Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Soul Sustenance

Remain Silent Within (Part 3)! 

To remain silent during the day and to train the mind to create lesser thoughts, the most important technique that can help us is starting the day with a few minutes of meditation and talking to the self. Meditation does not mean bringing your thoughts to a zero level but it is the process of creating a few positive and powerful thoughts about the inner self. We talk and think about our physical self the whole day, but meditation means thinking about the inner self or soul, which is non-physical. Also, we talk to ourselves about our original spiritual home, the world of silence or soul world; our spiritual form – which is a non-physical star like energy that cannot be seen with our physical eyes but can be perceived and experienced; our location in the body which is inside the brain, right at the centre, close to the pituitary gland; our spiritual Father – the father of the soul or God and our original qualities of peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and wisdom. This is meditation and it is a form of self-conversation, accompanied by visualization. 

Also, meditation should be done for a few minutes before going off to sleep, so that the mind becomes silent. As a result, one can enjoy unbroken and silence filled sleep, without any disturbing thoughts and dreams. This is the key then to wake up fresh in the morning, not only physically, but mentally also. If our sleep is disturbance filled at the thought level, then we may wake up physically fresh, but we experience a mental tiredness or a lack of mental freshness. This makes us lazy the whole day and our actions are affected negatively by the same. So remain silent within and enjoy a beautiful day at work or at your home, performing every action with positivity and power and full of all qualities, which you keep sharing with others. 

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