Sunday, August 31, 2014

Thought for today 31-8-2014

The nectar of sweetness spreads happiness and increases success. 

We are usually task oriented and are focused on the task at hand. We don't pay that kind of attention to relationships too. This attitude creates an environment which doesn't allow us to increase the efficiency of our work. I need to pay special attention to maintain relationships also, along with the work that I get done. The sweetness within me spreads around positive vibrations to those around and creates a conducive environment which increases efficiency of the task.

Soul Sustenance

Becoming Aware Of What Is Ego 

All of us are familiar, to different extents, with the emotion of ego. All of us don’t even define it in the same way. We are also aware to different extents, about the negative repercussions (effects) of the emotion of ego on us and on others. Depending on how aware we are about the effects, we work to eradicate the emotion from our daily lives, so that it neither disturbs us nor others. Some of us even consider it a positive emotion and feel it contributes positively to our personal and professional progress. To be aware completely of the negative effects of ego and to realize clearly whether it is a positive emotion or not in the first place, it is important to first become aware of what it is exactly. So, how can we define ego? 

Ego is attachment, inside my consciousness, to an incorrect image of my ‘self’ which I then mistake for myself. When the attachment takes place, you lose your sense of identity in the image of the object of attachment which you create on the screen of your mind. That object can be something physical like your body, your physical personality, a relationship, a material possession, your status, money, a particular skill, respect from others, etc. or something non-physical like a belief; an opinion; a mindset, a memory, a particular virtue, specialty, power or a sanskara (positive or negative), etc. Therefore ego is the self attaching to and identifying with an image that is not the self. This process takes place entirely within our consciousness many times in the day, on the screen of the mind. E.g. When we say this is my salary package (something physical) ormy opinion (something non-physical), we are (without being aware about it) creating an image of the salary package or the opinion inside our consciousness and becoming attached to it, so that we lose our self identity in the salary package or the opinion, believing that I am the salary package or the opinion. So at that time, the salary package or the opinion becomes an incorrect image of the self to which I am attached. This is ego. If while thinking, feeling or speaking about my salary package or my opinion, we do not become attached to or do not lose our self identity in either of the two, then that is not ego. 

Message for the day

Where there is faith there is victory 

Projection: When someone has faith there are no doubts or questions about the self, others or situations. Faith also enables a person to see and understand simple things in life with a new understanding. It shows direction and courage to go on. 

Solution: When I have faith, I experience myself to be lucky and thus receive cooperation from many others. I would also be able to experience success at every step. There is then no worry for me and am troubled less by aspects that keep changing around me. My thoughts then would always be positive and I experience victory. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Thought for today 30-8-2014

Where there is knowledge energy is saved. 

I put in a lot of effort to deal with the situations I am faced with. But sometimes I do not find the success that I should. I then put in more energies to bring about the desired change, but without any positive result. In order to deal effectively with the situations, I need to understand the situation accurately. If I don't succeed once, I need to check if I have understood the situation accurately or not. With understanding, my energies don't get wasted away, but get focused accordingly.

Soul Sustenance

The Car-Driver Comparison To Aid Self Realization (Part 2) 

If a good driver, while driving a car is distracted by the negative and disturbing scenes which he comes across and his attention is pulled in many different directions, he will make his journey unsafe increasing the probability of meeting with accidents. When the same principles are applied to the soul and the body, I also need to take care that, while traveling on the road of life, I am not distracted by scenes that are not useful to me e.g. when looking out through my eyes and I don’t have to take in all the images, scenes and information along the way, otherwise I may meet with an accident. When listening through my ears, I don’t have to take in all the words and everything that people say, otherwise I may meet with an accident. I can choose to take in what is useful for me, but I do not have to register distracting, negative and harmful images and words. Just like a driver, I see and understand situations, too I keep my eyes and ears open - it would be unsafe to ignore them completely, I need to be aware of them - but I look only for the positive in them, so that I remain focused and am not deflected from my goal of experiencing inner contentment and bliss, while making the journey. 

I, as the driver in charge of this vehicle, the body, also need to take care that I do not drive rashly i.e. I learn to monitor the feelings and attitude that are transmitted outwards through my eyes, my words and my complete body language. Driving rashly i.e. transmitting negative energy in this way could harm any co-traveler on the road of life. When these feelings stay positive, filled with sweetness, purity and respect, that too helps to ensure that my journey passes smoothly and enjoyably. When I stay alert and aware in a driver conscious and drive carefully as explained in this and yesterday’s message, my actions bring me closer to my spiritual truth and I am able to share my positivity with others around me. When I lose awareness for even a moment, there's danger either from me to others or vice versa. 

