Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Soul Sustenance

The Triangle Of Spiritual Energy (Part 2) 

Today, when human beings seek love, meaning and purpose, they first connect horizontally (with others) rather than vertically (with the Supreme Source). This leads to a greater loss of energy and eventually dissatisfaction and emptiness. The vertical connection liberates the self from becoming dependent on someone else and from having too many expectations. 

After the vertical connection, there can then be the horizontal connection with others, that is, with the outside or external. 

The horizontal movement can be called 'reconnection'. When we have taken the first two steps (first inwards i.e. connection with the self and then upwards i.e. connection with the Supreme), we reconnect with others on the basis of openness and sharing, rather than selfishness and need. At this point, there are real relationships that are respectful and balanced, rather than a relationship of wanting, taking, or exploiting. We have come to understand that when we are well with ourselves, we will be well with others. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

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