Friday, March 20, 2015

Soul Sustenance

Cooking A Meal – Subtle Energies At Work (Part 1)! 

Mother, what are you making for dinner tonight? Do make something delicious! The ordering children often dictate the menu for a meal to their mothers, hoping for a mouthful. Mothers are often in a hurry to finish their cooking tasks for the day and also eager to fulfill the tastes of their children and other family associates. Often mothers relax at the end of the day after having spent their energies on the minutest details of their meals – the vegetables, the salt, the turmeric, the spices, the oil, the pulses, the wheat flour and the water – taking care that food is prepared precisely, leaving no room for error. The objective – satisfying the palate of everyone and also earning the blessings from the family expressed in the form of many - yummies, wows, lovelies and thank yous. How come, inspite of this warm exterior feel to this family setting, there lie underneath not so warm subtle energies, which prevent the food from being not only pleasing to the tongue and stomach, but also spiritually fulfilling. This is the message of the Supreme’s children, the mothers, wives and even the young sisters and brothers, who cook food at the Brahma Kumaris in different settings - at their homes or at the official spiritual service locations. 

Love filled food, pure vibrational energy filled food is not only healthy, curing ailments but also spiritually, emotionally and mentally soothing, because of the subtle bridges that exist between the body and the non-physical mind causing both of them to influence each other. You have heard of how food cooked by a mother tastes better than the food cooked by a maid. Why? Because of the purity of purpose. The mother is absorbed in the love of her children while working on the meals and the maid cooks because she earns from the task, which she experiences as tedious many times. The mother will cook with a higher purpose which reflects in the food quality and the energy it’s every morsel (bite) carries invisibly. So food should be cooked in love, but let’s change this to a higher love, say a higher love for God and not the worldly love which carries with it dependencies, attachments, possessiveness and fear. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

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