Saturday, April 4, 2015

Soul Sustenance

Dancing To God’s Flute Tune (Part 2) 

Recognizing God’s role as a teacher is the first step in developing the faith that God has at the present moment descended on the planet Earth to give the knowledge of Himself, the soul and its 84 different roles in the eternal world drama which is the maximum number of roles a soul can play in the 5000 years world film, which can also be called a drama. God also imparts the knowledge of this complete world drama, exactly what was the state of the planet in the beginning and how things changed as time passed, how human souls fell from the pedestal of soul consciousness and succumbed to the dust of body consciousness and how they started worshipping and calling out to God after the fall, as sorrow increased due to incorrect karma, karma which was against the basic and original nature of humans, which was the same as the nature of God at the beginning of the world drama. This is because God transforms the nature of humans to become like His nature at the end of each repetition of the world drama, to begin a fresh repetition. 

The next step is listening to the flute of knowledge, not a physical flute, but the sweet sounds of God’s voice transferred through His appointed physical medium and dancing to this flute tune, experiencing super-sensuous joy, joy that surpasses the highest possible joy that exists due to material comforts, or joy from the physical senses of touch, sight and taste. This joyful dance to the sounds of God’s flute of knowledge has been depicted in the Bhagavat scripture in the form of gopis who used to run on hearing Krishna play the physical flute to hear the flute tune, again a representation of the incorporeal (non-physical) Supreme’s flute of knowledge and the dance of the gyan gopis or the gopis (beloveds) of knowledge mistakenly shown as the companions of a physical Krishna in the Bhagavat. The Bhagavat is a different scripture from the Gita, where God is shown as a Supreme teacher. Also, listening to this flute of knowledge, not only gives joy, but also removes the vices or weaknesses that are prevalent inside the human instinct due to a negative past in the latter part of the karmic cycle or commonly called world drama. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

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