Message for the day

The method to serve is to become an embodiment of power. 

Projection: Service to others is usually understood as bringing benefit to others through what I do. I have love for such service and make an attempt to do it too. But sometimes busy in such service, I find that my own self-progress is left behind. 

Solution: I need to pay attention for my own self-progress by learning from everything that happens. I thus find myself improving and filling myself with power. This power spreads around and shows the right path to others, just like a lighthouse and others continue to take benefit from me. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today 29-8-2014

What does courage mean to you? Is it being honest with yourself about your mistakes? Being honest about your shortcomings?

Is it to trust that things will work out, even when you can't see how? Is it taking action even when you are afraid? Does it have to be something heroic?

Ask yourself what courage means to you. And then keep pursuing courage in action.

Soul Sustenance

The Car-Driver Comparison To Aid Self Realization (Part 1) 

One of the comparisons which help in self realization i.e. in strengthening the awareness that I, the soul, a non-physical energy am different from this physical body is that of the driver and the car, where the driver represents the spiritual energy and the car represents the body which is controlled by the spiritual energy. The biggest reason why I do not have the desired control over my physical body, my vehicle, my sense organs today is that I lost the consciousness of being a driver which could control and rule the vehicle. Instead I developed the consciousness that I am this vehicle, this physical body. This consciousness disconnected me from the ability and the power I possessed inside me to control the vehicle. If I want to achieve the desired control, I need to be in a driver consciousness i.e. in the awareness that I am a soul and my body is a vehicle, through which I experience life. Being in this awareness, in this consciousness awakens me and empowers me to regain the much required control over my body. 

The car controls are the gears, brakes, accelerator and steering wheel which can be compared to the sense organs of the soul which are the mind, intellect and sanskars and those of the body which are the eyes, ears, nose, hands and tongue. A good driver is one who remains extremely alert and is able to use the gears, brakes, accelerator and steering wheel effectively and efficiently, in order to be fully in control of the vehicle and avoid any accidents. In the same way, as I move on the road of life, I need to keep my mental and physical sense organs (mentioned above) in complete control. If I do that, they will keep my journey enjoyable and take me to my desired destination of mental peace and happiness safely and successfully. If I don’t do that and let them overpower me, accidents will definitely occur, making me peaceless and sorrowful. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

To be experienced means never to be deceived by anything. 

Projection: It is normally understood that to be experienced means to gain expertise in something, or to become a master in a particular field. Such a person, who is an expert in one field might find himself totally impractical in daily situations. 

Solution: Life has so many things to teach me through the various situations. I need to keep learning from all that happens. Then I'll never be surprised or cheated by any unexpected events, but will be prepared because of being experienced. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thought for today 28-8-2014

Generosity brings success. 

I have a lot of treasures-treasures of virtues, powers, knowledge etc., which I usually don't put into use. When they are out of use for a long time, they get wasted away and are not available to me at the right time. The more generously I use the treasures that I have with me for the benefit of others and myself too, the more these treasures are available for me at the right time. Also, for being generous with my treasures I find myself moving easily towards success with the blessings that I get in return.

Soul Sustenance

Resisting False Attractions In Actions 

All that glitters (shines) is not gold. Life presents you with many illusionary scenes, scenes in which what may be visible may not be the truth. These scenes cause desires to be born inside you to achieve something unnecessary for your prosperity or other types of fulfillments. These can be illusions that make you believe that you will gain something from a situation or person, without the same being true. Thus, you waste time going down a path that not only leads you to disappointment; but you also waste the resource of your thoughts and energy and as a result you tire yourself out emotionally and mentally. 

If the intellect is polluted, you make incorrect judgments and are easily deceived by situations or people. Thus, you will make incorrect choices, dishonest or illogical decisions. You will justify dishonesty and improper actions and you will be incapable of differentiating between the real and the imaginary. A person with a pure, clear, clean and powerful intellect will act with honesty and sincerity. When your intellect is polluted, you may act against your own conscience or against your better judgment; you also may be insensitive. A person with a doubtful intellect will always justify a dishonest act. Meditation is the process of purifying and cleaning the intellect, because in meditation we connect with the purest intellect, the intellect of the Supreme Soul or God. Meditation is also a process of inner awakening and strengthening of your conscience. Being awake means to realize, and being strong means to act according to what you have realized. 

Message for the day

Determination is the best companion. 

