Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thought for Today

To be intuitive (instinctive) often means that the third eye is able to tune in to the hidden silent vibrations of other people and situations. Vibrations are energies, which are constantly being transmitted by all things, particularly living things and people. A person may not say anything, or may even say the opposite of what he or she is feeling, but we are able to understand this contradiction, either through facial expressions, or body language, or by picking up the thoughts.

The doctor uses the stethoscope to 'hear' the body of the patient and to examine and understand the pulse and rhythm of the body in order to judge the health of the person; so it is like a third ear!

If the intellect wishes to understand the mental pulse of another person, in order to truly cooperate and help properly, then it has to have the capacity of a third ear, which means developing the art of really listening and catching the needs of the situation and person. When the intellect is used like a stethoscope, it needs to be very introspective (thoughtful), very concentrated and very open. In this way, the intellect is used like a third eye and a third ear; seeing and listening become the same thing.

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