Sunday, April 19, 2015

Soul Sustenance

The Wheel Of Time Turns (Part 2) 

Time, we thought, was a straight line, with a beginning and probably an end which we don’t know exactly when. The Big Bang theory gave time a beginning, when the universe began. Time in fact is a circle, without a beginning or an end i.e. it is eternal. Also, the universe not only includes nature but also human souls and souls of other species, all of which are eternal i.e. they are never created or destroyed, but they do undergo change. God, who is also a part of the universe, is eternal but He is the only one who does not undergo change. Not only you but everyone, whether a child or a grown up believed that time had a beginning and God is an imagination, with no role to play in the creation of the world as per the scientific principles taught in schools, which we grew up with at the back of our heads. These scientific principles were primarily the Big Bang theory and Darwin’s theory of evolution. We lived believing that our ancestors were apes never questioning the credibility of these theories and where they had gone wrong. 

God, who smiled all this while, as He was given the status of a man created concept by the supporters of these theories, since God is the creator of the world was forgotten. God, the Father of all of humanity, purifies and transforms human souls, souls of other species as well as nature, once on the wheel or circle of time, each time the time wheel turns completely and reaches the point of disorder in terms of divine qualities, and nature becomes destructive. This process is commonly called creation of the world and this process keeps the wheel spinning. He does not create humans and nature out of nothing but gives souls of all species, which are eternal, a new life or rejuvenates them when they came down in virtues and powers and become impure and he also brings nature’s elements in order. This process of transformation is the act of creation performed by God, the Father of each of the more than 7 billion human souls of the world once on the circle or wheel of time and this wheel of time keeps turning again and again, without a beginning or end. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

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