications of waste questions, doubts and expectations. The one who is simple is naturally accurate and inspiring in his actions. He is able to understand the demands of the environment and mould himself accordingly, so he himself has no demands. And he is able to move forward to his satisfaction. 

Solution: When I am simple in my thoughts, I am also able to be simple in my responses to the outer environment i.e., to both situations and people. So internally I am able to remain content. This contentment further brings newness and creativity in the way I respond to situations, and I naturally experience further progress. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Thought for today 29-09-2013

To love myself is to be loved by all. 

When I love myself, I will use all my qualities without being affected by the external situations. I will then use my capability to the fullest. This self esteem brings respect from others too. Others will continue to see and respect those specialties as I am using them consistently. Today I will pat myself on my back and say to myself "you are special and I love you and am proud of you". Just as we tend to encourage others, we need to encourage ourselves too. This will help us get in touch with our own qualities, which would then be expressed in all we do.

Soul Sustenance

The Origin of Addictions: How to Overcome Them 

Today, the number of addictions and addicts is growing fast. It seems that today human beings can become addicts of almost anything: credit cards, eating, drinking, sweets, lust, smoking, relationships, television, the internet and computer games, football, earning money, spending money, power, work, arguing, war. 

In some ways, this shows the presence of an inner void (emptiness) that people try to fill with external things. While a person becomes an addict to any of the above aspects, their willpower is gradually weakened. And if one does not realize what is happening or does not put a stop to it, it is possible to fall into a spiraling series of automatic and compulsive actions that gradually limits our freedom to decide what we want to do with our lives, causing a loss of self-esteem and a state of depression, anxiety and dependency. 

The origin of many addictions is due to a desperate need to solve a problem or a spiritual need (which may be a lack of respect, love, peace, attention, consideration) of a materialist form. 

Here are a few examples: 

* In a cigarette: one looks for peace, calm and relaxation. 
* In alcohol: one looks for confidence, determination and security. 
* In sugar and chocolate: one looks for love, sweetness and tenderness. 
* In coffee and tea: one looks for energy and inner strength. 
(To be continued tomorrow….) 

Message for the day

True knowledge brings humility. 

Projection: True knowledge inspires and encourages one to bring about a practical change in one's life. The one with knowledge naturally imbibes it, which is also revealed in his practical life, because he is humbly willing to learn from all situations. As much as there is knowledge, so much there is divinity revealed in all words and actions. 

Solution: When I am able to humbly learn from all situations. I am able to enrich my own knowledge. This knowledge further enables me to become more and more practical. So during all difficult situations, I am able to remain light and internally stable. There will be no fluctuation experienced within, whatever the challenges may be. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Thought for today 28-09-2013

Generosity gives without expectations and gets everything. So avoid attaching strings to any generosity you extend.

Give without wanting anything in return and 
simply accept whatever comes back, or doesn't come back! 

Actually, what is right and what you need comes to you naturally, at the right time.

Soul Sustenance

The Journey Of Time (cont.) 

In yesterday’s message, we had explained how the Law of Entropy works on a physical level. When the Law of Entropy is applied to spiritual energy, our virtues, to the quality our thoughts, words and actions, we can perhaps begin to see why, as individuals, we feel tired and old in virtues, irrespective of whether we are young or old physically. We can also understand why we succumb to negative thoughts, words and actions more easily than being influenced by the positive. In fact, the entropy of our virtues i.e. the spiritual entropy has followed the same pattern as the entropy of the physical world or the physical entropy (explained yesterday) i.e. the spiritual energy or the energy of the virtues of the world has been reducing (as the world has become older and older) because it has not been renewed or re-energized from a source outside the system. When we accept this movement from new to old, we understand the journey of time in a completely different way. 

