Monday, October 3, 2016

Soul Sustenance

Beginning Your Spiritual Journey With Acceptance (Part 2) 

In yesterday’s message, we had explained some facts of spirituality, which if accepted initially, help us restore our personal relationship with the Supreme Father or God and experience Him easily. Given below are some more facts: 

4. Accept that God does not reside in the physical world, He is not present everywhere as is the common belief, but He is a very real, individual and unique Being, staying in the incorporeal (non-physical) or soul world, situated beyond the physical world. 

5. Accept that God is a loving Parent of the soul who does not give sorrow, pain or punishment to His children but who only wants the best for them — He is a gentle and understanding Father and Mother who not only knows why we loose our true self awareness and, as a result, create sorrow for ourselves; but also helps us regain that awareness. 

6. Accept that experiencing God does not require blind devotion. Also accept that it does not take many births of penance to find and establish your connection with the Supreme - only one second, and the right kind of thoughts. The process of creating the right, positive and spiritual thoughts so as to connect with God is called meditation. 

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