Projection: When things go wrong, the first reaction is of fear. Because of this, I can't put in any effort to better the situation. I start looking for a companion, a support who can provide me help. But I rarely get help from outside. 

Solution: When I have to look for something to rely on, the only support I get is from my own determined thought. I need to make it my companion, not letting go of it till I succeed. This will help me overcome my fear and move towards success. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thought for today 27-8-2014

Each day is filled with a hundred choices and decisions, and wisdom is our best guide. 
Wisdom comes from three places - experience, learning and our deepest intuition. Each day is an opportunity to gather and use all three. 
Experience comes from engaging with life, 
learning comes from observing, and 
intuition comes from listening to ourself. 

At the end of the day sit down and write down what was the main experience, what did I learn and what did I hear...from myself? You did listen to yourself...didn't you?

Soul Sustenance

Factors that Bring Us Closer To Failure 

Given below are some factors that bring us closer to failure: 

• Dejection and Disillusion. 
• Fear. 
• Ignorance. 
• Confusion. 
• Influences. 
• Mental weakness. 
• Insecurity. 
• Inexperience. 
• Ego, arrogance. 
• Mistrust. 
• Attachment, dependencies. 
• Excuses, laziness, putting off. 
• Excess of acceptance with submission. 
• Fear of being yourself. 
• Making judgements without an objective vision. 
• Nervousness. 
• Not taking on limits. 
• Low self-esteem. 
• Blockages. Not going forward. 
• Intolerance. 
• Rigidity – inability to adapt to different situations. 

Message for the day

The one who is selfless is the one who is the best judge. 

Projection: When I have to take a decision, either for others or myself, there is some kind of selfishness or greed involved in it. When I think only of my selfish desires, my judgement would not be accurate. 

Solution: I need to be detached and see what benefit there is for each one with the choice that I am going to make. The more I think of the benefit of all, the more my judgement is accurate. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Thought for today 26-8-2014

If you listen with your heart, you're able to catch not just the facts but also the feeling behind the words. 
Listen with your head and you're aware of what to listen to, who to listen to and how to digest what you hear.

Open your ears and be an avid listener; listen with your heart as well as your head!

Soul Sustenance

Defining Failure 

Given below are some definitions of failure: 

• Depending on your perception: failure actually does not exist. 
• Staying stuck in what you could have done and haven't done. Letting your though patterns to be influence by the same. 
• Experiencing emotions of frustration, pain, suffering. 
• Losing your notion (idea) of the dream, of the ideal life you want to lead. 
• Not fulfilling set expectations. 
• Not having enough courage and bravery to walk through life. 
• Not being the ruler of your thoughts, feelings, actions and life in general. 
• Allowing yourself to be led by something negative that a particular situation causes. 
• Distancing yourself from your values. 
• Not being in harmony with your inner conscience (while performing actions). 
• When the self does not accept what life brings it. 
• Putting your life in the hands of, and blaming, others and circumstances with feelings of emptiness and confusion. 
• False expectations. 
• Excessive attachment. 
• Excessive materialism. 

Tomorrow we shall discuss some factors that bring us closer to failure. 

Message for the day

A deep understanding and an attitude of pure feelings results in positive thinking. 

Projection: When we talk about positive thinking, it is usually just 'think positive' and 'be positive'. But just saying this, either to others or to myself, doesn't help to change my thoughts permanently, in fact usually, not even temporarily. 

Solution: Real positive thinking is much deeper than just to think positive. For this I need to understand and see things as they are, without colouring them with my own attitudes. Then I can deal with things in the most appropriate way, having understood everything accurately. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Monday, August 25, 2014

Thought for today 25-8-2014

Faith bring determination. 

When we are trying for something we find ourselves losing hope and giving up. Although we feel that we are trying till the end, it is usually not so. Sometimes we find ourselves giving up just before we could have succeeded. Determination to succeed comes with faith - faith in myself and the faith that things will work out fine. This faith doesn't let me give up mid-way but gives me determination that makes me put in efforts till I achieve success.