As we look backwards into the journey of time, we find that although there have been very important scientific discoveries and global communication has improved immensely, which have all contributed to the give everyone an illusion of progress, everyone accepts that we are not enjoying healthier, more loving and peaceful relationships with ourselves, each other or the planet Earth. The reason for this is understood easily by applying the second law of time i.e. everything new becomes old. At the present moment, the source from outside the world system (on a spiritual level) which is required to re-energize it and restore it to its original new stage is the Supreme Soul or God or the Spiritual Sun, who is an ocean of spiritual energy and divine values or virtues. In meditation we, as living beings, who are part of the world system, can absorb this energy or divinity from him and contribute to this process. 

Message for the day

Cleanliness of the intellect brings accurate decision making. 

Projection: When the intellect is not clear, it is constantly wandering and it becomes tired. A tired intellect is not able to concentrate properly and so whatever decisions are made at that time are not so accurate. When there is cleanliness within there are no waste or negative thoughts and the entire thought power is used in the right way and so the right decisions are made. 

Solution: When I am clean within, I am able to experience lightness. Because I am clean and clear within, I find that I do not have any conflict or difficulty in making decisions. Instead I will be able to find the flow of thoughts moving in the right direction very naturally. So I find things also moving in the right direction. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, September 27, 2013

Thought for today 27-09-2013

Patience brings contentment. 

When I am patient with life's situations and people, I am able to appreciate the beauty of everything that is happening in my life. I am not caught up with the future, but am able to enjoy this moment and use it well. This automatically brings contentment in my life, without making me lazy. Today I will make patience my companion. When anything happens that I don't like, I just have to remind myself that I need to enjoy this moment and work to make my future better. I need not worry about what will happen or have fear of it.

Soul Sustenance

The Journey Of Time (cont.) 

We also see in nature that everything new becomes old. Nothing ever starts old and becomes new. All material possessions including the human body, all political movements, religious movements, different philosophies etc. move from a state of newness to a state of oldness or decay. This is on a micro level. When we apply this principle and process on a macro level to the world as a whole, we can then easily understand why we live in an 'old world' – a world with scientific progress but overused, misused, tired and where many sectors are simply worn out. This process is sometimes known asentropy. The Law of Entropy states that a closed system moves from order to disorder or chaos, when the energy inside it reduces because it is not renewed or re-energized from a source outside that system. On a physical level, the sun sustains and re-energizes the systems of nature on the physical Earth every day. But in the recent past our exploitation of the world has started to become faster than the world’s ability to renew or re-energize. We now use the trapped energy in our physical world much faster than the sun can replace it. 

Tomorrow, we shall explain how the Law of Entropy can be applied to spiritual energy and our virtues. 

Message for the day

The one who understands God's love is himself loving too. 

Projection: The one who understands that God has love for all children, never hates anyone, however negative the other person's charactersitics might be. There is the understanding that it is not the person who is negative, but it is only a negative quality working within that person at that time. A loving person's love discourages the other person to use the negativity and encourages to use the positive qualities instead. 

Solution: When I am connected with God, I am able to experience His love. Once I understand and experience His love, I am able to remain loving too - even with the most difficult people. I am then able to have good wishes for all, understanding that my love will make them positive too. I am never caught up with anyone's negativity, but am always happy as I only interact with positivity. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thought for today 26-09-2013

We've all been guilty of thinking, "I just don't have the time." 

You might not have the time to do everything but 
you DO have time. It's just that you're choosing to spend your time elsewhere.

Make time for things that matter by spending less time on things that don't. Try to: chat less; watch less TV; browse the web less; check your email, Facebook, Twitter less.

Soul Sustenance

The Journey Of Time 

There are two laws governing the journey of time in this world. 

• Firstly, the movement of time is cyclic i.e. without a beginning or an end. It is not linear i.e. a straight line with a beginning and an end, and

• Secondly, everything new undergoes degradation and becomes old at some point of time.

These two laws help us to understand the journey of time and why the world is in its present state. 

We use time to attempt to measure change. One day is measured by the time taken by the earth to rotate around its axis. One day is our basic unit of measurement of time. One year is measured by the time taken by the earth to revolve around the sun. So the movement of time in our physical world is always cyclical. The cycle of the day, from dawn to daylight to dusk to night, is a movement that repeats with absolute constancy. A larger cycle is that of the seasons - from spring to summer to autumn to winter - which also repeat in the same way. When we become a detached observer and look at the 'big picture' of human history, we see an even larger cycle, the eternal world cycle of time – a cycle that moves from the day of humanity (where everything is positive on a physical as well as spiritual level) to the night of humanity and then back to the day of humanity to repeat again. But to believe and understand that picture completely, we first need to understand the second law of time and also connect it with the first law. 

Tomorrow we shall explain the second law of time. 

Message for the day

The right solution is found by the mind which is free from worry. 

Projection: No matter how hard one worries about a problem, there can be no solution found. When the mind is free from worry, it is able to be calm. Then there will be no struggle but very naturally the right decision is made, which would be for the benefit of the self and that of others too. On the contrary, a mind that is worried would make decisions that are harmful, even after a lot of thinking and rethinking. 

Solution: When I keep the mind free from worry in the most difficult situation, I am able to experience inner calm, inspite of the outer disturbance, because there is no disturbance in my natural thinking process. There is a lot of peace within, which enables me to be free from negative feelings for everyone. I also naturally have good wishes for myself and others, so whatever I do would be for everyone's benefit. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thought for today 25-09-2013

Cooking With Love

When the subtle, spiritual aspect of cooking is taken into consideration, the role of the cook extends from simply creating tasty, nourishing meals with fresh ingredients, to including a spiritual connection with those who will be eating that food. The aim will be to touch and fill the heart as well as the palate and stomach. The love of the cook, and his or her motivation to offer sustenance, will nourish as much as the chemical components of each dish. Food cooked by a person who is angry, depressed or full of arrogance or hatred will have a different effect from food cooked with feelings of love, peace and the pure desire to serve. In other words, we are what we eat but also the thoughts and attitudes that go into what we are eating. Even in today's demanding society, when there seems to be hardly enough time to cook, let alone do so peacefully and caringly, it is therefore definitely beneficial to develop a positive attitude towards cooking. Before undertaking any food preparation, remind yourself that the project at hand can and should be an enjoyable, creative activity, rather than an unpleasant, time-consuming activity. A good practice, then, is to meditate before cooking and then to let preparing the meal itself be a creative, meditative experience which yields a balanced, health-promoting diet for the body as a temple for the soul. Food always tastes better when it has been flavoured with love and happiness. 

Having prepared food with attention, the Brahma Kumaris' practice is then to offer the freshly-prepared meal to the Supreme Soul (we call it offering bhog to the Supreme Father). Expressing gratitude in this way serves to increase the spiritual quality of the food and deepen the individual's personal relationship with the Divine, while also creating a powerful, shared spiritual experience. On a very practical level, it will also help the body to prepare itself to receive and digest food. Of course, the last step is to eat, and this, too, is best done in a peaceful, unhurried and harmonious state of mind and environment: we are what we eat and also how we eat. 

The information which we have shared in this and the last two days messages does not pretend to be a complete guide to cooking with a spiritual touch. However, whether you are a new, aspiring or trained cook, we hope that the information, with its emphasis on the soul as well as the body, will bring an added dimension to your kitchen and dining table. Cooking, and eating, should be a joyful and significant experience. So cook and enjoy! 

Soul Sustenance

The Power Of Concentrated Thought (cont.) 

Yesterday we had discussed external influences. Some of the internal influences or voices include the influence or voice of: 

* selfish or impure desires of name, fame, revenge, greed, remaining in control of a situation or a person or dominating a situation or a person; 
* the ego; 
* the past; 
* our inner conscience; 
* pure desires; 
* the Supreme Being or God; 
* our worries of the present or of the future; 
* temporary negative sanskars or personality traits; 
* original or inherent positive sanskars or personality traits; 
* attachments to people, situations, material objects, etc.; 
* jealousy or dislike for a particular person, etc. 

We are exposed to some or all these influences, whether external or internal, all the time. If we are not strong, our mind weakens under so many influences, which as a result, becomes unclear, confused and unfocused. Because of all of this, on the one hand, we need to have good judgment power to remain connected to what is essential, important and true, and on the other hand, you have to strengthen your thought, that is, think less; think more slowly; more concentrated and clearly with focus, a sense of purpose and positivity. That thought is like an arrow; it has positive force and clarity and it always bears powerful fruit. This kind of thought is called concentrated thought. The practice of introversion or meditation for a minute or few minutes at regular intervals during the day helps us remain above all influences and constantly feeds our mind with the power of silence, which helps us remain in this experience of concentrated thought easily. 

Message for the day

A powerful stage is like a switch which finishes darkness of negativity in a second. 

Projection: Darkness is dispelled when a light is switched on. Similarly, a powerful stage is also a light switch. When this switch is on, one can put an end to all wasteful darkness and no longer have to labour to stop any wasteful thoughts. By becoming powerful, one can naturally become a donor, as there is nothing waste within. 

Solution: When I am aware of my positive qualities and what I can contribute to others, I am able to be powerful. This naturally enables me to be light and spread the inner light to others. I am never influenced negatively with any kind of waste or negative, but am always able to maintain my own positivity and that of others too. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Thought for today 24-09-2013

Cooking With Love 

In today’s information age, we are continuously bombarded with details about the physical aspects of what we eat and the effects that different ingredients may or may not have on us, and naturally this is important. But in this heap of information, we tend to overlook one crucial factor: the consciousness (state of mind) of the person cooking and the effect that this will have upon the food, and thus also on those who eat it. A cook prepares food in a physical place, but also in a spiritual or inner space. And just as the physical surroundings are best kept clean and in order, so should be the state of mind of those in the kitchen. A simple and familiar example of this concept at work can be seen in the way that home cooking, especially that of one’s mother, holds a special place in our hearts. The love and care with which it is prepared sometimes gives us more joy than perhaps food eaten in a restaurant setting where food may be prepared with greater technical skills but where stress, arrogance and greed may flavour the dish of the day.

(continued tomorrow... )

Soul Sustenance

The Power Of Concentrated Thought (cont.) 

One important component that doesn’t let us remain in the healthy and positive experience of concentrated thought is the many different types of influences we are exposed to in our life. There are two different types of influences –external and internal. These influences can also be called voices. Voices from outside as well as inside speak to us. 

External influences or voices are of people whom we come in contact with at home, at the workplace, at school or college, at the club, in the media etc. or elsewhere. These people are those whom we either see as equals or look upto. They could be our friends, our parents, our spouse, our teacher, our guru, our doctor, our neighbor, our colleagues, our boss, actors or sportsmen whom we admire, even the daily newsreaders or writers, etc. We have been exposed to these influences right from the time we were born. The influences from all these people are not necessarily on a physical level, they can also be on a subtle level of mental vibrations from others. We interact with all or some of these people and spend time with them and whenever we do that they advise us or give us their opinion on a physical level and we also listen to their voices on a subtle, emotional energy level e.g. we spend a lot many hours in the office. We may not interact with our boss all the time but his personality is constantly influencing everyone in the office on a subtle level, including us. The office environment is shaped largely by the head of the office. In the same way, we may be taking care that we listen only to the positive voices of the media and we do not listen to the negative ones, but the all pervading negative atmosphere that exists everywhere due to everyone being exposed to the news of violence, sorrow and impurity from the media, definitely influences us on a subtle level, even though we might not realize it. As children, we have been listening to the subtle voices of our parents, even when we were taking shape in our mother’s womb. 

In tomorrow’s message, we shall explain what our different types of internal influences or voices. 

Message for the day

Success comes to the one who absorbs only the good and positive aspects. 

Projection: The one who has the power to absorb, naturally absorbs only the positive aspects of everything he comes into contact with. So the response too is always positive. Never is there reactions towards difficult situations or people, but there is the natural ability to absorb all that is good and respond positively accordingly. 

Solution: Once I instill the habit of seeing only the positive aspect in everything, I find myself getting free from negativity. It is like filling in fresh water into a pail of dirty water. When there is a continuous flow of fresh water into even the most dirty water, gradually the water getting purified. So too I find myself getting internally cleansed of all negativity with a continuous flow of positivity. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today 23-09-2013

To remove waste is to ensure there is power to transform. 

We do want to bring about a change in our lives, but most times we are not able to do so. This is because; a lot of thought energy is getting wasted in unnecessary things. Any thought which is not brought into action in the right way is waste. So, we need to check and change such thoughts, so that there is power to change. Today I will check the quality of my thoughts from time to time (at least 5 times today). If I find myself thinking something that is not useful (it may not necessarily be a negative thought), I will change it with a nice positive thought. This practice will help me recognise what is waste, and then work to change it too.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Soul Sustenance

The Power Of Concentrated Thought 

The thoughts that we create are of different nature, different intensity and their quantity also varies from time to time during a particular day as well as night and also depending on what action we are performing at that particular moment of time or not performing any action at all. They possess immense potential or power, both positive and negative. They can either liberate (or empower) us or limit (weaken) us. This depends on what we think and how much we think. 

The mind tends to jump from one place to another. Many of our thoughts filled with doubts, dejection, fears, insecurity, irritation, worry, comparisons which give rise to emotions like jealousy or inferiority / superiority complexes, desires, un-enthusiasm, etc. are useless thoughts and weaken us. They defocus us and cloud our inner clarity. Sometimes we keep repeating certain type of thoughts inside our mind, we keep going round in circles. Most of the time, these repetitive thoughts are negative or waste in nature related to the emotions mentioned above. Sometimes the repetitive thoughts can be necessary or positive also. Even necessary and positive thoughts, when repeated again and again, turn into the superfluous (excess) or waste. So it’s important to think in a higher, concentrated way – think less and think powerful; such thoughts have a lot of clarity, focus and spiritual force that help us to put them into practice more successfully. A single thought or a series of thoughts can block the capacity to feel content and awakened spiritually and make us sorrowful. On the other hand, a single thought or a series of positive thoughts can be the key to open the door that allows us to access, enjoy and experience the richness of our inner self. But it has to be a pure, strong, clear and concentrated thought or thoughts. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

Success comes to the one who absorbs only the good and positive aspects. 

Projection: The one who has the power to absorb, naturally absorbs only the positive aspects of everything he comes into contact with. So the response too is always positive. Never is there reactions towards difficult situations or people, but there is the natural ability to absorb all that is good and respond positively accordingly.

Solution: Once I instill the habit of seeing only the positive aspect in everything, I find myself getting free from negativity. It is like filling in fresh water into a pail of dirty water. When there is a continuous flow of fresh water into even the most dirty water, gradually the water getting purified. So too I find myself getting internally cleansed of all negativity with a continuous flow of positivity.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today 22-09-2013

How do you handle others' success? 
Do you justify others' success with some trivial reason and so, easily dismiss them to feel better about yourself?

Instead of getting into feelings of jealousy, 
envy or resentment, be genuinely happy for other people. Appreciate all the work and the personal strengths that got them there.

Rather than comparing yourself and focusing on how much better others are doing, take inspiration from them and be motivated to go for what you really want in life.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Soul Sustenance

Understanding Qualities And Virtues 

Human beings have original qualities that are values which define our human and spiritual nature. The original qualities of each person are similar. The only difference is to be found in the intensity with which they are expressed. There are seven intrinsic qualities in human nature: peace, love, purity, happiness, power, bliss and truth. These qualities, that we all possess, are expressed in our life, relationships and activities in the form of different virtues. Any virtue that we express in our life and day-to-day interactions is not usually a unique quality; normally these virtues are a variety of qualities (listed above) that work together and express themselves. If we blend some primary colours, we get a wide range of colours. While we are expressing these original qualities in action, they mix together and become virtues. 

