Monday, August 30, 2010

Thought for Today

Time Management

We all know the value of delegating (sharing one’s work load with others). It is a way of empowering others, of giving others the opportunity to learn, grow and take responsibility. But why don't we do it more? Why do some people hardly ever delegate at all? For some it is the thought they do not trust others, or a particular person, to do a particular task. But underlying that is often the feeling that "I am the only one who knows how to do this". Underneath that thought is another thought, "If I don't do this I may well lose my position as the one who does this task, and therefore lose some of my power". And the deepest reason why we don't delegate is that we identify with the task. It is as if we are the task, and to lose the task, or for someone else to do the task, is to experience losing a part of ourselves and therefore experience sorrow and sadness.

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