Soul Sustenance

The Evolution Of Anger 

We become a little irritated when we are stuck in a traffic jam and we getting late to reach somewhere on time, or we are not going to complete a particular task, as per our expectations or if someone whom we very well know decides to ignore us today, for some reason or the other. If this seed of irritation is watered, or in other words it is given the concentrated energy of our attention i.e. we continue with the irritation for some time, it slowly grows or evolves into frustration. Unless we take some constructive inner action to stop the growth of the frustration and we keep energizing it, it will grow or evolve into anger. And if this happens regularly and we are not careful, it will become a habit, a part of our personality, which we will finally come to believe is a natural part of your nature. We will even think we were born with it. That it is ‘in our genes’. Every time we become angry we cause the production of certain chemicals in our body and we also become addicted to those chemicals – then we look for people and situations which will give us an excuse to get angry so that we can have our daily dose of chemicals. We not only become attached to material objects, people, ways of thinking, beliefs etc. - we also become attached to our emotions like the emotion of anger. The regular secretion of these chemicals will finally kill our body. We don’t need to kill our body. We need to accept that anger is never ever productive, know that it is just not necessary to be angry with anyone or about anything, know that it is entirely our own creation and know that we can choose a different response. If we know and accept that, we will experience freedom from it. 

Message for the day

To be constantly enthusiastic is to experience freedom.

Projection: When everything is going on well I find myself enthusiastic and have the interest to move forward. But when even a little thing goes wrong, I lose all enthusiasm to do anything else. This creates a bondage for me and I find it difficult to move forward.

Solution: I need to remind myself that to be enthusiastic in all situations is to be like a free bird reaching great heights. To lose enthusiasm according to difficult situations is to be like a caged bird.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Thought for today 24-8-2014

What happens when your anger button gets pushed? Do you get all het up? Do you let your emotions erupt on someone else?

As anger increases, perspective & reasoning decreases; rather than adding fuel to the fire, often the best thing we can do is give ourselves a moment to recuperate, even if it's just briefly. Take a deep breath, & then several more deep breaths. Come back to calm, & consider how you want to respond.

When you have a moment, reflect on how you want to handle things, the next time your anger buttons get pushed.

Soul Sustenance

Exercise On Self Discovery (Part 2) 

Think about which qualities you need to possess as a professional or as a homemaker e.g. qualities of a team leader in a corporate organization would be: efficiency, responsibility, focus, precision, determination, etc. Then, leaving aside the professional aspect, explore your basic, innate qualities. Reflect on your inner and spiritual values. Which values make you happy? Look deep into your inner self. Take some time in this and note down three of these essential values in your life. What conclusion have you come to? What are these values? 

The more we really understand ourselves, with our defects, weaknesses, virtues and values, the better our relationships will be with others. We will understand when they have little understanding of themselves and others. Knowing oneself in-depth, taking into account everything described above as well as in yesterday’s message, requires time, effort, observation and the practice of silence. In silence one can begin a conversation with oneself. In this way we can gradually discover our inner beauty and strength, and be aware of the basis of our value and dignity as human beings. When we relearn to see ourselves with our original qualities and innate values, it is also easier to recognise these qualities in others. 

Message for the day

To do a task with love is to be constantly successful. 

Projection: When I start with something new, I usually notice that I'm successful for sometime, but I do not experience long lasting success. This is because I did the task on being told or being forced by the situation. External force makes me use my resources with commitment for sometime. 

Solution: Love brings constant success because once I've experienced the joy of doing the task itself, I'll never give it up. Because it is done with love, I'll put in all my resources and do my best. So I'll experience constant success. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Thought for today 23-8-2014

To accept responsibility is to accept challenge. 

In many situations that life brings our way we have two choices - either we meet it bravely and take up responsibility for our own lives and the choices we make or we just try to escape. Many times we find ourselves taking the second way, which brings no internal satisfaction. Internal satisfaction lies more in accepting challenges than in trying to escape them. I need to remain on the field in the game of life instead of just being a spectator. The more I play the more expertise I gain. This thought enables me to accept the different challenges that life brings.

Soul Sustenance

Exercise On Self Discovery (Part 1) 

Many people today do not have a clear sense of identity. In fact, when you ask people about the image they have of themselves, it is usually negative, and they see their weaknesses (negative sanskaras) and mistakes committed in the past more easily than their qualities (positive sanskaras) and achievements. This negative image of oneself leads us to an identity crisis. A negative image causes feelings of dissatisfaction to accumulate within oneself. Then our lifestyle is affected by the need for recognition and approval, by the need to justify ourselves, of obtaining material achievements and success. 

Given below is an exercise to experience your true self: 
Sit back and observe yourself. What is the image you have of yourself? How do you see yourself? Who are you really? What is there left when you have removed all the labels? Are you thoughts, feelings, free will, energy, ideas, being, conscience, intellect, life? What do the majority have in common? They are internal, incorporeal and invisible: they are non-physical aspects. The true self is incorporeal and invisible. 

