Saturday, March 7, 2015

Soul Sustenance

Message On The Festival Of Holi 

Holi is the festival of colours, love and harmony. 

So let's burn the dry sticks of our weaknesses, imperfections and grudges for others. Let’s forgive and imbibe perfection and goodness. 

Let us delete whatever we are holding onto in our minds, for others. It only depletes our power and the vibrations radiate to the other person, bringing about pain and disharmony. 

Let's smear each other with permanent colours of love, trust and compassion. Colour ourselves with God's unconditional love and smear everyone we meet. 

Ho Li means 'I Belong'. So let me the soul belong completely to God or the Supreme Soul. 

Ho Li means past has passed. If there is anything we hold painful in our minds, let's remind ourselves, it's the past, it's over. 

Ho Ly means purity and integrity in our every thought, word and action. Let's live the meaning of Holi not just in the present moment, but each day of the year ahead. 

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