Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Soul Sustenance

Ruling The Kingdom Of The Mind (Part 2) 

Am I a weak king or a mighty (strong) one?This is a question that each one of us needs to ask ourselves at the end of each day. Every night, call upon your ministers – the thoughts, feelings and emotions in your kingdom court and have a heart-to-heart conversation with them regarding the kingdom and its people, which are your attitudes, expressions, words and actions. A court is also held to check the daily report of the behavior of the ministers. As the ministers of a kingdom, so its people (as mentioned above). To keep the kingdom in order, an able (talented) king will train the ministers and its people to react correctly to topsy-turvy situations which the kingdom is exposed to every day, which causes instability in the kingdom. This ability is the power of the king in action. 

To train the ministers to respond correctly, a powerful king will, at the start of the day and at regular intervals in the day, give thoughts of power to the mind such as – I am an ocean of success or I possess the all powerful driving force of motivation or I can destroy obstacles that try to obstruct my path coupled with thoughts of peace such as - I shall not react angrily, but maintain my calmor I shall not look at others’ actions but keep my focus on my stable stage or I shall keep a relationship of outer detachment to external situations as well as inner detachment to internal pressures coupled with thoughts of love such as – I am an overflowing source of good wishes or I will be forgetful of others' mistakes or I shall absorb others' virtues and fill others with virtues coupled with thoughts of joy such as I will remain light and give others the same experience or I shall spread the wings of enthusiasm and fly high or I shall gift a smile and a greeting to everyone.These types of thought suggestions will in turn positively influence the feelings and emotions, the ministers of my kingdom and my attitudes, expressions, words and actions, the people of my kingdom. How? We shall explain that in tomorrow’s message. 

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