Sunday, April 16, 2017

Soul Sustenance

On A Spiritual Joyride (Part 1) 

A very important aspect of our lives is variety. Variety means doing a lot of different things in life which increase our enthusiasm and joy. It means loving every moment of the day by making it different. Whenever you have spent many days in your life doing one particular thing or working on one particular task, ask yourself am I becoming single task oriented? Or do I, while performing the task, also take care that my work is accompanied by periods of creative activities like reading, meditating, interacting and spreading all that I know, to others and learning more than I know now? 

There was once a king who loved the role he was playing and also gave a lot of love to the people he ruled. There was no one in his kingdom who did not like him or respect him but yet boredom was something he had to face repeatedly. The same routine was something he experienced everyday and he did not know how to overcome that. So, one day, he decided to spend a fixed time everyday talking to people in his kingdom discussing the problems that they were facing. And also, he started fixing small targets in his life, like ensuring that by this particular day, this particular work will get done which can also be termed as goal setting. He realized soon that by filling his life with the flavor of ambition, which in small amounts, is extremely useful for progress, his life was no longer repetitive. In fact, life became something he enjoyed, as long as the ambition was kept in limits and he did not overcome over-ambitious, which could lead to stress. Love for each task you perform and at the same time different tasks during the day is the secret to a happiness filled life. A spiritual perspective to variety in life is filling your mind with new thoughts everyday and maintaining a pure and positive mindset. At the same time, let this positive mindset or consciousness be differently positive everyday, by giving the mind new instructions everyday. 

(To be continued tomorrow …) 

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