Thursday, May 2, 2013

Soul Sustenance

A Basic Meditation For Beginners (cont.) 

Referring to yesterday’s meditation, when you sit to meditate, choose the quietest and most peaceful place you can find, either in your home or in your office or anywhere else, preferably in a place that you do not use very often. If this isn't possible, make the physical and subtle atmosphere in the room around you such that it won't disturb your concentration or divert your attention. If you can, set this place aside purely for the purpose of meditation. You could also choose to sit in the proximity (closeness) of nature. Start with ten or fifteen minutes. Then gradually increase the time. Soft or subdued lighting will help as will some soft background music of your choice. 

The basic meditation, explained yesterday, is simple to do, extremely relaxing and energizing. It can be easily integrated into your busy schedule. All you need are three or four minutes anywhere, any time. In this meditation you consciously use your mind to relax your body. Once your body is relaxed, it allows you to give your mind with positive, unbroken attention. The more you practice this meditation, the easier it becomes. Finally, with practice, you won't need to work through your complete body, part by part – the body will relax almost instantly with just one thought. This mind-body relaxation experience is a very basic one but is the foundation for advanced and deeper meditations. 

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