For example, patience is not an original quality of the self, but it is an important virtue, necessary for keeping calm in today's world. Patience possesses a little of the quality of love, wisdom and peace. If these original qualities are missing, in the sense that we have lost our contact with them, then impatience and irritability will arise. The virtue of tolerance requires inner strength, love and peace. 

From the moment we are born, we are subject to many negative influences from our family, society, religion, education, the media, culture, social class and ethnic background, that tarnish our basic values and often restrict our ability to express them in the form of different virtues in our daily actions and interactions. Spirituality helps us to revive these basic values. 

Message for the day

Obedience takes one towards the right direction. 

Projection: Obedience means understanding everything that comes one's way and allowing it to guide life in the right way - because nothing comes without a reason. An obedient mind is able to see the positive aspect and understand why there is that kind of a situation and humbly allows the situation to do its work. 

Solution: When I am obedient I am able to remain content and positive. I am not disheartened by low situations but understand that every low situation pushes me upward with greater force. So I enjoy being obedient and easy under all circumstances, yet being powerful within. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today 21-09-2013

To change thoughts is the ability to change words too. 

Whenever we find ourselves speaking rude or discouraging words, we realize and wish to change. We really don't like speaking that way. Yet we find that it is very difficult to do so. To try at the level of words may not bring change, but when I change my thoughts towards the other person, the seed of my thoughts will bring change in my words too. Today I will have good wishes for everyone I meet. Especially for those who are not so good to me. This will help me positive and powerful in my words too. What I speak will then bring benefit to
those I interact with.

Soul Sustenance

Meditation In Action (cont.) 

The churning over of points of knowledge throughout our active hours strengthens and maintains the meditative state of mind. 

There are five basic points to churn over. We had discussed two yesterday. 
The remaining three are given below. Create your own thought commentaries around each point. 

What Is My True Religion? 
No matter how much surrounding turmoil there may be, I can remember that my true religion is peace and purity. I am not a Hindu, a Buddhist or Christian, I am a peaceful soul. Just as people do not want to convert from their religions, I resist any attempt to pull me away from my true religion of peace and purity. 

Where And What Is My Home? 
Just as people love their homeland, I can have the same natural love for my original home, the soul world. At the same time I can be aware of my original form of light and power. In this way I can cross any situation that comes in front of me. I am also aware that I have soon to return home and so I must settle all my karmic accounts. 

How Is This World a Drama? 
With the consciousness of the eternal world cycle, I can see my role and the roles of others in a perfect and unlimited drama. Even though others and I are playing parts, we are separate from the roles. Now that I know the Director (Supreme Soul) and story of the whole drama from a spiritual perspective, there is no point in getting upset over tiny little scenes. I know that in the beginning of the drama when I had come on this world stage from the soul world, I was full of peace, love, purity and happiness and so now I can re-emerge the sanskaras that I had in the beginning. 

Message for the day

Humility brings excellence

Projection: Humility means there is no expectation of being perfect always. So whatever is done comes naturally. There is no feeling of threat about others' opinion, but the one who is humble is able to express inner talent without any fear and expectations. So humility takes one forward towards excellence:

Solution: When I am humble, I am able to stabilise myself in my state of self-respect always. This naturally is felt even when I am not able to bring perfection in my actions or even when others are not satisfied with me. Internally there is a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that I am constantly learning and moving forward.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, September 20, 2013

Thought for today 20-09-2013

When words are sweet, there is a positive impact. 

Sweet words are like flowers, when given to others brings happiness and spread love. On the other hand, harsh words are like stones that hurt. Harsh words emerge when there is some weakness working within me. Harsh words means that in some way I am feeling helpless and am resorting to something which is not so constructive. Today I will not say anything that is not sweet. If a situation does arise where I have to say something not so good and nice, I will move away from there. Till I am sure that I will not speak such words, I will not come back to that situation. In fact, I will try and resolve that point in my mind so that I don't speak
anything negative.

Soul Sustenance

Meditation In Action 

Meditation is not something we do but rather something we have. It is not that we spend 23 hours in an extrovert state and only one hour in introspective self-effort. In this sense, extroversion means to have the attention drawn by all the goings-on outside the soul. True introversion, also, does not mean to sit in a corner and not speak to anyone; it means to pay attention that all thoughts, words and actions are flowing in the right direction. In this respect, the churning over of points of knowledge throughout our active hours strengthens and maintains the meditative state of mind. 

There are five basic points to churn over. Create your own thought commentaries around each point. 

Who Am I? 
I am a soul. The body is my chariot. All human beings are souls too, my brothers and sisters. I see them with spiritual love. Whilst walking and talking I see others as souls. Maintaining this vision I cross all the barriers of worldly differences. 

Whose Child Am I? 
Just as I naturally have the awareness of being the child of my physical father, receiving sustenance and a form of inheritance, so too I can have the natural consciousness of being a child of the Supreme Father. I can reflect on the sustenance and inheritance in the form of knowledge, virtues and powers I receive from Him. 

(To be continued tomorrow ….) 

Message for the day

Humility brings excellence 

Projection: Humility means there is no expectation of being perfect always. So whatever is done comes naturally. There is no feeling of threat about others' opinion, but the one who is humble is able to express inner talent without any fear and expectations. So humility takes one forward towards excellence: 

Solution: When I am humble, I am able to stabilise myself in my state of self-respect always. This naturally is felt even when I am not able to bring perfection in my actions or even when others are not satisfied with me. Internally there is a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that I am constantly learning and moving forward. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thought for today 19-09-2013

To be detached is to experience freedom. 

Attachment is like a bondage. When I am attached to someone, I will not be able to fly nor will I let the other person progress. On the other hand, love empowers. I will be able to see what is lacking and provide accordingly. I will be able to enjoy the sweet relationship without feeling the bondage. Today I will check and see with which relationship I am experiencing sorrow. I will then see how I can change it into something more positive. I will work on the relationship in such a way that both will be able to experience freedom. There would be, then, be no expectations, but only the ability to give.

Soul Sustenance

The Relationship Between My Conscience And Intellect 

To act from a state of truth, it is important to realize the relationship between my intellect and conscience and what role these two play in experiencing this state of truth in my thoughts, words and actions. The quality of my thoughts, words and actions is based on the quality of my intellect and conscience. There are three different stages of the intellect conscience relationship. 

* The first stage is one in which my conscience and my intellect, both are so pure and transparent that whatever is right and true is naturally brought into my thoughts, words and actions and nothing negative or impure manages to enter into my thoughts, words and actions. 

* The second stage is one in which my conscience acknowledges that which is the truth, but the intellect does not have the strength to be able to bring the truth into practical. The conscience tells me one thing, but my intellect pulls me elsewhere, and it overpowers me. I do what I know I shouldn’t. 

* The third stage is one in which my conscience is not clean enough or aware enough to acknowledge the truth so the question of it influencing the intellect to bring the truth into practical does not arise. As a result my intellect, which is not at all backed by the conscience in this state, takes complete control of me. I do what I shouldn’t and I am not even aware of it. 

When my intellect overpowers my conscience repeatedly, my conscience loses its influence on my intellect. As a result the conscience keeps weakening until its voice is stifled or silenced. As a result of that, I can then no longer discriminate between truth and falsehood. I will feel that there are no fixed ways of defining right and wrong, that each has their own judgment or definition of truth and falsehood. True spiritual knowledge, which gets stored in the intellect, and the experience of meditation, which purifies the intellect as well as my conscience, both together, make me aware of the definition as well as give me an experience of what is the truth and what is false, what is right and what is wrong. As a result of that, I am able to maintain the first stage of the intellect conscience relationship very easily in my day-to-day actions.