Now experience your ideal self: Make a list of which qualities you think your ideal self should have, the self you deeply long to be and experience in your life. The list may include qualities such as: joyful, tolerant, generous, fearless, free, loving, among others. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

Message for the day

To see specialities in all is to become special. 

Projection: Most of the time, I'm caught up in looking at people's negativity. When I see some negative quality in someone, I immediately make his specialities a background and start focusing on his negative traits. The more I think of these negative qualities, the more they occupy my conscious mind, changing my reactions too.

Solution: It is natural to be coloured or influenced by what I see. If I see specialities, I'll take on a little of that and if I see weaknesses, I'll take on a little of that too. So I need to make an attempt to look at only specialities and encourage others too to use their specialities.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Friday, August 22, 2014

Thought for today 22-8-2014

True victory is to have internal stability. 

Whenever the situation is good and I am experiencing success, my internal state of mind is good too. But when something challenging happens, I begin to experience fear or anxiety. More than the situation going wrong, it is in fact my reaction that goes wrong. In order to experience success or to feel victorious, I need to change the way I respond to situations. Even in the most negative situations I need to remind myself that the situation itself is not in my hands but how I choose to respond is surely in my hands. So I naturally make the best choice. 

Soul Sustenance

Harmonizing The Mind And The Intellect

The intellect is the faculty of the soul that judges thought and determines its quality, its ethical purity, its truthfulness, its usefulness, its appropriateness, whether it is necessary, right or wrong. The intellect is backed by the conscience. In fact, the conscience expresses itself through the intellect. If you have a positive thought, the intellect should approve it and allow it to be put into practice. If a feeling of doubt accompanies the positive thought, the intellect should take it into account and remove that doubt, before the thought gets converted into action. When the faculties of the mind and intellect are pure and strong, and they cooperate in harmony; they support one another and there is no inner conflict. If the intellect is weak, the mind feels confused and it will generate many unproductive thoughts. There will be an inner conflict and in the end the intellect will lose, because the power of influence of the intellect is less. Then, the intellect will not have the power to prevent them from going into action. Actions will be performed that are negative or unproductive, in opposition to the conscience, and they will as a result create negative habits.

The intellect is the most important faculty of human consciousness to bring about personality change. If the quality of the intellect is good, the capacity and quality of the intellectual processes through which you perceive and live reality will be higher. If the intellect is clean and pure, you will differentiate what is real and authentic from what is unreal and false. You will be able to judge if a situation is beneficial or wasteful, useful or useless. 

Message for the day

To be free from the burden of responsibility is to fulfill the responsibility well. 

Projection: When I am responsile for something or people expect me to be answerable for something, I tend to feel heavy because of these responsibilities. With the such a feeling of having a burden, I'm not able to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability. 

Solution: Whatever responsibilities are given to me are according to my capabilities. When I remind myself of this I'll be able to be light and give my best to fulfill all my responsibilities. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thought for today 21-8-2014

To be free from negativity is to be truly free. 

All of us like freedom and we expect that others should give us the chance or opportunity to express ourselves as we like to. But sometimes this type of freedom is misused and I am not able to do the right thing. Such actions based on false freedom are harmful to others and myself too. True freedom is to be totally free from negativity. When I can free myself from the negative influences I will be able to take up responsibility for my actions and everything I do will be right. This will automatically give me the freedom to do what I want to do without misusing it.

Soul Sustenance

Meditation On Experiencing My Original Loveful Nature 

I sit in silence, letting my thoughts go away from the outer world... I allow my mind to relax... to calm down... I focus my attention on the heart of my being... My heart is like a sacred silent place where I can feel what I really am... I am peaceful and light... a loving soul... strong... secure... kind... 

I have many virtues and qualities that I can share with others... Now my attention is going towards the quality of love... I imagine love like a seed in my heart waiting to awaken... grow... and blossom... like a rose... For this, I only have to accept... believe... feel... that I am a soul full of love... child of the Ocean of Love… I am a spiritual rose flower... radiating the spiritual fragrance of love… 

Letting go of the past... letting go of expectations... fears... negative feelings... forgiving... opening my heart... feeling that it is cleansed and this energy of love is as pure as the clean water flowing from a waterfall. Nothing and nobody have touched it... this is a love that asks for nothing in exchange... the love of a clean heart is unselfish... free of ego and expectations... It makes truth and sincerity grow... acceptance and understanding... I open my heart completely to love... I inhale deeply... I visualize my heart filling itself with this energy of pure love... I exhale slowly... and I visualize radiating this light of love from the deepest part of my heart towards the world... I am a beautiful soul of light radiating peace and love... I am love... I love myself and accept myself and others... 

