Monday, August 2, 2010

Thought for Today

Meditate on the image of a tree and think about its meaning. Visualize the growth of the tree of life from a seed to sapling to a mature tree. Now label the various parts of the tree (roots, trunk, branches, etc.) with what you think are the specific spiritual qualities which emerge from within the soul at different stages/phases of its journey through the time of the drama of life on earth.

In the above exercise, you could identify the roots of the tree with your childhood when qualities like carefreeness, innocence, obedience, etc. emerge from within the soul; the trunk could represent your youth when qualities like courage, determination, cheerfulness, etc. emerge; the branches could symbolize your middle-life when qualities like adaptability, tolerance, co-operation, etc. emerge; and the leaves could be a symbol for old age, during which qualities like contentment, humility (egolessness), forgiveness, etc. emerge from within the soul.

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