Message for the day

The ability to find solutions comes when I know the art of listening. 

Projection: I normally get to hear a lot of things and tend to get coloured by all that I hear. The more I hear about negative things, the more difficult it becomes to maintain my own positivity. Yet I can do nothing to ignore the things that make me feel negative. 

Solution: I need to know to listen to people rather than just hearing them. To know to listen means the ability to transform negative into positive. Just as a doctor listens to all the negative aspects about the disease etc and still knows only to give the medicine, I too need to listen in order to give what is required. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Thought for today 20-8-2014

To give regard to all is to have control. 

I usually want to control people and want regard from all. In the process I show my authority to those around me and try to get things done. Yet I find that when I do this I am not able to have anycontrol others or their behaviour. The best way to get things done is by giving regard to all. When I have true regard for them, I am also able to receive regard from them. It is this regard that will make others understand and behave according to my needs.

Soul Sustenance

Instruments/Tools To Perceive God 

Perhaps I have been avoiding coming close to God because of the extraordinary confusion surrounding the subject. Maybe I have just lacked the tools with which to be able to discover God. The whole universe of things going on within a tiny drop of blood can be instantly revealed by the use of a tool or an instrument like the microscope. In the same way, the secrets behind realities of the self, the non-physical, spiritual self and the reality of God remain hidden until undiscovered by the appropriate instruments or tools. With which tools or instruments then, can I perceive or experience God? Since God is non-physical, the tools would also definitely be non-physical in nature. 

That I haven't been able to understand myself is amply demonstrated by the periods of confusion and inner turmoil I go through. Sometimes I don't understand those with whom I share the same room or house, let alone my neighbors next door! The word ‘misunderstanding’ occurs frequently even in the closest of my relationships. It indicates that the quality of my mind, consciousness or even conscience hasn't been sufficiently clear to establish real rapport between myself and others. The realization and experience of God remain even further out of reach. 

There's a very specific methodology involved in firstly understanding and organizing myself, and from that, coming to terms with God. I already have the most powerful of all instruments, the energy of my own mind, to work with. The extent to which I am able to research into the subject of God-realization depends on the quality of my thoughts and feelings. 

Message for the day

To have learnt means to bring about a practical change. 

Projection: From all that happens, I usually understand a lot of things and take important lessons. But sometimes I find myself making the same mistakes again and again. So I am not able to bring about real change. 

Solution: Once I realise and learn from a mistake that has happened, I need to spend some time in understanding it even further. I need to ensure I don't ever repeat the same mistake. This will enable me to bring about real change. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Thought for today 19-8-2014

To have hope in the hopeless is real service. 

 When we see someone behaving very negatively, we tend to react negatively too. We think and speak about his negative qualities and further increase his negativity in our minds. This creates a negative environment which doesn't allow him to change for the better. When I come across someone who is using his negative qualities, I need to make special effort to give him that positive environment where he can get encouraged to use his positive qualities. Only then can I do the special service of bringing about a positive change in him. 

Soul Sustenance

Simple Exercise To Identify Your Hidden Fears 

If you want to overcome and overpower fears that exist inside you, you have to first take a look at your feelings and hidden emotions. After realizing your feelings and emotions, you have to know how to manage them and finally correct or overcome them. Given below is a simple exercise that will help you to achieve that. This exercise will help you identify the conscious and sometimes sub-conscious (very subtle) fears that lie inside you. Choose an area of your life that you feel is negative and needs some improvement. Now, ask yourself these three questions: 

1. What do I really want, what is my aim and objective?
2. What obstacle/obstacles are stopping me from achieving my objectives?
3. What prevents me from dealing with or overcoming that obstacle? 

For each fear that comes to you in response to the question no. 3, ask yourself the following questions:
A. What is the worst that can happen, if what I fear occurs?
B. What is the best possible result for me and for others, if I do it even though I feel afraid of doing it?
C. Keeping in front of you the answer to question B and comparing it with the answer to question A will inspire you to overcome the fears that lie inside you. 

Message for the day

To forgive the self is to have the ability to forgive others too. 

Projection: I sometimes find it very difficult to forgive the mistakes committed by others. I do try to understand but am not able to understand the other person's behaviour and so find it difficult to forgive them. 

Solution: When I have love for myself and am able to learn from all that happens, I am able to forgive myself. When I know to do this, I can understand the other person too from his perspective and can easily forgive him. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris